2 December 1995 No 239 BID: $425DX239A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU BY - Bob, K9RHY, will be in Beijing from 6 to 9 December and hopes to be active from Tsinghua University Amateur Radio Club, BY1QH, thanks to BZ1LUV cooperation. EA - Until 6 December is active on all bands, in CW and SSB, the special EG5UCA station during the URE V-U-SHF Congress in Alicante. QSL via EA5URA. EM_ant - EM1KA is the call for the Ukraine scientific expedition currently active from Vernadsky Base (WABA ??). It has been worked the 29 No- vember by US stations between 04.00 and 05.00 UTC on 14265 KHz. F - F5CCO reports that from 2 to 3 December he will be active from S.te Margerite Island (EU-058; DIFM ME-020). At the moment Eric doesn't know if he stays there for the night also. QSL via bureau to F5CCO or direct to QSL manager that will be given during operations. F - Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 December, F1BWJ/P will be active from Saint Honorat Island (Lerins Islands, EU-058), but only in VHF on 144.300 and 144.290 MHz, SSB. QSL via F6EGV. F - Until 4 December, the special TM1CRF station is active on HF and VHF bands, during the XXVI International Red Cross Congress. F - During TeleThon '95, on 8 and 9 December, the special TM5TLT sta- tion will be activated on 40 and 80 meters (particularly on 7077 and 3677 KHz), SSB and CW. QSL direct to: TM5TLT, TeleThon de la Goele, Mairie, F-77230 Dammartin, France. F - Until 24.00 UTC of 9 December, the special TM9TEL station is active on bands from 80 to 20 meters, in CW and SSB, during TeleThon '95. TM9TEL will be QRV for 30 hours without stops from 16.00 UTC of 8 December to 22.00 UTC of 9 December. QSL via bureau. During the o- peration (28 November - 9 December) it is possible to obtain the SLDXC-Award, with two contacts (TM9TEL and F6KLS) sending the re- quest to: F6KLS-SLDXC, 48 rue Haute, F-57350 Stiring Wendel, France FT_w - Jean-Jacques, F5SZK and Samuel, F5IJT, will be active from December 95 until February 97 from Crozet Island, respectively as FT5WF and FT5WE [425DXN 226]. The operators, who will leave France next 7 December, will arrive to Possession Island the 14 December to start the activity as soon as possible, with two separate stations, in CW /SSB and probably in RTTY/PACKET/SSTV also. They will use a TS690 for 50 MHz, and a beacon will be activated on 6 meters using the FT5WE call. The HF frequencies are the following: CW 3505, 7005, 10105, 10115, 14005, 18075, 21005, 24895, 28005 KHz SSB 3792, 7045, 14145, 14245, 18145, 21245, 24945, 28445 KHz QSL for FT5WE (Samuel) via F5GTW: Claude Touyeras, 23 rue des Chardonnais, Cite de la Diete, F-86130 Jaunay Clan, France. QSL for FT5WF (Jean-Jacques) via F5IZK: Andre Loiseau, Ecole