DX425 bulletin issue nr. 242

SB DX@WW $425WW242A
425 DX News #242 [1/6]
23 December 1995                    No 242                  BID: $425WW242A
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                               PRATAS ISLAND
                                  NEW ONE

The DX  Advisory  Committee  (DXAC) of ARRL and the Awards Committee  have
both voted in favour (the first 12 votes in favour and 4 contrary, the se-
cond unanimous in favour)  to add Pratas  Island (BV9P)  in the DXCC Coun-
tries List.  Contacts are  valid starting  from 1 January 1994  (until now
Pratas has been activated in January and March 1994 and in May-June 1995).
The status of Country is based upon  the Section II,  Point 2(a)  (Separa-
tion  by  water) of the DXCC Rules. Pratas Island, located in the Southern 
Chinese  Sea, is administrated by Taiwan. The cards can be sent for credit  
starting from 1 APRIL 1996 (therefore  Pratas  will  not  change the Honor
Roll). Attention!  For the January and March 1994 operations NO cards will
be accepted with the aerial picture of the island,but only those from KU9C.

3B8    - Until 24 December Akio, JA3JM, will be active from Mauritius with
         the 3B8/JA3JM call. CW SSB and RTTY operations on all bands, WARC
         and 160 meters also.  An activity via satellite  AO-10/13 is also
         planned. QSL via  homecall (Akio Shimizu, 3-6-22 Kasugaoka, Fuji-
         idera, Osaka 583, Japan).
5N     - The expedition to Bonny Island planned for 23-28 December [425DXN
         240], has been postponed to 10 January.
5R     - Gerard,F2JD, is returning home from Seychelles after logging 2200
         QSOs. The departure for Madagascar [425DXN 230],where Gerard will
         stay for at least six months trying to operate on all bands (WARC
         included) is planned for 11 January.
9G     - From 31 December to 15 January Steve, PA3GBQ, will spend some va-
         cations in Accra, Ghana. Steve plans to operate on all bands from
         the 9G1BS' station, using probably the 9G5BQ call.  QSL via home-
         call (Steve van Lieburg, PO Box 85090, 3009 MB Rotterdam, The Ne-
9N     - Mine, JA2NQG has cancelled the planned activity as 9N1NQ  [425DXN
         233] due to health problems. The other components of the Japanese
         UNICEF Club will be active using different calls.
CE0_s.f- It seems that CE3HJB and  CE3CDV are planning an activity to take
         place during 1996  from San Felix and they are looking for finan-
         cial support.
D6     - Michel, FR5HG, is in Comoros islands waiting for a call.
FH     - From 28 to 30 December Akio, JA3JM, could be  active from Mayotte
         using the  FH/JA3JM call.  QSL via homecall  (see 3B8)
FR     - From 2 to 5 January Akio, JA3JM, will be active from Reunion with
         the FR/JA3JM call.  QSL via homecall  (see 3B8)
FT_z   - Mehdi,  F5PFP, is planning an expedition of  about a month to Am-
         sterdam island (one of  the most wanted Countries) to take  place
         between November 1996 and February 1997. Mehdi is looking for se-
         ven thousand dollars for the travel and donations can be sent to:
         Mehdi  Escoffier,  23 rue du Colombier,  38540  Heyrieux, France.
GM     - From 30 December to 8 January Keith, G0FDJ should be  active from
         Skye Island (EU-008) with the GM0FDJ/P call. CW & SSB operations.
HB0    - From 13 to 20 January  Hans,  PA3EBT, will be in Malbun for vaca-
         tion on the snow and will  be active, in the  early mornings  and
         evenings, as HB0/PA3EBT/P. QSL via home call.

