DX425 bulletin issue nr. 228

16 September 1995                                                     No.228
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                           edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU

                     4 WEEKS LEFT TO BOLOGNA CONVENTION!            
    This is the list of  Amateurs who  will  join the  Bologna Convention,
    planned   from  13 to  15  October:
    I2-66508, K8CH, K9PPY, KA5TQF, N3ERM, OE3REB, OE3WWB, OE6MKG,  ON4AAE,
    WA3KNN, WT2O, 9A6A.
A4     - Tony, G4KLF will be active for two years from Oman as A45ZN and al-
         so from club station A47RS, in CW, SSB, RTTY, Amtor and Packet. QSL
         via T. Selmes, PO Box 981, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.
A6     - In the second half of October, after the  Bologna Convention, Dave,
         KA5TQF, will be active from the United Arab Emirates.
CE0    - The Salas y Gomez  Island (SA-083) operations ended Monday 11  Sep-
         tember. Notwithstanding the bad weather  conditions at  0200 UTC of
         Sunday 10 September the QSO logged were 1600.
CY0    - A group of four operators, including VE1CBK, should be active  from
         Sable Island from 30 September to 10 October. All bands activity.
EA1    - On  17 or 24 September  EA1FEO/P will be  active from  Isla Murecas
         (DIEI VA-13).  QSL via EA5OL.
EA1    - On 24 September  the ED1RP station will be QRV from Isla La Treinta
         (DIEI P22).  QSL via EA1MK (ex EA1EXB).
EA1    - On  1 October  EA1AHP/1 will be QRV from Isla El Chivero  (DIEI LO-
         04). QSL via EA2AE.
EA2    - On  24 September EA2AE/P will be active from Isla El Orao (DIEI VI-
         16). QSL via EA2AE.
EA6    - From 15 to 17 September the ED6ZXM station  will be active, on WARC
         bands only, from Isla Galera (DIE E126). QSL via EA6ZX.
EA7    - On  17  September  EA7BR/P will be  active from Isla  El Manto (DIE
         S222). QSL via EA7BR.
EA7    - On  27 September EC7DRN and EA7BO  will be active  as EA7BO/P  from
         Isla El Trocadero (DIEI CA-09).  QSL via EA7BO.
EA9    - From 6 to 8 October  EA5AD, EA3CUU,  EA7JB, EA7KW and EA7PN will be
         QRV as EG9A  from Alhucemas island (AF-069). QSL via EA4URE,PO. Box
         220,  28080  Madrid,  Spain. Contributions  can be  sent to  EA7MK,
         Diego  Trujillo Cabrera,  P.O. Box  307,  11200  Algeciras (Cadiz),
F      - The special TM2RDS station will be  activated on  16/17  September,
         23/24 September,  28/29 October, 25/26 November,  9/10 December, to
         celebrate the 22nd anniversary of ARADS79  (Association  Radio Ama-
         teurs Deux-Sevres Department 79). It  is planned to join  main con-
         tests during those dates. QSL, both via direct or bureau, to Serge,
         F6AUS. A curious note: the CW  operations on  16 and 17  September,
         will be made using the world biggest keyer (2.63 mtrs lenght, 0.95
         mtrs width and 140 Kg. weight!) that will be figured on QSL.
FG     - From 2 to 17 October,  Gerard, F6FGZ, will be active from Les Sain-
         tes islands (NA-114). Operations mainly  in CW and Gerard  will use
         an HF2V antenna for 160, 80 and 40 meters and a dipole for 30 mtrs.
         QSL to F6GZZ, better  via bureau.  However his  address is:  Gerard
         Parat, 7 rue des Longchamps, 78125 La Boissiere Ecole, France.
GJ     - Richard,  G0IAX,  from 26 September  to 3 October will be  QRV from
         Jersey Island as GJ0IAX/M.  Look for him on 14260 KHz.
HC8    - From 6 to 30 October, Richard, N6KT will be active as HC8A from Ga-
         lapagos islands (SA-004). He plans to join the CQWW DX SSB Contest.
