28 October 1995 No.234 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU A6 - Saturday and Sunday, during the CQWW SSB Contest, Steve (K7SP) will be active as A61AF using an IC-706, a little tri-bands antenna, a rotative dipole for WARC bands and some longwires for 40, 80 and 160 meters. Equipments and antennas, donated by ICOM and HRO, will remain there, ready to be used by another operator in the next CQWW CW Contest. CT3 - CT3BD, CT3BM, CT3DL and CT3IA join the CQWW DX SSB Contest as CT9M from Madeira Islands, Multi/Single category. DL - In 1996 the club-station DL0HA in Hagen will celebrate the 50th an- niversary of foundation, while the town of Hagen will celebrate the 250th anniversary. The club-station will be active during the next year using the special DF0HAG call. During the period 22 June - 20 July 1996, DF0HAG will be also the special DOK "RTA". DF0HAG will be active on all HF/VHF/UHF bands and in some contests E3 - Unfortunately Carl, WB4ZNH and Martha WN4FVU, have not recieved the authorizations to operate from Eritrea [425DXN 233], as there is a revision of the local amateurs laws that blocked the release of any licence. EA8 - Pete, DL1YAW, Joe, DK5QN, Burt, DF8XC, Dirk, DL1YDI, Rudi, DF8AE, and Heiko, DK3DM, will join the CQWW DX SSB Contest as EA8RG (Multi /Single). QSL via DF0DX. EY - Karl (DL4YT, K4YT) and Ron (DL4FDU, NP2AQ) from 6 to 13 November will be active as, respectively EY8/K4YT and EY8/NP2AQ on all bands from 80 to 10 metri, in SSB and CW. QSL via their homecalls: K4YT, Karl Renz, PSC - 115 (ESC), APO AE 09213 ; NP2AQ, Ron Maples, PSC - 115 (ESC), APO AE 09213. FK - Following what published in previous number, the FK5DX station, ac- tive during the CQWW DX SSB Contest, is worked by Eric, FK8GM, and by Franck, FK8HC. QSL manager is WB2RAJ. GM - The North of Scotland Contest Group joins the CQWW DX SSB Contest with the Multi/Multi GM4DMZ station. QSL via Chris Tran, GM3WOJ, Achnacoille, Lamington, Invergordon, UK IV18 0PE. I - During the weekend the Lissone ARI Section join the CQWW SSB Con- test using the IO2L call, valid also for the CQWW CW Contest. QSL via I2OKW. I - The IYLRC "Elettra Marconi" joins the CQWW DX SSB Contest, to ce- lebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Radio, with the following sta- tions (single operator): Marinella, IK2QCF, Laura, I5NXD, Adriana, IK5MEQ, and Gigliola, IS0PFD. IL3 - Mario, IV3JWR, reports that Saturday 28 October he will activate again, together with the IV3VQN team, the Volperossa Isl. (IIA GO- 021). Operations are planned from 08.00 to 12.00 UTC on 40 meters. QSL via IV3JWR. IY - During the weekend, the Marconian station IY0TCI from Civitavecchia (Roma) joins the CQWW DX SSB Contest, in the Single Operator / All All Bands category, worked by Patrizia I0KHP. IY0TCI will be active until December, to celebrate the Centennial of the Radio. QSL via via I0KHP. JT - Following what published in previous number N6ZZ, N6AA, K6MC, W6XD, N6TW, W6MKB are active from Mongolia respectively as JT1FAZ, JT1FAU