DX425 bulletin issue nr. 240

9 December 1995                     No 240                   BID: $425WW240A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                           edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU
From PIERO, IK1IYU: "I'm very sad to say that I must stop  the collaboration
to the  425-DX-News  with this number.  I would like to continue for another
year up to the number 300, but many things have changed since I started, two
years ago, and  recently I had  serious problems that left me no spare time.
I thought for a long time and my decision is final,  but I really hope  that
425-DX-News can continue  to live without  my contribution. I wish  to thank
Mauro, I1JQJ, for this opportunity: it was a great honour for me. Thanks al-
so to all the  collaborators, all those who  supported the bulletin  and the
Italian and foreigner readers.  Particularly to the BBS and  PCL Sysops that
worked to better distribute the bulletin. Who knows: may be in the future we
can meet again, for new opportunities of collaboration. Thanks to everybody 
and Meryy Christmas and Happy New Year 1996 "
                                   - * -
BY     - After the BT7JS activity in the October 1991, Sunday 3 December has
         been reported BG7YA, who seems  to be a  resident  on Hainan Island 
         (AS-094). QSL via BY5HZ.
C9     - Theo, PA3CBH (ex YN1TV),is currently in Mozambique and has received
         the licence with the C91BT call.
CT     - From 8 to 9 December CT1ASU, CT1EEU, CT1ERY and  CT1FDU will be ac-
         tive  as CQ4I from  Isla Margalha [425DXN 190]. QSL to P.O.Box 150,
         8702 Alhao Codex, Portugal.
EA     - On 9 December the station EA3AOK/P will be active from Cabo de Tos-
         sa Lighthouse (FEA: E-0453). QSL via EA5OL.
F      - During  TeleThon '95, from 7 to 9 December, the special TM6LTL sta-
         tion will be activated on all bands. QSL via F6KWP, B.P. 8, F-54260
         Lonlaville, France.
F      - From 8 to 10 December the Radio Club of Lyon (F8KLY) will  activate
         the special TM8LUM station to celebrate the Centennial of the first
         movies  projection  by the Lumiere brotehrs. All HF bands activity, 
         mainly on 80 and 20 meters CW/SSB, and on VHF.
KH9    - The Dateline DX Association announces a Wake Island expedition from
         24 to 31  January 1996. The  operators will be AL7EL,  WB2DND, KC7V
         and K4HQI. The call used will be announced later, to avoid pirates.
         All HF bands, WARC included,  in SSB/CW/RTTY,  and also in 6 meters
         and via  satellite. QSL  via AL7EL, Tom  Harrell, 27257 Nellis  Rd,
         Evans Mills, NY 13637, U.S.A.
LU     - LU8XW has been active from  Redonda Island  [425DXN 233],  a  small
         island south of Tierra del Fuego, valid for the SA-008 group.
VE     - Jean, VE2JFM, is currently active as CG2JFM, until 28  December, to
         celebrate the 50th anniversary of the U.N. Find him on 40 meters CW
         from 03.00 to 04.30 UTC  and on 15, 17, 20 meters CW/SSB from 14.00
         to 20.00 UTC. QSL via VE2QK.
VK     - From 15 to 16 December,  during the launch of the Fairncombe subma-
         riner, the Port Adelaide Radio Club (VK5APC) will activate the spe-
         cial  VI5SUB station on  the following  frequencies:  21200, 14200,
         7100 and  3600 KHz (+/- QRM).  Special QSL via bureau or to:  PARC,
         P.O.Box 352, Port Adelaide, SA 5011, Australia.
VK     - An expedition to Margie Island, Abrolhos Islands southern group, is
         planned around 25-31 January 1996, by four operators (with  VK6BFI,
         VK6UE and VK6KTN) members of the Northern Corridor  Radio Group and
         of the West Australian Island Hopper's.  This is the third attempt,
         and they hope it will be  succesfull. They already  have authoriza-
         tions and a special call is waited.  Operations mainly in phone but
         with RTTY and CW possibilities, on bands from 10 to 80 meters.
VU7    - Jim Smith, VK9NS, hopes to return in Andaman islands during Februa-
         ry 1996.