         QSL via WV7Y: B.D. Townsend, P.O. Box 644, Spokane,  WA 99210, USA.
HH     - For six months, starting from the end of  September, Daniel (F5OKX)
         will be portable HH2 from Haiti, doing all HF bands  activities and
         particularly on 40 and 20 metres for Europe. QSL via F5OKX, via di-
         rect only.
HS     - The club-station  HS0AC  has been moved from the  Bangkok Museum of
         Science to ex-HS0A rooms, in the Asian Institute of Technology. Du-
         ring this year the  HS0AC station will join the CQWW Contests using
         the special  HS50A call to  celebrate the  50th anniversary  of the
         King Bhumiphol (HS1A)  reign,  while  a  group of  local  operators
         will use the HS7AS call, working from a location having good recep-
         tion conditions.
I      - The "Vecio Piave Team" IR3X station will be active during next CQWW
         DX CW Contest (end of November).  QSL via IK3QAR.
IC8    - Bruno, IC8JAH,  hopes to activate  before the  end  of  this  month
         Scoglio Monacone (EU-031, IIA NA-12).
IL7    - Before the end of September,  Tonino,  IK8RMB, hopes  to be  active
         again from some Foggia province islands valid for I.I.A.
IL7    - Following  what  has  been  published  in  issue 227, Miky (IK7RWD) 
         reports  that,  unfortunately, due to bad weather conditions it has 
         not been possible to  make any  activity   during the last weekend.
         Therefore the Daunia   DX  Team now  plan  to activate Campi Island
         (IIA FG-10) on Saturday 16 and  Sunday 17  September. They will use 
         a 2.2 KW power generator that will  allow two simultaneous stations 
         to be active in HF and VHF  SSB.  During the next weekends the team 
         plan to activate Portonuovo (FG-09) and  Sant'Eufemia (FG-12).
IP1    - Saturday 24 September, Gabriele (IK1NEG), Fulvio (I1EEW),  Pinuccio
         (I2MWZ) and Bruno (IK2UEC) will activate, if weather permits,  Sco-
         gli I Pagliai (IIA SV-03).
JX     - From 28 September to 15 April 1996, Marit, LA4CJA and Terje, LA3EX,
         will be active from Jan Mayen (EU-022), respectively  as JX4CJA and
         JX3EX. The activity is planned in CW and SSB,  from 10 to 80 metres
         (WARC included).  Marit will be the first YL active from Jan Mayen.
         QSL for JX3EX via: T. Berg, 8099 Jan Mayen, Norway. The QSL manager
         for JX4CJA will be announced later.
JY     - Bob,  WB9YXY, will be active from  Jordan as JY8XY starting  from 3
         October, for two and half weeks. Operations in CW/SSB on bands from
         160 to 10 meters  (WARC excluded). Bob  will be  QRV mainly  on low
         bands in CW,  using wire  antennas and  he also  hopes to  activate
         other Middle East countries. QSL via homecall.
KH9    - Following what has been published in issue 216, the planned activi-
         ties by AL7EL   and  Dateline  DX Association  from  Wake have been 
OH0    - The following stations should join the Scandinavian DX  Activity CW
         Contest planned from 15 UTC of 16 September to 18 UTC of 17 Septem-
         ber: OH0BDA (probably on all bands), OH0JJS (on 80 meters),  OH0LIH
         (on 20 meters) and  OH0AAQ (probably on all bands).
OH0    - The following stations should join the Scandinavian DX Activity SSB
         Contest planned from 15 UTC of 23 September to 18 UTC of 24 Septem-
         ber: OH0JJS (on 80 meters) and OH0AAQ or OH0MAM.
ON     - From 27 October  to 5 November the  special  OS4CLM station will be
         active to celebrate Knokke liberation by  Canadian  forces in 1944.
         It is possible to ask for a special Award  sending 5 US$ or  10 IRC
         to P.O. Box 110, B-8300 Knokke, Belgium (the money  will  go  to  a
         welfare fund).
OZ     - From 24 September to 3 October, DL2XN will be active from  Bornholm
         island (EU-030).