JT1FAV, JT1FAW, JT1FAX and JT1FAY. During the CQWW DX SSB Contest they work in the Multi/Multi category as JT1Z. QSL for all activi- ties via K6VNX. KC6 - Hitoshi Muira (JE8XRF) is active until 31 ottobre from Palau using the KC6MW call. He plans to join the CQWW DX SSB Contest. QSL via JE8XRF. KH0 - Following what published in previous number, there are other acti- vities from Saipan (OC-086), between 3 and 6 November, as follows: KH0R (Yu, JE6DND); KH0CS (Max, JA6PFR); WH0ABC (Yoshi,JR6OCL); KH0U (Minoru, JA1QNV); KH0S (Yutaka, JA1OGX); KH2GR/KH0 (Yoshi, JF6BCC); WR1J/WH0 (Yasu, JR2BEF). Operations on bands from 80 to 10 meters, WARC included. QSL via homecalls, for WR1J/WH0 via his QSL manager 7J2YAA. LX - The DAGOE-DX Club (Dutch Amateurs Goiing On Expedition) from 2 to 9 November will activate many Luxembourg stations, on all bands (HF, 6m, 2m, 70cm) in CW SSB, PACTOR, AMTOR, RTTY and via satellite. The operators will be PA0TUK, PA2FAS, PA3AWW, PA3CLK, PA3DEW, PA3ERA, PA3FPP, PA3FQX, PA3FSO, PA3FUE, PA3GAF, PA3GEZ, PE1HVK, PE1FNB, PE1NJE, PE1PFN, PE1PGJ using the LX/homecall calls. QSL via bureau. ON - During the weekend, the "Team HF ON6RM" joins the CQWW DX SSB Con- test. Every contact made with ON6RM station will be valid to obtain the "ON6RM HF Award". QSL and awards (US$ 3) via P.O. Box 23, 7000 Mons, Belgium. S5 - A group of amateurs leaded by Jelka (YL), S57NW, joins the CQWW DX SSB Contest, in the Multi-Single category using her call. S7 - The operations by Gerard, F2JD, from Seychelles, planned for mid October (425DXN 230), have been postponed to 10 November. Gerard will stay there for about a month. T9 - Members of the Radio Club "Novo Sarajevo - T91ENS" joins the CQWW SSB Contest using the special T99MT call. The operators are: Karl T9/OH6XY, Boris T94EU, Neri T94NE, Elvis T94NF, Ferid T94TF, Pedja T94TU, and some newcomers (T95...). QSL via K2PF. UT - During the weekend UX2HO joins the CQWW SSB Contest using the EN2H call, valid also for the CQWW CW Contest. QSL via I2PJA. V8 - Hajime, KH0G/JO1RUR joins the CQWW DX SSB Contest from Brunei using the V85HG call as Single Operator/All Band. QSL via JH7FQK. VE - During the weekend Jacques, VE2QK, Jean-Pierre, VE2LJP, and Pierre, VE2MCZ, are active as XL2MCZ, during the CQWW SSB Contest. QSL via VE2QK. VE2 - John, WB2K, joins the CQWW DX SSB Contest as VE2QRZ (Zona 2). QSL via WB2K. VK9_m - Following what published in number 233, Steve, AA6BB, will start the operations from Mellish Reef as VK4ALF/9 the 29 October, for four days. Then Steve will go to Frederick Reef, in the Coral Sea Islands group (IOTA NO-REF), with two-days activities starting from 5 November. QSL via AA6BB. VP5 - K0LUZ, N4WW, NX4N, KF4WW, AB4OM and KB4QKP join the al CQWW DX SSB Contest as VP5WW. All bands activities. XE - K5TSQ, W5VX and others, join the CQWW DX SSB Contest from Mexico using the 6D2X cal in the Multi/Single category. QSL via K5TSQ. XE - Hector, XE1BEF, reports that, to celebrate the 48th "Feria de Todos Los Santos" in Colima City (Mexico), until 20 November