DX425 bulletin issue nr. 235

 4 November 1995                                                      No.235
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                           edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU

F      - From 26 to 30 December F5CCO hopes  to be QRV  from Ile du  Planier
         (EU-095, DIFM ME-04). QSL only via bureau.
HP     - During the weekend,  Ricardo (HP2CTM) and Jose (HP2CWB) will  acti-
         vate two or three  islands of the  San Blas  Island group (NA-170),
         using the  calls  3F0T,  H80T  and HO0T  (each one from a different
         island).  The operations  will be in CW/SSB on  bands from 40 to 10
         meters, WARC included. QSL via direct to HP2CWB, Jose NG Lee,  P.O.
         Box 728, Colon, Republic of Panama.
IG9    - Andy UA3DPX, after joining the CQWW DX SSB Contest as UA3D  reports
         that  he will be QRV during the CQWW DX CW Contest from Pantelleria
         as IG9A, on 40 meters band.
II1    - The 25 and 26  November the friends  of the Biella ARI Section will
         activate the special station  II1BI from Oropa  Sanctuary (BI). Re-
         member that Biella is one of the most recent  Italian provinces and
         is not so easy to be heard.
IM0    - Wednesday 1 November, Roberto (IS0JMA) and Ruggero (IS0RUH),  toge-
         ther with other friends of the Olbia ARI Section,  were active with
         the  IM0RUH call from  Le Camere island (IIA SS-056, IOTA  EU-165).
         QSL via IS0JMA.
IR     - Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 November, will be active the IR3MD station,
         transmitting  from the square in  front of the  Campana dei Caduti,
         Maria Dolens of Rovereto. This QSO counts as 8 points for the award
         and the QSL goes to IN3BHR.
J2     - Tom, J28ML, together with other operators is planning an expedition
         to a small  island  in  Djibouti.  The operations  will take  place
         from 8 to 14 December, with the J20RAD call, in  CW/SSB/RTTY on all
         bands from 80 to 10 meters (WARC included). QSL to the Djibouti QSL
         bureau, P.O. Box 1076, Djibouti, Djibouti.
JA     - Bill, KQ4GC, during  November will be  active from Japan  using the
         7J1AWO call, mainly on 80 metres.  QSL via KQ4GC.
PY     - From 3 to 5 November, PS8DX (Junior), PS8ET (Joe), PS8PY (John) and
         PT7AA (Tino)  will be active as ZW0C  [425DXN 229] from Caju island
         (IOTA SA-072, DIB 17). Operations on usual IOTA frequencies from 10
         to 80 meters, in SSB and CW.  QSL via PS8DX.
TJ     - Darek,  TJ1GD,  is a young missionary who  has the authorization to
         operate from Cameroon at the end of August. Another licence will be
         soon  issued to another missionary,  with the TJ1SP call, and toge-
         ther they will use the FT-840 donated by  ecclesiastic authorities.
         Currently the antenna is a simple beam for 20 meters.Darek would be
         happy to find an antenna  tuner and an  amplifier to be QRV  on low
         bands also. Any kind of help will  be much appreciated  to this ad-
         dress: Rev. Darek Godawa, P.B. 40, Bertoua, Cameroon,  Africa.  QSL
         for TJ1GD via SP9CLQ, Andrzej Kluja,  ul. Aleksandry   9/25, 30-887
         Krakow, Poland.
TT     - Paolo, TT8BP, is QRV, mainly in various DX Nets.  QSL via IK5JAN.
TY     - Sigi, DJ4IJ, is active again as TY1IJ from  last 22 October  and he
         will  stay there  until mid-November. The QSL  manager for TY1IJ is
         DK8ZD, but attention!: the address as reported in *QRZ  Ham  Radio*
         CDROM  is wrong and all request are returned to the senders.
         DK8ZD's correct address  is : Jochen  Errulat,  Berlinerstr. 31 35,
         D-6236 Eschborn 1, Germany.
VE8    - From 6 to 8 November David, VE8NC, will be active from Banks Island
         (IOTA NA-129,  C.Is.A.  NW-007).  Operations using  100 watts and a
         long wire in SSB (14260 and 7085 KHz) and RTTY (14085 and 7085 KHz)
VK0_h  - Bad news from the Heard Island DXpedition Team,currently in Austra-
         lia. On 29 October KK6EK, K0IR, HB9AHL and RA3AUU joined  ON6TT and
         PA3DUU, supported by  VK6NE, VK6UE, and numerous other Australians.
