16 December 1995 No 241 BID: $425WW241A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ, IK1NLZ BY7 - Guishan Island (NO-REF), from where it was recently active the BY7KQ/7 station [425DXN 237], should be activated again from 15 to 17 December, if weather permits. CE9_ssh- The CE9AP station is active from Chilean Antarctic Base Capitan Arturo Prat (WABA CE-01) located on Greenwich Isl., in the South Shetland Is. (AN-010). EM_ant - Roman (4K2OT) is active from Ukranian Antarctic Base Vernadasky, which is the British Antarctic Base Faraday on rent, located on Ar- gentine Islands (AN-006) both with his call EM1KA [425DXN 239] and with the EM1U Base's call. QSL via 9H3UP: Roy Rogers, P.O.Box 113 CMR, La Valletta, Malta. HL_ant - The DS1BMJ station is active from multi-national Antarctic Base Patriot Hills (WABA MN-01) located on Ellsworth Isl. IR5 - From 15 to 31 December the Grosseto ARI Section will be active with the special IR5GM call issued to celebrate the Marconian Cen- tennial. IY1 - The planned activity of the Marconian station IY1TTM [425DXN 238] has been cancelled due to a thunderbolt on the tower that destro- yed the electrical plant. IZ3 - Friday 15 and Saturday 16 December the Treviso ARI Section joins Telethon 95 with the IZ3ARI station. QSL via IK3OUH (the card will be sent via bureau to all stations in log). LU_ant - The LU1ZB station is active from Argentinian Antarctic Base Navy Melchior (WABA LU-05) located on Anvers Isl. (AN-012). LU_so - The LU6Z station is active from Argentinian Antarctic Base Navy Or- cadas (WABA LU-14) located on Laurie Isl., in the South Orkney Is. (AN-008). QSL via LU6EF. LZ_ssh - The LZ0A station is active from Bulgarian Antarctic Base Hemus (WABA LZ-02) located on Livingston Isl., in the South Shetland Is. (AN-010). QSL via LZ1KDP. PY_ssh - The ZX0ECF station is active from Brasilian Antarctic Base Coman- dante Ferraz (WABA PY-01) located on King George Isl., in the South Shetland Is. (AN-010). PY0_fer- From 13 to 20 December Fred, PY7ZZ is active from Fernando de Noro- nha with the PY0FZ call. It is possible to have band-skeds, TopBand included to the following e-mail addresses: andre.sampaio@mandic.com.br or py0ff@elogica.com.br. QSL via home call: Fred Souto Maior, Rua Almeida Belo 241/302, Bairro Novo Olin- da PE 53030-030, Brazil. S2 - From 5 to 12 January Nao, JE7RJZ will be QRV from Dhaka Bangladesh. The call is not yet known. Operations mainly via satellite as fol- lows: 02.00 - 03.00 UTC of 8 january (AO-13), 05.00 - 08.00Z of 10 January (AO-10), 04.00-08.00 UTC of 11 January (AO-10), 03.00-04.00 UTC and probably also 06.00 - 08.00 UTC of 12 January (AO-10). QSL via JA7FWR. VK0_mac- Warren, VK0WH, is currently on Macquarie islands [425DXN 238 & 240] with an old equipment without VFO, then he can use only two fixed frequencies: it is possible to find him on Sunday on 14.130 MHz starting from 10.30 UTC (SSB and CW) and the other days on 7.010 MHz starting from 09.30 UTC. It is still unknown how much power and what kind of antenna Warren is using. He has not been using CW since 1980 so be patient during operations. Bob, NM7M, who is in touch