30 September 95 No.230 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU 2 WEEKS LEFT TO BOLOGNA CONVENTION! This is the list of Amateurs who will join the Bologna Convention, planned from 13 to 15 October,: A41JV, A41KG, CT1BH, DC3MF, DE0MST, DF5WA, DJ5CQ, DJ8QP, DK7PE, DL1SCQ, DL2SCQ, DL7UUO, EA3KB, EA5KB, EA5KT, EA5RC, EA8AJM, EA8AK, F5XL, G3KMA, G3TMA, G3ZAY/NU2L, G4USB, G0TIA, HA8XX, HB9BVV, HB9DX, HB9RG, I1APQ, I1BYH, I1EEW, I1HYW, I1JQJ, I1RJP, I1SNW, I1ZL, I2ARN, I2CMA, I2EAY, I2EDW, I2EOW, I2FUG, I2MQP, I2MWZ, I2RAO, I2RLX, I2RXE, I2VGW, I2YDX, I2YWR, I3BQC, I3DAI, I3JTE, I3ZSX, I4BER, I4DVT, I4FAF, I4HNW, I4IKW, I4JMY, I4LCK, I4LEC, I4LD, I4NE, I4NJM, I4OKV, I4TAB, I4UFH, I4USC, I4USI, I4VEQ, I4XZE, I4YEL, I4ZXO, I5DCE, I5ENL, I5NSR, I5OYY, I5PAG, I5VXG, I6FLD, I7JFQ, I8IGS, I8IYW, I8KNT, I8KRV, I8LEL, I8RIZ, I8USE, I8XTX, I0AMU, I0JBL, I0KHP, I0SGF, I0ZV, IK1ADH, IK1GPG, IK1JJB, IK1NEG, IK1NLZ, IK1QFM, IK1RLI, IK1YLO, IK2ABJ, IK2ANI, IK2ANT, IK2CIK, IK2DUV, IK2EKY, IK2EUY, IK2FEO, IK2FIQ, IK2GNW, IK2GPR, IK2GRA, IK2HAB, IK2HKL, IK2HNA, IK2HTW, IK2IGX, IK2ILH, IK2IQD, IK2IWU, IK2MMF, IK2MLY, IK2MRZ, IK2OQB, IK2PZG, IK2QPR, IK2SXW, IK2UEC, IK2UKW, IK2WXY, IK2WXZ, IK2YYL, IK3ABY, IK3GES, IK3QAR, IK3RIY, IK3ZAW, IK4AUY, IK4AVZ, IK4CIE, IK4CWP, IK4DCT, IK4EWK, IK4HLU, IK4HPU, IK4ICT, IK4LAI, IK4LHE, IK4LZH, IK4PKZ, IK4PNE, IK4QJH, IK4RQF, IK4SBR, IK4SDY, IK4SWZ, IK4UNI, IK4UOY, IK4UPU, IK4WHG, IK4WMG, IK4XQH, IK4XQM, IK5EKB, IK5JAN, IK5SQX, IK7IMO, IK7JTF, IK7JWX, IK7VEH, IK7VJX, IK7XIV, IK8CNT, IK8DDN, IK8EPC, IK8HJC, IK8HJE, IK8NIM, IK8PGC, IK8PLK, IK8SYU, IK0APR, IK0AZG, IK0CNA, IK0FVC/HV4NAC, IK0HBN, IK0IHA, IK0NGI, IK0PRG, IN3FHE, IN3XUG, IS0DBQ, IS0JMA, IS0QDV, IT9AZS, IT9EWG, IT9GAI, IT9GCQ, IT9INO, IT9KFQ, IT9YRE, IT9ZGY, IV3PRK, IV3TMV, IV3ZCX, IW4CAX, IW4CVE, IW4CZX, IW4DSU, IW0CPT, IX1RPJ, I1-21171, I1-550/GE, I2-66508, I3-316/VE, JI6KVR, K8CH, K9PPY, KA5TQF, N3ERM, OE1JJB, OE3REB, OE3WWB, OE6MKG, ON4AAE, ON4AAC, ON4QP, ON4XL, ON5KL, PS7AB, SM6CAS, SM7PKK, T77C, VK9NS, W3KH, W5BOS, W9DC, WA3KNN, WT2O, 9A6A. It will be possible to operate from special IY4ARI station and to ask QSLs for the following activities as the operators will have the logs during the Convention: 9A/IK2MRZ (EU-110), A61AH/P (AS-021), TI2LAK/HP4 (NA-088), IL3/IK2MRZ (EU-130), IL4/IK2MRZ (EU-155), IL6/IK4XQM, IP1/I1HYW (EU-083), IP1/I1JQJ (EU-083), IP1/IK1GPG (EU-083), IP1/IK1NEG (EU-083), IP1/I2MWZ (EU-083), IR1ANT (WABA), N7UJN (NA-162), RW9OWM/0 (AS-114), TF/G3ZAY/P (EU-071), VK6ISL (OC-199 and OC-206), VK8ISL (OC-198), VO2/NU2L (NA-044 and NA-205) - and other operators, as for example DL1SCQ and DL2SCQ, are preparing some surprises, so don't forget your logs at home. An Internet page about Bologna Convention is browsable at: http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html - * - BY - During the International DX Convention in Beijing (13-16 October) the special BT1DX station will be active. Also, Sunday 15 October the special BT1X station will be QRV from the Great Wall of China. C5 - Gary, C53HG, is active from Gambia and hopes to join the next CQWW CQWW DX Contests. Gary reports that he is waiting for much equip- ment, an amplifier and various antennas and he will try to activate 80 and 160 meters in the next months. C9 - During the last week of October