de Garrabet, F-09400 Garrabet, France. G - The special permanent GB2BP station, located in the Bletchley Park Museum, will be QRV Sunday 3 December. QSL via bureau. G - On 12 December, the Poldhu Amateur Radio Club will activate, from the same place where the first transatlantic radio signal was tran- smitted, (12 December 1901), the commemorative GB2GM station on HF, VHF bands and PACKET (GB2GM @ GB7NEQ). KH2 - Ray, WH6ASW, will work as teacher in Guam for two years and will soon be QRV as WH6ASW/KH2. QSL via G3EZZ. PY - The special ZW5VB station will be QRV from 7 to 10 December on all bands from 10 to 80 metri, in CW/SSB, working from Santa Marta Lighthouse, valid for the Brazilian Lighthouses Award (DFB) with DFB SC-12 reference. QSL via PP5SZ, P. Sirzanink, Rua Pd Roma 194/704, 88010-090, Florianopolis/SC, Brasil. UA0 - Oleg, R0/UR8LV has been recently very active on low bands from Zone 18, on 160 meters also around 19.30 and 03.45 UTC. VK0_m - Bob, NM7M, reports that Warren Hull, VK0WH, last 18 Novermber ar- rived in Macquarie Island to staay for a whole year [425DXN 238]. The frequencies are fixed due to a commercial equipment without VFO and are the following: SSB 14130 and 3570 KHz, CW 7010 KHz. From 10 December sked with VK4ATS are planned on 14130 KHz around 10.00 UTC looking for other stations contacts. Warren reports that during the stay on the island, he can't send QSL, then it is necessary to wait for some months. Bob will help Warren to make som RTTY QSO, as this country is highly requestd. VP2V - From 1 to 12 January, Jay, VP2V/WB8ZTY, will spend his honeymoon on Peter Island, British Virgin Islands, from where he hopes to be ative in RTTY and SSB. He plans also to join the ARRL RTTY Roundup (6-7 January). QSL via home call. VP8_ant- VP8CRE is currently at the Faraday Base (WABA G-04) in Argentine Is (AN-006). He is normally active around 01.00-02.00 UTC on 14260- 14265 KHz. VP8_ssh- VP8CQR is active from British Antarctic Base B (62.56S-60.36W; WABA G-10) on Deception Island, in South Shetland (AN-010). QSL to: Cristoff, P.O. Box 35, 80/325, Gadansk 37, Poland. VS6 - Around 16 December, Phil, VS6CT, will be active from Queen Eliza- beth II. XE - The operators of the Marias Island expedition (NA-???) [425DXN 238] should be QRV for Europe Saturday 2 December between 15.30 and 17.30 UTC on 21260 KHz and between 17.00 and 19.00 UTC on 14260 KHz the Sunday 3 December between 06.00 and 09.00 UTC on 14260 KHz. XZ - OH1EB left Yangon with about 9000 QSO logged (3000 during the CQ WW CW Contest). It is planned a new activation of the XZ1A station in January by OH1NYP and OH2BH, with particular attention to 160 and 80 meters and for Central and Eastern North America. The total QSOs are now more than 