the special station X85COL will be active, joining the CQWW DX SSB and Japan International DX SSB Contests. Operations in SSB, CW and RTTY, on all bands (WARC included). QSL via XE1BEF. XU - Saturday and Sunday, during the CQWW DX SSB Contest, Mike (VS6WV) will be active from Cambogia as XU6WV, using a TS-50, a DT-2000 and a HV2V/R5. Operations on 80 and 40 meters are also planned. A copy of the XU licence has been already sent to ARRL. XY - Ray, G3NOM, and Stig, LA7JO, the first operators that activated the XY1HT station, have been joined from a group of JA leaded by Yoshi, JA1UT, to work on CQWW DX SSB Contest (425DXN 223). XY - Not only XY1HT is active from Burma (425DXN 233): from Monday 23 October, the station XZ1A is on-the-air operated by JA1BK, K5FUV, N7NG, OH2BH and OH0XX. These operations are fully authorized and celebrate the 50th anniversary of the United Nations. The equipment has been offered by Yaesu, ETO, Cushcraft and Northern California DX Fundation. Two local operators will be experienced during the activities on the following frequencies: CW 7005, 14005, 21005 KHz; SSB 14195, 21295 KHz (other frequencies are expected to be authori- zed during the operations). They started with an amplifier problem that gave only 100 watts until Friday 27 October. Then OH2BH and OH0XX returned from Singapore with a new amplifier for stronger signals during the weekend. The activity will end Monday 30 Octo- ber and during the CQ WW SSB Contest XZ1A will be QRV mainly in CW, while in SSB they will use the new 14105 and 21205 KHz frequencies, particularly for U.S.A., due to previous bad conditions. Bill, K5FUV, one of the operators and DXCC manager, has discussed with local authorities and has all the documentation for an immediate DXCC credit. The QSL manager is JA1BK, that promised fast answers: Kan Mizoguchi, 5-3 Sakuragaoka 4, Chome, TamaCity, Tokyo 206, Japan YS - Following what published in number 230, YS1ZKR (Kent N2MIP) will be active via satellite Oscar-13 mode B on 145.880 MHz, listening in split on 145.910 MHz. ZA - From 1 to 12 November, ZA/PA0HTR and ZA/PA0AIO will be active via satellite Oscar-13 and Oscar-10. QSL via P.O. Box 200, NL-1780AE Den Helder, Netherlands. ZD8 - Following what published in number 231, until 1 November Jim Neiger N6TJ, is active again as ZD8Z. Operations in CW up 33 kHz from the edge and on 21250 KHz. Jim will also try to be active on 160 meters QSL via VE3HO, G. Hamilton, P.O. Box 1156, Fonthill, ON L0S 1E0, Canada. 4U_itu - From 3 to 5 November, F5PAC and other operators will be active from ITU Geneve station. All bands activities, in CW, SSB and satellite. 4X - The activity by special 4X7JY station, planned from 25 to 31 Octo- ber (425DXN 228), has been cancelled. 