DX425 bulletin issue nr. 232

14 October 1995                                                       No.232
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                           edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU
               *           BOLOGNA, 13-15 OCTOBER          *
               *               HF-DX AND IOTA              *
BY     - From 19 to 26 October, during the "1995 Shanghai Scientific & Tech-
         nological Festival",  the special  BT4ASF station  will be  active.
         Operations in CW, SSB, FM, PACKET, ATV and SSTV, on 80, 40, 20, 15,
         10, 6 metre  bands and on  144/432  MHz.  QSL via  P.O. Box 085-205
         Shanghai, China.
C2     - Fumio, JA3JA, from 28 to 30 October will be QRV as C21/JA from Nau-
         ru.  Activities in CW/SSB/RTTY  on 160 to 10 metre  bands.  QSL via
CE9_ant- After  some days spent  at Punta Arenas (Chile)  Kenn, CE9/G0NKZ is
         now at Patriot Hills (WABA MN-01).  QSL via G0SZO.
CE0    - Siegfried,  DK9FN, reports that he finally received, after one year
         the authorization to operate as CE0Y/DK9FN from  Easter Island, va-
         lid until 2 May 1996. Since he his ready for the Norfolk Isl opera-
         tion , VK9N [see VK9_n], he currently doesn't know the  exact dates
         for CE0Y activities.
CY0    - The  CY0TP activities ended at 11.30 UTC of 10 October and the team
         left Sable Island some hours later, at 15.15 UTC. All the operators
         and the  equipments returned in Nova Scotia.  They logged more than
         11000 QSO,  6500 in CW and 900 via satellite.
EA1    - From 13  to 15 October, if weather permits, the ED1IRA and EA1ALA/P
         will be active from Isla de Cortegada  (EU-080; DIE O-005). QSL via
EI     - The East Cork Radio Group (EI7M) will join  the CQWW DX SSB Contest
         on all bands. QSL  via  EI6HB (Denis O'Flynn, Ladysbridge P.O., Ca-
         stlemartyr, Co. Cork, Ireland).
ET     - Karl, DL1VU, is currently active in CW from  Ethiopia as ET3KV. QSL
          via homecall.
IL3    - Sunday 15 October,  IV3VQN/IL3 will be QRV  from Volperossa  island
         (IIA GO-21) on 40 and 20 metre bands.  QSL via IV3JWR.
IP1    - Sunday  8  October, I1FX,  I2MWZ, IK2OWX and  IK1NEG made about 250
         contacts  in 3 hours  from Scogli I Pagliai  (IIA SV-03) using  the
         IP1/IK1NEG and IP1/I2MWZ calls.  QSL via their homecalls.
KP     - Ramon, KP4VP is active daily in RTTY/AMTOR/PACTOR from 2200 to 0030
         UTC, on 20 metres.  QSL via KD8IW.
P4     - Mike (K4PI) from 24 to 30 October will be active as P49I from Aruba
         joining the CQWW DX SSB Contest on 160 meters band. QSL homecall.
P4     - Sunday 10 December, during the 330th anniversary of the Dutch Royal
         Marine, the special P43QPO (Qua Patet Orbis) will be activated from
         PA3DWC.  QSL via bureau. [see also PA]
PA     - Sunday 10 December (0900-2100 UTC), during the 330th anniversary of
         the Dutch  Royal marine, the special PA6QPO  (Qua Patet Orbis) will
         be activated on all bands from 80 to 10 metres in SSB and  CW. Ope-
         rators will be: PA3GLH, PA2THD, PA3GBK and PA3DGH.  QSL via bureau.
         [see also P4]
PY     - Ari, PT2BW, after using the ZX2A call during his  last CQWW DX RTTY
         Contest, reports that he will join , with the same call, the follo-
         wing contests:  JARTS WW RTTY,  CQWW DX SSB, WAEDC RTTY, CQWW DX CW
         and ARRL 10 Meter. QSL for ZX2A via PT2BW, bureau or direct.
SV/A   - Monk Apollo,  SV2ASP/A, from Mount Athos, has been active last wee-
         kend in RTTY on 14084 KHz. Meanwhile  the DXAC is discussing  about
         the possible deletion of Mount Athos from DXCC List.
