23 September 1995 No.229 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU 3 WEEKS LEFT TO BOLOGNA CONVENTION! This is the list of Amateurs who will join the Bologna Convention, planned from 13 to 15 October: A41JV, A41KG, CT1BH, DC3MF, DE0MST, DF5WA, DJ8QP, DK7PE, DL1SCQ, DL2SCQ, F5XL, G3KMA, G3TMA, G4USB, G3ZAY, HA8XX, HB9BVV, HB9DX, HB9RG, I1APQ, I1BYH, I1EEW, I1HYW, I1JQJ, I1SNW, I1ZL, I2ARN, I2EAY, I2EDW, I2EOW, I2FUG, I2MQP, I2MWZ, I2RAO, I2RXE, I2VGW, I2YDX, I2YWR, I3BQC, I3JTE, I4BRE, I4DVT, I4LCK, I4NE, I4UFH, I4USC, I4XZE, I5DCE, I5VXG, I6FLD, I7JFQ, I8IGS, I8IYW, I8RIZ, I8USE, I8XTX, I0AMU, I0JBL, I0KHP, I0SGF, I0ZV, IK1ADH, IK1GPG, IK1JJB, IK1NEG, IK1NLZ, IK1QFM, IK1RLI, IK1YLO, IK2ANI, IK2ANT, IK2CIK, IK2DUV, IK2EKY, IK2EUY, IK2FEO, IK2GNW, IK2GPR, IK2GRA, IK2HAB, IK2HKL, IK2HTW, IK2ILH, IK2IQD, IK2IWU, IK2MMF, IK2MLY, IK2MRZ, IK2OQB, IK2SXW, IK2UEC, IK2WXY, IK2WXZ, IK3ABY, IK3GES, IK3QAR, IK4AVZ, IK4CIE, IK4EWK, IK4LZH, IK4PKZ, IK4RQF, IK4SWZ, IK4WMG, IK4XQM, IK5EKB, IK7IMO, IK7JTF, IK7VEH, IK7VJX, IK7XIV, IK8CNT, IK8DDN, IK8EPC, IK8HJC, IK8HJE, IK8NIM, IK8PLK, IK0AZG, IK0CNA, IK0FVC/HV4NAC, IK0IHA, IK0NGI, IN3FHE, IN3XUG, IS0DBQ, IS0JMA, IS0QDV, IT9AZS, IT9GAI, IT9GCQ, IT9INO, IT9KFQ, IT9YRE, IT9ZGY, IV3ZCX, IW4CAX, IW0CPT, IX1RPJ, I1-550/GE, I2-66508, I3-316, JI6KVR, K8CH, K9PPY, KA5TQF, N3ERM, OE1JJB, OE3REB, OE3WWB, OE6MKG, ON4AAE, ON4AAT, ON4QP, ON4XL, ON5KL, PS7AB, SM6CAS, SM7PKK, T77C, VK9NS, W3KH, W5BOS, W9DC, WA3KNN, WT2O, 9A6A. It will be possible to ask QSLs for the following activities as the operators/managers will have the logs during the Convention: A61AH/P (AS-021), IR1ANT (WABA), RW9OWM/0 (AS-114), RZ3AZO/1 (EU-162), TI2LAK/HP4 (NA-088), TF/G3ZAY/P (EU-071), VK6ISL (OC-199 and OC-206), VK8ISL (OC-198), VO2/NU2L (NA-044 and NA-205). A4 - Following what has been published in issue 227, A45ZZ's address as published in the 1995 Callbook is wrong and it must not be used. The right one is: Tony Preedy, P.O. Box 981, Muscat, Sulta- nate of Oman. A7 - Mohamed, A71BH, is active in RTTY from Doha. QSL via OE6EEG. CY0 - VE1CBK (Wayne), VE1RU (Ken), VE1AOE (Don) and VE1RGB (Gary) are the operators who on 30 September will leave for Sable Island, to stay until 10 October (425DXN228). They will use the CY0TP callsign. Operations in all modes and all bands, with four stations (one for CW, the second for SSB while the third and the fourth for satellite EME, 6 meters, VHF/UHF and digital modes). Standard DX frequencies will be used +/- QRM. For HF QSO , QSL via VE1CBK (Wayne King, 63 Brook St., Lake Fletcher, Nova Scotia, Canada B2T 1A5), for satel- lite, EME, 6 meters and VHF/UHF, QSL via VE1AOE (Don Roland, P.O. Box 1257, Turo, Nova Scotia, Canada B2N 6N2). EP - On 20 September, for the first time after 32 years, an amateur radio exam session took place in Iran, with 61 candidates - we hope to hear them soon on the bands. ES - ES1QD, ES4RZ, ES5JH, ES5QA, ES6PZ, ES7FQ are active from Muhu Isl. (EU-034) respectively using these special calls: ES60M, ES60I, ES60G, ES60Q, ES60L e ES60R. QSL via homecalls. HK - Until 31 december the special HK100GM station is active, to cele- brate the Radio Centennial and Guglielmo Marconi. The LCRA (Liga Colombiana de Radioaficionados, Seccional Bogota) will activate this station on all bands and all modes. QSL via HK3DDD, P.O. Box 25827, Bogota, Colombia. IA1 - Saturday 23 September, if weather permits, Giovanni (IK1JJB) and Pierluigi (IK1EDC) will be portable IA1 from Madonnina Reef (IIA SV-??) and from Margonara Reef (IIA SV-??). They plan to be active from 10.00 UTC until the end of the day. QSL to IK1JJB (Giovanni Cantarella, Via Musso 22, 14100 Asti). IA5 - From 23 to 24 September, Angelo (I0VWV), together with other opera- tors of Tivoli ARI Section, will be active, if weather permits, from Tuscanian Archipelago, specifically from Giglio island (EU-028 IIA GR-02) and from Giannutri island (EU-028; IIA GR-01). Opera- tions on HF (80-10 meters) and also on VHF, UHF and 1,2 GHz. Pro- bably one station will be active on 6 metres. They will use their own callsigns prefixed by IA5/. QSL via I0VWV. IG9 - Frank (IV3SHF) will be active during the CQWW DX SSB Contest as a single operator 160 metres from the new IG9 multiplier. He will be signing IG9W. Frank reports that he is available for any sked before the contest. It's possible to contact him at these addresses: Internet-iv3shf@ljutcp.hamradio.si; Packet-iv3shf@iv3jdv.ifvg.ita.; EU Cluster-iv3shf > iv3jdv-6; Mail-Frank Spina, Scala dell'erica 32, 34134 Trieste. IL6 - Everything is ready to activate Due Sorelle Reef (AN-02) and Vela Reef (AN-01) from 0800 to 1600 UTC of Saturday 23 September (425DXN 226). From Due Sorelle Reef will be QRV IL6/IK4CIE, IL6/I4VJC and IL6/IK4XQM, while from Vela Reef will transmit IL6/IK4IDW. IT9 - Saturday 30 September, Gaetano, IT9GAI, and Turi, IT9HAJ, will be portable IJ9 from Grande di Marzamemi island (EU-025, IIA SR-05). The operations will take place on 20 and 40 metres from 07.00 UTC. J3 - From 25 to 31 October, W8KKF, WA8LOW, K9AJ, W9IXX, WB8GEX, WD8ATP KA9RHK will be active from Grenada respectively as J37K, J37L, J3J, J3X, J3K, J3Z and J3Y. Operations from 6 to 160 metres in CW, SSB and RTTY. They will also join the CQWW SSB Contest using the J3A call. ON - ON4UN, AB4MJ/ON9CNC and ON6TT will join the CQWW DX RTTY Contest in the multi-single category using the OT5T call. During the Contest they will test the equipment for Heard Island expedition. OX - From 25 September to 16 October Mako, JA1OEM will be active from Greenland as OX/JA1OEM. Mako Toyofuku is a well known DXpeditioner, a 70-year-old youngster - he hopes to be QRV in CW on 30, 40 and 80 meters. QSL via homecall. P5 - Martti's (OH2BH/VR2BH) operation from North Korea, planned from 23 to 24 September (425DXN 219), has been postponed to a date to be defined, probably in early 1996. This is likely to be due to the North Korea crisis, upsetted from floods and cholera. A North Korean delegation should go to Peking to get further information about amateur activities and work, if possible, from BY1PK. PY - Vitor, PY2NY, will use the special PW2N call during the next CQWWDX Contests, both SSB and CW. During the phone session, Vitor hopes to be QRV on all bands, while for the CW session he plans to operate on one band only, probably on 40 metres. QSL via bureau. PY - From 2 to 4 November the ZW0C station will be active from Caju Isl. (SA-072; DIB 17). PY0 - Frank, AH0W/OH2LVG, and Jack, WA7LNW (who is still recovering from a surgery operation) do not want to join the SAC Contest from Fer- nando de Noronha (425DXN 228). Frank still does not know how and where this piece of news was born. R1MVI - The operations by OH2BU/MVI and R1MVI from Malyi Vysotskij Island (425DXN 228) have started and will be on until 25 September. They will join the CQWW DX RTTY Contest, working in RTTY only. The an- tennas used in 80 and 160 metres are vertical "full-sized" (the one for 160 meters is attached to a ballon) and for this expedition is possible to have Internet information at http://www.spt.fi/~oh1kag S7 - Hannes,DL3NEO has come back from Seychelles where, using the S79NEO call, has logged about 5500 QSOs. All the documentation has been sent to ARRL/DXAC. QSL via bureau or direct to: DL3NEO, Hannes Schmidt, Hans-Sachs-Str. 24, D-91207 Lauf, Germany. T9 - T94TU is active in RTTY. QSL via N2MZH. TA - Until 28 September, Ennio (IK1XLA) will be active from Turkey: he's QRV every evening from 19.00 UTC on 14330 KHz. UT - During the CQWW DX RTTY Contest, the following stations are QRV in the weekend: UT0I (by Nick, UT2IZ, cat. SM), UT7I (by Serge, UT2IO cat. SS-20m) and UT6I (by Serge, UT2IM, cat. SS-15m or SS-80m). QSL via bureau, or directly to Box 9, Makeevka 339000, Ukraine. VE - During the C.IS.A. Contest, planned from 17.00 UTC of Saturday 23 September to 23.00 UTC of Sunday 24 September, VE3JDO and VE3RJN will be active from Peele Island (ON-002), located in the Erie Lake VE2 - Bob, W1VXV, is active from Sept-Iles, Quebec (WAZ 2), until 25 Sep- tember, joining theCQWW DX RTTY Contest. QSL via bureau (homecall). VK0_h - Following what has been published in previous numbers, Peter, ON6TT reports that, thanks to recent donations by DJ5JI, HB9DDM and from sponsor Cami NV, the European Fund to support the "1995 Heard Island DXpedition" is 3530 US$ (dated 19 September). The Lynx DX Group, the Chiltern DX Club and Armamast (another commercial sponsor) committed themselves for another 2900 US$. With about one month to go before the advanced party of the team takes off, dona- tions are still welcome through ON6TT (for Europe), K0IR (for Americas), JH1AJT (for Japan), VK2BEX (for Oceania). VO2 - During the forthcoming CQWW DX SSB Contest (28-29 Octobr), WA0PUJ, N0AFW, AH9B and KG4DX will be active as VO2WL, in the Multi-Single category. Before and after the contest they will be QRV as VO2/ homecall. QSL via WA0PUJ. VP2E - John, WC0W had the intention to be active from Anguilla as VP2EO from 29 September to 6 October, but the operations might not take place due to island dmages by Luis hurricane. QSL via homecall. VP8_ant- From early October until the end of January 1996, Kenn, G0NKZ will be active from Antarctic base Patriot Hills (Ellsworth Land, WABA MN-01). The activity will take place on 20 metres (14150-14200 KHz) and on 40 me/tres (7080-7090 KHz). QSL via G0SZO. W6 - From 24 to 26 September, WY6/IK1GPG will be active from Santa Cata- lina Island (NA-066). He will stand by for European stations at 22.00 UTC on 14260 KHz. QSL via homecall. 3A - Until Saturday 23 September, Antonio (I1ZB), Flaviano (I2MOV) and Luigi (I8FXT), memebers of INORC, will be portable 3A from Monaco. All bands operations, WARC included, mainly in CW. QSL 100% via ho- mecalls. 