DX425 bulletin issue nr. 236

11 November 1995                                                      No.236
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                           edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU

A6     - Charlotte,  KQ1F and Paul, K1XM will join the CQWW DX CW Contest as
         A61AF (multi-single category).  They plan to be  active before  and
         after the competition. QSL via N1QMM.
A9     - Bob, N3NGC, is active with the A92GD call.  Operations in all modes
         and all bands but Bob prefers RTTY and digital modes. QSL via K1SE.
C6     - From 22 to 25 November Joe, WB8GEX will be active from Little Abaco
         as WB8GEX/C6A. QSL via home call.
C6     - From mid-December  to  mid-February   and from mid-March to  mid-A-
         pril Bill,  KM1E will be  active from  Green Turkey  Cay using  the
         C6AGN call. All bands operation particularly on 160 and 6 meters.
CT3    - From  16 to 31 November Werner  (DK8WF), Hermann (HB9CRV) and Siggi
         (DL2HYH) will be active from Madeira  [425DXN  233] using the  CT3/
         DK8WF,  CT3/DL2HYH, CT3/DF5AN  and CT3/DL4ZBI calls.  Operations on
         WARC bands and in  160/80 meters. They plan to  join the CQWW DX CW
         Contest: DK8WF will be active in 160 meters as CR9X; HB9CRV will be
         active in  80 meters as  CT3FN and DL2HYH in 20 meters as CR9U. QSL
         via  home calls. From 18  to 19 November,  if weather allows and if
         they  have  the  landing   permissions, the  group  should activate
         Ilhas Desertas (AF-046) using the CT3FN/P call.  QSL via HB9CRV.
CY0    - VE9AA, WA8JOC and W9OEH who  already have the licence for the CY0AA
         call, are planning a ten day  expedition to Sable Island in June 96
         working mainly from 6 to 30 meters. For contributions  and  further
         details contact VE9AA or WA8JOC.
DU     - OH2BH and OH0XX will join the CQWWDX CW Contest (multi-single cate-
         gory) from DU9RG's QTH. A special call is expected.
FK     - FK8FU joined the CQWW DX SSB Contest and will join the CW  competi-
         tion as TX8FU.
FK     - From 5 to 6 December, FK8GP/p might be active from Observation Cay,
         Bellona Plateau group (OC-176).
FO     - Sig, WA9INK will  join the CQWW DX CW Contest from Tahiti as FO0ZR.
         The operations will start fifteen days  before the competition. QSL
         via K1RH.
HC8    - Trey, WN4KKN together with other operators will join the CQWW DX CW
         Contest  (multi-single category)  from Galapagos islands  using the
         HC8N call.
HI     - Michael, DL1GKG, and Andreas, DL2GGA, are planning an activity from
         Dominican Republic to take place between 21 November and 2 December
         during the CQWW DX CW Contest; they plan  to use  the equipment and
         the call of a local club station.
IL     - Monday 6 November, Giovanni (IK3TTY) was portable IL3 from Torcello
         island (EU-131, IIA VE-011).
IZ     - From 25 to 26  November the  special IZ6GM  station will be  active
         from Pescara.  All bands operations in SSB and RTTY (CW on request)
         QSL via IK6BOB.
JY     - Mohammed, JY4MB, member of the Jordanian Royal Family is now active
         in RTTY.  He has been reported  between 1200-1300 UTC and 1800-1900
         UTC on 14.088 MHz.
KG4    - From 5 to 12 December Larry, WB6VGI will be active again from Guan-
         tanamo Bay using  the KG4ML call. Larry will be particularly active
         on WARC bands. QSL via  home call.  Jon, W3JT will accompany Larry,
         trying to obtain the KG4JT call.
OE     - In 1996 Austria will celebrate its 1000th anniversary. As requested
         by local amateur association (OVSV), the  authorities issued a spe-
         cial OEM prefix to be used during the whole 1996.  This prefix will
         be voluntary used. For example OE1XA can change his call in OEM1XA.
         Two awards will be released and the rules will be announced later.
