18 November 1995 No.237 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU BY - Since 12 November is active the BY7KQ/7 station from Guishan Dao (22.08N-113.49N, NO-REF). Yuki, JI6KVR invited operators to be QRV for Europe Sunday 19 November on 21260 KHz around 0700 UTC. QSL via BG7JA (Box 1239, Canton, China). CE9_ssh- CE9AP is active from Chilean antarctic base Capitan Arturo Prat (WABA CE-01) located on Greenwich Isl., in South Shetlands. QSL via CE2LOL. CE0_eas- During the trip back to Japan, ZP5XYE (JA7AYE) and ZP5XQV (JA7XQV) will stop in Easter Island. Operations between 30 December 1995 and 3 January 1996, mainly in CW, using the XQ0/JA7AYE call. QSL via JA7AYE. D2 - From Angola, Valy, D2/YO3YX [425DXN 214], is still working in a U.N. hospital and he is often on 21273 KHz (1700-1830 UTC) and on 14226 (around 2030 UTC). Valy will back at the end of the year but another operator, D2/YO9CWY, will soon be active for several months on all bands. EA1 - The 25 and 26 November, ED4SEG/1 will be active from Zorraclin isl. QSL via EA4ENQ. EA1 - The 25 and 26 November EA1BT/p will be active from Isla Grande (DIE N-142). QSL via EA1BT. EA4 - The 19 november, EA4ENK/p will be active from La Trompeta isl (DIEI BA-02) and/or from Baden island (DIEI BA-19). QSL via EA5OL. EA4 - The 17 December, EA4ENK/p will be active from El Ciego island (DIEI BA-10). QSL via EA5OL. EA4 - The 6 December EA4ENK/p will be active from Cogolludos island (DIEI BA-14). QSL via EA5OL. EA4 - The 3 December, EA4ENK/p will be active from Bodegon island (DIEI BA-16). QSL via EA5OL. EI - The East Cork Radio Group (EI7M) will join the CQWW DX CW Contest on all bands. QSL via EI6HB (Denis O' Flynn, Ladysbridge P.O., Castlemartyr, Co. Cork, Ireland). F - The planned activity from Ile du Planier [425DXN 235] has been postponed due to operators' family problems. HS - From 17 to 19 November the HS8SEA [425DXN 221] station is active during the SEANET Convention (the South East Asia Net, daily on +/- 14320 KHz at 1200 UTC), in Ko Samui (AS-101, CQ Zone 26). The ope- rations are in CW, SSB, RTTY, PACKET and AMTOR, on all HF bands (expecially on 80m) and via satellite (AO-10, AO-13, all RSs). HS - From 8 December 1995 to 12 January 1996, Ralf, DL2FDK will be acti- ve as HS0/DL2FDK on bands from 40 to 10 meters in SSB/CW/PACTOR. QSL via homecall. I - The Tessello DX Team will join the CQWW CW Contest using the IQ4T call. The operators will be I4YTE, IK4HVR, I4IFL, I4CZS. QSL via IK4HVR. IM0 - Sunday 19 November, IS0UPR, IS0KEB and IS0BDF will be active, if weather permits, from Sa Mesalonga island (IOTA EU-024, IIA OR-005) IZ - From 1 to 10 December the special IZ6TCO station will be active to celebrate Temistocle Calzecchi Onesti, inventor of the coherer. KL - N6IV/KL7,NL7TB and others are planning again to activate the Barren Is (NA-???). The operation, which should take place from Ushagat Island from 4 to 8 July 1996, will use the NL7TB call with simple wire antennas and 100 watts. They will use an helicopter. QSL via NL7TB. KP2 - From 21 to 28 November, Dave, WD5N, will be active from St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, as WP2AHW. Dave will join the CQWW CW Contest on all bands. Before and after the competition, CW activity on low and WARC bands. QSL via homecall. LX - OH2PQ will join the CQWW CW Contest on 80 mtrs using the LX4B call. QSL via LX1TI. P4 - At the end of November, Wayne, N7NG, will be active, mainly on WARC bands, from Aruba. He plans to join the CQWW CW Contest using the P49V or P40V call. PY - From 1 to 3 December, the PQ5L (CW) and PT5M (SSB) stations will be active on all bands from Mel