SB DX@WW $425WW242B
425 DX News #242 [2/6]
23 December 1995                   No 242                  BID: $425WW242B

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J2     - From 11 to 18 January  J28ML, together with other ten  operators,
         will activate an island in the  Gulf of Aden (AF-053).  The team,
         who  will be  active from  10 to 160 meters,  hopes to be  QRV on
         RTTY also. QSL via F5LBM.
KC4_ant- Mark, operator of  KC4AAC station in the U.S. Antarctic Base Pal-
         mer (WABA K-10),  located on Anvers Isl. (AN-012) is active every
         Thursday night, not before 00.00 UTC.
KC6    - From 13 to 16 January Yoshi,  JF6BCC/KC6IY,  Yokoi, JM6VOV/KC6VO,
         Jun WH0AAV/KC6WG  and Seiji, JH6RTO/KC6FS will be active from Pa-
         lau island (Belau, OC-009). QSL via their home calls.
OH0    - From 27 December to 2 January a group of Finnish amateurs will be
         active from Aland islands (EU-002). Operations as follows:  Pete,
         OH3MEP will be active as OH0MEP (OI0MEP starting from  1 January)
         mainly on 160 meters;  Marko,  OH3MYD, will be  active as  OH0MYD
         on 15, 40 and 80 mtrs CW; Matti, OH3MMF, will be active as OH0MMF
         mainly  in RTTY  (all bands);  Pertti,  OH3LQK, will be active as
         OH0LQK, mainly in CW (all bands); Jukka, OH3NLP will be active as
         OH0NLP all bands and all  modes; Juha,  OH1KAG, as OH0KAG  mainly
         in SSB (all bands); Petri,OH3KKW as OH0KKW on 6 meters and  above
         and via satellite. QSL to their home calls.
P4     - From 22 to 29 January Mike, K4PI, will be active from Aruba using
         the P49I call. Operations on low  bands and on WARC.  He plans to
         join the CQ CW 160 Contest. QSL via home call.
PJ     - From 5 January to 1 April John,  W1BIH, will be active from Cura-
         cao (SA-006) with the PJ9JT call. QSL via W1AX.
S2     - Noda,  JE7RJZ  has cancelled the Bangladesh trip due to organiza-
         tion problems.
S2     - Mine, JA2NQG, has cancelled the planned activity as S21ZZ [425DXN
         233] due to health problems. The other components of the Japanese
         UNICEF Club will be active using different calls.
V3     - From 22  December to 5  January James,  KM4IT will be active from
         Belize as V31/KM4IT. SSB only operations, mainly on 20 meters be-
         tween 14.150 and 14.200 MHz.  QSL via home call.
V3     - From 26  February to 4 March  Jim,  W1HL, will  be in Belize from
         where he hopes to be active.
VK0_mac- Once  a  month  Warren,  VK0WH,  faxes  Jim, VK9NS, the logs from 
         Macquarie Island.  Every  information  on  the  contacts is to be
         asked to Jim; QSL should be ready in ten days. For a month Warren
         will be busy with the work spending very short time on the radio.
VP9    - Dee, wife of Walter VP9KD has received the "novice" license,which
         enables her to operate on  80, 40 and 15 meters  CW. The call  is
         VP9NND and she is daily on 7.025 MHz starting from 02.30 UTC. QSL
         via direct to the same VP9KD's address.
XU     - Mike,  VS6WV/XU6WV, reports that the 8 or 9  January he will  re-
         turn in  Cambogia.  Mike will work mainly on 40 and 80 meters CW,
         and if possible, on 160 meters also. QSL for previous  activities
         have been sent by Tom, K0TLM, and Denise, AJ0E. During the latest
         edition of the CQWW SSB,Mike had no computer and to avoid to  the
         manager to handle logs on sheet, gave the Box 2011, GPO,Hong Kong
         as QSL address. Soon all the requests  for Cambogia cards will be
         handled by Tom e Denise.
ZA     - ZA5G is the new call of Gary,  ZA1NG, ex TL8NG  [425DXN 238]. QSL
         QSL via WA1ECA.
ZF     - From 26 December to 1  January Albert, W4RIM,  will be active  as
         ZF2ON from Grand Cayman Island. Activity mainly in CW, on 20, 30,
         40 and 80 meters. QSL to KN4F.
ZK_sc  - Gun, ZK1DI, works using 100 watts, an horizontal FD4 , a vertical
         FD3 and an Oblong  (like a single element Quad) for 40 meters di-
         rected toward Europe.  Gun hopes to install Oblong for 30 and  80
         meters a Quad for  20 meters  (as soon as  propagation  improves)
         and probably also  an  antenna for 160 meters. Better signals are 
         coming  from Europe on 40 and 80 meters between 0530 UTC and 0830
         UTC. QSL via DK1RV.
ZL8    - Ron, ZL1AMO, reports that he will not join the ZL group that, le-
         aded  by ZL2HU,  should activate Kermadec island next May [425DXN
SB DX@WW $425WW242C
425 DX News #242 [3/6]
23 December 1995                   No 242                  BID: $425WW242C