OH0    - From 18 to 25 November Mart, DL6UAA will be active from  Aland  is.
         as OH0/DL6UAA. Operations in SSB and CW on all bands, 2  meters and
         70 cm. included, and via satellite (Oscar 10 and 13).
S7     - Paddy,  GW4MAD, is active as S79MAD mainly on 20 meters: is usually
         on Tuesday, about 1700 UTC, on 14260 KHz.  Paddy hopes  to be  soon
         active on 40 meters then on the other HF bands (WARC included). QSL
         via GW4WVO.
S9     - Following what published in number 233,  Didier F5OGL, reports that
         he will  be the only operator  and the call will be S92PI (Principe
         Island, AF-044).  The activity is planned from 22 November to 4 De-
         cember,  all bands from 160 to 10 meters (WARC included) in SSB/CW/
         RTTY (ma expecially in CW) joining also the CQWW DX CW Contest. QSL
         via F6KEQ, Radio Club militaire de l'Ecole Superieure et d'Applica-
         tion des Transmissions, P.O. Box 1307, 53013 Laval cedex, France.
SP     - From 1 to 15 December the special SP0TPAX station will be active to
         celebrate the  70th anniversary  of the first amateur  contact made
         from Polonia. All bands activity in SSB, CW e RTTY. QSL via SP2FAP.
TA     - Heinz,  DK5WL will join the CQWW DX CW Contest using the TA4ZM call
         (single operator-all bands low power category). Sunday 26  November
         will be on 7.034  MHz between 04.00 and 04.20 UTC, on 3.564 MHz be-
         tween 04.30  and 04.45 UTC and on 1.826 MHz between 04.45 and 05.00
         UTC for those who need TA multiplier.
V3     - From 3 to 7 February 1996 Art, NN7A and Mike,  NG7S will be  active
         respectively as V31JZ and V31RL from Turneffe islands (NA-123). The
         operations will be mainly in CW. QSL via homecalls.
V3     - From 9  to 14 February 1996 Art (NN7A), Mike (NG7S) and Jim (KG6VI)
         will be  respectively  active as V31JZ,  V31RL and V31VI from South
         Water Caye (NA-180). SSB and CW operations, particularly on 160 and
         80 meters at night.
V7     - From  25 to 28 November  Tada, JA1WPX will  be active from Marshall
         islands using the V73WP call. Operations mainly via satellite AO-13
         (25 November:  05.00-13.00  UTC Japan, North America, Australia, A-
         frica;  26 November:  04.00-12.00 UTC Japan, North America, Austra-
         lia; 27  November:  03.00-13.00  UTC  North and South  America) and
         AO-10 (27 November: 12.00-15.00 UTC Europe). QSL via homecall.
VK     - The planned  activity of Steve/AA6LF from Frederick Reef [425DXNEWS
         # 234] has been cancelled due to bad weather conditions. He has re-
         turned  to Australia and  has doubts about another  activity due to
         dangerous storms in the Pacific.
VK9_chr- From  24 to 27 November Kazu,  JA1CMD will be active from Christmas
         Island using  the VK9XH call. He plans  to join the CQWW DX CW Con-
         test (low power). QSL via home call, via bureau or direct.
VK0_h  - Bob, KK6EK,  has just returned  from Australia  and he doesn't have
         good news: the vessel  with which they  contracted had been grossly
         misrepresented them, and in fact  could not possibly have made this
         difficult voyage.  The owner, however, is refusing  to refund their
         money,   more than  $100,000,  most of  which  he has spent. It ap-
         pears they were the victims of a deliberate scam, and it  will take
         a protracted legal  action to recover even  part of the funds, cer-
         tainly not enough,  and not in time to go to Heard Island this sea-
         son. During the past week, the team, supported by dozens of Austra-
         lian  hams and others,  searched for an  alternative vessel, making
         literally hundreds of  contacts as far away as Singapore. There are
         plenty of vessels available but without the funds lost on the first
         vessel,  none is within their resouces.  They have the permits, the
         gear (in Australia), and a vast network of support (including pilot
         stations, satellite phone, Internet communications, and a great co-
         re team). But they are  at least $80,000  short of what is  needed.