5R - Ben, 5R8DS (425DXN 228), join the CQWW DX SSB Contest. This is his last operation before he returns in Netherland Ben uses a 17 elements log-periodic beam (5.5-30 MHz) and hopes to give anyone a change for another QSO. Find him on 40 meters, around 7060 KHz (+/- QRM), about 03.00 UTC. QSL via PA3BXC. 9A - 9A6TCA, 9A4DO, 9A4IP, 9A4SD and 9A4GR will activate the 9A1CEI sta- tion during the CQWW DX SSB Contest. QSL to: Radio Club "Pazin", 9A1CEI, M.B.Rasana 2/4, HR-52000 Pazin, Croatia. + SILENT KEYS + We sadly inform that two famous QSL managers are S.K.: Fernand Labbe, F2BU, manager for J28JA, and Leonard Barrett, W5JLU, the ma- nager for FY5YE. **************************************************************************** CQWW DX SSB CONTEST ----> Other operations expected during the weekend are: HI by WA2VUY & NO2R (MS/MM), J79RM by WB6CJE (SO), KH6/WR6R by WR6R (SO, QSL via N2AU), KH9 by AL7EL (MS?), P40W by W2GD (SO, QSL a N2MM), PJ7 by WB1HHB (SOLP), V31DX by KI6IM (MS, QSL via AA6BB), V7X by V73C (MS, QSL via KH6HH), VE9DH by K2NJ, NR2H, W9NGA (MM), VP9 by N2MZH (SO/LP?). AP2TJ/T5TJ ---> Tariq, AP2TJ, reports that he answered all the QSL both for his homecall QSOs and for T5TJ call (operations from Mogadiscio, Somalia, dated January/February 1993 and February/March 1994). If you still have not received your try to send him a packet message to AP2TJ @ AP2TJ.ISL.PAK.AS or via Internet to janjua@sdnpk.undp.org ; Tariq will resend the QSLs DAGOE-DX-AWARD --> Contacting three members of the DAGOE-DX Club, or a mem- ber in three different modes, or also a member on thre different bands it is possible to free receive the DAGOE-DX-Award. Send an extract of the log and the QSLs to: DAGOE - Foundation, P.O. Box 356, 3300 AJ Dordrecht, Nether- lands. PALAU KC6/T8 ---> Following what published in number 233, we have received from Ted NH6YK, a message saying that the Palau Republic authorities renewed his licence (dated 12 August 1995), confirming the KC6YK call instead of the expected T8YK. Ted thinks that it will need more time to have the prefixes changed (Note: they probably don't read the 425-DX-News!) TJ1BP ---> From May 1995, the QSL manager of TJ1BP is SP9NLK, that has the logs starting from December 1993. Actually SP9NLK can work only via direct but from January 1996 he will use the bureau. QSL received: N6IV/KL7 (NA-197), SV9/HA0HW/P (WF5E DX QSL Service), TJ1MG, TT8NU (F6FNU), XF3OZ (NA-045), XU95HA (WF5E DX QSL Service), YJ8RN (N9DRU), YS1ZV (KB5IPQ), Z22JE, ZC6B, ZK3RW, 8A4EI (OC-204). **************************************************************************** * 425 DX NEWS * * DX info weekly bulletin * * edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Piero Forno, IK1IYU * * with the contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171 * **************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, I2OKW, IK2WXQ, IV3JWR, IV3TAN, I4LCK, I5FLN, I6KZR, IK7AFM, IK8TEM, I0KHP, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, AP2TJ, CT3IA, DC3MF, DL1YAW, DL4DBM, DL4FDU, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL9GOA, EA5KB, F6AJA, G4BUE, JA7SSB, JA1UT, JA1IDY, JE8XRF, JH2PDS/1, ON4BAM, ON5SV, PA3AWW, PA3FWP, S56A, T94EU, UT1HT, VE2MCZ, VR2BH, VS6WV, WB2K, WB2RAJ, WB2YQH, W4MWT, KJ4VH, KI6WF, NH6YK, N7US, K8MFO, KB8NW, OZ1LQH, PT7WA, YC0UVO, 