         They have determined that the vessel that was to take them to Heard
         Island  is not up to their standards for safety to make the journey,
         and  they have been  searching for a replacement.  At the least, it
         will mean a delay until early 1996. A problem they may face is that
         much, perhaps all,  of the financial investment in the vessel char-
         ter is  now unavailable to them. They are pessimistic that they can
         recover amounts by Jan. 1 to enable them to finance another vessel.
         Therefore, they are simultaneously  working to locate major new fi-
         nancial  backing in order  to complete the expedition  this season.
         They face a daunting task in this regard. It is likely that some of
         the present  team members will be unable to return in  January, and
         therefore there may be openings for new team members. The equipment
         is safe.  They ask for your understanding and support, as they work
         to find a solution to this  very difficult problem. Any   brilliant
         ideas would be most welcome!
W2     - Sunday 5 November the N2FCZ station will be active to celebrate the
         94th anniversary of the first telegraphic message sent from the RCA
         station in  Rocky Point, New York,  the biggest radio  station ever
         built (5 November 1921). The operations are planned in CW on  7074,
         7100, 14074 and 14100 KHz, from 15.00 to 23.00 UTC by two ex RCA CW
         operators working with all their ability.  Ask them QRS if necessa-
         ry. QSL via N2FCZ,  Henry Bookout, 167 Sound Avenue,  Riverhead, NY
         11901, USA.
ZC4    - For other two years Nick, G4OOE, will be active as ZC4EE. He is re-
         gularly active from 10 to 80 meters and he has the logs for 1985-88
         years.  QSL via  Nick Langmead, P.O. Box 84, Dherynia 5385, Cyprus.
ZK1_sc - From 10 to 20 November  Rich, WB6UDS and Marilyn, N6VAW will be ac-
         tive respectively as ZK1UDS and ZK1VAW from South Cook Islands. The
         operations are planned in CW and SSB, from 10 to 80 meters. QSL via
3D2_rot- Lars,  SM5BOQ, has  accompanied Ron, ZL1AMO [425DXN 233] to Rotuma,
         from where he is active as 3D2OQ.  QSL via SM5BOQ.
4U_itu - From 20 to 21 November,  Mark (AA1AC) will operate from ITU station
         in Geneve.
9A     - Gus, 9A/DJ8QP is active from Brioni islands (EU-110). QSL via home-
************* NEW IOTA REFERENCE NUMBERS ISSUED ON OCTOBER 1995 *************
AS-124   A6    GULF OF OMAN group  (U.A.E. islands,  letter "a"), issued for
               the A61AH activity from Sirat Al Khwar.
OC-208   YB8   BANGGAI IS. (Indonesia, YB8 islands, letter  "a"), issued for
               YE8I activity.
OC-209   YB8   TALAUD IS. (Indonesia, YB8 islands,  letter  "s"), issued for
               YE8TI activity.
OC-210   YB8   SANGIHE IS. (Indonesia, YB8 islands,  letter  "q"), issued for
               YE8SUN activity.
IIA --> At the Bologna Convention has been presented the list and the awards
for the Second Italian Islands Trophy ARI - Diamond DX Club. This is the fi-
nal list based on the logs received [425DXN 194] before 28 February 95:
                               = Italian O.M. =
  1.  IS0JMA (80 islands)       6.  I1HYW (62)            11. IK8SMZ (45)
  2.  I1JQJ (76)                7.  IK1QFM (57)           12. IK7MXB (42)
  3.  IK1GPG (74)               8.  IK8PLK (52)           13. IK0MHR (31)
  4.  IK8OZZ (72)               8.  I7UNX (52)            14. IK6RHT (18)
  5.  IK0QDB (63)               10. I2MWZ (49)            15. IK0QOB (15)
              = Foreigner O.M. =               = S.W.L. =
            1.  DL5ARX (49 islands)         1. I1-21171 (76 islands)
            2.  ON5KL (44)                  2. I2-66508 (45)
            3.  F5JSK (43)                  3. F-10255 (12)
            4.  F5MIW (39)
Remember that to join the III Italian Islands Throphy promoted by A.R.I. and
by Diamond DX Club you must send the logs before the  31 December 1995. Logs
must be sent to  DDXC,  c/o Giuseppe Iannuzzi (I8IYW), Via Galdieri 9, 80020
Casavatore (NA).  All Italian and foreigner OM and SWL can join the competi-
tion. Italians must be  A.R.I. members.   Logs  must  list  all the  QSO/HRD
with Italian islands with an IIA reference number between  1 June-30 Septem-
ber 1995. Final score is  given by the sum  of islands  contacted/heard, any
band or mode; any island counts 1 point. No repeater or trasponder  contacts
are valid. 