Island, Parana State Group (SA-047; DIB 24). QSL via PP5LL, Jaime Lira do Vale, P.O.Box 08, 88010-970, Florianopolis, SC, Brasil. SM - Samir, T94BO will join the CQWW DX CW Contest from Sweden using the SM7/T94BO call, in the Single Operator Single Band 160m (low power) category. QSL via SM7/T94BO, Samir Popaja, V.Sandviksgatan 24, S-252 28 Helsingborg, Sweden. TU - From 21 November, Peter, ON6TT, will be for four weeks in Ivory Coast joing the International Red Cross. Most of his equipments is still in Australia for the aborted Heard Island expedition then he will not be very active. V2 - Doug, N3ADL, reports that requests for his recent V26DX activity [425DXN 231] must be sent to the new QSL manager KK3S, Jacobus J. "Koos" Berrovoets, 160 Valley Road, Windsor, PA 17336, USA. VK6 - Malcolm, VK6LC, is planning an expedition to Sandy Island, in the Lacepede islands group (OC-???), for the next May. The four Lacepe- de islands (West, Middle, Sandy and East: 122.10E-16.55S) are lo- cated in the Indian Ocean, 50Km. from the coast and they are a na- tural reserve. Malcom already gor the permissions and hopes to give soon the final details. VK8 - From 22 December 1995 to 6 January 1996, Stuart, VK8NSB will be por- table from Groote Eylandt island (OC-141). Activity in CW (on 3535, 21135, 28125 KHz) and SSB ( on 3618, 3795, 21260, 28460 KHz). QSL via VK8HA. W4 - W4/YV5DTA has been active, last 11 November, from Cape Canaveral (NA-138). QSL via Steve Morao, 1920 NE 1 TERR # 104H., Ft. Lauder- dale, FL 33305, USA. XZ - From 22 to 27 November, JA6LDD, JH1KRC and JA1BK will be active again as XZ1A. The activity, with particular look for North Ameri- ca, is planned using three simultaneous stations, from 10 to 160 meters (top band from 22 to 24 November), WARC included. They plan to join the CQWW CW Contest. QSL via JA1BK. YB8 - Since 15 November is QRV the YE8V station from Banda island(OC-157) QSL via YB8VM. YS - Tom, K8LA, from 18 to 28 November will be active from El Salvador as YS1ZTM, working CW only. Tom hopes to join the CQWW DX CW Con- test. QSL via homecall. ZB - Jorma, OH2KI, will join the CQWW CW Contest on 10 meters using the ZB2X call. QSL via home call. ZP - After two years in Paraguay, Nob ZP5XYE (JA7AYE)and his wife ZP5XQV (JA7XQV) are returning to Japan. Nob will end his activity from Pa- raguay joining the CQWW CW Contest as ZP0R. 5R - Ben, PA3BXC has terminated his 5R8DS activity [425DXN 234] last 29 October, Sunday, around 0800 UTC, and has returned in the Nether- lands, where he found the wife, sons and QSLs: he logged about 3000 QSO with South America, 40000 QSO with North America, 31000 with Europe and 16000 with Asia. Ben says: "I'm receiving too many IRCs and greenstamps. I'm very happy but I don't want to be rich then I need only one IRC or greenstamp to cover the expedition's costs and I can confirm two QSO on a single card. The other cards will be re- turned via bureau." 5R - Ray, 7P8SR, will leave Lesotho to go in Madagascar but he will not be active before April 1996. 6Y - From 26 November to 10 December Alan, G3XAQ will be portable 6Y5 from Jamaica. CW activity using 5 watts QRP. QSL via homecall. 7P - In December 7P8SR will leave the Lesotho. He is the only one regu- larly active in CW and on low bands. Find him on 3502 KHz around 0330 UTC, on 7018 KHz around 0245 UTC and 21010 KHz around 1530 UTC 9H - From 22 to 29 November, Herbert, DL2DN will be QRV from Malta as 9H3UX joining the CQWW DX CW Contest. Before and after the competi- tion he will be active on bands from 15 to 40 mtrs (WARC included). 