425 DX NEWS #231 7 October 1995 Edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** SEVEN DAYS LEFT TO BOLOGNA DX CONVENION *** This is the list of Amateurs that will join the Bologna Convention, plan- ned from 13 to 15 October : A41JV, A41KG, CT1BH, DC3MF, DE0MST, DF5WA, DJ5CQ/VK9LM, DJ8QP, DK7PE/8Q7CW, DL1SCQ,DL2SCQ, DL7UTR, DL7UUO/8P9II, EA3KB, EA5KB, EA5KT, EA5RC, EA8AJM, EA8AJO, EA8AK, EA8AKN, F2YT, F5MVT, F5XL,G3KMA, G3TMA, G3ZAY/NU2L, G4USB, G0TIA, HA8XX, HB9BVV, HB9DX, HB9RG, I1APQ, I1BYH, I1EEW, I1HYW, I1JQJ, I1RJP, I1SNW, I1ZL, I2ARN, I2CMA, I2EAY, I2EDW, I2EOW, I2FUG, I2FUM, I2LDJ, I2MQP, I2MWZ, I2RAO, I2RLX, I2RXE, I2TRV, I2TZK, I2VGW, I2YDX, I2YWR, I3BQC, I3DAI, I3JTE, I3ZSX, I4AGW, I4BER, I4BFY, I4DVT, I4EAT, I4EFE, I4FAF, I4HNW, I4IKW, I4JEE, I4JMY, I4LCK, I4LEC, I4LD, I4MFA, I4NE, I4NJM, I4OKV, I4SN, I4TAB, I4TUD, I4UFH, I4USC, I4UJI, I4VEQ, I4VH, I4XZE, I4YEL, I4ZXO, I5DCE, I5ENL, I5GWO, I5JHW, I5NSR, I5OYY, I5PAG, I5VXG, I6CXB, I6FLD, I7JFQ, I8IGS, I8IYW, I8KNT, I8KRV, I8LEL, I8RIZ, I8USE, I8XTX, I0AMU, I0JBL, I0KHP, I0SGF, I0ZV, IK1ADH, IK1GPG, IK1HJS, IK1JJB, IK1NEG, IK1NLZ, IK1PMO, IK1QFM, IK1RGL, IK1RLI, IK1TAZ, IK1XHU, IK1YLO, IK2ABJ, IK2AEQ, IK2ANI, IK2ANT, IK2AYR, IK2CIK, IK2DUV, IK2EKY, IK2EUY, IK2FEO, IK2FIQ, IK2GNW, IK2GPR, IK2GRA, IK2HAB, IK2HKL, IK2HNA, IK2HTW, IK2IGX, IK2ILH, IK2IQD, IK2IWU, IK2MMF, IK2MLY, IK2MRZ, IK2OQB, IK2PZG, IK2QPR, IK2SFZ, IK2SGC, IK2SXW, IK2UEC, IK2UKW, IK2WXY, IK2WXZ, IK2YYL, IK3ABY, IK3GES, IK3QAR, IK3RIY, IK3ZAW, IK4AEE, IK4AKY, IK4AUY, IK4AVZ, IK4CIE, IK4CTR, IK4CWP, IK4DCT, IK4EWK, IK4EWX, IK4HLU, IK4HPU, IK4ICT, IK4ISR, IK4LAI, IK4LHE, IK4LZH, IK4MED, IK4MTF, IK4NZD, IK4PKZ, IK4PNE, IK4QJH, IK4RQF, IK4SBR, IK4SDY, IK4SWZ, IK4UNI, IK4UOY, IK4UPU, IK4WHG, IK4WMG, IK4XQH, IK4XQM, IK5EKB, IK5JAN, IK5SQX, IK6CLX, IK7IMO, IK7JTF, IK7JWX, IK7MCJ, IK7VEH, IK7VJX, IK7WUJ, IK7XIV, IK8CNT, IK8DDN, IK8EPC, IK8HJC, IK8HJE, IK8NIM, IK8PGC, IK8PLK, IK8SYU, IK0APR, IK0AZG, IK0CNA, IK0FVC/HV4NAC, IK0HBN, IK0HWI, IK0IHA, IK0NGI, IK0PRG, IN3FHE, IN3TRX, IN3WWW, IN3XUG, IS0DBQ, IS0JMA, IS0QDV, IT9AZS, IT9EWG, IT9GAI, IT9GCQ, IT9INO, IT9KFQ, IT9YRE, IT9ZGY, IV3PRK, IV3TAN, IV3TMV, IV3ZCX, IW2DUG, IW2LDW, IW4BHY, IW4CAX, IW4CVE, IW4CZX, IW4DSU, IW5DOH, IW6CIU, IW6CJQ, IW0CPT, IX1RPJ, I1-21171, I1-550/GE, I2-66508, I3-316/VE, JI6KVR, K8CH, K9PPY, KA5TQF,N3ERM, OE1JJB, OE3REB, OE3WWB, OE6MKG, ON4AAC, ON4AAE, ON4QP, ON4XL, ON5KL, PS7AB, RZ9OA, SM6CAS, SM7PKK, T77C, UA9OBA, UT3UY, VK9NS, W3KH, W5BOS, W9DC,WA3KNN, WT2O, 9A2AA, 9A6A. - * - A5 - Larry, F5PYI, reports that Jim (VK9NS), after his presence to the Bologna DX Convention and during his back home trip he would like to stop in Bhutan (probably last two weeks of November). We'll have further information next week in Bologna. EA1 - Sunday 8 ottobre, EA1BT/P will be active from Isla Castro de San Martin (DIE N-052). QSL via EA1BT. EA1 - On 15 October EA1AAD/P will be active from Isla del Paso Malo (DIEI BU-12). QSL via EA5OL. EA1 - On 22 October EA1BT/P will be active from Islote Ramon (DIE N-057). QSL via EA1BT. F - Until 11 October the special TM5ITU station will be active, during "TELECOM 95" (the greatest world