25,000 and the QSL will be sent starting from January. QSL via JA1BK. 4U_un - The special 4U50UN call is used from U.N. Head Quarter in New York until the end of 1995, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of U.N. QSL via W8CZN. 5Z - Gerard, F2JD/S79JD, will stay in Seychelles until 8 or 10 December [425DXN 234]. He has cancelled the planned trip to Kenia [425DXN 236] but has confirmed the Madagascar trip in the beginning of Ja- nuary [425DXN 230]. 7O - PA0JMY/7O has been reported on 7047 KHz around 18.00 UTC Wednesday 29 November. 9K - Mohammad, 9K2UA is a new OM in Kuwait. He has a fresh licence then is not yet listed in the Callbook. QSL via bureau. *** IOTA Reference numbers issued in November *** SA-084 HK4 CHOCO SOUTH DIVISION group (Colombian islands, letter "c"), for the HK3JJH/4 activity from Playa Blanca island. **************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS-DISTRIBUTION ---> Starting from this number you will find in the bulletin header the BID's assigned to each of the various parts. We sug- gest to use these BIDs when sending the bulletin in the local BBS to avoid multiple copies of the same number, originated from various worldwide BBS. VP2E --> WB5CRG is the QSL manager for VP2E activity in CQ WW PHONE 1995. QSL XU2UN & XU3UN ---> If you haven't received cards from SP5AAS try to ask directly to operators, respectively SP1MVE and SP5ABL. ZA0B (SAZAN ISLAND, EU-169) --> Geni, ZA1B/ZA0B reports that he had the per- mission to operate from 4 to 11 February 1995, bu the Sazan island activity took place only between 9 and 11 February. The local generator was available for short time, and Geni logged 427 QSO, mainly on 20 meters. The station who made many contacts as ZA0B on 12 Febrary was therefore a pirate. 4J0FR ---> The QSL for the last August activity are in print and will soon sent. 9N1UB ---> Geo, UY5XE, that has received many requests for 9N1UB during the CQWW SSB Contest, reports that he is not the QSL manager for this activity. DXCC ---> In these days are coming the "Credit Slips" after the check made at Bologna Convention by K8CH and KA5TQF. Thanks again for their collabora- tion. IIA NA-011 & NA-012 ---> IC8GVV, IC8JAH ed IC8CQF inform those who sent the QSLs for Faraglioni di Capri (IIA NA-011) and Scoglio del Monacone (IIA NA- 012) activities, that cards are in print and will soon be sent. PIRATES ---> During last twelve months, many QSLs to VK3UB "Operator Bob in Sydney" have been received from local QSL bureau. The contacts are mainly in in CW on 20 meters, between 06.00 and 12.00 UTC. But the "real" VK3UB is Jock Walsh, lives in Melbourne and reports that he never made those QSOs. The bureau asked also to VK2UB (...in case of a missed 'dit') with the same