SV8    - From 14 to 20 October, the  special J48KEF station  will be  active
         from Kafalonia Island (EU-052), by  SV1BRL, SV8AQY and SV1DKL.  QSL
         via SV8AQY.
SV9    - From  22 to 29 October,  Jukka (OH1JJS/OH6LI)  will be active  from
         Crete on all bands from  160 to 10 metres  (probably on 6 mtrs too)
         in CW/SSB, if the owner of the Hotel permits the antennas to be in-
         stalled.  QSL for SV9/OH6LI via homecall.
T30    - Fumio, JA3JA,  from 20 to 27 Otobere will be QRV as T30JA from West
         Kiribati. Activity in  CW/SSB/RTTY  on  160 to 10 meters bands. QSL
         via homecall.
TK     - During the SSB and  CW CQWW DX Contests, some members of the  Bava-
         rian Contest Club and of the TK Contest Gang will meet  together to
         join the Multi-Single category  using the TK2C call.  The operators
         for the CQWW DX SSB will be  TK5EP,  TK5NN,  TK5MH,  DK2OY,  DK6WL,
         DF7RX and DF4RD, while for the CQWW CW they will be:  TK5EP, TK5NN,
         DL2NBU, DL6RAI and others. The SSB team will arrive to Ajaccio Cor-
         se, the 25 October and will  spend the days before the  contest in-
         stalling all the antennas and the equipments, with possible activi-
         ties  before and after  the contest.  QSL  via bureau or  direct to
         DF7RX (Bernhard Steibl, Kelheimwinzerstr. 40, D-93309 Kelheim, Ger-
TY     - The contest  team by G3SXW, GM3YTS,  K5VT, KC7V, and N7BG (there is
         not K7GE for bad health conditions)  will join the next  CQWW DX CW
         Contest from Benin using the TY5A call.  Before and after the cont-
         est the operators will respectively use the calls:  TY5SXW,  TY5RF,
         TY5VT, TY5MF, TY5AR. QSL for TY5A via GM4AGL Bill Ferguson, 72 High
         Park Sail, Erskine, Renfrewshire, Scotland PA8 7HX,  for other ope-
         rations via their homecall. [see also 9G]
V6     - Kazu, JA0VSH/V63KZ, and Tak, JA1SCJ/V63YT,  will be QRV from Micro-
         nesia from  20 to 25 October,  with CW/SSB operations  on all bands
         from 160 t0 6 meters (WARC included). Kazu will be particularly ac-
         tive on 160 metres,  on 1824.5 KHz  for USA/JA and  on 1827 KHz for
         Europe.  QSL via homecalls.
V7     - Fumio, JA3JA,  from 13 to 19 October will be QRV as V73JA from Mar-
         shall Islands. CW/SSB/RTTY activity on bands from 160 to 10 metres.
         QSL via homecall.
VK9_n  - The well-known antenna designer,  Siegfried Hari, DK9FN,  from 4 to
         11 November will be active in CW from Norfolk Island, on all bands:
         find him 5 KHz up from  the band  beginning. QSL only  via bureau !
         Direct cards will receive no reply.
VK9_x  - Rob, ND3A, will spend a vacation to Christmas Isl. during  November
         and hopes to be active as VK9XRS on all bands from 160 to 10 metres
         mainly in CW. He will join, if possible the CQWW DX CW Contest. QSL
         via ND3A.
VK0_h  - Following what published in previous number, Peter, ON6TT,  reports
         that thanks  to recent  donations by  EI6S, PA3FQA,  ON5NT, SM0SMK,
         DK3VN, DJ9ZB  (for the second time)  and Armamast (commercial spon-
         sor), the  European Fund to support the "1995  Heard Island DXpedi-
         tion" is actually US$ 6718 (12 October).  Other US$ 1690 are expec-
         ted from DX  associations  and commercial  sponsors. Donations  are
         still welcomed via ON6TT (Europe), K0IR (Americas),  JH1AJT (Japan)
         and  VK2BEX (Oceania).
XF4    - Bob,  KK6EK,  reports that Nellie, XE1CI, who  recently  joined the
         Easter Island/Salas y Gomez expedition,  will not go to  Revillagi-
         gedo (425DXN 222).
YB     - The expedition to Talaud Island (OC-???, 425DXN 224) is now planned
         from 19 to 21 October using  one of these   possible calls:  YE8TI,
         8A8TI, YB0RX/8, YB0CN/8.
