DX425 bulletin issue nr. 233

21 October 95                                                         No.233
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                           edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU

We apologize for the delay of the English version of issues nos. 231 and 232
as we did have  a few technical  problems and moreover  some of the editors,
particularly  Maurizio (I1-21171), who regularly attends to the translation,
were partecipating in the HF-DX & IOTA Convention. A vote of warm and heart-
felt thanks to all the friends attending the Convention - their presence has
contributed a lot to the success of the event! 

                                   - * -
A4     - From 1 November to 31 December, all the stations from Oman will use
         their own call followed by /25, during the celebration for the 25th
         anniversary of  the  National  Holidays . The  Royal  Oman  Amateur
         Society has also issued the  "Silver Jubilee Award", for which  are
         required 8 points:  A43SJ counts 3 points, (will be QRV  during the
         third week  of December);  A47RS/25 and  A47OS/25,  count 2 points;
         other stations count 1  point. QSO with same station,  on different
         bands or  different modes  doubles the score.  Send the list to the
         Awards Manager, P.O. Box 981, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, Code 113.
A6     - Thursday 19 October, Jim (K9PPY), Dave (KA5TQF) and Tom (WT2O) have
         been  active as  A61AH [425DXN 228] from Sirat Al  Khwar Island and
         the New Reference number assigned is IOTA AS-124.  QSL  via KA5TQF:
         David C. Zulawski, 2808 Catnip St., El Paso, TX 79925, USA.
C2     - Due to an accident, Fumio (JA3JA) has cancelled his  Nauru activity
         [425DXN 232].
C5     - Brendan,  G0UCT, will  join the CQWW  SSB  Contest using  the C56WW
         call (QRP).  QSL via homecall.
C6     - From 25 October to 4 November, W7FKF and WJ8C will be  portable C6/
         from Treasure Cay (NA-080). SSB and CW activities joining  also the
         CQWW SSB Contest using the C6AHU  call.
CO     - From 23 to 27 November the station CO1OTA [425DXN 223] will be ac-
         tive  from Cayo Jutia (NA-093).  The operators will be  QRV on all
         bands and all modes.  QSL via CT1ESO.
CT3    - CT3BX  together with other  DL amateurs will join the  CQWW DX  SSB
         Contest from Madeira Island using the CT3BX call.  QSL via HB9CRV.
E3     - Carl (WB4ZNH) and Martha Henson  (WN4FVU) are currently in Eritrea,
         from where they hope to be  active from this weekend, for at  least
         one weekend.  In 1992  Carl and  Martha  (respectively  9ER1TB  and
         9ER1TA) were the first to activate Eritrea since more than 30 years
EA6    - Enrique, EA6WL from Formentera, Balearic Islands (EU-004 DIE E-024)
         reports that he  is usually  QRV on 20 meters SSB on  14250 KHz and
         that he will join the forthcoming CQWW DX SSB Contest.
EA8    - Paul, DK8SX, member of the G-QRP-Club, is portable EA8 until 25 Oc-
         tober. Paul uses an homebrew QRP (1 watt) and a dipole. Find him in
         in CW on 14060 KHz (+/- QRM), between 1700 and 1900 UTC.
F      - From 20 to 23 October, during the del Jamboree On The Air, the spe-
         cial TM1OTA station will be active in SSB/CW/RTTY, by F6GCT, F6ICX,
         F6ARS and F6GCP.  QSL via bureau to F6KBK.
FK     - FK8GM will  join the  CQWW DX SSB  Contest using the  special FK5DX
         call.  QSL via FK8GM.
FO     - FO0SUC has ended the operations from Rangiroa (OC-066) [425DXN 231]
         and he is now active from Manihi (OC-131). QSL via F5KFE Radio Club
         du Pilat, P.O. Box 6, F-42520 Maclas, France.
FP     - From 8 to 11 November, Ratko,  YU1NR, will be active as  FP8NR from
         St. Pierre & Miquelon.  QSL via homecall.
G      - AA4V and N4SF will join the CQWW DX SSB Contest from  England using
         the G0/AA4V call on all bands.