Andre, ZS6WPX, and Sam, ZS6BRZ, will be active from Maputo, Mozambique, as C91/homecall working all bands from 160 to 6 metres. Andre and Sam will also join the CQWWDX SSB Contest using the C91/ZS6WPX call. QSL direct only to: P.O. Box 2845, Middelburg 1050, (Mpumalanga), South Africa. Don't send via bureau as Andre and Sam don't use it. CE0 - The XR0Y operation from Easter Island went QRT at 1500Z on Wednesday 20 September, logging about 45.000 QSO. CT3 - Until 1 October the special CT9F station is active from two light- houses in the island of Madeira: Ponta do Pargo (FMA-04) and Sao Jorge (FMA-05). There is an award for contacts with five different Portuguese lighthouses. Further information from: CS1CRA, P.O.Box 118 2780 Oeiras, Portugal. CY0 - The operations of CY0TP from Sable Island (425DXN 229) should start at 00.00 UTC of 1 October and, notwithstanding the team plans to be active on 6 meters and EME too, they will take place mainly on HF (SSB, CW and digital modes) and via satellite. The purpose of the DXpedition is to log as many QSO as possible, using the better propagation condition. The right address of the QSL manager for sa- tellite contacts, EME, 6 meters and VHF/UHF is the following: Don Roland (VE1AOE), P.O. Box 1257, Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada B2N 5N2. VE1CBK (Wayne King, 63 Brook Street, Lake Fletcher, Nova Scotia, Canada B2T 1A5) will handle QSL for HF contacts while JA1AJT (Zor- ro Miyazawa, Box 8, Asahi, Yokohama 241, Japan) will be the mana- ger for HF contacts made from Japanese and Korean stations. DL - From 30 September to 3 October, the station DF0FA will be active from Ruegen Island (EU-057) with two equipments, one for HF and the other for VHF/UHF, all modes. The operators are: DL7VYL, DL7VTZ, DL7URH, DL7VRO, DL7UTM, DL7IO, DK7YY, DL1YFF and DL6DWF. QSL via bureau. EA6 - Corrado, IK2SFZ, is QRV until 7 October from Formentera island (EU- 004) as EA6/IK2SFZ on all HF bands, particularly on WARC. QSL via bureau. F - From 28 October to 1 November F5CCO, F1IXQ and (probably) F6JSZ, will be active from Port Cros island (EU-070, DIFM ME-11). The ope- rations will take place from 10 to 80 mtrs and VHF. QSL via F1JRT. HL - Harry, HL9HH, is back in USA to stay near his wife Lanola,serious- ly sick. His new address is : Harry Herr, 8131 Manitoba St. #4, Playa del Rey, CA 90293, USA. IA1 - Saturday 30 September, if weather permits, Giovanni (IK1JJB) and Pierluigi (IK1EDC) will be portable again IA1. This time they will try to activate Scoglio delle Donne (IIA SV-??) and Scoglio della Madonnina (IIA SV-??). QSL via IK1JJB (Giovanni Cantarella, Via Musso 22, 14100 Asti). IA5 - Until 1 October, Gabriele (IK5VLS), Massimo (IW5CNU) and Michele (IW5DRA) will be active from Capraia island (EU-028, IIA LI-20). The activity is planned on 20, 40 and 80 meters SSB, CW and RTTY using the IA5/IK5VLS call, while on VHF, UHF and SHF IW5CNU will be active, also via satellite. QSL via IK5VLS (Gabriele Tucci, v. Tuc- ci 29, 55030 Gorfigliano-LU) and IW5CNU (Massimo Simi, via Sorbano del Vescovo 45b, 55100 Sorbano del Vescovo-LU), via bureau also. IC8 - Sunday 24 September IC8CQF, IC8JAH and IC8GVV were active from Faraglioni di Capri (IOTA EU-031, IIA NA-11). QSL via IC8SDL. IG9 - QSLs for IG9W (Lampedusa Island, AF-019, WAZ 33, 425DXN 229) can