YB     - The expedition to  Sangihe Island (OC-???, 425DXN 224) is now plan-
         nned from 23 to 25 October (the Sun eclipse will be the 24 October)
         using one of these possible calls: YE8SUN, 8A8SUN, YB0RX/8, YB0CN/8
YB     - Rob, ND3A, will leave to Jakarta on 16 October, from where he hopes
         to stay 3 or 4  weeks, for work  purposes. During this trip he will
         try to work as YB0ASI from the AA4U station, joining,  if possible,
         the CQWW DX SSB Contest. QSL via  WA4FVT, bureau or direct.
ZL7    - Jon (WB8YJF) and Leo (K8PYD) will join the next CQWW DX CW Contest,
         respectively as ZL7CW and ZL7PYD,  from Chatham Islands.  The start
         of the operations  that, before and  after the  contest, will  take
         place in CW/SSB/RTTY on all HF bands, is  planned for  21 November.
         Jon will leave Chatham on 28 November, while Leo will  remain until
         8 December joining the ARRL 160m CW Contest. Qsl via  homecalls.
3V     - Andy, DJ7IK, Felix, DL8OBC, and Hein, DL2OBF, members  of the Rhein
         Ruhr DX Association (RRDXA),  will be QRV  from club-station  3V8BB
         during next CQWW DX CW Contest  (25-26 November). All the QSO  will
         automatically  be confirmed via bureau.  For direct answers the ad-
         dres is: Heinrich Langkopf DL2OBF, Ritterstr. 42, D-31174 Scheller-
         ten, Germany.
4U_itu - From 27 to 30 October, 4U1ITU will  be  activated  by  OL1A Contest
         Team (OK1CW, OK1DF, OK1FIA, OK1FUA, OK1HH, OK1MM, OK1TN and OK2GG),
         joining the  CQWW DX SSB  Contest as 4U0ITU.  Before and after  the
         contest, the activity will take place preferably  in CW/SSB in WARC
         bands and in RTTY on the other HF bands.  QSL via OK1DWX.
4U_itu - The operations by  DL1GKG,  DJ0LX,  DL2GGA, and  DG3GBM  as  4U0ITU
         (425DXN 230) logged  about 2900 QSOs,  most with USA on 40  meters.
         It was impossible  to work via satellite. QSL via bureau to 4U0ITU,
         or direct to:  IARC, P.O. Box 6, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland  (this
         is the right address, we wrote the wrong one in number 230).
5H     - The special 5H50UN call will be used during next months to celebra-
         te the 50th anniversary of  United Nations. Activity  mainly on  20
         meters, between 1700 and 2100Z. QSL via Tanzania Amateur Radio Club
         5H50UN,  P.O. Box 945, Dar Es  Salaam, Tanzania.
5R     - As reported  in number 226,  Shun (JF1MGI) is currently in Malagasy
         and will be ative in  RTTY and PACTOR during October as  5R8EU. QSL
         via homecall.
8Q     - Andy, G4ZVJ  (ex ZD8VJ) and Ken, G4RWD (ex ZD8WD) from  21 November
         to 3 December will be active as, respectively, 8Q7VJ and 8Q7WD from
         Meerufenfushi Island,  Maldives. CW only operations on  1827, 3503,
         7003, 10107, 14027, 18077, 21027, 24897, 28027 KHz (+/- QRM) split.
         The 8Q7VJ  call will also  be used to join  the CQWW DX CW Contest.
         QSL to their homecalls  (Attention: Andy, G4ZVJ has changed his ad-
         dress. Look in the bottom part of the bulletin)
8Q     - Following what published in previous number,  the operations by Ru-
         di (DK7PE)  as 8Q7CW took place from  25 September to 2 October and
         they was mainly on low bands from 160 to 30 meters. He logged about
         2400 stations and, thanks to goog conditions, he made 160 QSO on 80
         and 160 metres with North America.
9G     - G3SXW,  GM3YTS, K5VT, KC7V and  N7BG from 18 to 20 November will be
         QRV, in CW only and on low  bands, from Accra,  Ghana, respectively
         using the calls:  9G5SX, 9G5RF, 9G5VT, 9G5MF, 9G5AR. QSL homecalls.
