DX425 bulletin issue nr. 238

25 November 1995                                                      No.238
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                           edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU

                             + I3MAU SILENT KEY +
We sadly have been informed  about the S.K. of  Renzo Mauri,  I3MAU, last 21
November due to an incurable  illness. We loose with Renzo not only  a great
friend but also one  of the world big  contestmen. During  the years  Renzo,
who used to gather  in  his  home of Rubano (Padova) a team of operators for
multi-multi contests, made great scores in all the main international compe-
titions. We are without words. The 425 DX News is near to his family and his
friends in Padova. We will miss him.

A7     - Thomas (DL9FCQ) has confirmed his operation as A71AN/DL9FCQ [425DXN
         225] from 29 December to 14 January 1996. Thomas reports that he is
         not the QSL manager for A71AN or  other stations  from  Qatar. Send
         him  only for  QSO with  A71../DL9FCQ calls.  Tom,  Box 1139, 63590
         Hasselroth, Germany. 
C6     - From  2 to 10 December,  Meg (N2MQI), Dave (WG3I), Walt (G3NYY) and
         Tim (G4VXE) will be portable /C6A from  New Providence Isl.(NA-001)
         with activities on all bands, mainly in CW and RTTY. QSL for  WG3I/
         C6A via G3AUA, via home calls for the rest.
C6     - From 2 December, Rick N6NR, and his wife Connie KB6WIO, will be ac-
         tive from Bahamas.
CT3    - The group of DL amateurs active now  from Madeira  [425DXN 236] has
         cancelled the planned activity to Desertas Is.  (AF-046) due to bad
         sea conditions.
DU     - Following what published in number 236, Martti (OH2BH) joins the CQ
         WW DX CW Contest using the DX9C.
DU     - Until the end of November it is possible for DU stations to use the
         special 4D63 prefix.
EY     - Nodir, EY8MM reports that the EY2Q station (Multi/Single) will join
         the CQWW DX CW Contest. QSL direct to EY8CQ or via the TARL QSL Bu-
         reau:  Box 303, Glavpochtamt, Dushanbe, 734025, Tajikistan, CIS.
EY     - Nodir, EY8MM reports that during the winter he will be active on 40
         and 80 meters (also on 160, but rarely)  mainly for North  America.
         Skeds via InterNet E-mail: ey8mm@tarl.td.silk.glas.apc.org
FT_ker - From Kerguelen Island, FT5XK  is active and it  is possible to find
         him around 16.00 UTC in SSB on 14136 KHz. QSL via F6KQD. A new ope-
         rator, FB1LYF, will be active in the future as FT5XL in CW/SSB/RTTY
         for a whole year [425DXN 227].
HC8    - HC8N [425DXN 236] is active during the CQWW  CW Contest,  worked by
         WN4KKN, WX3N and AG9A  (Multi/Single).  QSL for HC8N and WN4KKN/HC8
         via AA5BT. For other individual operations QSL via their homecalls.
HP     - During the first two weeks of December,  Ellis (AA4LI) will be  QRV
         from Panama as AA4LI/HP1, with activity mainly in CW  on all bands,
         but only in the evenings, probably around 02.00-05.00.
IA5    - From 26 November to 2 December, Giorgio, IK2OAH/IA5 will  be active
         from Capraia island (EU-028, IIA LI-020). Operations from 10 to 160
         meters, WARC included, in CW/SSB.  QSL via IK2OAH.
IQ4    - After last great  scores, the IQ4A team joins this CQWW CW Contest.
         QSL via I4LCK.
IR3    - Until 3 December, the special IR3GM station is active, to celebrate
         the  Centennial  of the Radio.  Activity by the Marcon (Venice) ARI 
         Section.  Special QSL  via bureau  to I3PVB, direct to: ARI Marcon, 
         P.O. Box 7, 30020 Marcon (VE).
IY1    - The Western Emilia DX Club will join the Italian Contest 40/80 from
         Torre Tigullio Marconi, IY1TTM. Lorenzo (IK4XQM), Vittorio (IK4CIE)
         and Raffaele (IK4CNO)  will try to be  active since the  morning of
         Saturday 9 December to give foreign stations  a chance. In the same
         way also in the  afternoon of Sunday 10  December. Activity in  SSB
         and  CW and probably in RTTY. QSL via IK4XQM (Lorenzo Rosa,  Piazza
         Salsi 5,  43100 Parma-PR), also via bureau. Remember that IY1TTM is
         one of the stations valid for Guglielmo Marconi Award. 