G      - From 26 to 27 October, Tom (WT2O), Jimmy (K9PPY), Dave (KA5TQF) and
         John (G3VJP/P) will be G0/ from  Scilly Islands  (EU-011).  QSL via
G      - The 24 October EU-120, Tom (WT2O), Jimmy (K9PPY), Dave (KA5TQF) and
         John (G3VJP/P)  will be  G0/ from  Wight Island  (EU-120).  QSL via
GU     - The Guernsey  Amateur  Radio  Society will join, with the club-sta-
         tion GU3HFN, the SSB and CW CQWW DX Contests.
GW     - Russ, G4XKR, Joel, VE6WQ and other operators will join the CQWW SSB
         Contest using the GB6AR call (multi-single).
HB0    - HB0/HB9AON  will join the  CQWW DX SSB  Contest from Liechtenstein.
         QSL via DJ2YE.
HK4    - Wednesday 18 October Pedro,  HK3JJH signed  /4 from Playa Blanca on
         Cocotal island  (NO-REF).  Unfortunately,  due  to  some  technical
         problems, Pedro  had to stopped the  operations, after 24  hours of
HK0    - Following what published in number 231, the QSL manager for next o-
         perations by KH8AL/HK0 from San Andres Isl. (NA-033) will be JH1NBN
HL     - HL9DC will join the CQWW SSB and CW Contests, respectively as HL9DX
         and HL9CW.  Del hopes to be soon active on 160 meters.
I      - During the weekend (22-23 October) joining the 10th Jamboree On The
         Air, the Vicenza  "Costigiola"  Scout Base will be active using the
         special IR3S call.
I      - IK5SRF, IK5ORP, IK5UIS, IK5VYY  and IK5ATM will  join the CQWW  SSB
         Contest as IR5T.  QSL via IK5ORP.
IG9    - I4UFH  (IG9R on 20 metri) and  IV3TAN (IG9T on 80 metri)  will join
         the CQWW SSB Contest from Lampedusa (AF-019) [425DXN 217].
IL3    - Saturday 21 or Sunday 22 October, IV3JWR, IV3EXW, IV3CII and IV3VQN
         will be active as IV3VQN/IL3 from Busiari island (IIA GO-15), on 20
         and 40 meters.  This will probably be the last activity planned for
         1995 from Grado Lagoon.  QSL via IV3JWR.
IY4    - During the weekend (22-23 October) joining the 10th Jamboree On The
         Air the  "Villanova di Castenaso 1" Scouts group will  activate the
         IY4FGM station from  Villa Griffone in Pontecchio Marconi (BO).
JA6    - From  20 to 22 October  Seiji, JH6RTO  will be active  from Okinawa
         (AS-017) using the 7L3TDU/6 call.  QSL via homecall.
JT     - From  23 October to 1 November  Phil, N6ZZ, and other four USA ope-
         rators will  be active from Mongolia.  They will join the  CQWW SSB
JY     - Bob, JY8XY, is regularly active on  40 and 80 meters,  but he can't
         install a 160 meters antenna.
KC6    - From 15 to 17  November Nao, JE7RJZ/WH2M, will be active from Palau
         as KC6JZ. The operations will take place mainly via satellite (AO13
         and probably also AO10) and on HF bands in CW.  QSL via JA7FWR (di-
         rect or via bureau).
KH2    - After the Palau Nao operations,  JE7RJZ/WH2M will  be in Guam, from
         where he will be active as WH2M until 19 November. Operations main-
         ly satellite (AO-13 and probably also AO-10) and on HF bands in CW.
         QSL via JA7FWR (diretta o via bureau).
KH0    - From 26 to 31 October JE1CKA, JA1WSX, JH1GTV, JR1EFG, JF1MIA, KH0BA
         JE2JCV and JA6VZB  will be active  from  Mariana islands  (OC-086).
         They plan to join the CQWW SSB Contest using the KH0AM call (multi-
         multi). KH0BA will be active on 10 metres SSB and FM outside of the
         contest. No 160 meters activity. QSL via  JE1CKA: all the QSO  will
         be automatically confirmed via the bureau;  for a direct  reply  it
         is better to enclose IRCs rather green stamps.
KH0    - From 3 to 6  November, Seiji,  JH6RTO  will be active  from  Saipan
         (OC-086) using the AH0AV call.  QSL via homecall.
LU     - From 1 to 3 December the  Tierra del Fuego  Radio Club, LU8XW, will
         activate Redonda island (NO-REF). The operations are planned in all
         modes. QSL via bureau or to LU8XW, Box 58, 9410 Ushuaia, Argentina.