XE     - The planned expedition to  Isla Maria  Madre [425DXN 238]  has been
         postponed  for the  delay of  the Mexican  Marine ship,  chosen  by
         XE1EAA for the transport on the island,  due to militar  operations
         in the Pacific Ocean.
ZF     - From 25 December to 3 January, Carlo Amorati, I4ALU, will be active
         from  Cayman  Islands (NA-008) on all HF band, WARC included, in CW
         only. Find him at +13 KHz from the edge of the classic bands and on
         10103, 18070 and 24893 KHz. QSL via home call.
ZL8    - A Kermadec island  expedition, for two weeks  with eight  operators
         (with Ron, ZL1AMO),  is planned for May 1996. It seems they already
         have permissions but the main problem is the cost of the operation,
         around 30,000 US$.
ZS8    - Marion Island will probably be reactivated in March 1996,by an ama-
         teur who will go to the island for work purposes.
1A0    - Starting at 15.00 UTC of 8 December Paolo (I2UIY), Giorgio (I2VXJ),
         Luciano (I0JBL) and Francesco (IK0FVC) are  active again from  SMOM
         using the 1A0KM call. The operations, sponsored by NCDXF and INDEXA
         will take place on all bands from 10 to 160 meters  (WARC included)
         in SSB, CW, RTTY.  Andre, ON1AIG,  of the ESDX, will make  contacts
         via satellite, probably starting from late afternoon of  Tuesday 12
         December:  find him on AO-13 and mainly on AO-10 around 145.890 MHz
         (split operation in the first hours).  Up to three stations will be
         simultaneously active.  The operation will end Sunday  17 December.
         QSL to IK0FVC, direct  (Francesco Valsecchi, Via Bitossi 21,  00136
         Roma, Italy) or via bureau.
3DA    - Jon, 3DA0CA  [425DXN 238] has been  active on 160, 80 and 40 meters
         using an antenna normally used  for broadcasting, contacting US and
         European stations. QSL via W4DR.
5H     - From 1 to 9  January Giovanni  I5JHW, will be  active from Zanzibar
         Island (AF-032) using probably the 5H1HW call.  QSL via I5JHW.
5N     - From 23 to 28 December,  Patric (5N0T) and Tola (5N9KWO) will acti-
         vate the  5N4OTB  station  from  Bonny  Island,  off the   Nigerian
         coasts (NO-REF). The operations are planned on all bands/all modes.
5V     - Dave Moody (5V7MD)  and his wife Janet, have returned in Togo Repu-
         blic. Dave is daily active in SSB around 14165 KHz about 21.30 UTC.
         QSL only direct to manager  AB7BB, Chuck Degard, 919 W. Vaughn St.,
         Tempe, AZ 85283, U.S.A.
9Q     - Alex, 9Q2L, hopes to join ARRL DX 1996 using the 9R1A call. QSL via

NEW 1996 ARRL AWARDS COSTS ---> From 1 January 1996, the ARRL will apply the
following fees  for awards and  endorsements: for VUCC and DXCC  10$ for the
first certificate and 5$ for the endorsements  (Pin included); copies are 5$
and pins 5$. First  DXCC application for  ARRL member will be  free  for the
first 12 QSL (before there was no limits), for  endorsements 10$ every  year
for the first 100 QSLs.  First DXCC application for non-ARRL members will be
10$ for the first  120 QSLs, for  endorsements 20$ every  year for the first
100 QSLs. For all, every QSL added over the  above limits will cost 10 cents
more. For the QSL check during Conventions or in ARRL offices 2$, with a li-
mit of 120 QSLs for each application. At  these cost it is  necessary to add
the amount for the  QSLs returned. For WAS new costs are: Award 5$; Endorse-
ments 2$; 5BWAS 10$ (Pin included);  5BWAS Plaque 25$; (add  amounts for QSL
returned for all the awards and endorsements); Pin 5BWAS 5$.


3V8BB ---> DJ7IK, DL8OBC and DL2OBF have returned in Germany after the 3V8BB
operations.  They logged about  7500 QSOs, 5000 of which during the  CQWW CW
Contest.  The QSLs will be automatically  sent via bureau to all stations in
log  before the end of March.  For direct requests, the QSL manager for this
operation (22-29 November), is Dl2OBF.