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DXCC & SCARBOROUGH REEF --> The ARRL Membership Services Committee (MSC, a
standing  committee of the Board of Directors), having reviewed documenta-
tion from the DX Advisory Committee (DXAC)  and the Awards  Committee, has
voted 5 to 2 to  recommend the addition  of Scarborough  Reef to the  ARRL
DXCC Countries List. The DXAC and the Awards Committee had come to opposi-
te conclusions regarding  the eligibility of Scarborough Reef for separate
DXCC status.  Under new procedures adopted by the ARRL Board in July, 1995
when these committees do not agree the question is referred to the MSC for
review and recommendation to the full Board. The recommendation that Scar-
borough Reef  be added to the  DXCC List will  be considered  by the  ARRL
Board of Directors at its January meeting.

3A ---> Daniel, 3A2LZ is the QSL manager for 3A2RAR.

9L1MG ---> Cecil, NW8F, is the new QSL manager for Millie, 9L1MG,  wife of
Paul, 9L1PG.

CE9MFK --->  The address for this  stations active from  Chilean Antarctic
Base Pres. Eduardo Frei Montalva (WABA CE-03) - South  Shetland for DXCC -
is:  Rodrigo  Hucke,  Instituto de Zoologia, Universidad Austral de Chile,
P.O.Box 567,Valdivia, Chile.