with him, will suggest him to call by country and call-areas. Bob will also try to know if it exists the opportunity to work in RTTY. Be patient also for QSLs: Warren hopes to send some from Macquarie but there will be many problems. VK4 - From 2 to 6 January a group of VK operators will try to activate Mornington Isl. (NO-REF), located in the Willesley Is. VK9_chr- Rob, ND3A has returned in USA after the Christmas Island operations as VK9XRS [425DXN 232], from where he logged, between 30 November to 4 December, 560 QSO (mostly in CW with European and Japanese stations) on 15, 20 and 40 meters with 100 Watts and a longwire. QSL via home call, direct or via bureau (Rob plans to reply not before mid-January). VP5 - From 3 to 9 February Koji, JJ2QEH and Mack, JJ2QXI will be QRV from VP5JM's QTH. QSL via bureau or direct via homecalls (JJ2QEH: Koji Iida, 1866-2, Oota, Minokamo, Gifu 505, Japan; JJ2QXI: Masahiro Mori, 1268, Atobe, Mugegawa, Mugi, Gifu 501-26, Japan). + SILENT KEY + We sadly report about RW6YA S.K., in early December. **************************************************************************** 4U1UN --> Jerry, WB8LFO clarifies the situation about QSL manager of this station [425DXN 240]. Jerry is the person who writes the cards, while W8CZN was the "post office box", no more used. Jerry is trying to do his best to reply to all the requests and suggests to not send them to AA2FN. DL2GAC ---> From January to April Bernhard, DL2GAC will be "on the road" a- gain. In January he will be active as VU2BMS from Southern India. In Februa- ry he will be in Solomon Islands via Singapore and Australia. He plans to activate, if transport will be found,from Stewart islands (Sikaiana OC-???). Operations mainly on 40 and 80 meters. Bernhard wants also to join the CQ SSB Contest at the end of February as H44MS on 160 meters. In March-April he will be in Vanuatu. PY2HA --> The correct address of this station, active from Santo Amaro Isl (SA-071), is the following: Luis Claudio Campos, Ave Adriano Dias Dos San- tos 172, 11470-220 Guaruja, SP, Brazil. UA3YH/KC4 --> RW3XA, ex-UA3XBY (Serge Satyr, P.O.Box 461, Obninsk-4, 249020, Russia) is the QSL manager of this station. Requests can also be sent via bureau. YA9XL ---> Yan, F5TCN is the QSL manager of YA9XL (Oleg, UT9XL, actually in Kabul). The address, not the one reported in 1996 Callbook is the following: Yannick Chilliau, 14 Route d'Harnes, F-62880 Annan sous lens, France. QSL received: BV9AAC, G/I4ALU/p (EU-011; EU-120), II1BI, IK8EJN/IL7 (EU-050; IIA FG-001, FG-003, FG-006), IY4W, S92YL, TT8NU, V29SW, VU3HKQ (WABA VU-02), XW6A, 4S7EA, 9K2MU **************************************************************************** * 425 DX NEWS * * DX info weekly bulletin * * edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Piero Forno, IK1IYU * * with the contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171 * **************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, I1ZXT, IK1QBT, IK1TKS, IK2AYR, IK2WXQ, IK3OUH, IK3PQH, I4ALU, IK4XQM, I5FLN, IW5AFB, IT9AF, IT9VDQ, I0MOM, IS0JMA, Brescia DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, DC3MF, DL2GAC, DL5NEJ, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL9GOA, EA5KB, F6AJA, G4BUE, JE7RJZ/WH2M, JJ2QXI, KR9A, ND3A, NM7M, PS7AB, PT7WA, PY7ZZ, RW3XA (ex-UA3XBY), RW6AT, UT1WPR, UT7WZ, WD8MGQ, ZL2TZE, DXNS, LNDX, QRZ-DX, PY-DX, URE-EA-DX, ARRL-DX, NPDXG, VK2SG RTTY DX, The 59(9) DX Report. **************************************************************************** * Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to * * Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to * * Piero Forno, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it) * **************************************************************************** * INTERNET e-mail : I121171@amsat.org * * 425 WWW Page --> http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html * * INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: * * promet12.cineca.it - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/ * **************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ARRL HQ BBS USA : 203-666-0578 CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 16 December 1995 No 241 BID: $425WW241C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L M A N A G E R S * =========================== EDITED BY IK1GPG TNX: IK1HSR, IK1RGL, IK7AFM, IW6MTM. CALL & MGR CALL & MGR CALL & MGR CALL & MGR ============================================================================ T71SM T70A UT0H UT1HT VP5/WB2YOF N2VW YE8V YB8VM T77GM I0MWI UT0I UT2IZ VP5C PA3ERC YI1HK SM3DBU T91ENS DJ0JV UT200M UR4MWD VP5DD KB4QKP YJ0ARE G0REP T92A S57MX UT7I UT2IO VP5FOC N9DX YQ0TO YO5KAU T92M AI0Y UX200M DL3BQA VP5FOC W9VNE YS1RRD DJ9ZB T93M K2PF V26A WB3DNA VP5JM W3HNK YS1XS WD4PDZ T94EU N2MAU V26AK WB2P VP5MGP N5RP YS1ZKR N2MIP T94IM DJ0VZ V26B WT3Q VP5S K4UTE YS1ZV KB5IPQ T94QE DL4KAX V26DX KK3S VP5T N2VW YT50AT YU1SZ T94TU N2MZH V26DX N3ADL VP5WW KB4QKP YT50S YU1SQR T99A 9A2AA V26E AB2E VP8CIL G0EHR YT9N YU7FIJ T99A I4QGU V26R KA2AEV VP8CQS SP2GOW YU50AAV YU1AAV T99MT K2PF V26R KA2AVT VP8CRR G4SGD Z31JA WA4JTK T99T DJ0QJ V26RN KR2J VP8CRT G4XYG ZA1A I2MQP TA2ZZ JA4HCK V26T K3MQH VP8CSA DL1SDN ZA1AB HB9BGN TA2ZZ YU5CXY V26TS KF3P VQ9VQ KD4NSG ZA1AB OH1MKT TA4ZM DK5WL V26U WA2UPT VR2EZ G4DEZ ZA1E I2MQP TA6FX F5MGZ V31DX AA6BB VR2RJ JH1BED ZA1Z HB9BGN TA8N TA1KA V31ML N5FTR VS6WO K9EC ZB2CN DJ9WH TF4WW SM6CAS V31UA KT6V VU2NCD DL5NC ZB2X OH2KI TI4CF TI2CF V44KJ WB2TSL VU7GW DL4NF ZC4C OK1RI TJ1GD SP9CLQ V47BW VE3BW VX1XY VE1XY ZC4DX G4MRF TJ1GG I2EOW V47KP K2SB VX1YX VE1YX ZC4EE G4OOE TJ1PD N5DRV V47NR YU1NR WH0ABC JR6OCL ZC4EPI G0MRF TK2C DF7RX V47NS W9NSZ WH2M JA7FWR ZC6B K9JJR TK5NI F/HH2HM V47YR YU1NR WH2M JE7RJE ZD8Z VE3HO TK5UC F6AOI V63BP JF6BCC WH2M JE7RJZ ZF2AY K9LA TM1OTA F6KBK V63GY JH6RTO HC8/WN4KKN AA5BT ZF2DR K5RQ TM2RDS F6AUS V63KZ JA0VSH WP2AHW WD5N ZF2DX K1KNQ TM5ITU F6IMS V63YT JA1SCJ WH0/WR1J 7J2YAA ZF2DX KG6AR TM6MXP F5KFL V73C N4GAK X5ACL YU1FW ZF2RF K4UVT TO5M K9GS V73CO V73AX X5BYZ YU7KMN ZF2RR N8SR TT8AB IK3NAA V73CT N4GAK X85COL XE1BEF ZF2SE WV1X TT8BP IK5JAN V73GT WF5T XE1VIC KV8U ZG2FX G3RFX TT8NU F6FNU V73JA JA3JA XE2MX K6VNX ZK1DI DK1RV TU2DP K4MQL V73WP JA1WPX XJ1CWI VE2CWI ZK1UDS WB6UDS TY1IJ DK8ZD V73X N4GAK XL2MCZ VE2QK ZK1VAW N6VAW TY5A GM4AGL V85HG JH7FQK XM3AT VE3AT ZK2VJ G4ZVJ TY5AR N7BG VA2MCZ VE2QK XM3XN VE3XN ZL7CW WB8YJF TY5MF KC7V VA9DH VE9DH XR0Y WA3HUP ZL7PYD K8PYD TY5RF GM3YTS VE2/N6AA N6AA XR0Z WA3HUP ZP0R JA7AYE TY5RF GM4AGL VE2QRZ WB2K XT2DM F5RLE ZP0R ZP6XR TY5SXW G3SXW VE9ST VE1ANJ XT2DP WB2YQH ZP5XYE JA7ZF TY5VT K5VT VF1L VE1AL XT2GA F5RLE ZS50A WA3HUP TY8G LA8G VI50PEACE VK4CHB XT2JF N5DRV ZS75SAAF ZS6BCI TZ6MR DL8FCP VK9/VK4ALF AA6BB XU1FL I8KUT ZS95PJP ZS6PDB TZ6ODM N9DHW VK6AUU RA3AUU XV7SW SM3CXS ZV0TI PT2GTI TZ6WO WB6EQX VK8WB N7RO XX9AS KU9C ZW0C PS8DX UA0BC RW6HS VK9XA JA2NVY XZ1A JA1BK ZW2EPA PY2YW UA1ZFQ/1 UA1ZX VK9XH JA1CMD XZ1X JA1BK ZX2A PT2BW UA2FO DL1FCM VK9XRS ND3A YB0ASI WA4FVT ZX7JP PR7CB KC4/UA3YX UA3XBY VO2WL WA0PUJ YB0HZL DU1RAA UK8IZ IK2QPR VP2E WB5CRG YB2ARW W4LCL UK8OO W3HNK VP2EFO K8MFO YB7JAL KD7YO UN0G N8LYM VP2EFO W8TPS YB8SUN YB8UMX UN2O IK2QPR VP2ENR YU1NR YE50INA/5 YC5BLD UN50P RL8PY VP2MEY JH1NBN YE50INA/8 YB1PR UN7JX N2AU VP2MGP N5RP YE8I YB8NA US0HZ W3HNK VP2VE WA2NHA YE8SUN YB8UMX US1L UR4LRQ VP5/PA3FQA PA3ERC YE8TI YB8UMX 425 DX News #241 [4/4] 16 December 1995 no.241 ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU PERIOD CALL REF till 31/12 A4=A4/25 * special event 233 till 28/12 CJ2JFM * by VE2JFM * special event station 240 till ?? FT5XK 238 till 31/12 IR5GM: special event station 241 till 25/12 IZ7IGM: special event station 238 till ?? LU6Z: South Orkney Is. (AN-008) (WABA LU-14) 241 till 20/12 PY0FZ: Fernando de Noronha * by PY7ZZ 241 till 01/04 TU4DA * by F5UJQ 238 till 31/12 VA1S: special event station 227 till Dec '96 VK0WH: Macquarie 238 till 28/12 ZK1ATV, ZK1LIA, ZK1NJX: Aitutaki Isl. (OC-083) * by LA 236 till 17/12 1A0KM * by IK0FVC's team 240 15/12-16/12 IZ3ARI: special event station 241 15/12-16/12 VI5SUB: special event station 240 16/12-17/12 BY7: Guishan Isl. (AS-???) 241 16/12 KA3UNQ/p: Prudence Isl. (NA-031) 238 16/12-17/12 W3OK: Nazareth & Bethlehem, PA 236 16/12-03/01 YJ0AFU * by FK8FU 236 17/12 EA4ENK/p: Isla El Ciego (DIEI BA-10) 237 22/12-06/01 VK8NSB/p: Groote Eylandt (OC-141) 237 23/12-03/01 JD1/JQ1SUO: Ogasawara 238 23/12-28/12 5N4OTB: Bonny Isl. (NO-REF) * by 5N team 240 25/12-03/01 ZF * by I4ALU 240 23/12-31/12 9N * by JA2NQG 233 28/12-04/01 ZK1ATV, ZK1LIA, ZK1NJX: Manihiki Atoll (OC-014) by LA 236 29/12-14/01 A71AN * by DL9FCQ 225 30/12-03/01 XQ0/JA7AYE: Easter Isl. * by JA7AYE & JA7XQV 237 mid Dec-mid Feb C6AGN * by KM1E 236 14/12-Febbr 97 FT5WF & FT5WE * by F5SZK & F5IJT 239 December FT5XL: Kerguelen * by FB1LYF 238 December AA4LI/HP1 238 December V3: Turneffe Is. (NA-123) * by W team 238 01/01-12/01 VP2V/WB8ZTY 239 01/01-09/01 5H1HW: Zanzibar Isl. (AF-032) * by I5JHW 240 02/01-06/01 VK4: Willesley Is. (OC-???) * by VK team 241 05/01-12/01 S2 * by JE7RJZ 241 05/01-12/01 S21ZZ * by JA2NQG 233 23/01-02/02 3W * by KF7AY, Central AZ DX Ass. & DX Page Ass. 214 24/01-31/01 KH9 * Dataline DX Association 240 25/01-31/01 VK: Margie Isl. (NO-REF) * VK team 240 January-March YV7: Margarita Isl. (SA-012) * I5DCE 236 end January 3W: Hon Tre Isl. (AS-???) * by KF7AY's team 214 January-June 5R * by F2JD 230