PJ7    - Following  what  has  been published  in issues 223/224, Tom, K6URI 
         reports that the St. Marteen island  expedition has been  cancelled  
         due to 'Luis' hurricane [see YV].
PY0_fn - AH0W and WA7LNW should join the SAC  SSB Contest  (23/24 September)
         from Fernando de Noronha (SA-003).
R1MVI  - From 21 to 25  September a  group of Finnish and  Russian operators
         will be QRV from Malyj Vysotskij (ex-4J1, IOTA EU-117).  Operations
         in all modes and on all bands,  particularly  on WARC, on low bands
         and in RTTY (they plan to join the CQWW DX RTTY Contest). Four sta-
         tions will be activated 24 hours  a day and  they will use  the new
         R1MVI call and the special one OH2BU/MVI. Frequencies are:
                        CW              SSB             RTTY
         160m         1831              1845
         80m          3501              3795
         40m          7001              7045
         30m         10101
         20m         14025             14195           14084
         20m         14295
         17m         18069             18145           18104
         15m         21025             21295           21084
         12m         24891             24945
         10m         28025             28495           28084
         The operators will be Juha (OH1KAG), Jari (OH2BU), Markus (OH3KCB),  
         Petri (OH3MEP), Matti (OH3MMF), Harri (RA3AUU), Nick  (RU3FM),  Leo  
         (RV6HY)  and  Pavel  (RA3AUM).  QSL   via   OH2BU:  Jari   Jussila, 
         Pilvijarvi, FIN-02400 Kirkkonummi, Finland.
SU     - Mohamed, SU2MT, reports that during the Autumn he wants to be acti-
         ve on low bands, mainly on 160 meters.
TF4    - From 22 to 24 September Nils, TF4/SM6CAS and Mats, TF4/SM7PKK, will
         be active from Flatey Island (EU-168). During the Scandinavian Con-
         test  the operations  will be in SSB,  in  CW outside  the contest.
         QSL via SM6CAS (SSB) and SM7PKK (CW).
V7     - From 18 to 25 October  V7/AL7EL  will be active from  Marshall Isl.
         Particular attention will be  given to low bands and  WARC. QSL via
VE6    - Sunday  17  September  the special  CF6AFD station will be QRV from 
         1600 to 2359 UTC on  3850, 7240, 14135, 14275, 21250 KHz (+/- QRM), 
         from  the  Canadian   Forces  Base  in   Calgary, during  the Armed 
         Forces Day.
VE7    - Following what published in number 222, Bruno, F5JYD,  reports that
         during his recent Canadian tour  has logged more  than 3000 QSOs in
         20 metres SSB. The islands activated were:  Vancouver (NA-036, XJ7/
         TM7I), Kaien (NA-061, XJ7/TM7I),  Gabriola (NA-075, XJ7/TM7I), Cor-
         morant and Malcolm (NA-091, XJ7/F5SSM), Moresby and Graham (NA-051,
         VE7/F5JYD).  QSL via F5JYD.
VE8    - A  two-week operation  should take place, between February and Mar-
         ch 1996, from  Booth Island  (Ottawa Is., NA-???)  using the  XJ8OT
VK     - Monday  11  September Bill,  VK4CRR/P was active from Lady Musgrave 
         Island: it is not  a "new one",  but  the  island might qualify for
         OC-142.  We are waiting for further information.
VK0_h  - Following what has been published in previous issues, Peter, ON6TT, 
         reports   that  thanks  to recent  donations made by G3AEZ,  G3KWK,
         the LA DX Group and the  Danish  DX  Group,  the  European fund  to  
         support the forthcoming "1995 Heard Island DXpedition"   is now US$ 
         3180 (up to 10 September)
VP9    - From 16 to 22 October, WB2YQH will be in Bermuda   (Smith's Parish)
         and using  a TS50 and a G5RV  antenna he will work as WB2YQH/VP9 on
         all bands  from 80 to 10 meters (WARC included), mainly in CW.  QSL
         via direct to WB2YQH.  This operation has been offered from the lo-
         cal Tourist Department to the Bermuda  Contest 1995  Winner. In the
         same period  Bermuda  celebrate  the "Week of the Radio"  therefore
         other VP9 stations will be active.