ZF2DX ---> The Florida Contest  Group reports the change  of the QSL manager
for ZF2DX operations: K1KNQ gave the work to KG6AR, Christy Williams, 1117 S
Del Mar Ave, San Gabrial, CA 91776, USA.
IY0TCI ---> The  IY0TCI station will be  active during the "Marconi Memorial
VHF CW Contest" planned from 14.00 UTC of  Saturday 4 November to  14.00 UTC
of Sunday 5. This is a special edition of the contest  to celebrate  the man
and the scientist Guglielmo Marconi "father of the radio", in the first Cen-
tennial of its invention. 
XJ3AT ---> Norbert,  PA3GLM, is receiving QSL request  for XJ3AT operations,
but he is  not the QSL manager!  Norbert is sending back  to the senders all
the requests received. The right address  is VE3AT, Ron Vander Kraats, 9 Jo-
pling Ave South, Islington 678, Ontario M9B 3P4, Canada.
QSL received:  A43GI (AS-110),  A92BE, C53HG, ET3BT, HV4NAC, KH3AF,  S0RASD,
S92YL,  SU3AM,  SV5/IK3RIY,  SV5/IK3ZAW,  V73C,  NU2L/VO2 (NA-044,  NA-205),
XE3/NE8Z,  ZA/OK1XV,  ZA/Z32KV, 3XY0A, 5H1CK/A (AF-75), 5T0AS, 9N1KY, 9X5EE,

*                              425 DX NEWS                                 *
*                        DX info weekly bulletin                           *
*       edited by Mauro  Pregliasco, I1JQJ  and Piero Forno, IK1IYU        *
*       with  the  contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171        *
              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
IK8TEM, I0KHP, IS0JMA, IS0RUH, Delta Mike,  Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group,
The 59(9) DX Report, VK2SG RTTY DX.                                         
* Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
*          Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to         *
*      Piero Forno, IK1IYU  (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it)      *
*                  INTERNET e-mail :  I121171@amsat.org                    *
*         425 WWW Page -->  http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html      *
*                   INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site:                    *
*   promet12.cineca.it  - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/   *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
                  * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *
                      TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751
                      DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613
                       SEZAM BELGRADE : +381-11-648422
                      ARRL HQ BBS USA :  203-666-0578
                      CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921
                HAM RADIO RAGCHEW USA :  604-480-1677
                       WARP DRIVE USA :  804-587-8183

4 November 1995                                                      no.235
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                           edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF
till  31/12      A4=A4/25 * special event                               233
till  15/04      JX4CJA & JX3EX * by LA4CJA & LA3EX                     228
till  06/11      OY5IPA * by OZ5AAH                                     231
till  30/11      SI(0-7)GM * special calls                              225
till mid Nov     TY1IJ * by DJ4IJ                                       235
till  17/11      VU2=VU2/C * special event                              233
till  20/11      X85COL: Mexico * special event station                 234
till  12/11      ZA * satellite operation by PA0HTR & PA0AIO            234
till  10/11      3D2OQ & 3D2RW: Rotuma * by SM5BOQ & ZL1AMO             235
till  November   5R8EU * by JF1MGI                                      232
till  ?          9A/DJ8QP: Brioni Is. (EU-110)                          235
01/11-05/11      V47NR * by YU1NR                                       233
01/11-20/11      9M * by F6BFH, F5LGQ, F6AOI, F6AUS, F9IE               226
02/11-09/11      LX * by DAGOE-DX Club                                  234
03/11-06/11      KH0: Saipan Isl. * by JA's team                        234