4S7 - In mid-November Pierre, HB9AMO will be in Sri-Lanka, from where he will try to get a licence to work as 4S7/HB9AMO. Pierre will use a TS-50 and, if allowed to install adequate antennas, he will try to activate as many bands as possible. Operations mainly in CW, on WARC bands and, if possible, on 80/160 meters, joining the CQWW DX SSB Contest. QSL via homecall. 4U_itu - LX1KQ e LX1OM are active from Ginevra as 4U1ITU and will join the CQWW DX RTTY Contest as 4U0ITU. QSL via LX1TI. 4X - Arie, 4X6UO during the weekend joins the CQWW DX RTTY Contest using the special 4X0A call. QSL via 4X6UO. 5A - SP6RT and SP6AZT have been in Lybia for about one week and hope to operate on 160, 80, 40, 20 and probably on 15 meters too, mainly in CW using the previous but still valid licence of Hubert (SP6RT), with the 5A0A call. Equipments: FT-767, FT-101, 500 Watt linear amplifier and wire antennas. No reports yet on their activity. 6Y - Scott (N9JCL) will be portable 6Y5 until 25 September. Scott is ac- tive in CW, SSB, RTTY, from 10 to 80 metres, WARC included, and al- so on RS-12. 9X - ON5NT reports that Mark, 9X/ON4WW (425DXN 227), who will remain in Rwanda until the end of the year, should be active during the CQWW DX RTTY Contest. From 22 September Mark is daily QRV following the- se timetables: at 2015 UTC on 3501 KHz (QSX +1) for Europe and Ja- pan, at 2030 UTC on 1830 KHz (QSX +1) for Europe and at 2045 UTC for Japan (QSX 1910 KHz). From 29 September, but only on Fridays and Saturdays, 9X/ON4WW will be QRV for Americas at 2330 and at 0200 UTC on 160 (1830 KHz, QSX +1) and 80 metres (3501 KHz, QSX +1). Mark has installed a DX77 for bands from 10 to 40 meters and two inverted vees for 80 and 160 metres. **************************************************************************** ANDAMAN ISLANDS -> Bob, K9RHY reports that, with regard to VU2JPS's activity from Andaman Is., up to today the only valid DXCC operations are those by VU4APR (March 1987) and VU4GDG (October 1987). Bob has QSL, pictures and faxes about the real QTH for a VU2HMD/VU7's activity which took place in 1985 summer and was publicised by "QRZ DX" (17 June 1985) and by "The DX Bul- letin" (28 June 1985). But in 1987 the DXCC Desk gave no validation for that operation saying that no documentation was sent. No operation will be appro- ved without the official authorization by Indian government and this autho- rization is quite impossible to have. The 1987 operations by VU7APR were helped by Prime Minister Rajiv Ghandi (an enthusiast radio amateur, he was killed some years ago), son of Indira Ghandi. Bob therefore suggests not to be optimist about operations not officially declared. LUIS HURRICANE -> The hurricane that hit Anguilla and St. Martin has de- stroyed the antennas of Dorothea, VP2EE, and Dave, VP2EHF. Telephone commu- nications are interrupted, the electric energy is suspended and two of their transceivers are broken. Many US amateurs, WB1HBB above all, are trying to give them emergency equipments. FR5HG/T-G-J -> To confirm what has already been reported in number 226 (see PIRATES), Herick, FR5DX, has confirmed that Michel, FR5HG, has just come back to Reunion after an holiday in Malagasy without any equipment Therefore the operations with his call during August and September were made by pirates. FY0EK/FY5KE -> Gabriel, F6DQM, reports that he is not the QSL manager for FY0EK and FY5KE operations. Gabriel suggest to use the French QSL bureau or this address: RACK, P.O. Box 450, 97310 Kourou, Guyane Francaise, France. 