W5     - Following  what has been  in  issue  223,  the planned Marsh Island
         (NA-120) expedition has been cancelled due to bad health conditions
         of one operator.
W7     - On 23 September, NL7TB hopes to be active from Tatoosh Isl (NA-169)
XV/3W  - Franz, DF5GF, currently in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, has  received  the
         licence with the 3W6GM call and  he can work on 20  meters only, on
         two fixed frequencies:  in CW on 14016 KHz and in SSB on 14296 KHz.
         At the moment he is active in SSB only as he  has  not yet a keyer.
         QSL via direct to : Franz Rebholz, 3W6GM, Viet Duc Pedagogical Uni-
         versity of Technology, 01 Vo Van Ngan Street, Thu Duc,  Ho Chi Minh
         City, Vietnam. Franz coming to an agreement  with other DL amateurs  
         for a possible QSL manager.
XV/3W  - As reported in issue  224, Rolf,  XV7SW, is QRV again from  Vietnam
         where, equipped for 80 and 160 meters too, hopes to be  more active
         starting from October, when he will have more spare time. Thanks to
         W8ZF and AA4LU the logging  program works fine and  first QSLs  are
         ready to be sent (says Rolf: ".. as soon as I   find  the  glue  to
         stick the stamps!").  The pictures for the  QSLs were taken  on the
         Hoa Binh roads and printed thanks to SM3EVR and Sundsvall Dx Group.
         For stamps collectors, Rolf reports that he wants to use the  local
         stamps for  all the answers. Requests can be sent directly in Viet-
         nam or via bureau or direct to SM3CXS.
            Rolf's address:                     Joe SM3CXS's address:
            Rolf T Salme, XV7SW                 Jorgen Svensson
            Embassy of Sweden                   Berghemsvagen 11
            Box 9                               S - 863 36 Sundsbruk 
            Hanoi, Vietnam.                     Sweden.
YV     - Tom, K6URI, will spend his vacation on  Margarita Islands (SA-012),
         from 7 to 21 October and hopes to have a licence.
ZD8    - From 29 September to 8 October Jim, N6TR will be active from Ascen-
         sion Isl. (AF-003) using the ZD8Z call.  Operations in CW 33 KHz up
         from the band  beginning and on 21150 KHz.  Jim will also try to be
         active on 160 meters.  QSL  via  VE3HO, G. Hamilton, P.O. Box 1156,
         Fonthill, ON L0S 1E0, Canada.
ZK1_sc - Bob, K6GKU,  is active from Rarotonga Island,  South Cook, (OC-013)
         using the ZK1PNX call, until 30 September.  Bob is QRV in CW/SSB on
         80, 40, 20, 17 metres and also via satellite RS-12.  QSL via K6GKU:
         Bob Rose, 15514 E. Richwood Ave., Fountain Hills, AZ 85268, USA.
3V     - Hrane, YT1AD,  wants to join the CQWW DX SSB & CW Contests from Tu-
         nisia, using the 3V5A call.
4X     - Amir, 4X6TT, reports that from 25 to 31 October there will be a se-
         cond joint Israel-Jordanian operation to  commemorate the first an-
         niversary of the Peace treaty   signed between the  state of Israel
         and the  Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan  (25 October 1994). During the
         operations, which will take place  from Israel, they  will use  the
         4X7JY and 4Z7JY calls. The activity is planned from 6 to 160 metres
         in CW, SSB and RTTY.
8Q     - From 26 to 30 September, Hiro (JA0BYS) and Oku (JA9PRJ) will be ac-
         tive from Maldive (AS-013), respectively as 8Q7BY and 8Q7RJ.  Parti-
         cular  attention will be given to 80 and 160 meters.  QSL via  home-
9J     - The 24 October  (United Nations  Day), Brian, 9J2BO, will be active
         on all bands, in CW and SSB, using the special 9J50UN call. QSL via
         9J2BO: Brian Otter, Box 30222, Lusaka, Zambia.