         [see also TY]
9X     - Following  what published  in number  229,  Mark, 9X/ON4WW, reports
         that starting from this weekend  he will change  his 80 meters fre-
         quency, from previous  3501 KHz to 3514 KHz (QSX +1). Hours will be
         the same (between 2330 and 0200 UTC).  Mark will also try to be QRV
         on 30/40 meters.  Find him on  20 mtrs RTTY also.

4U/OH2BBF (Rwanda) -> Eric, OH2BBF, has received from  Bill Kennamer, K5FUV,
(DXCC Manager) the confirmation  that QSL for Rwanda  operations with the 4U
prefix will be accepted for  DXCC credit, but this will be the  last one, as
the United Nation permission can be officially issued only from New York.
TA6ZS & YM6ZS -> Laurent, F5SLQ, reports that he  replied  all  the requests
for the TA6ZS operations, both via direct  and bureau. Unfortunately  due to
a print delay, the YM6ZS cards are still to be sent. New cards will be ready
before the 15 October and Laurent will  immediately start to send  them. His
address is: F5SLQ, Laurent Monzauge, Bellevue, F-24120 Terrasson, France.
G4ZVJ  -> Andy reports his new postal address: Andy Chadwick G4ZVJ, 5 Thorpe
Chase, Littlethorpe Road, Ripon,  North Yorkshire, HG4 1UA, England.  He can
answer for  ZD8VJ, ZD7VJ,  3D2VJ,  T20VJ,  A35VJ,  5W1VJ,  ZK2VJ, KH8/G4ZVJ,
AH8F, HS0/G4ZVJ, DU3/AH8F, ZD80V,  ZD88V, GB5VJ  requests. Andy can  also be
reached  via  InterNet E-mail  (Andy@g4zvj.demon.co.uk)  or  via  Packet BBS
DP1KGI  -->  The QSL for the Thomas, DL7VTS (ex DD6UAB) activity from DP1KGI
should be ready in two weeks. 
EU-105  ->  Gil, F5NOD, reports  that he has  started to send  the cards for
his activity of the last July.
GU0SUP --->  Phil has been active during last CQWW DX RTTY Contest. QSLs can
be sent via bureau or direct to: Phil Cooper, GU0SUP, P.O.Box 100, St. Peter
Port, Guernsey Island via United Kingdom.
W8GIO -> Paul (QSL manager of C91S, C9RDM, HZ0ZBJ) reports that will no more
answer to cards received via the bureau.
3V8BB/G0UCT ->  Brendan  reports that his operations from club-station 3V8BB
tokk place  between 1235 UTC  of 8 August and 0015 UTC of 13 August, logging
more than 4000 QSO, all in SSB and mainly on 20 meters.  He has reply to 650
requests. Brendan reports also that the  5A/G0UCT activity is  pirate and he
will return the QSL to the senders. The address is: Brendan O' Brien, G0UCT,
47 Hartscroft, Linton Glade, Croyton, Surrey CR0 9LB, England.
5B4WN  ->  Marios  reports that  C4MI and  C4MA cards, from Moulia Rocks and
Manijin Island (AS-120), have been printed and will be sent  as soon as pos-
sible from 5B4KH (George Mappouras, P.O. Box 7638, Nicosia, 2432, Cyprus).
9K2F  --->  Luca, 9K2CA/IK2NCJ, is currently in Kuwait and reports that 9K2F
manager (Faylakah Island, AS-118) is  replying all the  requests via bureau.
Those who sent direct  card and are waiting  for an answer can  contact Luca
who will inform the manager.