LX     - During the weekend the special  stations LX9VIS and LX1JAY  will be
         active joining the Jamboree On The Air.  QSL via LX1TI.
LX     - The following  LX stations will be  active during the CQWW SSB Con-
         test: LX1NO (80 or 40 meters, LX1KC (80 meters QRP),  LX1NW (20 me-
         ters QRP), LX9SW (20 meters).
ON     - Luc, ON4AKL, reports tha the NOL Contest Team will join the CQWW DX
         SSB Contest using the OT5L call on all bands from 160 to 10 meters.
         QSL via ON6NL.
ON     - John, ON4UN, reports that ON4AFZ, ON6UK, ON7LX and ON4AAM will join
         the CQWW DX SSB Contest using the OT5T call.
P4     - CT1BOH will  join the  CQWW SSB Contest from Aruba  using the  P40E
PA     - Between  08.00 and 20.00 UTC  of 28 October the station PA6AMF will
         be active to celebrate the 50th anniversary of VERON.
PJ     - From 26 to 30 October,  EA3ELM and EA2KL will be protable PJ7/ from
         St. Maarten. They plan to join the CQWW SSB Contest.
PJ     - From  23 to 31 October Ray (AB4JI)  and Mike (K4ADK) will be active
         as PJ9T from Netherland Antilles. Operations in CW,RTTY and via sa-
         tellite RS-12; they plan also to join the CQWW SSB Contest. QSL via
PY     - During the  CQWW DX SSB  Contest,  PY2NY  will be active as PW2N on
         all bands (160-10 meters), low power category.  QSL via PY2NY.
S2     - From  5 to 12 January Mine,  JA2NQG will be active from Dacca, Ban-
         gladesh,  using the S21ZZ call.  Particular attention will be given
         to 160 meters.
S9     - From 21 November to 6 December, F5OGL, F6AXX, F6BQY, F5HX and F6HHV
         will be QRV as S92P from  Principe Island (AF-044), with all  bands
         activities (WARC included) in CW/SSB/RTTY joining also the  CQWW DX
         CW Contest.  QSL via F6KEQ.
SU     - For the next two or three months, SU2MT, who  operates from the ra-
         re CQ Zone 34, will be active on 160 meters  mainly on Friday night.
         Currently in Egypt no permission are given for 30 and 6 meters.
T30    - Due to an accident , Fumio (JA3JA) has cancelled his  West Kiribati
         activity  [425DXN 232].
T8     - Following what  published in number 231, Ted (F8RU)  reports  that:
         " The prefixes serie T8A - T8Z has been assigned from International
         Telecommunications Union to Palau Republic, CQ Zone 27, ITU Zone 64
         (ex Western Carolines, KC6), starting from 19 July 1995".
T9     - Jacques, F2CW, is portable T9 from Bosnia-Erzegovina, where  he  is 
         joining the International Red Cross.
UT     - UT0I (UT2IZ, Nick) and UT7I (UT2IO, Serge) will join the JARTS RTTY
         Contest.  QSL to: P.O. Box 9, Makeevka 339000, Ukraine.
V2 &   - Between 23 and 27 November, JH1NBN will spend his vacation to Anti-
VP2M     gua and  Montserrat, hoping  to be active in  SSB and CW.  Find him
         mainly on 14200 KHz.  QSL via JH1NBN.
V4     - From 22 October Alex, K2DOX, will be active from St. Kitts (NA-104)
         as V47KP. Particular attention will be given to low bands mainly on
         160 meters (CW 1825-35 KHz and SSB 1845-55 KHz), where Alex will be
         QRV in the  European sunrise hours. He plans also to join the  CQWW
         SSB Contest.  QSL via K2SB.
V4     - From 1 to 5 November,  Ratko, YU1NR, will be  active as V47NR  from
         St. Kitts & Nevis.  QSL via homecall.
V7     - Due to an accident, Fumio (JA3JA) has cancelled his Marshall Island
         operation [425DXN 232].
V7     - During the weekend,  the V7BSA  station  will be active  during the
         Jamboree On The Air from Kwajalein Island (OC-028).
VK9_mel- Before the end of the month Steve AA6LF, will be active as VK4ALF/9
         from Mellish Reef. 100 watts operations  using a vertical  antenna,
         mainly on 14260 KHz.  QSL via AA6BB.