IY4    - Thanks to Giorgio, I4OKV, one of the official operators from Marco-
         nian station in Villa Griffone, Sunday, 26 November IY4FGM  will be
         activated  on  RS10/11,  RS12,  RS15 satellites  and probably  also
         on  FO20. Operations on  afternoon passes, in  CW and SSB.  QSL via
IZ7    - Until  25 December the Lecce ARI Section, together with the Salento
         DX Team, will activate the special IZ7IGM station  from the Techni-
         cal Institute Guglielmo Marconi in Lecce.  QSL via I7PXV.
JD1    - From 23 December to 3 January the station JD1/JQ1SUO will be active
         from Ogasawara Isl. (AS-031). QSL via JQ1SUO: Eiji Shinoda,  3-3-17
         Tomizato Kashiwagi, Chiba 227, Japan.
KG4    - KD4D  and KG4MN join the CQWW CW Contest from Guantanamo Bay in the
         Multi/Single category using the KG4MN call.
KH4    - Bill, KH4/NH6D is currently on Midway Islands  and he should be QRV
         for the  next week. Bill uses a log-periodic beam and hopes to con-
         tact European stations. QSL via home call, NH6D.
KH0    - JA6VZB, JR7OMD and JI3ERV (Diamond Project Team), join the  CQWW DX
         CW Contest from Saipan,  as AH0T  (Multi/Single). All bands  opera-
         tions from 10 to 160 meters. On "Top Band" they will use the 1824.5
         KHz frequency, with QSX for Europe on 1830 - 1835 KHz and for Japan
         on +/- 1910 KHz.   QSL  only via bureau to JA6BSM  (Attention:  not
         JA6VZB, as from other sources).
KH0    - In  mid-March 1996,  Allen, KN6AH (ex ZK1AAH, V63SA) will be active 
         for  4 or  5 days from Saipan and Tinian islands (Northern Mariana, 
         OC-086).  Operations from 10 to 40 meters, in CW and SSB, using 100 
LU     - Alejandro, LU5UL, joins the CQWW DX CW Contest using the AZ9W call,
         which  he will  use again during the ARRL 10 Meter Contest. QSL via 
         LU5UL (1995 CBA).
OH0    - OH3MEP joins the CQWW CW Contest  from Aland islands as  OH0MEP  on
         160 meters (low-power).
OH0    - OH3LQK joins the CQWW CW Contest  from Aland islands as  OH0LQK  on
         80 meters.
OH0    - OH3NLP joins the CQWW CW Contest  from Aland islands as  OH0NLP  on
         15 meters.
OX     - Peter, OX3XR hopes to be QRV on 160 meters every  Wednesday between
         22.40 and 23.00 UTC, on 1825 KHz.  QSL via OZ3PZ. Also OX3LK is ac-
         tive sometimes on "Top Band".
P5     - Martti,  OH2BH, reports that preparations for North Korea  activity
         as P51BH and P51XX are continuinig and there will be soon  an offi-
         cial announce.
PA     - From 26 November to 13 December,  Martine, VE3MR, will be active as
         PA3EVJ from North Sea Coast South group (EU-146).  QSL via VE3MR.
PY0_fn - CT1BOH joins the CQWW DX CW Contest from the PY0FF's station,  Fer-
         nando de Noronha  Island. Find him on 160 meters too, from 23.30 to
         01.30 UTC and every hour.
S7     - Gerard, F2JD has received the licence to work as S79JD [425DXN 234]
         and is now active until the end of November.  QSL via F6AJA.
T9     - The T94EU QSL manager is N2MAU: card can be sent via bureau  but if
         you want a direct answer the new address is: Stephanus Busono, 5235
         Fiore Terrace #410, San Diego, CA 92122, USA.