9X - Mark,9X/ON4WW is QRV again on 160 metres, after solving some anten- nas problems. Find him on 1830 KHz around 2030 UTC (for America on Friday and Saturday on 1827.5 KHz around 2330/0200 UTC and 0330/ 0345 UTC, the local sunrise). 9Y - Bernd, DL1VJ, will join the CQWW DX CW Contest from Tobago Island (SA-009), in the Single Operator/All Bands category. **************************************************************************** XZ1A ----> Following what published in previous number, the XZ1A's QSLs will be handled as follows: (1) QSL labels will be printed by computer after log is entered. (2) Four QSO data will be printed on each label. (3) Only one set of labels will be printed. This is to protect the integrity of the QSL process. Second QSLs will not be issued for this operation. (4) Multi-band QSLs must be requested in ONE envelope only. Please don't send requests for separate band, mode, etc. in a separate envelope. Reason ; for example, if you contact QSO of both CW and SSB in 14MHz and 21MHz, label will be issued for 4 contacts. When we receive first SASE from you only request 14MHz CW, there can be two procedures. 4-1 We issue QSL, crossing out the 3 contacts other than 14MHz CW. 4-2 We keep the SASE in hospital box until we confirm all 4 cantacts. (This procedure is to force the manager to do unnecessary job to check 4 times.) (5) In the case of SASE of BS7H, it can not be sent to 80% stations of Europe and 70% station of U.S.A. by airmail, due to short of postage. XZ1A QSL will be two-folded card. We can mail only one QSL for 10g. We will send it by sea mail to the stations of short-postage. (6) Remember, second QSL cards will not be issued. This is a security measure. (7) Please do not use registered mail or special delivery. (8) The correct sddress is; Kan Mizoguchi 5-3, Sakuragaoka 4 Chome, Tama-City, Tokyo 206, JAPAN *IMPORTANT* If you did send cards to the P.O. Box in Tokyo, please DON'T resend them. They will be collected. (9) Please don't send cards for other operations handled by JA1BK along with the XZ1A card. (10)This is a new method being used for handling by a computer. It is different from that used in the past. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. XR0Y/Z ---> Bob, KK6EK, reports that XR0Y and XR0Z QSLs have a little delay due to the aborted Heard Island operation. Logs are still to be prepared and QSL have not yet been printed but they should be ready in few weeks. Bob re- minds that "automatic QSls" (those printed in pink and green) are not valid for DXCC. PANAMA ---> Jose, HP2CWB, reports that, due to local postal problems, until 31 December 1996 a new address in U.S.A. will be used for requests directed to HP1CWB, HP2DFU, HP2CWB/P, H92A, HP9I, 3F2C, H33C, HO3C, 3F0T. Send a SAE and an IRC or a greenstamp to Jose NG Lee, Disney International, PTY-201, P.O.Box 02-5275, Miami, Florida 33102-5275, USA. FILE CQWW.CTY UPDATED ---> For CT users, the new CQWW.CTY and ARRL.CTY fi- les are available on Internet, updated after the CQWW DX SSB Contest. Look at this WWW site -> http://ve7tcp.ampr.org/ftp/software/ct/cqww.cty VK1 QSL BUREAU ---> Jim, VK1FF, reports that the new VK1 QSL bureau address is the following: VK1 ACT Division, QSL Bureau Manager, GPO Box 600, Can- berra, ACT 2601, Australia. DL8AAM ---> Tom, DL8AAM, reports that the last item of direct-outgoing-QSLs for 5X4A and 5X4B from Kitgum will be in the mail the next days. If anybody will not get them in next future, please do NOT resubmit, because he has no logs for some periods in 1995 and for 5X4A/p (Kampala), must be lost. He will ask the OP to send a second copy from Uganda. So if your QSL will not arrive, please be patient. He can also confirm all QSOs for arctic