telecommunication fair) from Gene- ve. QSL via F6IMS. FO - Joel, F5JJW (Lyon DX Gang), is QRV from French Polynesia following this schedule: from 1 to 10 October from Rangiroa (OC-066) and from 18 to 20 October from Manihi (OC-131). During the first week in Rangiroa, Joel will try to activate Tikehau island, in the same group. QSL via F5JJW, noth via bureau or direct (Joel Suc, La Gran- ge, 69440 Taluyers, France). HB9 - The Tera Radio Club will join the CQWW DX SSB Contest using the HB9OK call. QSOs will be confirmed with a special QSL via HB9FAQ (P.O. Box 70, CH-6943 Vezia, Svizzera). HB0 - Rolf, DL7VEE, and Hans, DL7UHR, will be in Liechtenstein, between 5 and 9 October; they will be QRV on all HF bands in CW, SSB, RTTY. HK0 - KH8AL, JH1NBN and NL7GP will join the CQWW DX SSB Contest using the KH8AL/HK0 call from San Andres Island (NA-033). Operations from 10 to 160 meters, in the multi-multi or multi-single category. I - For the next CQWW DX SSB Contests (28-29 October) and CQWW DX CW (25-26 November), a group of operators of the Limbiate ARI Section will use the special IQ2W call. QSL via bureau to IK2DUW. IL3 - Saturday 7 October some ARI Venice Team operators, Stefano (IK3ABY) Daniele (IK3BSM), Giorgio (IK3PQH) and Roberto (I3THJ), will be ac- tive as I3THJ/IL3 from Venice Lagoon, exactly from San Giuliano isl (IIA VE-47). QSL via IK3ABY. IL3 - Alberto, IK4HPU reports that due to permissions not received, the planned activity from La Batteria (425DXN230) will take place, if weather allows, from Bonello Scirocco (IIA RO-06) or from Casone S. Gugliemo (IIA RO-05). Alberto will be together with Afro, IK4HLU. IR1 - Enzo, IK1RGL, and Antonio, IK1XHU, will join the CQWW DX SSB Con- test in the multi-single category using the special IR1I call. QSL via IK1RGL. IY0 - The station IY0TCI is regularly active, expecially during the week- ends, to offer the contact valid for the Guglielmo Marconi Award. The station is active from Civitavecchia (Rome), near the Chiaruc- cia Tower, from where Marconi made some experiments. QSL via I0KHP. J3 - From 30 October to 3 November, after joined the CQWW SSB Contest as J3A (425DXN 229), K9AJ, W9IXX and KA9RHK will be active as, respec- tively, J3J, J3X and J3Y from Carriacou Island (NA-147). Operations in CW, SSB and RTTY expecially on IOTA frequencies using two equip- ments, an amplifier and different antennas. Note: same calls will be used from Grenada before and after the CQWW Contest, but during that period they will be QRV from NA-147. QSL via K9AJ. KC6/T8 - The T8 prefix has been officially assigned to Belau Republic, ex KC6. OD - Until 10 October a group of DL and OD operators will be active from different places around the country. Particularly on 10 October is planned the activation of Jasirat Alaranib (AS-108),an island loca- ted in the northern part of Lebanon. The operations should begin at 1400 UTC on 14295-14300 KHz. OX - Following what published in number 229, Mako, JA1OEM, actually por- table OX from Greenland until 16 October, is active in CW (3508, 7008, 10108, 14008, 18113, 21008 KHz) and SSB (3754/3795, 7058, 14130, 18113, 21180 KHz). This is the 20th country activated