4X6TT, 5R8DS, 9A1CHP, DXNS, LNDX, OPDX, URE - EA - DX, QRZ-DX, ARRL-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, VK2SG RTTY DX. **************************************************************************** * Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to * * Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to * * Piero Forno, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it) * **************************************************************************** * INTERNET e-mail : I121171@amsat.org * * 425 WWW Page --> http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html * * INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: * * promet12.cineca.it - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/ * **************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 ARRL HQ BBS USA : 203-666-0578 CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 28 October 1995 no.234 ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU PERIOD CALL REF till 01/11 EX: Kirghiz Rep. * by DL4MFM, DJ5BA, DK7ZT, DL8OBQ 221 till 31/10 J3 * K8 & K9 team 229 till 01/11 JT * by N6ZZ's team 233 till 15/04 JX4CJA & JX3EX * by LA4CJA & LA3EX 228 till 31/10 KC6MW: Palau * by JE8XRF 234 till 30/11 SI(0-7)GM * special calls 225 till 05/11 OS4CLM * special event station 228 till ? T9/F2CW 233 till 31/10 VI50PEACE * special event station 217 till ? VK6LC: Finucane Isl. (OC-199) 227 till 17/11 VU2=VU2/C * special event 233 till 20/11 X85COL: Mexico * special event station 234 till 30/10 XY1HT * by JA1UT's team 233 till 30/10 XZ1A * by JA1BK's team 234 till 30/10 YT9N: San Nicola Isl. (EU-163) * by YU7BW,4N7ZZ,YU7LM 231 till 03/11 3V8 * by YT1AD 231 till 31/10 5N=5N35 231 till November 5R8EU * by JF1MGI 232 till 01/11 ZD8Z * N6TJ 231 25/10-04/11 C6: Treasure Cay (NA-080) * by W7KFK & WJ8C 233 25/10-10/11 3D2RW: Rotuma * by ZL1AMO 233 26/10-30/10 3B8/F5PXQ 226 28/10-01/11 F: Port Cros Isl. (EU-070) (DIFM ME-11) * by F team 230 28/10 IL3: Volperassa Isl. (IIA GO-021) * by IV3VQN' team 234 28/10 PA6AMF * special event station 233 28/10-29/10 TM2RDS * special event station 228 28/10-29/10 CQ WWDX SSB Contest *** 29/10-07/11 GB5SI: Shetlands Is. (EU-012) * by The MidLanark ARS 221 29/10-02/11 VK4ALF/9: Mellish Reef * by AA6LF 234 30/10-03/11 J3: Carriacou Isl. (NA-147) * by K9AJ, W9IXX, KA9RHK 231 October C91/ZS6WPX & C91/ZS6BRZ 230 October CQ4I: Gaivota Rock * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU 190 October VU4: Andaman Is. * by VU2RKC team ??? 214 October YB5: Mentawai Isl. (OC-???) * by YC5BLB ??? 222 October-November YB0ASI * by ND3A 232 October 3F4B, H34B, HO4B: Boca del Toro Arch. (NA-088) ??? 