negative answer. It seems that the operator lives outside Australia. QSL received: C53HG, CG7H, I2YDX/DU2 (OC-092), FK8JC, FS5PL/P (NA-199), G0WOE (EU-011), HK3JJH/4 (SA-084), IG9/IK8AUC (AF-019; IIA AG-001, AG-002), IV3VQN/IL3 (EU-130; IIA GO-015, GO-018, GO-019, GO-021), IZ8CSC, RU0B (AS-121), RU0B/P (AS-087), TJ1MG, TU2XZ, UA0FDX, VP8CQS, ZC4DX, ZK1PN, ZW2EPA (SA-028), 4H1TR (OC-207), 4M8I (SA-063), 5B4/G3OZF/P (AS-120). **************************************************************************** * 425 DX NEWS * * DX info weekly bulletin * * edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Piero Forno, IK1IYU * * with the contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171 * **************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1APQ, I1CGD, I1HYW, IK1JJB, IK1RGK, IK1RGL, IK2WXQ, IK3ASM, IV3AJZ, I4LCK, IK4HPU, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IC8GVV, IK8CJP, I0ZYA, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, DC3MF, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL9GOA, EA5KB, F1BAV, F1IZL, F5CCO, F5NRG, F5SEE, F5SZK, F6AJA, F6KCR, G1ZPC, G4BUE, G0RDG, ON4BAM, OZ1LQH, PA3DGH, PS7AB, PT7WA, SP2FAP, UT1WPR, VE1BZA, VK1FF/WB2FFY, VK3WI, VK3XV, WB2YQH, KJ4VH, WB5CRG, KK6EK, NM7M, ZA1B, ZR5DTS, 9K2HN, DXNS, LNDX, QRZ-DX, PY-DX, URE-EA-DX, ARRL-DX, NPDXG, VK2SG RTTY DX, The 59(9) DX Report. **************************************************************************** * Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to * * Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to * * Piero Forno, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it) * **************************************************************************** * INTERNET e-mail : I121171@amsat.org * * 425 WWW Page --> http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html * * INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: * * promet12.cineca.it - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/ * **************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ARRL HQ BBS USA : 203-666-0578 CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 MOST WANTED ---> Every year different most wanted DXCC countries lists are compiled. This week we propose the one by Northern Portugal DX Group and by Chod Harris, VP2ML. *** Portuguese Most Wanted Countries *** ( November 1995 ) by Northern Portugal DX Group No. DXCC Country Prefix % No. DXCC Country Prefix % 1 Midway Island KH4 88,2 16 Central Kiribati T31 46 2 Palmyra Island KH5 76,4 17 Clipperton Island FO/c 45,8 3 Heard Island VK0/h 74,2 18 Pagalu (Annobon) 3C0 43,4 4 Macquarie Island VK0/m 70,5 19 Tokelau Island ZK3 43 5 Buthan A5 64,7 20 Kermadec Island ZL8 42,7 6 Willis Island VK9w 62,5 21 Wake Island KH9 42,6 7 Kingman