by Ma- ko since 1988 and now he's thinking to create an award for those who contacted him from three different countries. QSL via homecall. OY - Ben, OZ5AAH, is planning an activity from Faroer Islands, as OY/OZ5IPA, to take place from 1 to 6 November. QSL via OZ5AAH. P5 - Last rumours about North Korea talk about a Zorro, JH1AJT, activity before January 1996. PY0_tri- During the weekend a group of PY operators hopes to activate Trini- dade Island, uusing the ZV0TI call. QSL via PT2GTI. S9 - Gamito, S92VG, is usually in the eveneings on 15 and 20 meters CW. QSL via P.O. Box 173, Sao Tome City, Sao Tome. T32 - From 14 to 28 November Paul, WC5P, will be active from Christmas Island, Eastern Kiribati (OC-024) using the T32BE call. Operations on all HF bands, mainly in CW, joining also the CQWW CW Contest. QSL via homecall. TA - The strong earthquake in Turkey made great damages. Local amateurs provide communications and they ask to leave thses frequencies free for emergencies: 3783, 7092 and 14270 KHz, in SSB. V2 - Also this year some members of the Frankford Radio Club will be ac- tive from Antigua (425DXN224). They will join the CQWW SSB Contest (28-29 ottobre) in the multi-multi category using the V26B call. Before and after the contest the team will be active on various bands (mainly on WARC) and in different modes, particularly in RTTY. The team is formed by KF3P, WB2P, KR2J, V26A/N3BNA (QSL via WB3DNA), V26B/WT3Q (QSL via homecall), V26DX/N3ADL (QSL via home- call), V26E/AB2E (QSL via homecall), V26R/KA2AEV (QSL homecall), V26T/K3MQH (QSL: K3MQH), V26U/WA2UDT (QSL via homecall). The team will issue also two awards to contact V26B during the contest: one for QSO from 10 to 80 meters, the other for all bands (10-160 mtrs) To receive the awards simply send QSL requests to WT3Q. For further information: Michael J. Samanka (KA2AEV), 64-07 72 Street, Middle Village, NY 11379, USA. VK0_h - Following what published in previous numbers , Peter ON6TT, reports that thanks to recent donations by DK8OK (second time) OH2LU, ON5DO ONL5770 and from GM DX Group and South German DX Group, the Euro- pean fund to support the "1995 Heard Island DXpedition" is actually US$ 5439 (4 ottobre). Other US$ 1633 are expected from commercial DX associations and sponsors. Donations are still welcomed via ON6TT (for l'Europa), K0IR (for Americas), JH1AJT (for Japan) and VK2BEX (for Oceania). VP5 - The station VP5T will be QRV during the CQWW DX SSB Contest, opera- ted by KE2OP, N2VW and WB2YOF. Before and after the contest, from 24 to 31 October, the operators will be active as VP5/homecall, working mainly in CW and on WARC bands. QSL for VP5T via N2VW, for other individual operations via their homecalls. VP5 - The station VP5S will be QRV during the CQWW DX SSB Contest, opera- ted by W3ZNB, KC4FWS, N4KE, NU4Y, WB4EYX, WB4KSP, WB4MAI and WR4K. Before and after the contest the operators will be active as VP5/ homecall. QSL via K4UTE. XV/3W - Franz, 3W6GM (425DXN 228), can now work in SSB on 14198 KHz (other than 14296 KHz). Find him every day between 1000 and1500 UTC. QSL via homecall (Franz Rebholz, DF5GF, Torackerstr. 