F6AJA ---> Jean-Michel,  F6AJA, reports that  all the direct  requests for
the 4J0FR  cards (last August activity by F6FYD) have all been sent. Jean-
Michel is also the QSL  managers of  the following  stations:   FG0BKZ/FS7
(Dec 81 and Mar-Apr 84); TR8JD and TR8YL (from May 82 to Feb 84);  FY0HVL,
83); C31MD (CQWW SSB 84); FD1HVQ/GLE  (16-17 Aug 85, IOTA EU-094); FP/F2JD
(6-19 Dec 86);F6AXN/MAR, F6BBJ/MAR, F6CWT/MAR, F6EDF/MAR and F9IE/MAR (8-9
Mar 86, IOTA EU-081); TW0A, TW0B and  W7C (CQ WPX SSB 87); TK5BL/CAV (Jun-
Jul 86,IOTA EU-164);  TK5BL/FS (Jan-Feb 87);  FJ5BL; FV6NDX (contests 86);
FV6NDX/RE (1-6 Jul 1986,IOTA EU-032); FV6NDX/BAT (9-12 Aug 86, IOTA EU105)
FF1LQU  (CQ WPX CW 87);  3C3CR (10-16 Jul 87, IOTA AF-010); TR8CR (from 22
Jul 87 to Jan 92); FV7NDX  (contests 87);  FV7NDX/MAR (12-14 Jun 87,  IOTA
EU-081);  FV7NDX/RE  (29 Jun-6  Jul 87,  IOTA EU-032);  FV7NDX/GRA  (10-11
Nov 87,  DIFM MA16);  BY1PK  (from  07.15 UTC to 08.28  UTC of 29 Sep 87);
F2JD/A6  (Jan-Mar  88);  TG9/F2JD  (Jun-Jul 88);  F2JD/J6L  (Oct-Nov  88);
FV8NDX (contests 88); FV8NDX/P (13-15 May 88, IOTA EU-107); FV8NDX/RE  (5-
20 Jul 88,  IOTA EU-032); FV8NDX/NOI  (1-19 ago 88, IOTA EU- 064); F2JD/J7
(Nov-Dec 88);  VP2M/J2JD (Jan-Feb 89);  J79JD (Feb-Mar 89); FG/F2JD (17-19
Mar 89,  IOTA NA-114);  FV9NDX  (contests 89);  FV9NDX/P (17 Jun 89,  DIFM
ME08); FV9NDX/MAD (24-26 Jun 89, DIFM AT24);  FV9NDX/RE (2-29 Jul 89, IOTA
EU-032); FV9NDX/P (1-25 Sep 89, IOTA EU-105, EU-107, EU-074); EA/F2JD; TK/
FJ5BL; FV0NDX (contests 90); FV0NDX/RE  (2-25 Jul 90, IOTA EU-032);  F2JD/
HR1 &  /HR5 (Mar-Apr 90 and Jun 92); F2JD/HR6 (4-6 Apr 90 and Jun 92, IOTA
NA-057);  F2JD/CE6 (May-Nov 90);  F2JD/CE7 (29 Jun-1 Jul and 15-19 Sep 90,
IOTA SA-018);  F2JD/CE7  (20-21  Oct 90,  IOTA SA-043); CE0/F2JD (30 Jan-4
Feb 91, IOTA SA-001); 5V7JG (Aug 91-May 92);  F2JD/5Z4; 5Z4JD  (Apr 93-Apr
94); 5Z4IOTA (23-25 Jul 93,  IOTA AF-067);  FJ0,  TW4O, TW5E and  TW6A (CQ
WPX SSB & CW 88); FS9TI (1 May 88,IOTA NA-199); J20RAD (23-26 Mar 89, IOTA
AF-053); 6O1YD, 6O89YD and T5YD (Mar 89-Aug 90); FV1O (CQ WPX SSB/ CW 90);
6O1YD/JI (7-8 Jun 90,IOTA AF-052); 6T2YD and ST2YD (Aug 90-May 92); 6T2YD/
SA (16-18 Apr 92,  IOTA AF-062);  FK/F1HQY  (Jul-Aug 91); FK0BP  (Sep 91);
TK5C  (CQWW CW 91); TK5A (CQ WPX SSB 92); TK6A (CQ WPX SSB 93); ST0YD (30-
31 Aug & 20-22 Sep 90; 2 Feb & 8 May 92); FK5C (13-16 Feb 93,IOTA OC-176);
EL2YD;  5V7YD;  FK8KAB/P  (4-8 Oct 93,  IOTA OC-176);  HK4/G0SHN  (Jun 94-
Mar 95); HK0/G0SHN (10-13 Mar 95, IOTA NA-033); HR4/F2JD (30 Mar-1 Apr 95,
IOTA NA-060);  4J0FR (Aug 95);  S79JD (Nov-Dec 95);  HW6AJA (1973); TK6AJA
(1975);  TO6AJA (1983); YO/F6AJA  (May 94 & May 95);  F6AJA/VE2  (Apr 95).
Jean-Michel uses also the bureau. For direct  requests Jean-Michel accepts
also "multiple"  cards in the  same envelope,  with an adeguate amount for
return postage.  The address is: Jean Michel-Duthilleul, 515  rue du Petit
Hem, 59870 Bouvignies, France.
SB DX@WW $425WW242D
425 DX News #242 [4/6]
23 December 1995                   No 242                  BID: $425WW242D 

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JA1OEM AWARD --> Mako, JA1OEM is an active DXpeditioner aged 73 that since
1988 worked from 20  different Countries.  There is now the "JA1OEM AWARD"
for those who  contacted Mako from more than 3 countries. Send the extract
from the  log with 1 IRC and  a copy of QSLs  (except from WH6/JA1OEM  and
OX/JA1OEM), to Mako Toyofuku, P.O.Box 9,  Sawara-City 287,  Japan,  before
the 20 February 1996. Calls used by Mako during his activities are: A35EM,
ZK1XP (ZK1XH) South  Cook,  ZK1XP  North  Cook, HV3SJ (HV4NAC), JT1/JA1OEM
(JT2) 5R8DP,  3D2TO,  FO0TOH, 8Q7HP,  ZK2HP, S79HP,  9N1HP, 4U1ITU, 5W1HP,