Reef KH5k 60,1 22 Nauru C2 41,6 8 Banaba Island T33 59,1 23 Malpelo Island HK0/m 41,1 9 Bouvet Island 3Y/b 59,1 24 Crozet Island FT/w 39,9 10 Auckland Campbell ZL9 56,7 25 South Sudan ST0 39 11 Kure Island KH7 52,9 26 Juan de Nova Europa FR/j/e 38 12 Baker Howland KH1 51 27 Belau KC6-T8 37,6 13 Agalega St.Brandon 3B6-3B7 50,8 28 South Sandwich Is. VP8/s 35,2 14 Amsterdam St.Paul FT/z 47 29 Yemen 7O 34,7 15 Andaman Nicobar VU4 46,6 30 Laccadive Islands VU7 34 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOST WANTED COUNTRIES --------------------- Excerpts from the actual lists of Chod Harris, VP2ML. North Korea does not appear in this lists because it was added to the DXCC Countries List after the deadline of this poll. Otherwise it would be, of course, the number one most wanted country. 1. MOST WANTED COUNTRIES 1995 (worldwide) No. Pfx DXCC-Country % No. Pfx DXCC-Country % 1 A5 Bhutan 65.5 51 ZC4 UK Sov. Bases 21.6 2 VU4 Andaman Isl. 63.4 52 TY Benin 21.5 3 VK0 Heard Isl. 60.8 53 5R Madagascar 21.1 4 7O Yemen 55.5 54 3C Equat. Guinea 21.0 5 5A Libya 55.0 55 ST Sudan 20.7 6 VK0 Macquarie 48.7 56 VK9M Mellish Reef 20.5 7 FR/T Tromelin 47.6 57 ET Ethiopia 20.2 8 VU7 Laccadive 47.3 58 D6 Comoros Isl. 20.1 9 SV/A Mount Athos 46.7 59 S0 Western Sahara 19.9 10 XZ Myanmar 45.8 60 JD1 Min. Torishima 19.3 11 3Y Bouvet 42.4 61 PY0T Trinidade 19.1 12 E3 Eritrea 40.3 62 VP8G South Georgia 19.1 13 FR/G Glorioso Isl. 40.3 63 T5 Somalia 19.0 14 ZL8 Kermadec Isl. 40.0 64 KH4 Midway Isl. 18.6 15 3V Tunisia 39.1 65 CE0X San Felix 18.5 16 ZL9 Campbell Isl. 39.1 66 A9 Bahrain 18.5 17 FT/Z Amsterdam Isl 38.6 67 JX Jan Mayen 18.5 18 3B6 Agalega Isl. 37.0 68 KH5 Palmyra Isl. 18.4 19 XW Laos 34.9 69 3D2 Conway Reef 18.1 20 FR/J Juan de Nova 34.5 70 4J1 M-V Isl. 17.6 21 EP Iran 34.3 71 T33 Banaba 17.1 22 ZS8 Marion Isl. 34.1 72 VP8O South Orkney 17.0 23 FT7W Crozet Isl. 33.7 73 KC6 Palau 16.3 24 TT Chad 32.8 74 CY Sable Isl. 16.1 25 3C0 Annobon Isl. 32.4 75 T31 Cent. Kiribati 16.1 26 HK0 Malpelo Isl. 31.2 76 KH1 Baker&Howland 15.6 27 FT/X Kerguelen 31.1 77 XX9 Macao 15.4 28 1S Spratly Isl. 30.0 78 KH7K Kure Isl. 15.2 29 VK9C Cocos-Keeling 29.8 79 OJ0 Market Reef 15.1 30 8Q Maledives 28.2 80 A7 Qatar 15.0 31 YA Afghanistan 28.2 81 CE0 Juan Fernandez 15.0 32 VP8S Sth. Sandwich 28.1 82 XT Burkina Faso 15.0 33 VK9X Christmas Isl 28.0 83 YV0 Aves Isl. 15.0 34 1A0 SMOM 27.5 84 TI9 Cocos Isl. 14.4 35 3W Vietnam 26.9 85 5X Uganda 14.0 36 VK9W Willis Isl. 26.6 86 5V Togo 13.6 37 XU Cambodia 26.6 87 FO/X Clipperton Isl 13.3 38 ST0 South Sudan 26.5 88 KH9 Wake Isl. 13.2 39 9N Nepal 26.4 89 TJ Cameroon 13.2 40 A6 UAE 26.1 90 3Y1 Peter 1 Isl. 13.1 41 PY0S Peter & Paul 25.7 91 SU Egypt 12.7 42 YK Syria 25.7 92 C2 Nauru 12.2 43 YI Iraq 25.6 