3A2LZ -> Daniel reports that he has received some QSLs wrongly addressed to Box 393 of Monaco (it seems that this address is also reported in some ver- sions of the Buckmaster-CDROM). His correct addres is the following: 3A2LZ, Daniel Plett, Box 349, Monaco. Daniels confirms also via bureau. QSL received: 3XY0A/P (AF-051), 5N0GC, HC8KU, IM0/I0QI (EU-041, IIA SS-12), LT7F, S07URE, S92LB, XU95HA. **************************************************************************** * 425 DX NEWS * * DX info weekly bulletin * * edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Piero Forno, IK1IYU * * with the contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171 * **************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, I1ZL, IK1JJB, I2MOV, IK2HTW, IK3TZB, IV3SHF, I4LCK, IK4CIE, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK8TEM, IT9GAI, I0VWV, I0ZV, IK0PRG, IS0JMA, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, AH0W/OH2LVG, DC3MF, DK3VN, DL3NEO, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL9GOA, EA5KB, F6AJA, F6DQM, G4BUE, HB9AMO, JH2PDS/1, KA3DBN/VP2EBN, KK6EB, KB8NW, K9RHY, N7NG, ON6TT, OZ1LQH, SM6AOU, SP2ONG, SP5EWY, VE1CBK, VE3PMW, VO2WL, ZL2ALY, DXNS, LNDX, OPDX, URE-EA-DX, 59(9) DX Report, QRZ-DX, ARRLDX, VK2SG RTTY DX. **************************************************************************** * Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to * * Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to * * Piero Forno, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it) * **************************************************************************** * INTERNET e-mail : I121171@amsat.org * * 425 WWW Page --> http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html * * INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: * * promet12.cineca.it - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/ * **************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 ARRL HQ BBS USA : 203-666-0578 CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 23 September 1995 no.229 ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU PERIOD CALL REF till 01/10 CY3IARU: special event station 222 till ? ES: Muhu Isl. (EU-034) * by ES team 229 till 24/09 IY1EY: Special Station for "LOANO ELETTRA AWARD" 223 till 24/09 K8SCH/4: Tybee Isl. (NA-058) 214 till 25/09 R1MVI & OH2BU/MVI: Malyj Vysotskij Isl. 228 till 30/11 SI(0-7)GM * special calls 225 till 28/09 TA * by IK1XLA 229 till 26/09 TY8G * by LA4GHA, LA5IIA, LA9IY 226 till 31/10 VI50PEACE * special event station 217 till ? VK6LC: Finucane Isl. (OC-199) 227 till 26/09 VK9: Lord Howe * by W6OTC,N4TQO,KE6FV,W6/G0AZT 225 till 26/09 VP5: Providenciales Isl. (NA-002) * by PI4COM team 222 till September ZD8WD * by G4RWD 197 till 30/09 ZK1PNX: Rarotonga Isl. (OC-013) South Cook * by K6GKU 228 till 23/09 3A * by I1ZB, I2MOV, I8FXT 229 till 03/10 4S7 * by HB9BRM 225 till 25/09 4U0ITU * by LX1KQ & LX1OM 229 till 01/11 5R8DS 228 till 25/09 6Y5/N9JCL 229 till October 8J9WGO * Special Event Station 225 till end Sept 9N1ARB 228 15/09-15/10 AB7HB/KH9 * by V73O ??? 