9R1A & 9Q2L --->  The QSL  cards for 9R1A  activity (during the  CQWW DX SSB
Contest '95) and for 9Q2L are in print and will be available in early  1996.
All  the direct request will be sent as the QSL are printed. QSL via PA3DMH, 
Alex van Hengel, Schoener 85, 2991JK Barendrecht, The Netherlands.
FT5ZF  -->  Due to many complaints for QSL confirmation by FT5ZF, Paul F6EXV
phoned him: the cards have been only recently sent. Don't sent dupes and re-
member that French Postes are on strike, delays are expected.
YA9XL ---> The  QSL manager for this station is F5TCN:  Yannick Cailliau, 14
route d'Harnes, F-62880 Annay sous Lens, France.
PY2HA ---> The  address of this station, recently active from SA-071, is the
following: Luis  Claudio Campos,  Ave Adriano Dias Dos Santos 172, 11470-220
Guaruja, SP, Brazil.
4U1UN ---> If you can't receive  the QSLs of this station from W8CZN, try to
AA2FN (Carmelo Marrero Jr., 447 Leland Ave., Bronx, NY 10473, USA) or WB8LFO
(Jerry Kurucz, 5338 Edgewood Drive, Lorain, OH 44053, USA)
AH3C ---> The new  address of Pete, AH3C, recently active as C4A in the CQWW
CW Contest is: Pete Grillo, 2150 E. 6200 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84121,USA
OD5PN  --->  Norby, LX1NO, reports to be the new QSL manager of Jamil OD5PN.
The cards have  already been printed  and can be requested  both  via direct
(CBA) or via bureau.
QSL MANAGERS --> Vic, UT1WPR,  reports that  9N1UB manager is not  UY5XE, as
wrongly reported in the QSL MANAGERS edited by IK1GPG in previous number.
RN9XA ---> Eugene (ex UA9XAC, R9X) reports his new RN9XA call  (Asiatic Rus-
sia UA9). The QSL can be sent through the Russian QSL bureau (Box 59 Moscow)
or to  his new address:  Eugene V. Bugrimov, P.O.Box 1229,  Syktyvkr 167001,

YV0/YW0 ---> Steve, W4/YV5DTA, says  that YW0's cards are in the mail: some-
one received them two  months ago. All the YV0  operations will be confirmed
but due to many cards it is necessary a while.
QSL  --->  Yossi,  4X6FU, is still receiving  QSL requests for  4L1FL opera-
tions. Yossi is not the QSL manager for any station.
AWARDS ---> In the 1995, after the islands awards by Germany, Canada, Portu-
gal, Poland and USA, the Mexico has issued the DIMEX, Diploma de Islas Mexi-
canas,  while the Brazil issued the DFB  (Diploma Faros de Brasil).  For the
DIE (Spanish Islands Award) the valid islands are now 2147.

PIRATES ---> Jim, W6YA  reports  that  he  has  received  many requests from 
Europe for AP6YA operation but he states that this  was a pirate. Don't send 
him QSLs!  Philip ZL2TZE, reports  that  ZL9AI call has never been issued by
local authorities; for Auckland & Campbell three calls only have been issued
so  far: ZL9GD, ZL9NAA, ZL9TJD. It seems that a new pirate is very active on  
80 meters CW: he  uses  the  calls OA4EEI, DL4EEI, OA4PPE, PY2EEI and G3PPE, 
but the signals are coming from the wrong side.
QSL received:  FS5PL (NA-199), IA5S (IIA  GR-00E & GR-009), IM0RUH (EU-0165,
IIA SS-056), IO1GTM, IM0/IS0UPR (EU-024, IIA NU-016), RU0B (AS-121),  RU0B/P
QSL received via WF5E DX QSL SERVICE:  CE7AOY/P (SA-043), V44NK, VP5/JH3BXO.
*                              425 DX NEWS                                 *
*                        DX info weekly bulletin                           *
*       edited by Mauro  Pregliasco, I1JQJ  and Piero Forno, IK1IYU        *
*       with  the  contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171        *
              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
I5JHW,  IK7AFM,  IK0PRG, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, DC3MF,
URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY DX, The 59(9) DX Report.                              
* Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
*          Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to         *
*      Piero Forno, IK1IYU  (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it)      *
*                  INTERNET e-mail :  I121171@amsat.org                    *
*         425 WWW Page -->  http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html      *
*                   INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site:                    *
*   promet12.cineca.it  - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/   *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
                  * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *
                      TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751
                      DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613
                       SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422
                      ARRL HQ BBS USA :  203-666-0578
                      CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921
                HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677
                       WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183

                         * Q S L   M A N A G E R S *
                               Edited by IK1GPG
                    TNX: IK1HSR, IK1RGL, IK7AFM, IW6MTM.
CALL  &    MGR      CALL  &    MGR      CALL  &     MGR     CALL  &    MGR  
EY8/NP2AQ  DL4FDU   II0P       I0CUL    JX3EX       LA5NM   OX3XR     OZ3PZ 
EY8AM      DF3OL    II1BI      IK1QFN   JY5SK       WB9YXY  OY/OZ5IPA OZ5AAH
F5CCO/P    F1JRT    II2VA      IK2WRG   JY60DL      JY5DL   OY3QN     OZ1ACB
FG5HR      F6BUM    II7GM      IK7RWD   JY60MB      JY4MB   P29TL     KF9TH 
FK5DX      FK8GM    IM0RUH     IS0JMA   JY60SK      JY6ZZ   P40AN     CX3AN 
FK8FI      F6GZA    IQ0J       IK0REH   JY60ZH      JY6ZZ   P40CR     CX4CR 
FK8GM      WB2RAJ   IQ2W       IK2DUW   JY60ZZ      JY6ZZ   P40E      CT1AHU
FK8GT      F6GZA    IQ2X       IK2GZU   JY6GC       JY6ZZ   P40J      WX4G  
FK8HC      F/HH2HM  IQ4A       I4LCK    JY8FO       KA1FFO  P40JT     WV7Y  
FO0SUC     F5KFE    IQ7A       IK7XIV   JY8SZ       DL4SCZ  P40W      N2MM  
FO0ZR      K1RH     IR0G       IW0CKS   JY8XY       WB9YXY  P43JB     OH6ZS 
FP/N9AU    K9GS     IR0HY      I0HY     K1MFZ       KD1PW   P49I      K4PI  
FP/ND9O    K9GS     IR0IA      I0IA     EY8/K4YT    K4YT    P49V      AI6V  
FP/W9OP    K9GS     IR0KHP     I0KHP    KC4AAA      NC6J    PA/DL9OBQ DL9OBQ
FP8NR      YU1NR    IR0PFD     IS0PFD   KC6GB       I1RBJ   PI50HGV   PA0IJM
FR/F5PXQ   F5KDZ    IR0PXD     IK0PXD   KC6JZ       JA7FWR  PJ9B      K2SB  
FR/HB9HVK  HB9HVK   IR1A       IK1GPG   KC6JZ       JE7RJZ  PJ9T      AB4JI 
FR5HR      F5RRH    IR1I       IK1RGL   KC6MW       JE8XRF  PQ0MM     PP5JR 
FS5PL      KF0UI    IR1LS      IK1QFP   KC7JEF      KE6SVR  PW2N      PY2NY 
FT5XK      F6KQD    IR2RZG     IK2RZG   HH2/KF4CCK  KF0UI   PX0UP     PY1UP 
FY5FJ      IK2HTW   IR5MEQ     IK5MEQ   KG4CM       N5FTR   PY0FF     CT1AHU
FY5FY      F6EZV    IR5R       I5JHW    KG4ML       WB6UGI  PY0FF     W9VA  
FY5YE      W5SVZ    IR5T       IK5ORP   KG4MN       WB2YQH  PZ5JB     K3BYV 
GB2RRM     G0MMH    IR7J       IK7TAI   KG4NA       KD4D    R1/OH6CI  OH6URO
GB5SF      GW0PUP   IR7LPW     IK7TVD   KG4SH       N4KHQ   R1FJL     DF7RX 
GB5VJ      G4ZVJ    IR8HVJ     IK8HVJ   KG4ZE       K4SXT   R1FJV     RW3GW 