93 3X Guinea 11.9 44 9U Burundi 25.2 94 ZK3 Tokelau Isl. 11.9 45 S2 Bangladesh 24.5 95 J2 Djibouti 11.8 46 3B9 Rodriquez Isl 24.3 96 J5 Guinea-Bissau 11.7 47 KH5K Kingman Reef 22.8 97 9X Rwanda 11.5 48 TN Congo 22.8 98 5T Mauritania 10.9 49 3A Monaco 22.3 99 CY9 St. Paul Isl. 8.6 50 ZD9 Tristan da C. 21.7 100 ZK1 North Cook Isl. 7.5 2. MOST WANTED COUNTRIES 1995 (Europe) No. Pfx DXCC-Country % No. Pfx DXCC-Country % 1 VK0 Heard Isl. 70.3 25 TI9 Cocos Isl. 24.3 2 VK0 Macquarie 64.9 26 KH9 Wake Isl. 24.3 3 ZL8 Kermadec 64.9 27 5A Libya 21.6 4 A5 Bhutan 62.2 28 FR/T Tromelin 21.6 5 ZL9 Campbell 48.6 29 VU7 Laccadive Isl. 21.6 6 FT/Z Amsterdam 48.6 30 XZ Myanmar 21.6 7 VU4 Andaman 43.2 31 E3 Eritrea 21.6 8 3B6 Agalega 43.2 32 FR/J Juan de Nova 21.6 9 KH5K Kingman Reef 40.5 33 CE0X San Felix 21.6 10 KH4 Midway 40.5 34 FO/X Clipperton Isl. 21.6 11 3Y Bouvet 37.8 35 FR/G Glorioso Isl. 18.9 12 VK9W Willis Isl. 37.8 36 XW Laos 18.9 13 KH5 Palmyra Isl. 37.8 37 VP8S South Sandwich 18.9 14 T31 Cent.Kiribati 37.8 38 PY0S Peter & Paul 18.9 15 FT/W Crozet Isl. 35.1 39 VP8G South Georgia 18.9 16 KH1 Baker & Howland 32.4 40 3D2 Conway Reef 18.9 17 KH7K Kure Isl. 32.4 41 T33 Banaba 18.9 18 3Y1 Peter 1 Isl. 32.4 42 CE0Z Juan Fernandez 18.9 19 7O Yemen 29.7 43 C2 Nauru 18.9 20 ZS8 Marion Isl. 27.0 44 ZK3 Tokelau Isl. 18.9 21 CY Sable Isl. 27.0 45 FT/X Kerguelen 16.2 22 3C0 Annobon Isl. 24.3 46 3B9 Rodriguez Isl. 16.2 23 HK0 Malpelo Isl. 24.3 47 KC6 Palau 16.2 24 VK9M Mellish Reef 24.3 =========================== * Q S L M A N A G E R S * =========================== edited by IK1GPG TNX: IK1HSR, IK1RGL, IK7AFM, IW6MTM. CALL & MGR CALL & MGR CALL & MGR CALL & MGR ============================================================================ 3A/K1VWL K1VWL 5Z4DE KE4DA 9Y4H K6NA CZ9TX VO1TX 3B8/F5PXQ F5KDZ 6D2X K5TSQ 9Y4W K6NA CZ9XC VO1XC 3B8/N6ZZ N6ZZ 6Y5DA VE4JK A35VJ G4ZVJ D2/YO3YX YO3YU 3D2ID JE1XXG 7J1AWO KQ4GC A51JMA JA1AJT D68SE F6FNU 3D2KZ JA8VE 7L3TDU/6 JH6RTO A61AF N1QMM DU3/AH8F G4ZVJ 3D2MU 7M1QAP 7Q7A JH1ORL A61AH KA5TQF DU63RG DU9RG 3D2OQ SM5BOQ 7Q7DC WA6IJZ A61AM KA5TQF DU7LA KD6QV 3D2PN OH5UQ 7Q7JL G0IAS A92EF WA6ZEF DX9C OH2BH 3D2VJ G4ZVJ 7S6SAQ SK6DK HP1/AA4LI AA4LI E21EJC HS1GOS 3DA0CA W4DR 7X2VZK OM3CGN AH0AV JH6RTO EA1FEO/P EA5OL 3DA0NX ZS6CAX 8P6QA KU9C AH0T JA6BSM EA3AOK/5 EA3BT 3F0T HP2CWB 8P9HT K4BAI AH0T JA6VZB EA3FJX/P EA3DUF 3V5A YT1AD 8P9HU K3KG AH2CW JA2NVY EA3RCG/P EA3GIS 3V8BB DL2OBF 8P9II DL7DF AH8F G4ZVJ EA5JC/1 EA5AEN 3W5FM UA0FM 8P9MIP K4BAI AP2MIZ AP2SP EA6UB/P EA6UB 3W6GM DF5GM 8P9Z K4BAI AY1I I0WDX EA7GXP/P EA7GMC 3X5CM F5CMU 8Q7AS DL2EAS AY5VCI LU1VZ EA8RG DF0DX 3Z0CDP SP6CDP 8Q7BY JA0BYS AY9F LU7FJD ED0VDA EA5OL 3Z0FBD SP6FBD 8Q7CW DK7PE AY9VCI LU1VZ ED0VPV EA5OL 3Z2AYC SP2AYC 8Q7IG JA3IG AZ9W LU5UL