         Failing  an angel bringing  a financial miracle,  they will have no
         option but to  cancel the expedition.  Ralph K0IR, who  is still in
         Australia searching for options, will make a statement after he re-
         turns next week.
VP9    - From  13 to 16  November  Joe, N1OCS will  be active  from  Bermuda
         islands as VP9/N1OCS. SSB amd CW activities. QSL  via home call.
W2     - Following what published in previous number, the commemorative ope-
         rations from Rocky Point, New York, used the W2ER call.
W3     - Also for this year the Delaware-Lehigh Amateur Radio Club will con-
         tinue the  Christmas tradition activating the W3OK station from Na-
         and Bethlehem,  Pennsylvania. Operations  between 1400 and 0200 UTC
         on 16 and 17 December on following frequencies:  3965, 7265, 14265,
         21365 and  28365 KHz.  QSL via DLARC, RR 4, Greystone Building, Na-
         zareth, PA 18064, USA.
W6     - From 10 to 12 November KG6VI/p and N6WKU/p will be active  from the
         California State South (32.5-33.5N) group (NA-066). The SSB  and CW
         operations (on the usual IOTA frequencies) should start at 2300 UTC
         of Friday 10 and will stop Sunday 12 in the morning (West Coast ti-
         me). QSL via home calls.
YJ     - The 11 and 12 November, YJ0ARE, currently active from New  Hebrides
         (OC-035), will be QRV from Banks Islands (OC-104). QSL  via  G0REP.
         Other Vanuatu islands activities are also possible and particularly
         from Shepherd (OC-111).
YJ     - From 16 December 1995 to 3 Janaury 1996  FK8FU will be  active from
         Vanuatu on all bands. QSL via N5AU.
YS     - At the end of  November  John,  NL7GP will be active using the YS1X
         call.  SSB operations  (mainly on WARC bands)  and CW (he plans  to
         join the CQWW DX CW Contest).
YV     - From 21 to 28 November WM2C, WS4E, K0PP, KE7X and WX9E will be por-
         table YV5/ (with particular attention to low bands) joining  the CQ
         WW DX CW Contest  as 4M5X. QSL via their home calls,  for 4M5X con-
         tacts QSL via YV5ARV.
YV     - From January to March 1996 I5DCE will be active from Margarita isl.
         (SA-012). Franco will also try to activate other Venezuelan islands
         for IOTA chasers.
ZF     - The ZF2RF station  will join the CQWW CW Contest from Grand Cayman,
         in the Multi-Single category. The operators will be K4UVT, K9LA and
         N8SR. QSL via K4UVT (via bureau also), and the correct address  is:
         Bob Dorsey,  P.O. Box 231240,  Montgomery, AL 36123-1240,  USA. Be-
         fore and after the contest the operators will be active individual-
         ly, in SSB and CW, on all bands:  ZF2RF  will be QRV from 21  to 30
         November (QSL via K4UVT), ZF2AY will be QRV from 23 to  27 November
         (QSL via K9LA), ZF2RR will be QRV from  21 to 28  November (QSL via
         N8SR: Steve Rentschler, 9245 Reseda Blvd, P.O. Box 436, Northridge,
         CA 91324, USA).
ZK1_sc - From  9 to 14 December  Trond (LA1TV),  Ingun (LA1LIA)  and  Oddvar
         (LA9JX) will be active from  Rarotonga island (OC-013) respectively
         as  ZK1ATV, ZK1LIA and ZK1NJX, while from 14 to 28 December the ac-
         tivity will be  from Aitutaki  (OC-083).  Planned frequencies  are:
         CW  3.505, 7.005, 10.105, 14.005, 18.075 and 21.005 MHz; SSB 3.795,
         7.045, 14.195, 18.145 and 21.295 MHz. QSL via home calls.