9K     - The station 9K0A will be activated by 9K2HN during next CQWW DX SSB
         Contest and in other  special events.  QSL via bureau or  direct to
         9K2HN:  Hamad J. Al-Nusif,  P.O. Box 29174,  Safat 13152,  Kuwait.
9N     - Dick, 9N1ARB, is active from Nepal for about two weeks and he works
         SSB only on bands from 80 to 10 metres. QSL via direct to  P.O. Box
         25, Katmandu, Nepal.
5A1A QSL  -> Steve, OM3JW, one of managers for 5A1A, reports that he has re-
ceived more than 1000 requests, but he needs time for  the answers.  All the
documentation has  been sent to ARRL DXCC Desk, but another one has been re-
quested and Toly (UT3UY) is waiting for it. The QSL will be printed only af-
ter the DXCC validation. First QSLs are coming from the local  operators ac-
tive from Tripoli Radio Club.
5R8DS & 5R8DY VIA PA3BXC  ->  Ben, 5R8DS, reports  that QSL  for him  or his
wife Marian, 5R8DY, are to be sent now to his homecall  PA3BXC, both via di-
rect or via bureau. The address is: Ben  &  Marian  Witvliet,  Sleedoorn 65,
Emmen,  7822an,  The Netherlands.  Marian,  5R8DY, is already in the Nether-
lands with their sons while Ben, 5R8DS, will  end his Radio Netherlands work 
in Malagasy on 1st of  November  and  until  that date he will be QRV in CW/
SSB on usual five HF bands (from 80 to 10 meters).
L4D -> If you have  not yet  received the  L4D QSLs (SA-065, November 1993),
can now ask to Angelo, IK2HTW, whot will collect cards for  Argentina (he is
NOT the QSL manager!).  Angelo suggests to enclose two green stamps.
OJ0/OH8AA  ->  Jukka, OH6LI, reports that OJ0/OH8AA QSL will  be  ready  for 
20 September. Those who send more than one green  stamp will receive a "tiny
rock" from Market Reef.  QSL via OH6LI (Jukka Klemola, Aarontie 5, 31400 So-
mero, Finland) or via bureau.
QSL 9H0DX, 9H3DX, 9H3WK  ->  Win, DK9IP, reports  that QSLs for recent 9H0DX
activity , during the Worked All Europe Contest, will be sent via  bureau as
soon as they will be printed. It is not  necessary to  send direct  requests
for these calls: 9H0DX and 9H3WK via DK9IP, 9H3DX via DF2UU.
NA-199  ->  The address of  KF0UI, manager of the recent FS5PL expedition to
Tintamarre Isl. (NA-199), is  the following: John Trampler, 5994 N. Farm Rd.
Box 171, Springfield, MO 65803, U.S.A.
XV3UU  -> It is possible  to ask for  XV3UU QSL (1991 activity) at this  ad-
dress: Rod Huckabay, 4002 70th St, Lubbock, TX 79413-5918, USA.
IV3TAN -> He is the QSL manager for these stations: IG9A, IG9R, IG9T, IG9W.
QSL received: C4MI (AS-120), CO0OTA (NA-204), D61NW, IA5/IK0MHR (EU-028, IIA
GR-06),  IC8JAH/P  (EU-031,  IIA NA-11),  IC8/I8USE  (IIA  NA-17  e  NA-19),
IC8/IK8VRS (EU-031, IIA NA-02), ID8/IK8TPJ (IIA KR-01),  IJ9/IT9GAI (EU-025:
IIA SR-01,  SR-02,  SR-03,  SR-05,  SR-07,  SR-08),  IL3/IK3ZAW (EU-131, IIA
VE-21),  IL7/IK0MHR (IIA  FG-09  e  FG-10),  IM0/IS0KEB (EU-165, IIA SS-85),
JY1, S07URE, UA0QFC/A (AS-082), ZC6B, 4V100RC, 9K2MU, 9M8/DJ2EH.