TU     - From  12 December 1995 to  1 April 1996,  F5UJQ will be active from
         Ivory Coast as TU4DA, working in SSB on bands from  10 to 40 meters
         (on 80 if possible).  QSL via F5LPL, 27 sq. Dufourmentelle, F-94700
         Maisons Alfort, France. 
TY     - The TY5A team  (K5VT, GM3YTS, N7BG, KC7V and G3SXW) is active  from
         Benin [425DXN 232],  joining the CQWW CW Contest in the Multi/Multi
         category.  Five  stations have been  installed near Peter's (TY1PS)
V3     - Tom, KT6V, is active as V31UA during the CQWW DX CW Contest. At the
         end of competition he will be QRV again on WARC bands. QSL via home
         call: Tom Mortin Jr., 230 Emilia Lane, Fallbrook CA 92028, USA.
VK     - From 5 to 11 December the VK1 Division of the Wireless Institute of
         Australia  will activate  the special  VI100GM station to celebrate
         the  Centennial of the  Radio. All  bands operation, in CW, SSB and
         RTTY. QSL to VI100GM:  GPO Box 600, Canberra, ACT, 2601, Australia.
VK0_ant- Graeme Currie, VK0GC, will soon in Antarctica but there is no other
         information. Probably his  destination will be the  Australian Base
VK0_h  - Following what published in previous issues,  Peter, ON6TT, reports
         that as the Heard Island expedition has been postponed to next year
         and not cancelled the team has decided to handle the European funds
         as follows: all European DX clubs that sent supports have been con-
         tacted asking to be refunded or not. The answers were positive: the
         team will continue to handle the funds. The Danish DX Group has do-
         nated other  $1000. If you have sent a contribution and want it re-
         turned contact Peter, ON6TT. If you still want to support, the team
         thank you for the trust in the project. Other contributions will be
         much appreciated via P.O.Box 1, B-9090 Melle, Belgium. There are no
         more T-shirts, so it is necessary to wait for another print. Thanks
         to recent donations by Flanders DX Club,  GM3BQA,  SM7AYV,  OH2BBF,
         F6AJA, IK0FVC, ON4CU,  F3SG, Electrabel (commercial sponsor) and T-
         shirts profits, the European fund is now $ 8918 (dated 17 November)
         Other $ 2800  were promised from Wettern DX Group, URE-DX and  Lynx
         DX Club.
VK0_m  - During  last weekend there were  several  reports about  VK0MI from
         Macquarie islands, but it was a "pirate". For the good news: Warren
         Hull, VH0WH, will go to Macquarie at the end of November for a who-
         le year.
VP5    - KW8N,  N9DX,  W0CG, WD8AUB and W9VNE are active from Turks & Caicos
         Islands as  VP5FOC (Multi/Multi) during the CQWW DX CW Contest. QSL
         via W9VNE, P.O. Box 54482, Cincinnati, Ohio 45254-0482, USA.
W3     - The 16 December,  KA3UNQ/P  will  activate  Prudence  Island  (IOTA
         NA-031; US-ISL RI-008S) on 14250/14255 KHz frequencies.
XE     - The 30  November  a group of  ten XE operators,  leaded by  Eusebio
         "Chevo" (XE1EAA),  will leave from  Mazatlan to Maria Madre island,
         in the  Marias Islands group  (NA-???), using a  Militar Navy ship.
         The activity should start the 2 December until  7 December. For the
         DIMEX (the Mexican Islands award) the reference number is FED10.
ZA     - TL8NG will be active  for at least one year  from Albania using the
         ZA1NG call.  QSL via WA1ECA.
3A     - John, K1VWL, is active from Monaco until 28 November  and joins the
         CQWW CW  Contest  [425DXN230].  Find him on 1824/1828,  3523, 7023,
         10105, 14005 and 18070 KHz. John reports to still have the QSLs for
         his BV/K1VWL and FO0TJ operations.
3DA    - JM1CAX/ZS6CAX is currently in Swaziland, from where is QRV using the
         3DA0NX call. He plans to join the CQWW CW Contest.  QSL via ZS6CAX.
3DA    - The 9 and/or 10 December Jon, 3DA0CA, should be active again on 160
         meters:  find him around 00.00 and 04.30 UTC on 1827 KHz  (QSX +5/6
         KHz). Jon will move from 80 to 160 meters depending on propagation.