DXCC DESK ->  Documentation has been received and approved for the following
A71A/IV3TMM     C9/W6RJ          CE0Z             CN2AW          CN2SR
CN5I            CY9/WA4DAN       CY9/AA4VK        CY9/KW2P       CY9/W5IJU
CY9/K4TVE       D68QM            DU9/KG8QH        EA8/PA3GIO     ED8USA
EY8/K4YT        H44/DJ9RB        LX/DL3FCP        LX/DL4FCH      P29VDI
S79NEO          SV5/PA3GIO       SV8/G3SWH        T5RM           TA/UA3AB
TG9/F5UKV       TI9JJP           TN7OT            TR8SF          TT8AB
TT8NU           TU2/KM4P         V2/G4DIY         VK9CJ          VK9XI
VP2MFM          XT/TU5BA         XU6WV            XT2CH          Z38/DL1SCQ
Z38/DL2SCQ      ZL8/G4MFW        3A/I1YRL         3A/IK1SLP      3A/IK4WMG
3D2CT           3D2CU            3W5FM            4H1TR          4J0/IK2BHX
4K1HX           4S7FEG           4S7ZAG           5H1CK          5H3CK
5N3/SP5XAR      5R8EI            5R8EJ            5R8EH          5T0AS
5T6E            5X4A             5X4B             5X5THW         6Y5/JR7QKH
9A9JH           9G1YR            9M8BC            9M8HN          9N1WT
9X/ON4WW        9X/SM7KOJ
*                              425 DX NEWS                                 *
*                        DX info weekly bulletin                           *
*       edited by Mauro  Pregliasco, I1JQJ  and Piero Forno, IK1IYU        *
*       with  the  contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171        *
              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
IK8TEM,  Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, AA8SM, BY4ALC, BY4BHP,
* Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
*          Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to         *
*      Piero Forno, IK1IYU  (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it)      *
*                  INTERNET e-mail :  I121171@amsat.org                    *
*         425 WWW Page -->  http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html      *
*                   INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site:                    *
*   promet12.cineca.it  - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/   *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
                  * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *
                      TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751
                      DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613
                      ARRL HQ BBS USA :  203-666-0578
                      CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         * Q S L   M A N A G E R S *
                          by IK1GPG, IK2QCF, IW6MTM
CALL  &   MGR      CALL  &    MGR      CALL  &    MGR     CALL  &     MGR   
3B8GD     3B8DB    ES60J      ES1RA    IR5MEQ     IK5MEQ  T91DNO      DL4DCO
3W5GM     DF5GF    ES60L      ES6PZ    IR6LMB     IK6LMB  T94IM       DJ0VZ 
3Z0CDP    SP6CDP   ES60M      ES1QD    IR6LMC     IK6LMC  T94TU       N2MZH 
3Z2AYC    SP2AYC   ES60Q      ES5QA    IR8HEQ     IK8HEQ  TF4/SM7PKK  SM7PKK
3Z2EBG    SP2EBG   ES60R      ES7FQ    IR8HVJ     IK8HVJ  TF4WW       SM6CAS
3Z9PT     SP9KGG   ES60Y      ES6DO    IR8NKQ     IK8NKQ  TM5ITU      F6IMS 
4F1L      VE1AL    ES60Z      ES0ZA    IR8VSH     IK8VSH  TM6MXP      F5KFL 