be sent via bureau to IV3TAN or direct to IV3SHF: Frank Spina, Sca- la dell'erica 32, 34134 Trieste. IL3 - During the weekend, if weather permits, Giancarlo (IK2EUY) will be portable IL3 in the Venice's lagoon, from where he hopes to acti- vate, together with Vito (I3BQC), three islands valid for the Ita- lian Islands Award. IL3 - Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 October, IK4HLU and IK4HPU will be active, if weather permits, from Batteria island (IIA RO-07). IL3 - Saturday 23 September some operators of the Udine ARI Section were active from Taglio Nuovo islands (IIA GO-19) and from Sian island (GO-18), located in the Grado's lagoon. For both islands, the call used was IL3/IV3VQN; unfortunately, some operators gave the wrong IV3VQM call. However , the manager IV3JWR (Mario Bertoli, Via Puc- cini 1, 34073 Grado-GO) will answer also for QSL sent to IL3/IV3VQM IL7 - The activity of IL7/II7I from Portonuovo island (IIA FG-09), plan- ned for 23-24 September (425DXN 228), has been postponed to this weekend (30 September-1 October). IP1 - Sunday 24 September Fulvio, I1EEW, and Gabriele, IK1NEG, signed IP1/ from Scoglio Vaia (IIA IM-??), because the rough sea did not allow them to activate I Pagliai, as previously planned (425DXN 229). IQ2 - The friends of Brescia ARI Section will join both CQWW Contests in the multi-single category, using the IQ2X call. QSL via IK2GZU. S7 - Gerard, F2JD (ex 5V7JG, 5Z4JD) will be in Seychelles for 3 or 4 weeks, starting from 15 October, and hopes to have the authoriza- tion to operate in his spare time, as this is a work travel not a DXpedition. QSL via F6AJA. T32 - T32ZB has been heard on 20 metres SSB. QSL via homecall: DJ4ZB. T9 - The "Novo Sarajevo" (T91ENS) Radio Club, which joined the CQWW RTTY Contest last weekend using the T99MT call, reports that will also be active in the CQWW SSB and CW Contests using the same call. TT - TT8NU is active almost daily between 19.00 and 21.00 UTC on 18070 KHz. QSL via F6FNU. VE - The special CY3IARU station (425DXN 222) is QRV until 1 October and the QSL manager is VE3FOI. VK9_lh - VK9LZ (N4TQO) is still QRV from Lord Howe Island, until 30 Septem- ber, in CW only and mainly on low bands and on WARC. Note that the VK9LZ, VK9LX and VK9NM are old calls that have been reassigned and then all the QSL information of previous operations are no more va- lid. QSLs for this operation (19 - 30 September 1995) can be reque- sted via direct only to P.O.Box 5194, Richmond CA 94805, USA. VK0_h - Following what published in previous numbers, Peter, ON6TT, reports that thanks to the recent contributions of DL6ET, DK8OK, I1-21171, ON4AMM, ON4AWK and RSGB/Chiltern DX Club the Heard'95 - European support fund stands at US$ 4344 (on 26 September). The following have committed to another total of $1,333: Lynx DX Group and Arma- mast (one of their commercial sponsors). With about 4 weeks before the advanced party of the team takes off, donations are still wel- come. For Europeans: ON6TT- PETER CASIER P.O.BOX 1 B-9090 MELLE. Others: The Heard Island Expediton, P.O. Box 563, Waite Park, MN 56387-0563 or through JH1AJT and VK2BEX W4 - From 29 September to 1 October Bill, KQ4GC, together with other CCDXA operators will activate Amelia Island (NA-138). Direct QSL to Bill Gallier, KQ4GC, 4094 Sandy Run