222 01/11-31/12 A4=A4/25 * special event 233 01/11-06/11 OY/OZ5IPA * by OZ5AAH 231 01/11-05/11 V47NR * by YU1NR 233 01/11-12/11 ZA * satellite operation by PA0HTR & PA0AIO 234 01/11-20/11 9M * by F6BFH, F5LGQ, F6AOI, F6AUS, F9IE 226 02/11-09/11 LX * by DAGOE-DX Club 234 02/11-04/11 ZW0C: Caju Isl. (SA-072) (DIB 17) 229 03/11-06/11 KH0: Saipan Isl. * by JA's team 234 03/11-05/11 4U1ITU * by F5PAC's tean 234 04/11-11/11 VK9: Norfolk Isl. * by DK9FN 232 04/11-07/11 3D2: Rotuma * by Yamata Radio Club 231 05/11-07/11 VK4ALF/9: Frederick Reef (NO-REF) * by AA6LF 234 05/11-11/11 YS1ZRK * by N2MIP 223 06/11-13/11 EY8 * by K4YT & NP2AQ 234 08/11-11/11 FP8NR * by YU1NR 233 10/11-10/12 S7 * by F2JD 234 11/11-12/11 WAE RTTY Contest *** 12/11-01/12 VK0: Heard Island * by international team 216 14/11-28/11 T32BE * by WC5P 231 15/11-17/11 KC6JZ * by JE7RJZ 233 November A51JS * by VK9NS ??? 232 November FT5XL: Kerguelen * by FB1LYF 227 November VK9XRS * by ND3A 232 mid November 4S7/HB9AMO 229 ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU CQWW DX SSB CONTEST - 28/29 OCTOBER ===================================== CALL REF 3V8 * by YT1AD 231 4U0ITU * OL1A Contest team 232 5R8DS 234 6D2X * by K5's team 234 9A1CEI * by Radio Club Pazin 234 9K0A * by 9K2HN 228 9R1A * by PA3DZN 233 A61AF * by K7SP 234 C56WW * by G0UCT 233 C6: Treasure Cay (NA-080) * by W7KFK & WJ8C 233 CT3BX * by DL team 233 CT9M * by CT3BD, CT3BM, CT3DL, CT3IA 234 EA8RG * by DL1YAW, DK5QN, DF8XC, DL1YDI, DF8AE, DK3DM 234 EI7M * by East Cork Radio Group 232 EN2H * by UX2HO 234 EX: Kirghiz Rep. * by DL4MFM, DJ5BA, DK7ZT, DL8OBQ 221 FK5DX * by FK8GM 233 G0/AA4V * AA4V & N4SF 233 GB6AR * by G4XKR & VE6WQ 233 GM4DMZ * by North of Scotland Contest Group 234 GU3HFN * Guernsey Amateur Radio Society 233 HB9OK * by Tera Radio Club 231 HB0/HB9AON 233 HI * by WA2VUY & NO2R 234 HK0 * KH8AL, JH1NBN, NL7GP 231 HL9DX * by HL9DC 233 IG9: Lampedusa Isl. (AF-019) * by I team 217 IO2L: ARI Lissone 234 IQ2W: ARI Limbiate 231 IQ2X: ARI Brescia 230 IR1I * by IK1RGL & IK1XHU 231 IR5T * by IK5SRF's team 233 IY0TCI * by I0KHP 234 J3 * K8 & K9 team 229 J48Y: Salamis Isl. (EU-075) * by SV1BKN 227 J79RM * by WB6CJE 234 JT * by N6ZZ's team 233 KH6/WR6R 234 KH9 * by AL7EL ??? 234 KH0AM * by JA team 233 LX1NO, LX1KC, LX1NW, LX9SW 233 ON6RM * by ON6RM HF Team 234 OT5L * by NOL Contest team 233 OT5T * by ON4AFZ, ON6UK, ON7LX, ON4AAM 233 P40E * by CT1BOH 233 P40W * by W2GD 234 P49I * by K4PI 232 PJ7: St. Maarten * by EA2LM & EA3ELM 233 PJ7: St. Maarten * by WB1HHB 234 PJ9T * by AB4KI & K4ADK 233 PW2N * by PY2NY 233 S57NW * by S5's Contest Team 234 SV9/OH6LI 232 T99MT: Radio Club Novo Sarajevo 230 TK2C * by Bavarian Contest Club 232 TO5M: St. Pierre & Miquelon * by K9GS's team 226 V26B: Antigua * by Frankford Radio Club 224 V31DX * by KI6IM 234 V47BW * by VE3BW 227 V47KP * by K2DOX 233 V7X * by V73C 234 V85HG * by KH0G/JO1RUR 234 VE2QRZ: Zone 2 * by WB2K 234 VE9DX * by K2NJ, NR2H, W9NGA 234 VO2WL * by WA9PUJ, N0AFW, AH9B, KG4DX 229 VP2ENR * by YU1NR 233 VP5 * by KE2OP, N2VW, WB2YOF 231 VP5S: W3ZNB,KC4FWS,N4KE,NU4Y,WB4EYX,WB4KSP,WB4MAI,WR4K 231 VP5WW * by K0LUZ, N4WW, NX4N, KF4WW, AB4OM, KB4QKP 234 VP9 * by N2MZH 234 XL2MCZ * by VE2QK, VE2LJP, VE2MCZ 234 XU6WV * by VS6WV 234 XY1HT * by JA1UT's team 233 XZ1A * by JA1BK's team 234 ZC4DX * by Whitton Amateur Radio Group 223 ZD8Z * by N6TJ 231 ZF2DX * by K1KNQ, KJ4WC, K7LXC 233 ZF2JI 230 ZX2A * by PT2BW 232