3V     - Frank, DL8YHR, hopes to be active from  Tunisia during  March 1996,
         probably from 1 to 10 March. The operations will activate 3V8BB via
         satellite  (AO-10 and AO-13) and via EME  (144 MHz) using 600 watts
         and 4x17 elements yagis.
4U_itu - A group  of DL  operators  (DK1BT,  DK7YY, DL3DXX,  DL7UBA, DL7URH,
         DL7VOA) is active from 4U1ITU station during the CQWW DX CW Contest
         QSL  for this operation via DL3DXX, via bureau or direct.  Dietmar,
         DL3DXX, has also the 1994 CQWW CW Contest logs.
5A     - Ted, LZ1WR, and his daughter, LZ1HH, plan to activate the 5A1A sta-
         tion  in March 1996 using  new monoband beams and improving the low
         bands aerials.
7P     - Ezio, IK4BDZ (ex 9J0A, 9J2EZ, 5H3EZ ecc.), is currently in Lesotho,
         from where is  QRV as 7P8EZ on all  bands in CW and SSB.  Skeds via
         via packet: 7P8EZ @ V51DM.AF. The 7P8EZ manager is I4JEE.
8R     - OH6DO joins the CQWW DX CW Contest from Guyana, using the 8R1K call
9J     - Until 5 December Ely, IN3VZE will be  active from Zambia  using the
         9J2CE call. QSL via home call.
9L     - Paul, 9L1PG, is spending his holidays in United States until 15 De-
         cember. Paul bought a new equipment and an amplifer for his  QTH in
         Freetown. Cecil, NW8F, has sent in Sierra Leone the antennas for 80
         40 and 12 meters.  Starting from the half of December 9L1PG wiil be
         QRV on low bands also.
9X     - Following  what published  in previous number,  Mark (9X/ON4WW) re-
         ports that he received the 9X4WW call and he is using it during the
         CQWW DX CW Contest, working all bands.  QSL via ON5NT.
+ SILENT KEY: DJ5CQ +  Last  23 November  Rudi Mueller,  DJ5CQ, was S.K.; we
met him about one month  ago at the DX Convention  in Bologna. Rudi liked to
be on the "other-side" of the pile-up, working from many DX sites, Lord Howe
Cocos Keeling, Christmas.  Rudi Hein, DK7NP will answer all the requests for
the last Rudi's activity from Cocos Keeling and from Christmas Island.
+ SILENT KEY: WB5CSO +  Last 4 November  was S.K. Mike Russell,  WB5CSO (ex-
VQ9MR), a famous DXer and contestman.
HEARD ISLAND 1996 --> Ralph Fedor,  K0IR, is uncertain  whether his schedule
will allow him  to participate to  Heard Island expedition  in 1996. He  has
therefore decided to turn  over the major responsibility  for the expedition
to Peter ON6TT and Bob KK6EK. Here are some prominant points:
1. Safety will be a central and determining factor in all plans.
2. The team will be expanded, perhaps to 20, although not all  will be radio
amateurs. Team members will contribute  equal financial  shares. Most of the
previous operators will join the 1996 expedition and also Carlos Nascimento,
NP4IW, will be available for the group.
3. The budget  will have to be increased.  They will need lots of help. Con-
tributions will be tax-deductible.
4. The principal radio goal will be to get everyone in the log.They will ma-
ke extensive use of recent  technical innovations to  assist that. They also
expect to  set a new world record for the  number of contacts from a DXpedi-
5. The management and progress of the project will  be much more public, and
your input and participation will be most welcome.

They have decided to take a few weeks to develop the new plans to be announ-
ced on Dec. 15.  Between now and then, you could  help them in several ways:
If you can make  a pledge of $100, $1000,  or $10000, please do so (via K0IR
or the NCDXF). If you  are potentially interested in  participating, contact
KK6EK, ON6TT, or K0IR. They need a person  to act as a semi-professional  PR
person, to  interface with media  and seek support  through  media contacts.
They  need  an  Internet  communications  person to  search and  communicate
through the  Web and through  e-mail. They would like to find a professional
film  or video person  to do a  documentary for  international markets (that
person must find support).