ZK1_nc - From  28 December  1995 to  4 January  1996  Trond  (LA1TV),  Ingun
         (LA1LIA) and  Oddvar (LA9JX) will be  active from Manihiki (OC-014)
         respectively  as ZK1ATV,  ZK1LIA  and  ZK1NJX, in CW (3.505, 7.005,
         10.105,  14.005, 18.075  and 21.005  MHz) and  SSB  (3.795,  7.045,
         14.195, 18.145 and 21.295 MHz). QSL via home calls.
3B8    - At the end of November Phil, N6ZZ will be active  from Mauritius as
         3B8/N6ZZ. Operations mainly on WARC bands. He will also join the CQ
         WW DX CW Contest.
3V     - Following what published in number 232, the  3V8BB operations  from
         Tunisi, Tunisia, by DJ7IK, DL8OBC and  DL2OBF, have been  confirmed
         and they should  start one or two days  before the CQWW CW  Contest
         (25-26 November), as the operators will arrive the 22 November.
3V     - The DXCC Desk has  specified that  3V8BB's licence was  issued to a
         club station  and every permitted activity from there will be vali-
         dated independently from the nationality of the operators.
4U     - K5FUV, DXCC Administrator, reports that operations using the United
         Nations calls are accepted only if officially authorized by ONU  HQ
         (New York).
5Z     - After the Seychelles activity [425DXN 234], Gerard, F2JD will be in
         Kenya for about 10 days  and hopes to be active with  his old 5Z4JD
7Q     - Chris, W1EH,  will be in Malawi for three years, working for the US
         Department, and hopes to have a licence.  Chris, has few equipments
         and works mainly in CW.
8R     - Starting from the second half of November Erik WZ6C, will be active
         from Guyana using the 8R1ZG call.
XZ1A  --->  The  XZ1A operations from Yangon,  Myanmar, ended in the morning
of Monday 30 October, logged  about 15000 QSO, 4000 with U.S. Thanks to Bill
Bill Kennamer, K5FUV, ARRL DXCC manager, the operations were immediately va-
lidated for DXCC. The XZ1A's manager is JA1BK, Kan Mizoguchi, 5-3 Sakuragao-
ka 4 Chome, Tama city, Tokyo, 206 Japan  (This is the correct address, don't
use the one reported in the Callbook).
XY1HT  --->  Toshi,  JA8RUZ (one of the XY1HT's operators), thanks those who
contacted the station and reports that operations, started on 17 October and
ended on 30 October, logged about 11000 QSO, on all bands from 160 to 10 me-
ters in SSB, CW, RTTY, SSTV, and via satellite AO-10 and AO-13. The activity
has already been validated by DXCC Desk. QSLs for XY1HT must be sent to P.O.
Box 1300, Nana, Bangkok 10112, Thailand. Other activities from  this station
are expected in the near future.
A61AF --> With immediate effect including the recent CQWW Contest operations
N1QMM is the new A61AF manager. Micah plans to receive the logs  and QSLs in
next weeks, but please be patient as he must input all the  contact into the
computer. The N1QMM's address is: Micah Greenbaum, 250 Standish Street, Dux-
bury, MA 02332, USA.
A61AM ---> Dave, KA5TQF, is the new manager for A61AM.
STATESIDE 40M DX GROUP QRV -> The US "40 Meter DX Group" Net is active again
leaded by W8KLI and KD0JL, on 7240 KHz (TX) and 7085 KHz (RX) (+/- QRM). The
start of the Net is at 0700Z, but try to listen from 0630Z.
JAPANESE POSTAL COSTS ---> Kaz, JH1ORA, reports  that the  postal costs  for
Air mail from Japan toward the rest of the world are the following:
- North America,  Europe, Oceania, CIS, Middle East: up to 10 grams 110 Yen,
  between 10 and 20 grams 190 Yen, between 20 and 30 grams 270 Yen.
- Africa and South America: up to  10 grams 130 Yen, between 10 and 20 grams
  230 Yen, between 20 and 30 gramms 330 Yen.
- Asia and Guam: up to 10 grams 90 Yen, between 10 and 20 grams 150 Yen, be-
  tween 20 and 30 grams 210 Yen.