5, Waldkirch 79183 Germany). YU7 - From 22 to 30 October YU7BW, 4N7ZZ and YU7LM will be active as YT9N from St. Nicola Island (EU-163), on all bands in CW and SSB. QSL via YU7FIJ, that reports to have started send the QSL for last Mar- ch operations (4N73N, YT9N). ZD8 - The Jim operations, N6TR, from Ascension Island (AF-003) as ZD8Z (425DXN 228) have been postponed from 17 October to 1 November. He plans to join the CQWW SSB Contest. QSL via VE3HO. 3D2_rot- Il Yamata Radio Club is planning a second operation to Rotuma, after the one failed last summer, due to bad weather conditions. Operations from 1200Z of 4 November to 0300Z of 7 November. Calls will be 3D2SH (QSL via JA1JQY), 3D2HI (JA1KJW), 3D2ID (JE1XXG), 3D2HK (JR1LVB), 3D2MU (7M1QAP), 3D2KZ (JA8VE), 3D2AA. The activi- ty will be in CW (1910/1810, 3507, 7007, 10007, 14007, 18007, 21007 24897, 28007 KHz) and SSB (3797, 7077, 14197, 18147, 21277, 24937, 28497 KHz), and via satellite (AO-10 and AO-13, 145.885 MHz). 3V - Following what published in number 228, Hrane, YT1AD, will be ac- tive again from Tunisia from 26 October to 3 November using the 3V8MM call and, during the CQWW DX Contest, 3V5A. QSL via homecall. 4X - Riki, 4X4NJ, will be daily active at the local sunrise on 160 mtr on 1827 KHz. QSL via WA4WTG, R. Kaplan, 718 SE Third Lane, Dania, FL 33004, USA. 5N - From 1 to 31 October, during the celebrations of the 35th anniver- sary of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Independence, all the mem- bers of the Nigerian Amateur Radio Society (NARS) can use the spe- cial 5N35 prefix. 8P - Sigi, DL7DF (ex DL7UUO), is active as 8P9II (425DXN 227), but has problem installing antennas, while some equipment has remained into the London's airport. 8Q - Rudi, DK7PE, has been active until 2 October as 8Q7CW on bands from 40 to 160 meters. QSL via homecall. 9K - Hamad, 9K2HN, reports that he will no more use the 9K0A call (425DXN 228), but he will confirm all the contacts made before. 9N - The Roger's activity, G3SXW/9N1SXW enden on 21 September with 5579 QSO logged, made all in CW except for two SSB contacts for demon- stration. QSL via G3SXW. ******* IOTA REFERENCE NUMBERS ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER 1995 ******* SA-083 CE0 SALA Y GOMEZ ISLAND (Chilean islands, lettera "s"), issued for the XR0Z operations. **************************************************************************** MYANMAR -> A delegation with JA1BK, OH0XX and OH2BH, last Saturday, 30 Sep- tember made a visit to Yangon to discuss with local authorities about the future amateur activities. They will probably take place before the end of 1996. During this visit they logged about 1000 QSO, as XZ1X, training also future operators, using a FT990, a Dentron GLA-1000 and a vertical R5. ANDAMAN ISLANDS --> Larry, F5PYI, meeted Jim VK9NS, and reports these news from Andaman: during last August Jim visited Mani, VU2JPS, in the Andaman islands with the intention to help him improving his working conditions. Jim said that "be in the VU2JPS log is a sort of luck", in fact his equipments are totally homemade, starting from microphone and antennas are simple wires Unfortunately the cost of