5L2M      DJ0IF    ET3KV      DL1VU    IL3/I3THJ  IK3ABY  TT8BP       IK5JAN
5N35ALE   DJ2VZ    EX0MS      DF8WS    IM0/IS0UPR IS0UPR  TU4FB       K4ZLE 
5N35T     F2YT     EX9HQ      DK7UY    IM0MR      IK0SMF  UA8V/UA0UBG UA9AB 
5R8DS     PA3BXC   EY8J       DF3OL    IR3TJK     IN3TJK  UA9BA/50    UA9AB 
6Y5/N9JCL N9JCL    FO5OU      F6GQK    IR0EIH     IK0EIH  UD6DFF      UA9AB 
7S6SAQ    SK6DK    FR5HR      F5RRF    IR0IOZ     IK0IOZ  UD6DFT      UA9AB 
8P9II     DL7UUO   H2T        5B4XF    IR0MR      IK0SMF  UD8F        UA9AB 
8Q7CW     DK7PE    H44/JA1OEM JA1OEM   IR0MR      IK0UQX  UE50L       UA0LS 
8Q7RJ     JA9PRJ   HA95SVK    HA8RJ    IR0PFD     IS0PFD  UG/UV3ZZ    UA9AB 
9A95K     9A2EU    HB0/DL3APJ DL3APJ   IR9ESZ     IT9ESZ  UK8AWX      UA9AB 
9H3UT     DL9GDB   HB0/DL7UHR DL7UHR   IR9KXI     IT9KXI  UL7VW       UA9AB 
9H3WK     DK9IP    HG750K     HA1KRR   IU0GQF     IS0GQF  UN7JID      UA9XFY
9I30A     JH8BKL   HH2/KF4CCK KF0UI    IU3VMD     IK3AWP  UN7VW       UA9AB 
9K0A      9K2HN    HK100GM    HK3DDD   IY1EY      I1QOD   UR9P/U5WF   SP5IUL
9K2QA     DJ2UT    HK4/G0SHN  F6AJA    IZ6ARI     IK6PTH  UT7QF       UA9AB 
9M2JJ     SM0OEK   HP1XZQ     WP4KTF   J28JY      F6BFH   UW9AR       UA9AB 
9M8PR     DJ8PR    HS/WQ5W    W5BJ     J48CRI     SV8BSA  UX200M      DL3BQA
9Y4/J73UE N4SPQ    HS7AS      HS7ECI   JW/DK8ZJ   DK8ZJ   UX2HD       I2PJA 
BT1DX     BY1PK    HZ1JN      N4OJT    JY8FO      KA1FFO  V85BG       G3JKX 
BV2BI     W3HNK    IR0HY      I0HY     JY8VD      KB8PVD  VA2MCZ      VE2QK 
BV4OQ     W3HCW    IR0IA      I0IA     JY8XY      WB9YXY  VE3VGI/3    VE3VGI
BZ1LUV    BY1QH    IR0KHP     I0KHP    K8SCH/4    N8FU    VP5/PA3BBP  PA3ERC
CE0Z      K0IYF    IR1JMP     I1JMP    KG4CM      N5FTR   VP5/PA3ERC  PA3ERC
CN2NI     F5NII    IR1WCE     I1WCE    LT1A       LU4AA   VP5/PA3EWP  PA3ERC
CN8MC     WB2AQC   IR1YIC     I1YIC    LX100GM    LX1JH   VP5/PA3FQA  PA3ERC
CQ5H      CT1BWW   IR2KYM     I2KYM    LX4A/P     LX1NO   VP5C        PA3ERC
CR9Y      HB9CRV   IR2PHN     I2PHN    N2UMM/3    N2UMM   VP8CRR      G4SGD 
CY0TP     VE1CBK   IR5NXD     I5NXD    OH0/K8MN   WA8JOC  VR2EZ       G4DEZ 
EA3AOK/P  EA3BT    IR7ZOA     I7ZOA    OZ/DL2MX   DL2MX   XO7TX       VO1TX 
EA5JC/I   EA5AEN   IR8IHG     I8IHG    P40MX      JR4PMX  XR0Y        WA3HUP
EA7BN/P   EA5OL    IC8CQF/P   IC8SDL   P40T       N2VW    XR0Z        WA3HUP
ED0VPV    EA5OL    II0P       I0CUL    R1MVI      OH2BU   YE8I        YB8NA 
ED1YY     EA1YY    II7GM      IK7RWD   R9KWK      UA9KM   YI0SAT      YB0MCA
ED3MNF    EA3KO    IR0EIH     IK0EIH   RI0IOZ     RW0LW   YI9AL       CT1AL 
ED5NDO    EA5AEI   IR0GPN     IK0GPN   SI1GM      SM1BIQ  YI9KU       DL9KU 
ED5RCI    EA5KW    IR0PXD     IK0PXD   SI2GM      SM2LWU  YZ7UN       YU7GMN
EG9A      EA4URE   IR1FHC     IK1FHC   SI3GM      SM3CWE  ZA1BU       HB9BGN
EN6Q      UA9AB    IR1OWZ     IK1OWZ   SU3AM      DL5ZBV  ZF2CF       N6RPL 
ES60B     ES4RC    IR2RZG     IK2RZG   SV5/DL6RAB DL6RAB  ZG2EO       ZB2EO 
ES60D     ES3HV    IR3BPN     IK3BPN   SV5TH      JR1SH   ZG2FX       G3RXF 
ES60G     ES5JH    IR4FNF     IK4FNF   T30DP      VK4CRR  ZK1DXP      DL7UVO
ES60H     ES7FQ    IR4JOJ     IK4JOJ   T32BI      KH6BFW  ZS95PJP     ZS6PDB
ES60I     ES4RZ    IR5EEE     IK5EEE   T32ZB      DJ4ZB   ZV0TI       PT2GTI