IY3GMM --->  The  17,  18  and  19  November the  special station IY3GMM was
activated. QSL Manager is IN3NMP, via bureau.
4U/KC0PA --->  Rudi (VE9RHS) reports to have finally received  the logs from
Tim, 4U/KC0PA, Western Sahara. Be patient for some weeks  as there  are 2000
QSL waiting to be sent out; every card will be answered.
JY8XY ---> Bob, WB9YXY reports to have logged about 32.000 QSO, 2.500 in CW  
and 1.100 on 80 and 40 meters. Due to lack of room  for  antenna he was not 
active on 160 meters. Bob, thanks to WB9B, gave the RTTY equipment to JY4MB,
who is now active in that mode.  Bob left the 80  meters antenna  to JY5SK.
QSL for JY8XY will be sent very quickly.
IR4J ---> IR4J is the call used by Ferrara ARI Section  during main contests
in 1995.  QSL via I4JEE.
IY4ARI, IY4FGM, IY4OTA ---> IK4QJH is the QSL manager for IY4OTA,  IK4DCT is
the IY4ARI manager, while for IY4FGM requests go via bureau (ARI Bologna).
IQ4A ---> The QSL managers of IQ4A are  IK4QJH (for SSB QSOs) and I4LCK (for
CW QSO's).
NCDXF ---> The  Northern California DX  Foundation has elected Eric, W6DU as
President;  Vice President Len, K6ANP;  Secretary Jack, W6ISQ; Treasury Bru-
ce, W6OSP. The Directive is formed by  AA6MC, W6OAT, W6QHS, W6RGG,  N6ST and
INDIA, VU ---> Zal (VU2DK) suggests to use the following precautions sending
direct QSLs to his country:  "Use strong and well closed  envelopes, nothing
of the content should be seen.  Don't write any callsign to bring any atten-
tion. The local post situation is very bad, looking to rob "green stamps" so
try to hide the content.

OD5ZZ, OD5RAK, OD50RAK --->  Dwaine, WA8MEM is no more in contact with Walid
(OD5ZZ)  then  he will no  more be  the QSL  manager  for OD5ZZ , OD5RAK and
OD50RAK. Those who sent a direct card will receive it back as soon as possi-
ble. Dwaine is very sorry for all this trouble.
SV1DET/8 (EU-052) --->  Jim, SV1DET, is back from Corfu Island where he log-
ged abot 1000 QSO. Jim will start to send QSLs in two weeks. His address is:
Jim Tsifakis, 30-32 Kanari str, 185 38 Piraeus, Greece.
YC9COD --->  Tom, DL7AV, reports that the YC9COD station, active  during the
past CQWW SSB Contest,  isn't in the Callbooks, but QSLs can  be sent to the
QSL manager YC9BMU, direct or bureau.

HS7ECI --->  Juha,  OH4JK, is receiving  QSL requests for  HS7ECI operations
but he is NOT the QSL manager.
ZS8 ---> ZR1DCE/ZS8  is a new beacon located  on Marion Island and active on
50.200 MHz.
RUSSIA ---> If you  fear that "green stamps"  in your QSL directed to Russia
can be robbed try to write  UEHHOCTEW HET  on the envelope, that in Russian,
means "no value". Try first worry later.
QSL ---> Victor Pechorkin  (UH8EA, RH0E, EZ5AA) is now in  United States and
has the logs for his operations.   QSL via W5BWA,  5812 Hiawatha Dr, Alexan-
dria, LA 71301, USA.
QSL ---> Art,  NN7A, reports that the problem  at the W7 QSL bureau has been
solved. All the bureau  requests for his V31JZ,  VK3FBM and UA9F/NN7A opera-
tions have been answered.

PR8FT --->  Ron  (PS7AB) reports  the new address of PR8FT (SA-016; DIB 07):
Fernando J. Aranha, Box 349, 65001-970, Sao Luis, MA, Brazil.