ED1GSS EA1DO 3Z2BUC SP2BUC 8Q7RJ JA9PRJ BT1DX BY1PK ED1VFA EA1CCC 3Z2EBG SP2EBG 8Q7VJ G4ZVJ BT1DX WA3YVN ED2URV EA2CMW 3Z2PMO SP2JKC 8Q7WD G4RWD BY7KQ/7 BG7JA ED3MNF EA3KO 3Z2UKB SP2UKB 8R1Z OH2BH BY95WMI JA6CYQ ED3QBC EA3DUF 3Z4DCR SP4DCR 8S3BG SM3CER C47W 5B4WN ED4MU EA4AIQ 3Z4EAK SP4EAK 9A4A 9A4AA C53HG W3HCW ED4TCQ EA4ALL 3Z4JWR SP4JWR 9A5D 9A1BHI C56WW G0UCT ED5GCT EA5GCT 3Z9HZW SP9HZW 9A95K 9A2EU C94AI CT1CKP ED6EIP EA6VC 4D63RG DU9RG 9G1BJ G4XTA CE0Z K0IYF ED6IB EA3FP 4D63SAN DU1SAN 9G1YR G4XTA CE0ZAM CE3ESS ED6JEM EA6ARM 4J0FR F6AJA 9G5MF KC7V CE9/G0NKZ G0SZO ED6ZXM EA6ZX 4K6D UA9AB 9G5RR W8PHD CE9AP CE2LOL ED7JEM EA7GW 4K8F UA9AB 9G5SX G3SXW CF6AFD VE6SRC ED7SAF EA7OY 4K9W DL6KVA 9H1AW GW3LDH CN16DKH CN8MC EF1FPR EA5AEN 4L1QBA RW6HS 9H3UT DL9GDB CN2EME F6BGC EF4HFP EC4AGG 4L2M DJ0IF 9H3UX DL2DN CN2GB EA9KB EF4TCQ EA4ALL 4L8A OZ1HPS 9H3VG G4PDG CN2KA EA9KA EG5MDE EA5BY 4M5X YV5ARV 9I30A JH8BKL CN2NI F5NII EG9A EA4URE 4M5Z WS4E 9J2AE F6FNU CN8LL F5MGR EI7M EI6HB 4N1KT YU1AFS 9J2CE IN3VZE CN8SN W3HNK EK8WB N7RO 4N1Z YU1AVQ 9J2CW JF2XTZ CN8TM JR2ITB EM3W WB2RAJ 4S7/HB9AMO HB9AMO 9J2RD IK2SGQ CO1OTA CT1ESO EN2H I2PJA 4S7DA W3HNK 9J2SZ SP8DIP CO7KR DL5DCA EN5J LY1DS 4U/KC0PA VE9RHS 9K0A 9K2HN CQ2S CT1FMX ER27A F5JDE 4U1ITU DL3DXX 9K2MU WA4JTK CQ5B CT1FMX ER5AL UO5AL 4U50UN W8CZN 9L1PG NW8F CQ5L CT1BWW ES60B ES4RC 4X/G0MEU ON9CGB 9M2JJ SM0OEK CQ5MEG CS1AAS ES60D ES3HV 4X0A 4X6UO 9M2TJ F5LGQ CQ7M CT1FMX ES60G ES5JH 5H3MZ 5Z4YQ 9M6P F6BFH CR9U DL2HYH ES60I ES4RZ 5K6X HK6HFY 9M6TE F9IE CR9X DK8WF ES60J ES1RA 5N0MVE ON7LX 9M6TF F6BFH CS4PV CT1EIF ES60L ES6PZ 5N0PYL F2YT 9M6TG F6AUS CS6AUW CT1AUW ES60M ES1QD 5N0T F2YT 9M6TJ F5LGK CS8EPV WA3HUP ES60Q ES5QA 5N35ALE DJ2VZ 9M8CC PD0ALB CT3/CT1DNP DJ0MW ES60R ES7FQ 5N35JHE 5N0JHE 9M8PR DJ8PR CT3BX HB9CRV ES60Y ES6DO 5N35KWO WB8QFB 9N1CT JA2NQG CT3FN HB9CRV ES60Z ES0ZA 5N35PYL F2YT 9N1NQ JA2NQG CT6CRA CT1BWW ES6Z/0 ES6DO 5N35T F2YT 9N1SXW G3SXW CT9M CT3DL ET3KV DL1VU 5R8DS PA3BXC 9N1UB UY5XE CU3P CU3AK ET3MW AD4ES 5R8DY PA3BXC 9Q5MRC G3MRC CU9B CU3AV EX/N0LAZ DL4MFW 5R8EU JF1MGI 9Q5PL OE7MCJ CX6VM W3HNK EX0M DF8WS 5T5SN F5RUQ 9R1A PA3DMH CX8BBH LU8DPM EX7MA IK2QPR 5T6E F6FNU 9U/EA1FH EA1FFC CY0TP VE1CBK EX8QA RW6HS 5W1VJ G4ZVJ 9X/ON4WW ON4NT CY3IARU VE3FOI EY/K4YT K4YT 5X4F KB4EKY 9X4WW ON5NT CZ9SO VO1SO EY2Q EY8CQ 5Z4BZ F5IBZ 9Y4/J73VE N4SQP CZ9TK VO1TK EY4AA UA9AB 2 December 1995 No 239 BID: $425DX239E ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU PERIOD CALL REF till 31/12 A4=A4/25 * special event 233 till 06/12 EG5UCA: special event station 239 till 04/12 TM1CRF: special event station 239 till 09/12 TM9TEL: special event station 239 till ?? FT5XK 238 till 02/12 HI * by DL1GKG, DL2GGA 236 till 02/12 IA5/IK2OAH: Capraia Isl. (EU-028; IIA LI-020) 238 till 03/12 