PIRATES  ->  Giancarlo,  I0GPY, reports  that the  HV1CN station, giving him
as QSL manager, is pirate: Domenico, HV1CN, went QRT many years ago. Daniel,
3A2LZ,  reports other pirates who  use the 3A call:  3A0X has never been is-
sued and the reported QSL manager, 3A2BF, knows nothing about this  station.
It seems  that all 3 A0 are pirates:  this prefix  is used only  for special
events and never to single  operators - 3A2CC has never been  issued - 3A2LZ
is the Daniel's call but someone is using it on 80 meters,  where Daniel has
never been active - 3A50A and 3A50DX  (giving IK2MRZ as manager) have  never
been issued. Don't send QSL! 

*                              425 DX NEWS                                 *
*                        DX info weekly bulletin                           *
*       edited by Mauro  Pregliasco, I1JQJ  and Piero Forno, IK1IYU        *
*       with  the  contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171        *
              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
IC8JAH, IK8RMB, IK8TEM, I0GPY,  I0ODX, I0ZV, IS0JMA, Diamond DX Club,  Roman
4X6TT, 5R8DS, 9K2HN,  DXNS, LNDX, OPDX, URE-EA-DX,  59(9) DX Report, QRZ-DX,
ARRLDX, VK2SG RTTY DX.                                                      
* Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
*          Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to         *
*      Piero Forno, IK1IYU  (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it)      *
*                  INTERNET e-mail :  I121171@amsat.org                    *
*         425 WWW Page -->  http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html      *
*                   INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site:                    *
*   promet12.cineca.it  - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/   *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
                  * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *
                      TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751
                      DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613
                      ARRL HQ BBS USA :  203-666-0578
                      CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921

16 September 1995                                                    no.228
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                           edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF
till  21/09      CE0Z: Juan Fernandez Is. * by K4UEE & K0EU             213
till  17/09      IA5/IK4DCT: Toscano Archipelago (EU-028)               220
till  17/09      IU3VMD: Vicenza * Special Event Station                226
till  31/12      IY4W: Special Station                                  226
till  21/09      M1OOG: Special Station                                 226
till  February   OD/N4ISV                                               222
till  17/09      OH0BDA                                                 225
till  30/11      SI(0-7)GM * special calls                              225
till  end Sept   SV1UM/8: Antikithira Isl. (EU-113)                     222
till  20/09      TK/F5XL                                                226
till  21/09      SV3/DL1BKK: Sfaktiria Isl. (EU-158)                    216
till  31/10      VI50PEACE * special event station                      217
till  ?          VK6LC: Finucane Isl. (OC-199)                          227
till  26/09      VP5: Providenciales Isl. (NA-002) * by PI4COM team     222
till  20/09      XR0Y: Easter Isl. * by KK6EK and his team              225
till  September  ZD8WD * by G4RWD                                       197
till  30/09      ZK1PNX: Rarotonga Isl. (OC-013) South Cook * by K6GKU  228
till  01/11      5R8DS                                                  228
till  October    8J9WGO * Special Event Station                         225
till  end Sept   9N1ARB                                                 228
till  21/09      9N1SXW * by G3SXW                                      225
12/09-21/09      9A/OK2QX/p: Krk Isl. (EU-136)                          227
14/09-17/09      VK9LS/X: Chistmas Isl. * by JA2NQQ                     224
14/09-03/10      4S7/HB9BRM                                             225
15/09-17/09      ED6ZXM: Isla Galera (DIE E-126)                        228
15/09-15/10      AB7HB/KH9 * by V73O                                    227
16/09-17/09      IL7/II7I: Campi Isl. (IIA FG-10) * by Daunia DX Team   228