DIB - BRAZILIAN ISLANDS AWARD  --->  This is the November 1995 chart:
Isl.   Call        Mode   Isl.   Call        Mode   Isl.   Call        Mode 
 36    PS7AB       PHONE   21    VE3XN       MIXED   20    UB5ECE      PHONE
 35    PT2TZ       PHONE   21    PP5LL       PHONE   20    PY5PS       PHONE
 30    W9DC        MIXED   21    PP5AVM      CW      20    PY4WZ       MIXED
 30    PY2DBU      MIXED   21    IK1GPG      MIXED   20    PY2CC       MIXED
 30    PY2AE       MIXED   21    IK8OZZ      MIXED   20    PT7YS       PHONE
 30    PT2NP       MIXED   21    HH2HM/F     PHONE   20    PT2AZ       MIXED
 30    CT1AHU      PHONE   21    HB9BVV      PHONE   20    PS8YL       PHONE
 30    4Z4DX       MIXED   21    EA5BKH      PHONE   20    PP5SC       PHONE
 26    PY8EA       MIXED   21    EA3KB       PHONE   20    PP5DU       MIXED
 25    PT7VBN      PHONE   21    DE0MST      SWL     20    N1CNS       PHONE
 23    CT1UE (SK)  PHONE   20    I1JQJ       MIXED   20    HB9CZW      PHONE
 22    PT7BI       PHONE   20    I8YRK       MIXED   20    CT4UW       PHONE
 22    PS8ET       PHONE   20    IK0OEG      PHONE 
QSL received:  IA5S (EU-028;  IIA GR-007,  GR-009),  IJ7/IK7JWX (EU-091; IIA
LE-001), IM0/IS0UPR (EU-024, IIA NU-016), WP4ADA/W5, Z32BU.
*                              425 DX NEWS                                 *
*                        DX info weekly bulletin                           *
*       edited by Mauro  Pregliasco, I1JQJ  and Piero Forno, IK1IYU        *
*       with  the  contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171        *
              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
IK8SMZ, I0TXW, IK0IHA, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group,  CT1ENQ,
PY-DX, NPDXG, VK2SG RTTY DX, The 59(9) DX Report.                           
* Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
*          Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to         *
*      Piero Forno, IK1IYU  (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it)      *
*                  INTERNET e-mail :  I121171@amsat.org                    *
*         425 WWW Page -->  http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html      *
*                   INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site:                    *
*   promet12.cineca.it  - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/   *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
                  * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *
                      TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751
                      DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613
                       SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422
                      ARRL HQ BBS USA :  203-666-0578
                      CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921
                HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677
                       WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183

25 November 1995                                                     no.238
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                           edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF
till  31/12      A4=A4/25 * special event                               233
till  31/11      CT3/DK8WF, CT3/DL2HYH, CT3/DF5AN, CT3/DL4ZBI           236
till  27/11      CO1OTA: Los Colorados Arch. (NA-093)                   233
till  30/11      DU=4D63                                                238
till  ??         FT5XK                                                  238
till  02/12      HI * by DL1GKG, DL2GGA                                 236
till  03/12      IR3GM * special event station                          238
till  25/12      IZ7IGM * special event station                         238
till  15/04      JX4CJA & JX3EX * by LA4CJA & LA3EX                     228
till  ??         KH4/NH6D                                               238
till  25/11      OH0/DL6UAA: Aland Islands                              236
till  ??         P4 * by N7NG                                           237
till  end Nov    S79JD * by F2JD                                        234
till  04/12      S92PI: Principe Isl. (AF-044) * by F5OGL               236
till  28/11      T32BE * by WC5P                                        231
till  28/11      VP2EFO * by K8MFO                                      223
till  27/11      VP2MEJ * by JH1NBN                                     233
till  28/11      WP2AHW: Virgin Is. * by WD5N                           237
till  27/11      XZ1A * by JA1BK, JA6LDD, JH1KRC                        237
till  28/11      YV5 (4M5X) * by WM2C, WS4E, K0PP, KE7X, WX9E           236
till  28/11      ZL7CW * WB8YJF                                         232