LU6Z --> The address  for QSL for this station active from   South Orkneys
[425DXN 241] is:  LU6EF,  Raul Marcelo Diaz, P.O.Box 9, 1875 Wilde, Argen-

ON6TT/TU4FE ----> Peter, ON6TT/TU4FE, has just returned in Belgium after 4
weeks  in Ivory Coast;  work did not allow  him for a lot of spare time on
the radio. Ivory Coast is one of the  most active African countries with a
local Radio Club that handles also a QSL  bureau, located  in capital Abi-
djan. So as a  result of all this activity, more TU2's (license for native
Ivoreans) than TU5's  (resident expat) or TU4's  (temporary expat)  can be
found on the air. Getting a  verbal permission  to operate is  simple, and
involves only a visit  to the licensing authority (an active ham himself).
The license itself is delivered with a  month delay, costs CFA  25,000 (a-
bout US$50)  per year. Peter donated  to the Radio Club some material that
could not be refurbished anymore (some old radio gear, recycled coax lines
old rotors) in the Red Cross operations.

PS7KM -->  Karl, PS7KM  is  the  QSL  manager  for the following Brasilian 
ZY0FRT and ZY0FZB (Fernando de Noronha); PY0TK, PY0TK, PY0TC, ZY0TR, ZY0TF
and ZY0TO (Trindade Island); PY0SK, PY0SR, ZY0SS, ZY0SK, ZY0SP, ZY0SY  and
ZY0SW (Saint Peter  &  Saint Paul Rocks);  PY0RK  and  ZY0RK (Rocas Atoll)
ZW7KM  (special call).  Logs and cards for previous operations will be de-
stroyed in  January.  Remember that  1 green stamp  is not enough to cover
postage costs. The address is: Karl M Leite, Rua Estacio de Sa 1838, 59054
-580 Natal, RN, Brasil, South America.

TU2PN ---> Peter,  ON6TT/TU4FE  reports that this station operated on 40 &
80 meters using a WWII vintage radio until a valve is dead. If someone can
supply a valve type 1R5 or DK91 for a ANGRC_9 radio, please contact ON6TT.

TU2WK ---> Peter, ON6TT/TU4FE, reports that this station is looking  for a
second hand full coverage HF transceiver. Please contact Peter, ON6TT.

SB DX@WW $425WW242E
425 DX News #242 [5/6]
23 December 1995                   No 242                  BID: $425WW242E

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WB2YQH ---> Bob,  WB2YQH, is the manager of many stations, as for  example
VP9CB, WB2YQH/VP9,  VP9AE, VP9DX,  VO1XA/VE8. Bob answers also via bureau,
but for a direct card it is possible to enclose different cards in the sa-
me envelope: enclose enough SAEs or SASEs.

ZK1DI QSL ----> Hans,  DK1RV, reports  that he received  the ZK1DI's logs,
for the November activity (December logs will  arrive around  15 January).
All the direct requests, with enough to cover postage, have been sent.Hans
reports that costs for oustide  Europe are  3 DM, 2 IRC or 3 US$ (airmail)
or 2 DM, 1 IRC or 2 US$ (surface).

PIRATES --> Daniel, 3A2LZ, reports that 3A0X, 3A50A and 3A2CC are pirates.

QSL received: 3V8BB, 7P8SR, SU2MT, TF/G3ZAY/P (EU-071), TT8BP, V63HZ


                    !           DIAMOND DX CLUB          !
                    !  C.IS.A. - Canadian Islands Award  !
                    !           HONOUR ROLL LIST         !
                    !         (22 December 1995)         !
                    !       by IK1GPG (425 DX Gang)      !