Dr., Middleburg, FL 32068, USA. W7 - The expedtion of NL7TB to Tatoosh Island (NA-169, 425DXN 228) has been cancelled due to bad weather conditions. XZ - Thursday 28 and Friday 29 September Martti (VR2BH), Olli (OH0XX) and Kan (JA1BK) were active as XZ1X. This was a mere demonstration activity and went QRT at 09.10 UTC of Friday. We hope for a bigger operation before the end of the year. QSL via JA1BK. YS - Kent (N2MIP) will be QRV via satellite Oscar-13, mode B, as YS1ZKR for European stations: 5 November from 2100 to 2230Z, and 10 Novem- ber from 2130 to 2330Z. ZF - ZF2JI will join the next CQWW DX SSB Contest (28-29 October) from Gran Cayman islands. QSL via KG6AR. 3A - From 21 to 28 October John, K1VWL will be QRV from Monaco and hopes to join the CQWW DX SSB Contest. Find him before and after the con- test on 18070, 14005, 10105, 7023 (QSX up), 3523 (QSX up) and 1824 KHz (QSX 1828 KHz). QSL via homecall. 3B9 - Robert, 3B9FR wants to mount a tre-element double-band and a two e- lement for 40 meters. 4U_itu - From 30 September to 3 October, Michael, DL1GKG, Roger, DJ0LX, An- dreas, DL2GGA, and Michael, DG3GBM, will be active from ITU station in Geneve, as 4U0ITU, on all HF bands and via satellite. QSL via bureau to 4U0ITU, or direct to: IARC, P.O.Box 8, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland. 5A - Following what has been published in previous number, SP6RT and SP6AZT have cancelled their planned operation from 5A0A in Benghazi due to the current politic situation in Lybia and have returned to Poland. 5R - Gerard, F2JD, in November, after the Seychelles, will be in Malaga- sy, from where he plans to stay for about six months. Gerard will be QRV during his spare time only. QSL via F6AJA. 5X - Paul, 5X4F, has installed an antenna for 160 meters and is daily active from 03.00 UTC on 1831 KHz using 100 watt, but he reports strong QRN, due to violent storms on the Equatorial Africa in this season. QSL via KB4EKY. + 9M6HF SK + We have been sadly informed by Isao (9M6RO/JH1ROJ), that Har- ris Abdullah of Sabah, Malaysia (9M6HF) became silent key on September 20 by the cancer. He was very active on many contest and a kind host for many hams who operated from 9M6. Isao has been his QSL mgr since 1990 and he will be so until the last QSL for him comes. **************************************************************************** AP2JZB -> Bob suggests to send QSL with IRCs (better if 2) and not "green stamps" that can be robbed. PAKISTAN, AP -> SP5DIR, the AP5N and AR5N operator, reports that his address for these operations is: Andrzej Makowski, P.O. Box 36, 00-976 Warszawa 13, Poland. GU/F5SHQ -> Mathieu reports that he has replied to all the requests, both via direct and bureau, about his operation from Guernsey. Unfortunately there was some problem at the Oudon postal office and probably some QSL have been lost. If you do not receive your card in a reasonable time, send another request to this address: Mathieu Roche, 4 Cours de la Liberation, F-33000 Bordeaux, France. IK3GES -> Gabriele has replied to all direct QSLs for his activities from Greek islands and he is beginning to reply to the bureau requests. TF -> The QSLs for contacts with TF4/SM7PKK (EU-168) have to be sent to Mats Persson (SM7PKK), Zenithgatan 24 #5, S-212 14 Malmo, Sweden; QSLs for con- tacts