VK0_h  - The preparation phase  of the expedition is now  almost over.  Team
         will be by  ON6TT,  KK6EK,  HB9AHL, K0IR, JH4RHF, N6EK,  PA3DUU and
         RA3AUU.  PA3DUU and ON6TT will arrive to Perth, Western  Australia,
         on Sunday 22 October, while  the rest of the group  will reach them
         a week later. Most of the equipment is  already in Australia  since
         last 12 October, while other material from Canada and Easter Island
         is previously arrived. Last  container from Belgium  will arrive to
         Perth in next few days.  Then all the necessary will be embarked on
         the ship, for the  departure planned  the 1st of November.  All the
         new technologies used in the Easter Island (XR0Y) will be used from
         Heard Island. A beacon using the  VK6DIR/MM call will be  activated
         as soon as the ship weighs anchor.  There will be also an  homepage
         on Internet where  logs can be  cosulted to see if you are  on, re-
         ceiving confirmations via e-mail. Details will be given later.  The
         arrive to Heard Island is planned on  12 November but the  land de-
         pends on the sea  and weather conditions. The departure  is planned
         on  1 December. QSL manager will be W4FRU.  As for the Peter I ope-
         rations (3Y0PI) there will be a net  of stations to ask  for and to
         give  information  on the expedition,  propagation condition,  best
         hours for different areas, etc.  This net will be leaded by  ON4UN,
         who  is  also the control  station for Europe.  The others  will be
         WB2DND (east coast), WA0PUJ (midwest-north),  K0EU (midwest-south),
         WA2FIJ (west coast) and JH1ROJ  (Japan).  They  will  be constantly
         connected  with the  opeartional base  on Heard Island  through the
         satellite PACSAT system and the amateur  satellites, used also  for
         Internet to/from messages. You are invited to send your own comment
         to the control station of your zone:  comments about  beacon, hours
         you noted maximum signal from Heard,  signals level,  criticism and
         suggestion to operators.  The operational base will also have a di-
         rect telephone connection through  Inmarsat satellites  (fax/voice/
         data) to allow the  Internet access and  other emergency communica-
         tions. The station will be equipped with three  FT-1000MP and three
         FT-900, four Alpha 81B amplifiers, six computers, two Yagi tribands
         A3S,  monobands Yagi  three elements for 15 and 20 meters, two ele-
         ments for 40 meters, a three element  yagi for WARC bands, a multi-
         bands vertical R7, a Battle Creek Special and others made by  ON4UN
         for 80/160 meters. Other info will follow about the frequencies.
VP2E   - Ratko, YU1NR, will join the CQWW DX SSB Contest from Anguilla using
         the VP2ENR call.  QSL via homecall.
VP2E   - The contest station  VP2EE/VP2EHF is slowly  rebuilding, after  the
         destroy by Caribbean hurricanes. There is a new PRO67A antenna on a
         new tower and the electric power has been already turned on.
VP8_ant- The station VP8CRE is QRV from Antarctic British Base Faraday (WABA
         G-04) located in the Argentine Islands (IOTA AN-006). QSL via:  Box
         260 MPA, Falkland Islands via United Kingdom.
VU     - The station VU7GW has been many times  reported, particularly on 15
         and 20 meters SSB, from Andaman Islands (AS-001).  QSL via DL4MF.
VU2/C  - Until 17 November the Indian stations can use the  suffix /C to the
         call to celebrate the Centennial of the Radio Invention.
W7     - AA7RW will join the CQWW SSB Contest from Guemes Island (NA-065).
XT     - From 20 to 27 October,  F5RLE and F5SBP will be active from Burkina
         Faso respectively as XT2DM and XT2GA, on 40 and 20 meters in CW and
         SSB. QSL via F5RLE.
XY     - Thursday 20 October started the activity of XY1HT, by JA1UT's team,
         with G3NOM and LA7JO  [425DXN 230]; the all bands operations   will
         end  on  30 October, joining the CQWW DX SSB Contest, from Rangoon,
         Myanmar.  QSL to P.O. Box 1300, 10112 Bangkok, Thailand.
YA     - Wednesday 18  October, the station YA/RV6IV has been reported again
         at 17.00 UTC on 14237 KHz.