Nr.  Call      Islands  !  Nr.  Call      Islands  !  Nr.  Call      Islands
 1   WD8MGQ       438   !  26   KB8O         151   !  51   ON5KL         67
 2   VE6VK        437   !  27   F5XL         150   !  52   VE4SK         67
 3   VE7IU        421   !  28   K8DYZ        150   !  53   EA3KB         63
 4   VE3NSZ       416   !  29   KQ4YI        150   !  54   CT1UE (SK)    61
 5   VE3XN        408   !  30   ON4XL        150   !  55   EA7DUD        58
 6   VE3LDT       400   !  31   KE8QX        139   !  56   VE7CV         57
 7   VE3MDQ       393   !  32   N8EDQ        126   !  57   K9PPY         54
 8   VE7KRC       315   !  33   4Z4DX        125   !  58   VE3IMO        53
 9   VE7YL        300   !  34   K5BDX        125   !  59   LY3BA         52
10   VE6PW        262   !  35   N3ERM        125   !  60   EA5AT         51
11   W9DWQ        250   !  36   VE9HE        125   !  61   W4BAA         51
12   VE7IG        224   !  37   F/HH2HM      112   !  62   EA9PB         50
13   AA5ZA        206   !  38   N5UR         111   !  63   G3VJP         50
14   W3KH         204   !  39   EA7ABW       104   !  64   G4WFZ         50
15   KA5TQF       200   !  40   VE6JOY       100   !  65   IK1GPG        50
16   KD4GVW       200   !  41   IK8DDN        93   !  66   K3FN          50
17   N6AWD        200   !  42   NE8Z          90   !  67   KCA6RC        50
18   N6BOI        200   !  43   DE0MST        84   !  68   KE4DH         50
19   VE7LQH       200   !  44   WB9EEE        83   !  69   N6JM          50
20   VE7PHF       200   !  45   VE6PWJ        80   !  70   W9DC          50
21   VO1XC        200   !  46   KD1CT         75   !  71   WB1BVQ        50
22   W0BBT        180   !  47   N5OUE         75   !  72   WB8IZM        50
23   K8LJG        175   !  48   WDX3FJH       75   !  73   WT2O          50
24   VE7EGK       175   !  49   IK2MLY        74   !
25   W0-6437      175   !  50   W6RT          72   !
73 de Massimo IK1GPG (Packet BBS: @ IW1BIM-8  or  Packet Cluster: @ I1MRH-6)

*                              425 DX NEWS                                 *
*                        DX info weekly bulletin                           *
*      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Paolo Garavaglia, IK1NLZ      *
*       with  the  contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171        *
              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
IK7AFM,  IK7OKB,   IK8MIG,  IK0EIM,  IS0JMA,  Brescia DX Group,  Delta Mike,
Diamond DX Club,   Roman DX Group,  AD1C,  DC3MF,   DK1RV,  DL7VOA,  DL8AAM,
DL9GOA,   EA5KB,   F6AJA,   G4BUE,  JA2ORW,   NM7M,   ON6TT,  PS7AB,  PS7KM,
* Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
*             Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)            *
*                  INTERNET e-mail :  I121171@amsat.org                    *
*         425 WWW Page -->  http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html      *
*                   INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site:                    *
*   promet12.cineca.it  - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/   *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
                  * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *
                      TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751
                      DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613
                       SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422
                      ARRL HQ BBS USA :  203-666-0578
                      CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921
                HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677
                       WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183

SB DX@WW $425WW242F
425 DX News #242 [6/6]
23 December 1995                                                     no.242
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                                edited by I1JQJ