Surface mail is, worldwide and for less than 20 grams, 90 Yen. Unfortunately
1 dollar is no more enough to cover postal costs (actually 1 dollar is equal
to 98 Yen, while 1 IRC can be exchanged with a 130 Yen poststamp). A big en-
velope with a double card exceeds 10 grams.

QSL ---> The manager  for A61AF  operations (between  15 and 21  October) by
K9PPY,  WT2O and KA5TQF is K9PPY: Jim Model, 7N071 Willow St., Itasca, Illi-
nois 60143, USA.For Scilly and Wight islands (between 22 and 28 October) QSL
will be handled by the operators:  K9PP (G0WOE/P), WT2O (G0WOF/P) and KA5TQF
(G0WOH/P). Also John, N5DRV is the QSL manager for XT2JF and TJ1PD.
VO1AA ---> On 12 December 1901  Guglielmo Marconi  made  the  first  contact
between Great Britain and Newfoundland. To celebrate Radio centennial a spe-
cial QSL will be available for QSO/HRD with the VO1AA station next 12 Decem-
ber. CW (14.030 and 7.030 MHz) and  SSB (14.300 MHz) activities.  VO1AA is a
club station  located near the site where Marconi heard first signals. An a-
ward is also available  for QSO/HRD the VO1AA station in 5 or more 12 Decem-
ber anniversaries  between 1995  and 2001. The awards and the VO1AA station,
which every year  will join the International  Marcony Day  using the VO1IMD
call, are sponsored by the Society of Newfoundland Radio Amateurs.

QSL ---> Glenn,  W6OTC reports that VK9LZ, VK9LX and VK9NM QSLs are ready to
be  printed. Direct  request via: Eddie  Schneider,  Box 5194,  Richmond, CA
91805, USA, while the manager for bureau requests is W6OTC.

QSL --->   Larry, TZ6VV  reports that his QSL manager (AA0GL: the old  N0BLD
call is no more  used since many  years and the  bureau) has a new  address:
Marshall Reece, 303 Hillcrest Dr - RR3, Larned, KS 67550, USA.

CALLBOOK  CSI  --->  Valery, RA6YR reports  about a datadase  which includes
over 50 thousands  amateurs located in 12 CIS countries. The Dbase is curren-
tly  available  for  DOS on two 3,5" disks.  It is updated twice a  year (in
April and October)  and it is distributed  by SM7DEW;  write him for further
information at this  address:  Jan  Bexner,  Villa  Dalen  Berghem,  S-34191
Ljungby, Sweden.

QSL received: 3E2G (NA-202), H33C.

*                              425 DX NEWS                                 *
*                        DX info weekly bulletin                           *
*       edited by Mauro  Pregliasco, I1JQJ  and Piero Forno, IK1IYU        *
*       with  the  contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171        *
              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
I0ZV,  Delta Mike,  Diamond DX Club,  Roman DX Group, DC3MF, DL7VOA, DL8AAM,
URE-EA-DX, ARRL-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, VK2SG RTTY DX.                     
* Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
*          Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to         *
*      Piero Forno, IK1IYU  (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it)      *
*                  INTERNET e-mail :  I121171@amsat.org                    *
*         425 WWW Page -->  http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html      *
*                   INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site:                    *
*   promet12.cineca.it  - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/   *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
                  * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *
                      TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751
                      DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613
                       SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422
                      ARRL HQ BBS USA :  203-666-0578
                      CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921
                HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677
                       WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                              - QUINTA PARTE -
                         * Q S L   M A N A G E R S *
                      A  CURA DI IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IW6MTM
CALL  &    MGR      CALL  &    MGR      CALL  &    MGR     CALL  &     MGR  
3A/K1VWL   K1VWL    ET3MW      AD4ES    KH0S       JA1OGX  V7X        KH6HH 
3B8/F5PXQ  F5KDZ    EX/N0LAZ   DL4MFW   KH0T       JA1SGU  V85HG      JH7FQK
3D2OQ      SM5BOQ   F5CCO/P    F1JRT    KH0U       JA1QNV  VA9DH      VE1DH 
3D2RW/R    ZL1AMO   FG5HR      F6BUM    KH6/WR6R   N2AU    VE2QRZ     WB2K  
3D2SH      JR1LVB   FK5DX      FK8GM    LP4H       LU4HH   VE2TJA     WB2K  
3DA0CA     W4DR     FK8GM      WB2RAJ   LX9SW      LX1RQ   VK4ALF/9   AA6BB 
3F0T       HP2CWB   FP/N9AU    K9GS     LY35OU     LY2OU   VK6AUU     RA3AUU
3V5A       YT1AD    FP/ND9O    K9GS     LY35ZO     LY2ZO   VK9XRS     ND3A  
3W5FM      UA0FM    FR/F5PXQ   F5KDZ    LZ2TU      WB2RAJ  VO2WL      WA0PUJ
3Z4DCR     SP4DCR   FR5HR      F5RRH    OD/N4ISV   N4JRB   VP2E       WB5CRG
4B9CQ      AA6BB    G0KPW      G3XTT    OH0BDP     OH2BDA  VP2ENR     YU1NR 
4B9DX      AA6BB    GB2RRM     G0MMH    OH0KMG     OH2OT   VP5/WB2YOF N2VW  
4D63RG     DU9RG    GB5SF      GW0PUP   OL0OO      OK1RR   VP5DD      KB4QKP
4K8F       UA9AB    GB5SI      RSGB     OL2A       OK2RAB  VP5FOC     N9DX  
4M5Z       WS4E     GP4IPA     GU0ELF   OM3CGN     3D2PN   VP5S       K4UTE 
4S7/HB9AMO HB9AMO   HB0/HA5RT  HA6NL    OT5A       ON7LR   VP5T       N2VW  
4U0ITU     OK1DWX   HB0/HB9AON DJ2YE    OT5L       ON6NL   VP5WW      KB4QKP
4X/G0MEU   ON9CGB   HB9OK      HB9FAQ   OT5T       ON4UN   VQ9VQ      KD4NSG
5N0/OK1MU  OK1DCH   HC8A       WV7Y     P40E       CT1ABOH VR2EZ      G4DEZ 
5N0T       F2YT     HG3CW      HA3KNA   P40J       WX4G    VR2RJ      JH1BED
5R8DS      PA3BXC   HG6Y       HA6OI    P40W       N2MM    VU7GW      W1CER 
5R8DY      PA3BXC   HK0/KH8AL  JH1NBN   P49I       K4PI    VX1XY      VE1XY 
5X4F       KB4EKY   HL5KY      W3HNT    PI4COM     PA3CAL  WH0/WR1J   7J2YAA