YB8    - Thursady 19  October has regularly started the activity from Talaud
         islands (OC-209) [425DXN 232] using the YE8TI call. QSL via YB8UMX.
YU7    - Following what has been published in  number 231, QSL for  past and
         future operations by YT9N and 4N73N from St. Nicola Island (EU-163)
         must be sent via YU7FIJ, Radio Klub Senta, PPS Tornjos, P.O. Box 1,
         24352 Tornjos, Yugoslavia.
ZF     - Jack (K1KNQ), Rich (KJ4WC) and Steven (K7LXC) will join the CQWW DX
         SSB Contest from Grand Cayman  Island as ZF2DX, in the  Multi/Multi
         category, from ZF1EJ's QTH.  QSL via K1KNQ.
3D2_rot- From 25 October for two weeks, Ron (ZL1AMO) will be QRV from Rotuma
         using the 3D2RW/R call, in CW/SSB/RTTY.  QSL via ZL1AMO.
5X     - Paul,  5X4F will be outside  the Uganda until the 24 October but he
         plans to back for  joining the CQWW  SSB  Contest.  Paul, who  will
         remain in Uganda  for another year,  is active on 160  meters: find
         him on 1831 KHz  (split 1-2 up), about  2030 UTC. Paul asks  to not
         repeat 160 meters QSOs.
7O     - Carl, WB4ZNH, and  his wife  Martha, WN4FVU,  have been recently in
         Yemen to investigate the possibility of an operation but  they gave
         no permission  to operate.  Howewer Carl is confident and he thinks
         that a future  operation will obtain  the permission  probably next
         year. A club station is ready and completely equipped, waiting only
         for the permission.
8P     - At the end of October, K4FJ and K3KG will be active respectively as
         8P9HR and 8P9HU from Barbados (NA-021). It is also planned the joi-
         ning to CQWW SSB  Contest using  the 8P9Z  call.  QSL for 8P9HR and
         8P9Z via K4BAI; QSL for 8P9HU via K3KG.
8P     - From  21 to 28 November  John, K4BAI,  will be active from Barbados
         using the 8P9HT call.  John will give particular  attention to WARC
         bands and will join the CQWW CW Contest as 8P9Z  in the single ope-
         rator/all bands category.  QSL via homecall.
9N     - From  23 to 31 December Mine,  JA2NQG will be active from Katmandu,
         Nepal, using the 9N1CT or 9N1NQ call. Mine will give particular at-
         tention to 160 meters.
9Q     - Alex, 9Q2L (PA3DZN), will join the CQWW DX SSB Contest (28-29 Octo-
         ber) using the 9R1A call, in the  Single Operator/Single Band cate-
         gory (band is not yet known). QSL via PA3DMH.
9U     - F5FHI and  EA1FH want  to be QRV from  Burundi during  next CQWW DX
         Contests, both SSB and CW, on all HF bands (160 meters included).

425-DX-NEWS LOGO ---> Many readers are using the "425 DX News" logo on their
QSLs. This is a great pleasure for us and we should thank  them for the sup-
port that promote this Italian DX Bulletin.

JARTS RTTY CONTEST ---> The 21-22 October is planned the  JARTS WW RTTY CON-
TEST. The contest starts at  00.00 UTC of Saturday and ends at  24.00 UTC of
Sunday. Activities on five bands from 10 to 80 meters  (RTTY portions in Ja-
pan on  40 and  80 meters are respectively 7025-7040 KHz and 3520-3525 KHz).
Exchange + the operator's age (00 for YL and 99 for multi-operators).
HEARD ISLAND T-SHIRTS ---> Peter, ON6TT, reports that the Heard Island DXpe-
dition  T-shirts are  now on sale in EU.  He has a stock of about 50. If the
stock runs out,  more will be printed when they get back. The Tshirts are of
high quality, light grey colour with bright red silk screen print. The front
shows the Heard  DXpedition's logo.  The back says: 'Antarctica Expedition =
Heard Island 1995' with 'Sponsor' in large print above it.  Only one size is
available: XL. The price is $25 including  postage to Europe.  Send requests
to his address:  ON6TT - Peter Casier, POBOX 1, B-9090 Melle, Belgium.  Cash
only (local currency is ok), no cheques pse.