03/11-05/11      ZW0C: Caju Isl. (SA-072) (DIB 17) * by PY team         235
03/11-05/11      4U1ITU * by F5PAC's tean                               234
04/11-05/11      IR3MD                                                  235
04/11-11/11      VK9: Norfolk Isl. * by DK9FN                           232
04/11-07/11      3D2: Rotuma * by Yamata Radio Club                     231
04/11-05/11      3F0T, H80T, HO0T: San Blas Arch. (NA-170) * by HP2CWB  235
05/11-07/11      VK4ALF/9: Frederick Reef (NO-REF) * by AA6LF           234
05/11            N2FCZ: special event station                           235
05/11-11/11      YS1ZRK * by N2MIP                                      223
06/11-13/11      EY8 * by K4YT & NP2AQ                                  234
06/11-08/11      VE8NC: Banks Isl. (NA-129) (C.Is.A. NW-007)            235
08/11-11/11      FP8NR * by YU1NR                                       233
10/11-10/12      S7 * by F2JD                                           234
10/11-20/11      ZK1UDS & ZK1VAW: South Cook * by WB6UDS & N6VAW        235
11/11-12/11      WAE RTTY Contest                                       ***
14/11-28/11      T32BE * by WC5P                                        231
15/11-17/11      KC6JZ * by JE7RJZ                                      233
17/11-20/11      E28SEA: Seanet Convention 95                           221
18/11-19/11      CQ4I: Ilhote Trombotas  by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU 190
18/11-19/11      WH2M * by JE7RJZ                                       233
18/11-28/11      VP2EFO * by K8MFO                                      223
18/11-20/11      9G * by G3SXW, GM3YTS, K5VT, KC7V, N7BG                232
20/11-21/11      4U1ITU * by AA1AC                                      235
21/11-06/12      S92P: Principe Isl. (AF-044) * F team                  233
21/11-28/11      ZL7CW * WB8YJF                                         232
21/11-08/12      ZL7PYD * K8PYD                                         232
21/11-28/11      3A * K1VWL                                             230
21/11-28/11      8P9HT * by K4BAI                                       233
21/11-03/12      8Q7VJ & 8Q7WD * by G4ZVJ & G4RWD                       232
23/11-27/11      CO1OTA: Los Colorados Arch. (NA-093)                   233
23/11-27/11      V2 & VP2M * by JH1NBN                                  233
25/11-26/11      A61AF                                                  234
25/11-26/11      GU3HFN * Guernsey Amateur Radio Society                233
25/11-26/11      HL9CW * by HL9DC                                       233
25/11-26/11      IG9A: Lampedusa Isl. (AF-019) * by UA3DPX              235
25/11-26/11      IG9: Lampedusa Isl. (AF-019) * by I team               217
25/11-26/11      II1BI * ARI Biella                                     235
25/11-26/11      IO2L: ARI Lissone                                      234
25/11-26/11      IQ2W: ARI Limbiate                                     231
25/11-31/11      IQ2X: ARI Brescia                                      230
25/11-26/11      IR3X * by Vecio Piave Team                             228
25/11-26/11      J48Y: Salamis Isl. (EU-075) * by SV1BKN                227
25/11-26/11      T99MT: Radio Club Novo Sarajevo                        230
25/11-26/11      TK2C * by Bavarian Contest Club                        232
25/11-26/11      TM2RDS * special event station                         228
25/11-26/11      TY5A * by G3SXW, GM3YTS, K5VT, KC7V, N7BG              232
25/11-26/11      VP5FOC * by WD8AUB, W9VNE, N9DX, W0CG                  223
25/11-26/11      ZX2A * by PT2BW                                        232
25/11-26/11      3V5A * by YT1AD                                        228
25/11-26/11      3V8BB * by DJ7IK, DL8OBC, DL2OBF                       232
25/11-26/11      CQ WWDX CW Contest                                     ***
November         A51JS * by VK9NS                                  ???  232
November         FT5XL: Kerguelen * by FB1LYF                           227
November         VK9XRS * by ND3A                                       232
mid November     4S7/HB9AMO                                             229