5Z4BZ      F5IBZ    HL9DX      HL9DC    PI50HGV    PA0IJM  WH0ABC     JR6OCL
5Z4SS      JA1SQI   HO0T       HP2CWB   PJ9B       K2SB    WH2M       JE7RJZ
6D2X       K5TSQ    HP1XVH     KF0UI    PJ9T       AB4JI   X85COL     XE1BEF
7J1AWO     KQ4GC    HS0ZAR     K3ZO     PW2N       PY2NY   XL2MCZ     VE2QK 
7Q7DC      WA6IJZ   IG9A       IV3TAN   PX9Z       PY1NEZ  XM3XN      VE3XN 
8P9MIP     K4BAI    IG9R       IV3TAN   R1FJL      DF7RX   XT2DP      WB2YQH
8P9Z       K4BAI    IG9T       IV3TAN   R2MWO      DL1FCM  XT2GA      F5RLE 
9A5D       9A1BHI   IG9W       IV3TAN   RQ9H       RW9IM   XU1FL      I8KUT 
9L1PG      NW8F     IM0RUH     IS0JMA   S21ZZ      JA2NQG  XW7SW      SM3CXS
9M6P       F6BFH    IQ2W       IK2DUW   S79MAD     GW4WVO  XX9TZ      OH2BH 
9M8CC      PD0ALB   IQ2X       IK2GZU   S79NEO     DL3NEO  XZ1A       JA1BK 
9N1UB      UY5XE    IR1A       IK1GPG   SI2GM      SM2LWU  XZ1X       JA1BK 
9R1A       PA3DMH   IR1I       IK1RGL   SI5GM      SM5CAK  YB0ASI     WA4FVT
9U/F5FHI   F5FHI    IU8E       IK8OZZ   SP0TPAX    SP2FAP  YB8SUN     YB8UMX
A61AF      N1QMM    IV3SHF     IV3TAN   SQ5O       SP5ZIM  YJ0ARE     G0REP 
A92EF      WA6ZEF   IY4W       I4ALU    T91ENS     DJ0JV   YS1ZKR     N2MIP 
AH0AV      JH6RTO   J28JY      F6BFH    T94EU      N2MA    YS1ZV      KB5IPQ
AH0T       JA6VZB   J28MC      F5LBM    T99A       I4QGU   YT50AT     YU1SZ 
AY1I       I0WDX    J37K       W8KKF    T99MT      K2PF    YT50S      YU1SQR
BT1DX      WA3YVN   J39BW      WB2RAJ   T99T       DJ0QJ   YT9N       YU7FIJ
BY95WMI    JA6CYQ   J3A        WA8LOW   TA2ZZ      JA4HCK  YU50AAV    YU1AAV
C56WW      G0UCT    J48Y       SV1BKN   TK2C       DF7RX   Z31JA      WA4JTK
C6AHU      WJ8C     J55UAB     F6FNU    TO5M       K9GS    ZA1A       I2MQP 
CE0ZAM     CE3ESS   JT1FAU     K6VNX    TY1IJ      DK8ZD   ZA1AJ      OK2ZV 
CE9AP      CE2LOL   JT1FAV     K6VNX    TZ6MR      DL8FCP  ZA9B       KE7LZ 
CN2EME     F6BGC    JT1FAW     K6VNX    UT0H       UT1HT   ZB2CN      DJ9WH 
CN2NI      F5NII    JT1FAX     K6VNX    V26AK      WB2P    ZC4DX      G0MRF 
CN8LL      F1HGR    JT1FAY     K6VNX    V26B       WB3DNA  ZC4EE      G4OOE 
CQ7M       CT1FMX   JT1FAZ     K6VNX    V26DX      N3ADL   ZC4EPI     G0MRF 
CS8EPV     WA3HUP   JT1Z       K6VNX    V26R       KA2AVT  ZD8Z       VE3HO 
CT3/CT1DNP 7X2VZ    JY8SZ      DL4SCZ   V26RN      KR2J    ZF2AY      K9LA  
CT3BX      HB9CRV   KC4/UA3YX  UA3XBY   V26TS      KF3P    ZF2DX      KG6AR 
CT9M       CT3DL    KC6JZ      JE7RJZ   V31DX      AA6BB   ZF2JI      KG6AR 
CX8BBH     LU8DPM   KC6MW      JE8XRF   V44BAZ     K2SB    ZF2RB      KG6ZQ 
CZ9TK      VO1TK    KG4CM      N5FTR    V44KAI     K2SB    ZF2RF      K4UVT 
EA8RG      DF0DX    KG4ML      WB6UGI   V47BW      VE3BW   ZF2RR      N8SR  
ED3MNF     EA3KO    KG4ZE      K4SXT    V47KP      K2SB    ZK1UDS     WB6UDS
ED6IB      EA3FP    KH0/KH2GR  JF6BCC   V47NS      W9NSZ   ZK1VAW     N6VAW 
ED7SAF     EA7OY    KH0/KK6WW  JA5EGL   V47YR      YU1NR   ZP0R       ZP6XR 
EI7M       EI6HB    KH0A       JF1MIA   V73C       N4GAK   ZW0C       PS8DX 
EM3W       WB2RAJ   KH0AM      JE1CKA   V73CT      N4GAK   ZW0C       PS8DX 
EN2H       I2PJA    KH0CS      JA6PFR   V73WP      JA1WPX  ZW8DX      PS8DX 
EN5J       LY1DS    KH0R       JE6DNP   V73X       N4GAK   ZX2A       PT2BW