with TF4WW and TF4/SM6CAS (EU-168) to Nils Goeran Persson (SM6CAS), P.O Box 2050, S-436 02 Hovas, Sweden. XU95HA -> Laci, HA0HW (QSL manager di XU0HW, XU7VK, XU95HA, SV9/HG0D/p, SV9/HA0ET/p, SV9/HA0HV/p, SV9/HA0HW/p, SV8/HA0HW/p, OH6/HA0HW/p,HB0/HA0ET/p, HB0/HA0KB/p, HB0/HA0HW/p, I6/HA0HW/p, OK3/HA0HW/p, DL/HA0HW/p, OE/HA0HW/p, T94KM, T94KW, T95MNR, T96RNR, T91EZC), reports that all the XU95HA cards have been printed and all the direct requests have been replied. Don't send dupes (do it if you don't receive QSL within two weeks). Laci's address is: P.O. Box 24, Puspokladany H-4151, Hungary. YJ8AA QSL INFO -> Frank, YJ8AA, reports that his Callbook address is wrong. Use the following: Frank Palmer, YJ8AA, c/o P.O. Box 6, Port Vila, Vanuatu. Frank reports also that he can collect QSL for other YJ stations, as he al- ready made in the past with the local Vanuatu QSL bureau. DXCC -> Recent operations by Adriano,IK2GNW, from Comores (D61NW) and from Mayotte (FH/IK2GNW) have been accepted by ARRL for DXCC award. DIFM -> Jean-Pierre, F9RM, sent us the DIFM list, published in Radio REF of last April: (1) F9RM 142, (2) F5JYD and F6AXP 111, (4) F6CFT 109, (5) F6EXQ 108, (6) F6FCZ 87, (7) IK1GPG 83, (8) F11ADB 75, (9) F6FWW 72, (10) F2YT 61, (11) F5RBB 60, (12) F6HKS 57, (13) I8IYW 53, (14) F8YO and F9MD 52, (16) CT4UW 48, (17) F5SSM 46, (18) EA5KB 44, (19) I2LXA 43. QSL received: 3B9FR, 7Q7XX, 9M2/G3NUG (AS-046 & AS-73), HK3JJH/2 (SA-082), HK3JJH/8 (SA-081), I5GWO/IA5 (IIA LI-04), NL7TB (NA-197), YJ0ADG. PIRATES -> Enzo, IK2ETO, is still receiving QSL for 9G1MM and 9L1U, that ga- ve him as QSL manager. Enzo has never been a manager and knows nothing about these activities, probably from pirates. **************************************************************************** * 425 DX NEWS * * DX info weekly bulletin * * edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Piero Forno, IK1IYU * * with the contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171 * **************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, IK1EDC, IK1JJB, I2LXA, IK2DUW, IK2ETO, IK2EUY, IK2GNW, IK2GZU,IK2SGC, IK3GES, IV3JWR, I4LCK, IK4HPU, IK4QIB, I5FLN, IK5VLS, IK7AFM, IK7RWD,Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, DC3MF, DC8TS, DL2GGA, DL7IO, DL7VOA, DL8AAM,DL9GOA, EA5KB, F5CCO, F5SHQ, F6AJA, F9RM, G4BUE, HA0HW, JH1ORA, JH2PDS/1, KJ6HO, KB8NW, N7NG, ON6TT, OZ1LQH, SM7PKK, SP2ONG, SP5EWY, VE1UK, VK1FF, W3KH, W6OTC, YJ8AA, ZS6WPX, 9M6RO/JH1ROJ, DXNS, LNDX, OPDX, URE-EA-DX, QRZ-DX, 59(9) DX Report, ARRLDX, VK2SG RTTY DX. **************************************************************************** * Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to * * Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to * * Piero Forno, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it) * **************************************************************************** * INTERNET e-mail : I121171@amsat.org * * 425 WWW Page --> http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html * * INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: * * promet12.cineca.it - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/ * **************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 ARRL HQ BBS USA : 203-666-0578 CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921