GC3UP      GW0KPD   IR8IHG     I8IHG    KH0A        JF1MIA  R1FJZ     DF7RX 
GP4IPA     GU0ELF   IR9ESZ     IT9ESZ   KH0CS       JA6PFR  R2MWO     DL1FCM
GR0LOS     G3VIR    IY0GM      IK0SXT   KH0R        JE6DNP  R3/W0YR   AA9DX 
GU4UOL     G4UOL    IY0ONU     I5KKW    KH0S        JA1OGX  R9KWK     UA9KM 
H2T        5B4XF    IY3GMM     IN3NMP   KH0T        JA1SGU  RK0AWO    RK0AWO
HB0/HA5RT  HA6NL    IY4FGM     I4IKW    KH0U        JA1QNV  RK2FWA    DK4VW 
HB0/HB9AON DJ2YE    IZ6GM      IK6BOB   KH0/KH2GR   JF6BCC  RN9S      RA9ST 
HB9ML      HB9MPS   IZ7IGM     I7PXV    KH0/KH8AL   JH1NBN  RO9S      RA9SB 
HC8A       WV7Y     J28JA      F5PWH    KH0/KK6WW   JA6EGL  RQ9C      RW9CW 
HC8KU      DK5VP    J28JJ      F6HGO    KP4VP       KD8IW   RQ9H      RW9IM 
HC8N       AA5BT    J28JY      F6BFH    KP4WN       KD8IW   RV7AA     NT2X  
HF65PZK    SP7NJX   J28MC      F5LBM    LX100GM     LX1JH   S0/F5HV   F5PFP 
HG100R     HA1KSA   J28ML      F5LBM    LX4A        LX1NO   S01MZ     EA2JG 
HG3CW      HA3KNA   J28PP      F5PWH    LX4B        LX1TI   S21YE     G0EHX 
HG5AEW     HG5MTV   J37K       W8KKF    LX95VEC     LX1NO   S21ZZ     JA2NQG
HG6Y       HA6OI    J37L       WA8LOW   LY1TR       LY1BD   S79JD     F6AJA 
HG750K     HA1KRR   J39BW      WB2RAJ   LY35OU      LY2OU   S79MAD    GW4WVO
HH2LQ      KM6ON    J3A        K9AJ     LY35ZO      LY2ZO   S79NEO    DL3NEO
HI3/NO2R   WA2VUY   J3A        WA8LOW   LZ2TU       WB2RAJ  S92P      F6KEQ 
HI3/WA2VUY WA2VUY   J3J        K9AJ     M1OOG       G3OZF   S92PI     F6KEQ 
HI3CVV     DL2GGA   J3K        WB8GEX   DU1/NZ2P    DJ6OV   SI0GM     SK0MG 
HI8/NO2R   WA2VUY   J3X        W9IXX    AA8/OA4HJ   DL6MAC  SI1GM     SM1BIQ
HK100GM    HK3DDD   J3Y        KA9RHY   OD/N4ISV    N4JR    SI2GM     SM2LWU
HL5KY      W3HNT    J3Z        WD8ATP   OD5PL       HB9CRV  SI5GM     SM5CAK
HL9CW      HL9DC    J42EDE     SV2CTL   OH0/OH3TY   KM6ON   SI6GM     SM6URO
HL9DX      N7RO     J42TEA     SV2BIC   OH0/OZ1FG   OZ1ZO   SK7JD     R1MVI 
HO0T       HP2CWB   J48CRI     SV8BSA   OH0AAQ      OH2NRV  SO2WDX    SP2FAX
HP1XVH     KF0UI    J48KEF     SV8AQY   OH0BDP      OH2BDA  SO5LK     SP5PB 
HP1XZQ     WP4KTF   J48Y       SV1BKN   OH0KMG      OH2OT   SP0TPAX   SP2FAP
HR2RDJ     KB5IPQ   J55UAB     F6FNU    OH0LQK      OH3LQK  SP100PLK  SP9KZ 
HS0ZAR     K3ZO     J79JD      F6AJA    OH0MEP      OH3MEP  SQ5O      SP5ZIM
HS3OM      HS3DF    JT1FAS     JE2VDG   OH0MYL      OH3MYL  SU3AM     DL5ZBV
HS7AS      HS7ECI   JT1FAU     K6VNX    OH0NLP      OH3NLP  SV0HW/9   WA1ECA
HS8SEA     HS1GOS   JT1FAV     K6VNX    OL0OJ       OK1RR   SZ2DE     SV1ABA
HZ1AB      K8PYD    JT1FAW     K6VNX    OL0OO       OK1RR   T00A      I1RBJ 
IG9A       IV3TAN   JT1FAX     K6VNX    OL2A        OK2RAB  T20VJ     G4ZVJ 
IG9R       IV3TAN   JT1FAY     K6VNX    OT5A        ON7LR   T30JA     JA3JA 
IG9T       IV3TAN   JT1FAZ     K6VNX    OT5L        ON6NL   T32BE     WC5P  
IG9W       IV3TAN   JT1Z       K6VNX    OX3LX       OZ1DJJ  T32ZB     DJ4ZB 

9 December 1995                     no.240                   BID: $425WW240E
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                           edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF
till  31/12      A4=A4/25 * special event                               233
till  10/12      C6A * by N2NQI, WG3I, G3NYY, G4VXE                     238
till  28/12      CJ2JFM * by VE2JFM * special event station             240