IL3  --->  Alberto, IK4HPU, reports that all the QSLs for the  activity from
Bonello Scirocco  (IIA RO-006) the 8 October have been all processed (direct
or via the bureau) or personally during the Bologna DX Convention.

EA8AM ---> Luc reports that he  found his call in some  DX publications near
the QSL manager OH1RY.  It is a big mistake:  OH1RY is the EA8AH's  manager,
not for EA8AM. QSL for EA8AM can be sent to his callbook address.

ANGUILLA, VP2E --->  The Anguilla Amateur Radio  Society has a new  address:
AARS, P.O. Box #1, Anguilla, British West Indies. Remember that AARS has not
his own QSL-bureau, but the cards received at this address will be delivered
to the addressees. No warranties for a fast and safe service.

ITALY-AUSTRALIA VIA MOON? -->  Jim, VK1FF, reports that the VK1 Division of
Wireless  Institute of  Australia is planning  the activation of a  special
station, the 11 December 1995, to celebrate the Centennial of first experi-
ments by  Guglielmo Marconi.  During this  activity, the engineers and  the
students of the local University should like to have an EME QSO (earth-moon
eart) with an ITALIAN station. The available equipments are a 10 meters si-
ze dish and high  power transceivers on  70 cm and 23 cm. Those  interested
is kindly invited to  contact as soon as possible the  following addresses:
packet: VK1FF@VK1KCM.ACT.AUS.AUNZ, Internet:  jamesm@sw2.canberra.edu.au

3W5FM ---> Gianni, IK1NEZ, reports that he is NOT the manager of this  sta-
tion, for which he is receiving many QSLs.
QSL received:  A61AH/P (AS-021), FK/DL2GAC (OC-079), IA5/IK2MRZ (EU-028: IIA
GR-002),  IC8/I8KUT (IIA NA-008,  NA-013),  IC8/I8USE (IIA NA-017,  NA-019),
ID8/I8KUT (EU-144: IIA CS-001),  IK8NIM/ID9 (EU-017: IIA ME-018),  I3BQC/IL3
(EU-131:IIA VE-025), IL3/I3THJ (IIA VE-047), IL3/IK2MRZ (EU-130:IIA GO-001),
IL3/IK2NCJ (EU-130:IIA GO-001), IL3/IK3ABY (IIA VE-047), IL3/IK3GES (EU-131:
IIA VE-033), IL3/IK3QAR (EU-131: VE-033), IL3/IK4HPU (IIA RO-006), IM0/I8KCI
(EU-024: IIA SS-088, SS-091, SS-121, SS-126, SS-127), IM0/I8KCI (EU-165: IIA
SS-090),  IM0/IK4HPU (EU-041:  IIA SS-001, SS-005),  IM0/IS0RUH (EU-165: IIA
SS-057),  IP1/I2MWZ (IIA SV-003),  IP1/IK1NEG  (EU-083: IIA SV-001, SV-002),
IP1/IK1NEG (IIA SV-003),  P29VMS (OC-205),  RU0B (AS-121),  RU0B/P (AS-097),
SM/DL1SCQ/P (EU-087, EU-135, EU-137),  SM/DL2SCQ/P (EU-087, EU-135, EU-137),
SV8/I3BQC (EU-067),  SV8/IK3GES (EU-049, EU-052),  TA6/DJ8QP/P,  TA0/DJ8QP/P
(AS-098, AS-099, AS-115, AS-123),  TT8AB  (IK3NAA),  XU95HA,   Z38/DL1SCQ/P,
Z38/DL2SCQ/P,  ZW8AM (SA-072),  3V8BB  (G0UCT),  3V8BB  (JF2EZA),  5B4/RZ9OA
*                              425 DX NEWS                                 *
*                        DX info weekly bulletin                           *
*       edited by Mauro  Pregliasco, I1JQJ  and Piero Forno, IK1IYU        *
*       with  the  contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171        *
              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, A41JT, A45ZO, DC3MF, DJ5AI, DK3VN,  DL7VOA,
The 59(9) DX Report, VK2SG RTTY DX.                                         
* Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
*          Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to         *
*      Piero Forno, IK1IYU  (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it)      *
*                  INTERNET e-mail :  I121171@amsat.org                    *
*         425 WWW Page -->  http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html      *
*                   INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site:                    *
*   promet12.cineca.it  - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/   *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
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