227 17/09-30/09 V26Z * by WF2S 225 21/09-28/09 P40JT & P40BT * by WS7I & WV7Y 227 21/09-03/10 K1EFI/VP9 225 22/09-25/09 N6VR: Santa Cruz Isl. (NA-144) 227 22/09-24/09 TF4: Flatey Isl. (EU-168) * by SM6CAS & SM7PKK 228 23/09-24/09 CQ5H: Lea-Matosinhos-Porto 227 23/09-01/10 DA0DHS: Ruegen Isl. (EU-057) 226 23/09 IA1: Scoglio Madonnina (IIA SV-??) by IK1EDC & IK1JJB 229 23/09 IA1: Scoglio Margonara (IIA SV-??) by IK1EDC & IK1JJB 229 23/09-24/09 IA5: EU-028 - Giglio (GR-02) & Giannutri (GR-01) 229 23/09 IL6: Scoglio Vela(AN-01) & Scoglio Due Sorelle(AN-02) 226 23/09-24/09 IL7/II7I: Portonuovo Isl. (FG-09) * by Daunia DX Team 228 23/09-24/09 IM0: Isolotto Managu (NU-16) * by IS0BDF & IS0KEB 227 23/09-24/09 OH0JJS, OH0MAM, OH0AAQ 228 23/09-03/10 SV5/DL1TQ: Karpathos Isl. (EU-001) 218 23/09-12/10 SV8/G0IXC: Skopelos Isl. (EU-072) 225 23/09-24/09 TM2RDS * special event station 228 23/09-24/09 VE: Peele Isl. (C.Is.A. ON-002) * by VE3JDO & VE3RJN 229 23/09 W7: Tatoosh Isl. (NA-169) * by NL7TB 228 23/09-24/09 CQ WWDX RTTY Contest *** 23/09-24/09 Scandinavian SSB Activity *** 23/09-24/09 U.S. & VE Islands Contest *** 23/09 Rouen: Clipperton DX Convention *** 24/09 ED1RP: Isla La Treinta (DIEI P-22) 228 24/09 EA2AE/p: Isla El Orao (DIEI VI-16) 228 24/09 GB2RRM * special station 228 24/09 IP1: Scogli I Pagliai (IIA SV-03) 228 24/09-03/10 OZ/DL2XN: Bornholm Isl. (EU-030) 228 24/09-30/09 V26Y * by W2KKZ 225 24/09-26/09 WY6/IK1GPG: Santa Catalina Isl. (NA-066) 229 24/09-28/09 ZF2TY/8 & ZF2SF/8 * by JA6VZB & JH6RTO 226 24/09-12/10 8P9II * by DL7UUO 227 25/09-16/10 OX/JA1OEM 229 26/09-06-10 GJ0IAX/M * by G0IAX 228 26/09-30/09 8Q7BY & 8Q7RJ * by JA0BYS & JA9PRJ 228 27/09 EA7BO/p: Isla El Trocadero (DIEI CA-09) 228 28/09-15/04 JX4CJA & JX3EX * by LA4CJA & LA3EX 228 29/09-06/10 VP2EO * by WC0W 229 29/09-08/10 ZD8Z * by N6TR 228 30/09-01/10 CQ5L: Lea-Matosinhos-Porto 227 30/09-10/10 CY0: Sable Isl. * by VE1CBK, VE1RU, VE1AOE, VE1RGB 229 30/09 IJ9: Grande di Marzamemi Isl. (IIA SR-05) 229 September-Oct CQ4I: Gaivota Rock * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU 190 September EA1FEO/p: Isla Murecas (DIEI VA-13) 228 September IC8JAH: Scoglio Monacone (IIA NA-12) 228 September IL7/IK8RMB 228 September J28PP * by F5SFD 226 September-Jan VQ9TP * by N5TP 223 September XF4: Revillagigedo * by XE1CI 222 September XU6TQ * by PA3BTQ 223 September YB5: Mentawai Isl. (OC-???) * by YC5BLB 222 September 5A * SP6RT & SP6AZT 229 September 8R1AK/p: Wakennaam Isl. (SA-068) ??? 227 01/10 EA1AHP/p: Isla El Chivero (DIEI LO-04) 228 02/10-17/10 FG/F6FGZ: Les Saintes Is. (NA-114) 228 03/10-17/10 CU2/DL3KUD 228 03/10-20/10 JY8XY * by WB9YXY 228 04/10-20/10 TI9JJP * by TI2JJP 223 06/10-08/10 EG9A: Alhucemas Isl. (AF-069) * by EA team 228 06/10-20/10 FO: Tuamoto Arch.(OC-066), Acteon gr.(OC-113) by F5JWW 218 06/10-30/10 HC8A * by N6KT 228 07/10-29/10 YV7: Margarita Isl. (SA-012) * by K6URE 228 10/10-13/10 8A8BI: Banggai Isl. (OC-???) 224 10/10-16/10 ZW2EPA: Anchiesta Isl. (SA-028) (DIB 61) 223 13/10-15/10 >>> Bologna: V IOTA CONVENTION <<< ***