DXpe- dition ex via RW3DR (about 20 Calls) and his activity from Lamu Island un- der 5Z4FU/A in Nov 1993. He has now problems to get the logs of 4L4MM, so it is better now to try it via the OP himself (Merab Shinjikashvili, Box 97, Tblisi 380004, Rep. of Georgia). For QSLs he got for Merab he will try to clear up, but please do not send him new requests. Please remind: he prefers the bureau. KF0UI ---> On 3 November John, KF0UI, has been hospitalized for a sudden illness. John is the QSL manager for many stations (as HP1XVH EL2RR, LX1RQ and XE1/W6EFR) and he should be soon back home but he needs a while before answering again the cards. SWEDEN --> In few weeks first stations from Sweden will use the new SH pre- fix, issued for the Novices. There are two kind of Novice licences in Swe- den, one with the CW code, the other not. The first one permits to work in CW on 3.5, 7, 21 and 28 MHz and phone on 28, 144 and 432 MHz, while the second phone only on 144 and 432 MHz. The "classic" SM licences are divided into two classes, with and without CW. These ones permit 50 Mhz and up only. Just a note: to work on 6 mtrs band, in Sweden, it is necessary to pay double of the normal licence taxes, which permits the use of all the other bands. SMOM ---> The recent activities of 1A0KM are pirates. Last operations from SMOM took place in July 1994. QSL ---> On 17 November, all the direct requests for the IK1GPG/WY6 (NA-066) activity have been answered and also the bureau requests for IP1/IK1GPG, IP1/I2MWZ and IP1/IK2OWX in 1994 and 1995. QSL ---> Cards for JT1Z, JT1FAU, JT1FAV, JT1FAX, JT1FAW and JT1FAZ opera- tions will be handled by K6VNX, via direct or bureau. The QSLs will probably be ready in the next spring. QSL received: A43GI (AS-119), IJ7/IK7VJX (EU-091, LE-002), IJ7/IK7XIV (EU-091, LE-001), IM0RUH (EU-165, SS-056), IO1GTM, SV0HS/SV9, TA3/DL3MGK/P (AS-098), V29AD, V5/ZS6YG. QSL received trhough the WF5E "DX QSL Service" : HP9I (NA-203), HP2CWB/P (NA-202), PY1UP (SA-079), VI0ANT, ZK1KH, 3A2LF, 9M8FC. **************************************************************************** * 425 DX NEWS * * DX info weekly bulletin * * edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Piero Forno, IK1IYU * * with the contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171 * **************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, IK1HJS, IK1RLK, IK2WXQ, I4IFL, I4LCK, I5FLN, I6AYS, IK7AFM, I0AMU, IS0JMA, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, DC3MF, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL9GOA, EA5KB, FA1UQL, F5CCO, F6AJA, F6FVY, G4BUE, HS1GOS, JA1BK, JH1ORA, ON6TT, OZ1LQH, PS7AB, PT7WA, SM7/T94BO, SM7HCJ, VK1FF, VK6LC, WB2YQH, N3ADL, W4/YV5DTA, W4MWT, WD5N, KK6EK, WL7MY, NL7TB, K8LA, WD8MGQ, K0IR, ZP6CW, 9K2HN, 9X/ON4WW, DXNS, LNDX, OPDX, QRZ-DX, URE-EA-DX, ARRL-DX, PY-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, VK2SG RTTY DX. **************************************************************************** * Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to * * Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to * * Piero Forno, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it) * **************************************************************************** * INTERNET e-mail : I121171@amsat.org * * 425 WWW Page --> http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html * * INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: * * promet12.cineca.it - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/ * **************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422 ARRL HQ BBS USA : 203-666-0578 CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA : 604-480-1677 WARP DRIVE USA : 804-587-8183 18 November 1995 no.237 ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU PERIOD CALL REF till 31/12 A4=A4/25 * special event 233 till ? BY7KQ/7: Guishan Dao (NO-REF) 237 till 31/11 CT3/DK8WF, CT3/DL2HYH, CT3/DF5AN, CT3/DL4ZBI 236 till 20/11 HS8SEA: Ko Samui (AS-101) * Seanet Convention 95 237 till 15/04 JX4CJA & JX3EX * by LA4CJA & LA3EX 228 till end Nov S79JD * by F2JD 234 till 28/11 T32BE * by WC5P 231 till 20/11 X85COL: Mexico * special event station 234 till ? YE8V: Banda Isl. (OC-157) 237 till 20/11 9M * by F6BFH, F5LGQ, F6AOI, F6AUS, F9IE 226 18/11-19/11 CQ4I: Ilhote Trombotas by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU 190 18/11-19/11 CT3FN/p: Ilhas Desertas (AF-046) 236 18/11-25/11 OH0/DL6UAA: Aland Islands 236 18/11-19/11 WH2M * by JE7RJZ 233 18/11-28/11 VP2EFO * by K8MFO 223 18/11-28/11 YS1ZTM * by K8LA 237 18/11-20/11 9G * by G3SXW, GM3YTS, K5VT, KC7V, N7BG 232 19/11 EA4ENK/p: Isla Baden (DIEI BA-19) 237 19/11 EA4ENK/p: Isla La Trompeta (DIEI BA-02) 237 19/11 IM0: Sa Mesalonga Isl. (EU-165) (IIA OR-005) * by IS0 237 19/11 IR1LS: Alba * special event station 237 20/11-21/11 4U1ITU * by AA1AC 235 21/11-02/12 HI * by DL1GKG, DL2GGA 236 21/11-20/12 TU * by ON6TT 237 21/11-28/11 WP2AHW: Virgin Is. * by WD5N 237 21/11-28/11 YV5 (4M5X) * by WM2C, WS4E, K0PP, KE7X, WX9E 236 21/11-30/11 ZF2RF * by K4UVT 236 21/11-28/11 ZF2RR * by N8SR 236 21/11-28/11 ZL7CW * WB8YJF 232 21/11-08/12 ZL7PYD * K8PYD 232 21/11-28/11 3A * K1VWL 230 21/11-28/11 8P9HT * by K4BAI 233 21/11-03/12 8Q7VJ & 8Q7WD * by G4ZVJ & G4RWD 232 22/11-25/11 C6A/WB8GEX 236 22/11-04/12 S92PI: Principe Isl. (AF-044) * by F5OGL 236 22/11-27/11 XZ1A * by JA1BK, JA6LDD, JH1KRC 237 22/11-29/11 9H3UX * by DL2DN 237 23/11-27/11 CO1OTA: Los Colorados Arch. (NA-093) 233 23/11-27/11 V2 & VP2M * by JH1NBN 233 23/11-27/11 ZF2AY * by K9LA 236 24/11-27/11 VK9XH: Christmas Isl. * by JA1CMD 236 25/11-26/11 A61AF * by K1XM & KQ1F 236 25/11-26/11 DU * by OH2BH & OH0XX 236 25/11-26/11 EA1BT/p: Isla Grande (DIE N-142) 237 25/11-26/11 ED4SEG/1: Isla Zorraclin 237 25/11-26/11 EI7M * by East Cork Radio Club 237 25/11-26/11 FO0ZR * by WA9INK 236 25/11-26/11 GU3HFN * Guernsey Amateur Radio Society 233 25/11-26/11 HC8N * by WN4KKN's team 236 25/11-26/11 HL9CW * by HL9DC 233 25/11-26/11 IG9A: Lampedusa Isl. (AF-019) * by UA3DPX 235 25/11-26/11 IG9: Lampedusa Isl. (AF-019) * by I team 217 25/11-26/11 II1BI * ARI Biella 235 25/11-26/11 IO2L: ARI Lissone 234 25/11-26/11 IQ2W: ARI Limbiate 231 25/11-31/11 IQ2X: ARI Brescia 230 25/11-26/11 IR3X * by Vecio Piave Team 228 25/11-26/11 IZ6GM 236 25/11-26/11 J48Y: Salamis Isl. (EU-075) * by SV1BKN 227 25/11-26/11 LX4B * by OH2PQ 237 25/11-26/11 T99MT: Radio Club Novo Sarajevo 230 25/11-26/11 TA4ZM * by DK5WL 236 25/11-26/11 TK2C * by Bavarian Contest Club 232 25/11-26/11 TM2RDS * special event station 228 25/11-26/11 TX8FU * by FK8FU 236 25/11-26/11 TY5A * by G3SXW, GM3YTS, K5VT, KC7V, N7BG 232 25/11-28/11 V73WP * by JA1WPX 236 25/11-26/11 VP5FOC * by WD8AUB, W9VNE, N9DX, W0CG 223 25/11-26/11 ZB2X * by OH2KI 237 25/11-26/11 ZP5XYE * by JA7XYE 237 25/11-26/11 ZX2A * by PT2BW 232 25/11-26/11 3V5A * by YT1AD 228 25/11-26/11 3V8BB * by DJ7IK, DL8OBC, DL2OBF 236 25/11-26/11 9Y * by DL1VJ 237 25/11-26/11 CQ WWDX CW Contest *** 26/11-10/12 6Y5/G3XAQ/qrp 237 November A51JS * by VK9NS ??? 232 November FT5XL: Kerguelen * by FB1LYF 227 end November P4 * N7NG 237 November VK9XRS * by ND3A 232 end November YS1X * by NL7GP 236 end November-Dec 5Z4JD * by F2JD 236 end November 3B8/N6ZZ 236 mid November 4S7/HB9AMO 229 mid November 8R1GZ * by WZ6C 236