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  24/12      3B8/JA3JM                                              242
till  31/12      A4=A4/25 * special event                               233
till  28/12      CG2JFM * by VE2JFM * special event station             240
till  ??         D2/YO9CWY                                              237
till  ??         FT5XK                                                  238
till  31/12      IR5GM: special event station                           241
till  25/12      IZ7IGM: special event station                          238
till  ??         LU6Z: South Orkney Is. (AN-008) (WABA LU-14)           241
till  01/04      TU4DA * by F5UJQ                                       238
till  31/12      VA1S: special event station                            227
till  06/01      VK8NSB/p: Groote Eylandt (OC-141)                      237
till  Dec '96    VK0WH: Macquarie                                       238
till  03/01      YJ0AFU * by FK8FU                                      236
till  28/12      ZK1ATV, ZK1LIA, ZK1NJX: Aitutaki Isl. (OC-083) * by LA 236
22/12-05/01      V31/KM4IT                                              242
23/12-03/01      JD1/JQ1SUO: Ogasawara                                  238
25/12-03/01      ZF * by I4ALU                                          240
27/12-02/01      OH0: Aland Is. * by OH team                            242
28/12-31/12      FH/JA3JM                                               242
28/12-04/01      ZK1ATV, ZK1LIA, ZK1NJX: Manihiki Atoll (OC-014) by LA  236
29/12-14/01      A71AN * by DL9FCQ                                      225
30/12-08/91      GM0FDJ/p: Skye Isl. (EU-008) * by G0FDJ                242
30/12-03/01      XQ0/JA7AYE: Easter Isl. * by JA7AYE & JA7XQV           237
31/12-15/01      9G * by PA3GBQ                                         242
Dec-mid Feb      C6AGN * by KM1E                                        236
Dec-Febbr 97     FT5WF & FT5WE * by F5SZK & F5IJT                       239
December         FT5XL: Kerguelen * by FB1LYF                           238
December         AA4LI/HP1                                              238
December         V3: Turneffe Is. (NA-123) * by W team                  238
01/01            Happy New Year Contest                                 ***
01/01            SARTG New Year RTTY Contest                            ***
01/01-09/01      5H1HW: Zanzibar Isl. (AF-032) * by I5JHW               240
01/01-12/01      VP2V/WB8ZTY                                            239
02/01-05/01      FR/JA3JM: Reunion Is.                                  242
02/01-06/01      VK4: Willesley Is. (OC-???) * by VK team               241
05/01-01/04      PJPJ9JT: Curacao * by W1BIH                            242
06/01/07/01      ARRL RTTY Roundup                                      ***
10/01-??         5N4OTB: Bonny Isl. (NO-REF) * by 5N team               242
11/01-June       5R * by F2JD                                           242
11/01-18/01      J2: Gulf of Aden group (AF-053) * by J28ML's team      242
12/01-14/01      JA DX CW Low Bands (40/80/160) Contest                 ***
13/01-20/01      HB0/PA3EBT/p                                           242
13/01-16/01      KC6IY, KC6VO, KC6WG, KC6FS: Palau * by JA team         242
21/01            HA DX CW Contest                                       ***
22/01-29/01      P49I * by K4PI                                         242
23/01-02/02      3W * by KF7AY, Central AZ DX Ass. & DX Page Ass.       214
24/01-31/01      KH9 * Dataline DX Association                          240
25/01-31/01      VK: Margie Isl. (NO-REF) * VK team                     240
26/12-01/01      ZF2ON * by W4RIM                                       242
26/01-28/01      CQ WWDX 160 Meter CW Contest                           ***
27/01-28/01      REF - French CW Contest                                ***
27/01-28/01      UBA - SSB Contest                                      ***
end January      3W: Hon Tre Isl. (AS-???) * by KF7AY's team            214
January          VU2BMS * by DL2GAC                                     241
January-March    YV7: Margarita Isl. (SA-012) * I5DCE                   236
January          XU6WV * by VS6WV                                       242
03/02-07/02      V31JZ & V31RL: Turneffe Is. (NA-123) * by NN7A & NG7S  236
03/02-09/02      VP5 * by JJ2QEH & JJ2QXI                               241
08/02-15/02      VI7DI: Deal Isl. (OC-195)                              213
09/02-14/02      V31JZ, V31RL, V31VI: South Water Caye (NA-180)         236
20/02-02/04      9M8CC: Sarawak (OC-088) * by PB0ALB                    227
24/02-25/02      REF - French SSB Contest                               ***
24/02-25/02      UBA - CW Contest                                       ***
26/02-04/03      V3 * by W1HL                                           242
27/02-28/02      ARRL CW DX Contest                                     ***
Febbruary        H44MS * by DL2GAC                                      241
Febbruary        VU7: Andaman Is. * by VK9NS                        ??? 240
Febbruary-March  XJ8OT: Booth Isl. (NA-???)                             228