16/09-24/09      IY1EY: Special Station for "LOANO ELETTRA AWARD"       223
16/09-17/09      OH0JJS, OH0LIH, OH0AAQ                                 228
16/09-17/09      TM2RDS * special event station                         228
16/09-26/09      TY8G * by LA4GHA, LA5IIA, LA9IY                        226
16/09-22/09      W4ZYT/VP9                                              224
16/09-17/09      Scandinavian CW Activity                               ***
15/09-17/09      EA7BR/p: Isla El Manto (DIE S-222)                     228
17/09-30/09      V26Z * by WF2S                                         225
17/09            CF6AFD * special event station                         228
19/09-26/09      VK9: Lord Howe * by W6OTC,N4TQO,KE6FV,W6/G0AZT         225
21/09-24/09      K8SCH/4: Tybee Isl. (NA-058)                           214
21/09-28/09      P40JT & P40BT * by WS7I & WV7Y                         227
21/09-25/09      R1MVI & OH2BU/MVI: Malyj Vysotskij Isl.                228
21/09-03/10      K1EFI/VP9                                              225
22/09-01/10      CY3IARU: special event station                         222
22/09-25/09      N6VR: Santa Cruz Isl. (NA-144)                         227
22/09-24/09      TF4: Flatey Isl. (EU-168) * by SM6CAS & SM7PKK         228
23/09-24/09      CQ5H: Lea-Matosinhos-Porto                             227
23/09-01/10      DA0DHS: Ruegen Isl. (EU-057)                           226
23/09            IL6: Scoglio Vela(AN-01) & Scoglio Due Sorelle(AN-02)  226
23/09-24/09      IL7/II7I: Portonuovo Isl. (FG-09) * by Daunia DX Team  228
23/09-24/09      IM0: Isolotto Managu (NU-16) * by IS0BDF & IS0KEB      227
23/09-24/09      OH0JJS, OH0MAM, OH0AAQ                                 228
23/09-24/09      PY0F * by AH0W & WA7LNW                                228
23/09-03/10      SV5/DL1TQ: Karpathos Isl. (EU-001)                     218
23/09-12/10      SV8/G0IXC: Skopelos Isl. (EU-072)                      225
23/09-24/09      TM2RDS * special event station                         228
23/09            W7: Tatoosh Isl. (NA-169) * by NL7TB                   228
23/09-24/09      CQ WWDX RTTY Contest                                   ***
23/09-24/09      Scandinavian SSB Activity                              ***
23/09-24/09      U.S. & VE Islands Contest                              ***
23/09            Rouen: Clipperton DX Convention                        ***
24/09            ED1RP: Isla La Treinta (DIEI P-22)                     228
24/09            EA2AE/p: Isla El Orao (DIEI VI-16)                     228
24/09            GB2RRM * special station                               228
24/09            IP1: Scogli I Pagliai (IIA SV-03)                      228
24/09-03/10      OZ/DL2XN: Bornholm Isl. (EU-030)                       228
24/09-30/09      V26Y * by W2KKZ                                        225
24/09-28/09      ZF2TY/8 & ZF2SF/8 * by JA6VZB & JH6RTO                 226
24/09-12/10      8P9II * by DL7UUO                                      227
26/09-06-10      GJ0IAX/M * by G0IAX                                    228
26/09-30/09      8Q7BY & 8Q7RJ * by JA0BYS & JA9PRJ                     228
27/09            EA7BO/p: Isla El Trocadero (DIEI CA-09)                228
28/09-15/04      JX4CJA & JX3EX * by LA4CJA & LA3EX                     228
29/09-08/10      ZD8Z * by N6TR                                         228
30/09-01/10      CQ5L: Lea-Matosinhos-Porto                             227
30/09-10/10      CY0: Sable Isl. * by VE1CBK                            228
September-Oct    CQ4I: Gaivota Rock * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU    190
September        EA1FEO/p: Isla Murecas (DIEI VA-13)                    228
September        IC8JAH: Scoglio Monacone (IIA NA-12)                   228
September        IL7/IK8RMB                                             228
September        J28PP * by F5SFD                                       226
September-Oct    P5 * by OH2BH's team                                   219
September-Jan    VQ9TP * by N5TP                                        223
September        XF4: Revillagigedo * by XE1CI                          222
September        XU6TQ * by PA3BTQ                                      223
September        YB5: Mentawai Isl. (OC-???) * by YC5BLB                222
September        8R1AK/p: Wakennaam Isl. (SA-068)                  ???  227
13/10-15/10      >>> Bologna: V IOTA CONVENTION <<<                     ***