life in Andaman is very high. The only thing Jim has done is the 20 meter dipole installation tuned on CW edge. Jim assures that Mani as a regulear licence. PS: we saw the pictures of the JIm's trip in Andaman at the Bologna DX Con- vention and they was really impressive on the Mani's conditions. TNX Jim. VP8 ---> QSL for VP8CQS can be asked to the following address: Andy Grotha (SP2GOW), ul. Mikolaja Gomolki 5/1, 80-279 Gdansk, Poland. Andy will re- main at the Arctowski Base (King George Island, South Shetland Is.) until the end of the year but QSL requests are answered by his wife. Andy has been particularly active in RTTY/CW and it is possible to find him on Sunday at about 1700-1800 UTC, on 14283 KHz (+/- QRM). 4U/KC0PA (WESTERN SAHARA) --> Rudi, VE9RHS, QSL manager for Tim KC0PA opera- tions from Western Sahara, reports that 4U/KC0PA and KC0PA/S0 cards are printed but there is a problem. During the trip the Tim's computer has been seriously damaged and he's still not working. The diskette sent from W.Saha- ra is still not arrived so it is necessary to wait for the computer to be repaired. All the requests for QSO before 5 June 1995 have been answered. Contacts made between 6 June and 3 August 1995 have to wait (be patient). We remember that 4U/KC0PA is valid for DXCC, while KC0PA/S0 is not. QSL received: 3V8BB, 7Q7RM, 7Q7XX, 9M2/G3NUG (AS-046 & AS-073), 9M8/DJ2EH, A51/JH1AJT, HC8KU, SV8/IK3GES, NL7TB (NA-197), TT8NU, XU95HA, XW1, ZD7JP, 6D2X, XE1/NE8Z (NA-200), ZD7DP, ZD7SM, ZL8/G4MFW. **************************************************************************** * 425 DX NEWS * * DX info weekly bulletin * * edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Piero Forno, IK1IYU * * with the contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171 * **************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, IK1RGL, IK2DUW, IK2ILH, IK2WXQ, IK3ABY, I4LCK, I4TJE, IK4HPU, IK4NYY, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK7XIV, I8IYW, IK8ENH, IK8TEM, I0KHP, IK0FVC, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, DC3MF, DL1GBM, DL5IAR, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL9GOA, EA5KB, F5PYI, F6AJA, F8RU, F9RM, G4BUE, HB9FBG, JA1ZEK, JH2PDS/1, K1VWL, KA2AEV, KJ4VH, KB8NW, ON4PJ, ON6TT, OZ1LQH, PT7WA, SP4TKK, TA1D, VK6LC, YU7JDE, 5N0HMA, 7L2RPY, DXNS, LNDX, OPDX, URE-EA-DX, QRZ-DX, ARRLDX, 59(9) DX Report, VK2SG RTTY DX. **************************************************************************** * Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to * * Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to * * Piero Forno, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it) * **************************************************************************** * INTERNET e-mail : I121171@amsat.org * * 425 WWW Page --> http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html * * INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: * * promet12.cineca.it - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/ * **************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 ARRL HQ BBS USA : 203-666-0578 CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921