till  ??         FT5XK                                                  238
till  10/12      IZ6TCO: special event station                          237
till  25/12      IZ7IGM: special event station                          238
till  15/04      JX4CJA & JX3EX * by LA4CJA & LA3EX                     228
till  12/12      KG4ML * by WB6VGI                                      236
till  13/12      PA3EVJ: EU-146 * by VE3MR                              238
till  15/12      SP0TPAX: special event station                         236
till  09712      TM7TLT: special event station TeleThon 95)             240
till  31/12      VA1S: special event station                            227
till  11/12      VI100GM * special event station                        238
till  Dec '96    VK0WH: Macquarie                                       238
till  17/12      1A0KM * by IK0FVC's team                               240
till  10/12      6Y5/G3XAQ/qrp                                          237
08/12-12-01      HS0/DL2FDK                                             237
08/12-14/12      J20RAD: Maskali Isl. (AF-053) * by J28ML's team        235
08/12-10/12      TM8LUM: Lyon * special event station                   240
09/12-10/12      CQ4I: Ilhote Margalha * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU 190
09/12-10/12      IY1TTM * by Western Emilia DX team                     238
09/12-10/12      TM2RDS: special event station                          228
09/12-14/12      ZK1ATV, ZK1LIA, ZK1NJX: Rarotonga Isl. (OC-013) by LA  236
09/12-10/12      Contest Italiano 40 & 80 Metri                         ***
09/12-10/12      ARRL 160 Meter SSB Contest                             ***
10/12            P43QPO: special event station                          232
10/12            PA6QPO: special event station                          232
12/12            GB2GM: special event station                           239
12/12-01/04      TU4DA * by F5UJQ                                       238
12/12            VO1AA * special event station                          236
14/12-28/12      ZK1ATV, ZK1LIA, ZK1NJX: Aitutaki Isl. (OC-083) * by LA 236
15/12-16/12      VI5SUB * special event station                         240
16/12            KA3UNQ/p: Prudence Isl. (NA-031)                       238
16/12-17/12      W3OK: Nazareth & Bethlehem, PA                         236
16/12-03/01      YJ * by FK8FU                                          236
17/12            EA4ENK/p: Isla El Ciego (DIEI BA-10)                   237
22/12-06/01      VK8NSB/p: Groote Eylandt (OC-141)                      237
23/12-03/01      JD1/JQ1SUO: Ogasawara                                  238
23/12-28/12      5N4OTB: Bonny Isl. (NO-REF) * by 5N team               240
25/12-03/01      ZF * by I4ALU                                          240
23/12-31/12      9N * by JA2NQG                                         233
28/12-04/01      ZK1ATV, ZK1LIA, ZK1NJX: Manihiki Atoll (OC-014) by LA  236
29/12-14/01      A71AN * by DL9FCQ                                      225
30/12-03/01      XQ0/JA7AYE: Easter Isl. * by JA7AYE & JA7XQV           237
mid Dec-mid Feb  C6AGN * by KM1E                                        236
14/12-Febbr 97   FT5WF & FT5WE * by F5SZK & F5IJT                       239
December         FT5XL: Kerguelen * by FB1LYF                           238
December         AA4LI/HP1                                              238
December         V3: Turneffe Is. (NA-123) * by W team                  238