till  08/12      ZL7PYD * K8PYD                                         232
till  30/11      ZF2RF * by K4UVT                                       236
till  28/11      ZF2RR * by N8SR                                        236
till  28/11      3A/K1VWL                                               230
till  ??         3B8/N6ZZ                                               236
till  ??         3DA0NX * by JM1CAX/ZS6CAX                              238
till  ??         4S7/HB9AMO                                             229
till  28/11      8P9HT * by K4BAI                                       233
till  03/12      8Q7VJ & 8Q7WD * by G4ZVJ & G4RWD                       232
till  29/11      9H3UX * by DL2DN                                       237
till  05/12      9J2CE * by IN3VZE                                      238
23/11-27/11      ZF2AY * by K9LA                                        236
24/11-27/11      VK9XH: Christmas Isl. * by JA1CMD                      236
25/11-26/11      A61AF * by K1XM & KQ1F                                 236
25/11-26/11      AH0T * by JA6VZB, JR7OMD, JI3ERV                       238
25/11-26/11      AZ9W * by LU5UL                                        238
25/11-26/11      DU * by OH2BH & OH0XX                                  236
25/11-26/11      EA1BT/p: Isla Grande (DIE N-142)                       237
25/11-26/11      ED4SEG/1: Isla Zorraclin                               237
25/11-26/11      EI7M * by East Cork Radio Club                         237
25/11-26/11      FO0ZR * by WA9INK                                      236
25/11-26/11      GU3HFN * Guernsey Amateur Radio Society                233
25/11-26/11      HC8N * by WN4KKN's team                                236
25/11-26/11      HL9CW * by HL9DC                                       233
25/11-26/11      IG9A: Lampedusa Isl. (AF-019) * by UA3DPX              235
25/11-26/11      IG9: Lampedusa Isl. (AF-019) * by I team               217
25/11-26/11      II1BI * ARI Biella                                     235
25/11-26/11      IO2L: ARI Lissone                                      234
25/11-26/11      IQ2W: ARI Limbiate                                     231
25/11-31/11      IQ2X: ARI Brescia                                      230
25/11-26/11      IQ4A                                                   238
25/11-26/11      IR3X * by Vecio Piave Team                             228
25/11-26/11      IZ6GM                                                  236
25/11-26/11      J48Y: Salamis Isl. (EU-075) * by SV1BKN                227
25/11-26/11      KG4MN * KD4D & KG4MN                                   238
25/11-26/11      LX4B * by OH2PQ                                        237
25/11-26/11      OH0MEP, OH0LQK, OH0NLP * by OH3MEP, OH3LQK, OH3NLP     238
25/11-26/11      PY0FF * by CT1BOH                                      238
25/11-26/11      T99MT: Radio Club Novo Sarajevo                        230
25/11-26/11      TA4ZM * by DK5WL                                       236
25/11-26/11      TK2C * by Bavarian Contest Club                        232
25/11-26/11      TM2RDS * special event station                         228
25/11-26/11      TX8FU * by FK8FU                                       236
25/11-26/11      TY5A * by G3SXW, GM3YTS, K5VT, KC7V, N7BG              232
25/11-26/11      V31UA * by KT6V                                        238
25/11-28/11      V73WP * by JA1WPX                                      236
25/11-26/11      VP5FOC * by WD8AUB, W9VNE, N9DX, W0CG                  223
25/11-26/11      ZB2X * by OH2KI                                        237
25/11-26/11      ZP5XYE * by JA7XYE                                     237
25/11-26/11      ZX2A * by PT2BW                                        232
25/11-26/11      3V5A * by YT1AD                                        228
25/11-26/11      3V8BB * by DJ7IK, DL8OBC, DL2OBF                       236
25/11-26/11      4U0ITU * by DL team                                    238
25/11-26/11      8R1K * by OH6DO                                        238
25/11-26/11      9Y * by DL1VJ                                          237
25/11-26/11      CQ WWDX CW Contest                                     ***
26/11-02/12      IA5/IK2OAH: Capraia Isl. (EU-028; IIA LI-020)          238
26/11-13/12      PA3EVJ: EU-146 * by VE3MR                              238
26/11-10/12      6Y5/G3XAQ/qrp                                          237
27/11-28/11      V2/JH1NBN                                              233
November         A51JS * by VK9NS                                  ???  232
November-Dec     FT5XL: Kerguelen * by FB1LYF                           238
November         VK9XRS * by ND3A                                       232
November-Dec     VK0WH: Macquarie                                       238
end November-Dec 5Z4JD * by F2JD                                        236