IR3GM: special event station 238 till 25/12 IZ7IGM: special event station 238 till 15/04 JX4CJA & JX3EX * by LA4CJA & LA3EX 228 till ?? KH4/NH6D 238 till 13/12 PA3EVJ: EU-146 * by VE3MR 238 till 10/12 S79JD 239 till 04/12 S92PI: Principe Isl. (AF-044) * by F5OGL 236 till ?? VK9XRS * by ND3A 232 till Dec '96 VK0WH: Macquarie 238 till 08/12 ZL7PYD * by K8PYD 232 till 10/12 6Y5/G3XAQ/qrp 237 till 03/12 8Q7VJ & 8Q7WD * by G4ZVJ & G4RWD 232 till 05/12 9J2CE * by IN3VZE 238 01-12-10/12 IZ6TCO: special event station 237 01/12-03/12 LU: Isla Redonda (NO-REF) * by R.C. Tierra del Fuego 233 01/12-03/12 PQ5L & PT5M: Mel Isl. (SA-047) (DIB 24) 237 01/12-15/12 SP0TPAX: special event station 236 01/12-31/12 VA1S: special event station 227 01/12-02/12 ARRL 160 Meter CW Contest *** 02/12-10/12 C6A * by N2NQI, WG3I, G3NYY, G4VXE 238 02/12-?? C6 * by N6NR & KB6WIO 238 02/12-03/12 F5CCO: S.te Margerite Isl. (EU-058 (DIFM ME-020) 239 02/12-07/12 XE: Marias Is. (NA-???) * by XE1EAA's team 239 03/12 EA4ENK/p: Isla Bodegon (DIEI BA-16) 237 03/12 GB2BP: Bletchley Park Museum 239 05/12-06/12 FK8GP/p: Bellona Plateau group (OC-176) ??? 236 05/12-12/12 KG4ML * by WB6VGI 236 05/12-11/12 VI100GM * special event station 238 06/12-09/12 BY1QH * by K9RHY 239 06/12 EA4ENK/p: Isla Cogolludos (DIEI BA-14) 237 07/12-10/12 ZW5VB: Faro Santa Marta (DFB SC-12) 239 08/12-12-01 HS0/DL2FDK 237 08/12-14/12 J20RAD: Maskali Isl. (AF-053) * by J28ML's team 235 08/12-09/12 TM5TLT * TeleThon: special event station 239 09/12-10/12 CQ4I: Ilhote Margalha * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU 190 09/12-10/12 IY1TTM * by Western Emilia DX team 238 09/12-10/12 TM2RDS: special event station 228 09/12-14/12 ZK1ATV, ZK1LIA, ZK1NJX: Rarotonga Isl. (OC-013) by LA 236 09/12-10/12 Contest Italiano 40 & 80 Metri *** 09/12-10/12 ARRL 160 Meter SSB Contest *** 10/12 P43QPO: special event station 232 10/12 PA6QPO: special event station 232 12/12 GB2GM: special event station 239 12/12-01/04 TU4DA * by F5UJQ 238 12/12 VO1AA: special event station 236 14/12-28/12 ZK1ATV, ZK1LIA, ZK1NJX: Aitutaki Isl. (OC-083) * by LA 236 16/12 KA3UNQ/p: Prudence Isl. (NA-031) 238 16/12-17/12 W3OK: Nazareth & Bethlehem, PA 236 16/12-03/01 YJ * by FK8FU 236 17/12 EA4ENK/p: Isla El Ciego (DIEI BA-10) 237 23/12-03/01 JD1/JQ1SUO: Ogasawara 238 22/12-06/01 VK8NSB/p: Groote Eylandt (OC-141) 237 23/12-31/12 9N * by JA2NQG 233 28/12-04/01 ZK1ATV, ZK1LIA, ZK1NJX: Manihiki Atoll (OC-014) by LA 236 29/12-14/01 A71AN * by DL9FCQ 225 30/12-03/01 XQ0/JA7AYE: Easter Isl. * by JA7AYE & JA7XQV 237 mid Dec-mid Feb C6AGN * by KM1E 236 14/12-Febbr FT5WF & FT5WE * by F5SZK & F5IJT 239 December FT5XL: Kerguelen * by FB1LYF 238 December AA4LI/HP1 238 December V3: Turneffe Is. (NA-123) * by W team 238