9 September 1995 No.227 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU 5 WEEKS LEFT TO BOLOGNA CONVENTION! This is the list of Amateurs who will join the Bologna Convention, planned from 13 to 15 October: CT1BH, DC3MF, DE0MST, DF5WA, DK7PE, F5XL, G3KMA, G3TMA, G3ZAY, HA8XX, HB9BVV, HB9DX, HB9RG, I1BYH, I1HYW, I1JQJ, I1SNW, I1ZL, I2ARN, I2EOW, I2MQP, I2MWZ, I2RAO, I2VGW, I4BRE, I4DVT, I4LCK, I4NE, I4UFH, I4USC, I0JBL, IK1ADH, IK1JJB, IK1YLO, IK2ANI, IK2DUV, IK2EKY, IK2FEO, IK2GNW, IK2GRA, IK2ILH, IK2MMF, IK2MRZ, IK2OQB, IK4AVZ, IK4CIE, IK4EWK, IK4LZH, IK4RQF, IK4SWZ, IK7IMO, IK7JTF, IK8EPC, IK8HJC, IK0AZG, IK0FVC/HV4NAC, IK0IHA, IK0NGI, IN3XUG, IS0JMA, IT9AZS, IT9GAI, IT9KFQ, IT9YRE, IT9ZGY, IV3ZCX, IW0CPT, I2-66508, KA5TQF, K8CH, K9PPY, N3ERM, OE3REB, OE6MKG, ON4AAE, ON4QP, ON4XL, ON5KL, SM6CAS, SM7PKK, VK9NS, W3KH, WA3KNN, W5BOS, W9DC, WT2O, 9A6A. We remember that those who would like to join the Convention must send their resevation to Promoteam (tel. +39-51-481346/471902, fax +39-51-472910) no later than 30 September. A4 - A45ZZ is daily reported active from Oman in 160 meters on 1833 KHz, between 01.00 and 01.45 UTC. A5 - There are rumours about an operation by JH1AJT from Bhutan, before the end of 1995. CE0_jf - Following what has been published in issue 223, K0EU, K4UEE and K0IYF will be active as CE0Z from Juan Fernandez Island, from 13 to 20 September. The used frequencies to avoid QRM with XR0Y opera- tions are: CW - 1821.5 (QSX 1830), 3503, 7003, 10103, 14033, 18083, 21033, 24903, 28003 KHz. SSB - 3790, 7060, 14180, 18130, 21280, 24930, 28480 KHz. RTTY - 7085, 14085, 18105, 21085, 28185 KHz. The North American Satellite DX Fund has offered an antenna set for satellite operations then CE0Z will be QRV also on AO-10, AO-13 and RS-15. There are excellent possibilities to make satellite contacts both for Europe and USA, while there is only one window toward Ja- pan, between 11.15 and 12.30 UTC of 14 September, and during this opportunity non-JA amateurs are kindly requested to remain in QRX to give better chances to Japan operators. The satellite activities will be mainly in CW. QSL for CE0Z via K0IYF. Unfortunately the preparations for the expeditions were saddened by the hospitaliza- tion of Mickey's (CE3ESS) son, due to a brain tumour. Mickey has gave a great help in organising yhe DXexpedition. CT - The special CQ5H and CQ5L stations will be active (respectively from 23 to 24 September and from 30 September to 1 October) from Lea-Matosinhos-Porto Lighthouse. Operations in CW/SSB on all HF bands and on 144 MHz. CU - Matthias, DL3KUD, who was active in 1994 as CT3/DL3KUD and CR9WAG, will be QRV from Azores from 3 to 17 October as CU2/DL3KUD with CW activity only on all HF bands, mainly on WARC. QSL via bureau to DL3KUD. EA - Last 5 September some UREL members were active as ED0VDL during the celebration of the Royal Spanish Family visit to Lugo. QSL via EA1JP P.O. Box 313, 27080 Lugo, Spain. EP - Following what has been published in previous issue, EP2FM reports that the EP2AK operations are not legal, as well as all the others made from local operators from 1982 up to today. This is greatly harmful to the efforts of the local society legalize amateur radio Iran FT_x - Following what published in number 222, Jean-Jacques, FB1LYF (ex J28CW, TA/FB1LYF), will be QRV from Kerguelen Island (AF-048) for one year starting from November, using the FT5XL call. The opera- tions will take place on all bands in CW, SSB and mainly in RTTY. He will also use the RS-12 satellite. QSL via F5NZO, Didier Bruriaud, Le bourg, F-71140 Vitry sur Loire, France. FO - Many stations connected to the eco-organisation "Greenpeace" are active from the international waters near Mururoa atoll, working in CW on 14003 KHz around 0400 UTC. G - Sunday 24 September, the special GB2RRM station will be active from the Rolls Royce Motors firm. Special QSL via bureau or direct to: G0MMH, 16 Whitby Close, Crewe, Cheshire, CW1 3XB, UK. IL7 - Sunday 3 September the team of IK7RWD was active from Chianca island (IIA FG-11) using the IL7/II7I call. QSL via IK7RWD. Other activities from islands in the Foggia province valid for the I.I.A. (Italian Islands Award) are planned in this and the next weekend). IM0 - Sunday 3 September Ruggero (IS0RUH) and Roberto (IS0JMA) were acti- ve from Soffi Isl.(EU-165 IIA SS-57) using the IM0/IS0RUH call. QSL via IS0JMA. IM0 - Following what has been published in issue 226, the activity by Antonello (IS0BDF) from Managu island (IIA NU-016) is now planned from 23 to 24 September. Antonello will be together with Marco (IS0KEB). KH9 - V73O will be active from 15 September to 15 October from Wake Isl., using the AB7HB/KH9 call. All HF bands operations (WARC included), QSL via P.O. Box 358, APO AP 96555, USA. P4 - From 21 to 28 September, Jay, WS7I, and Betsy, WV7Y, will be active from Aruba respectively as P40JT and P40BT. P40JT will join the CQWW DX RTTY Contest (23-24 September) as single operator and he will be active on bands from 80 to 10 meters. QSL direct to WV7Y. P5 - As reported in the Korean Amateur Radio League magazine a new ac- tivity from North Corea should be planned very soon (probably befo- re the end of September) and however before the Beijing Internatio- nal DX Convention, at the China Resources Hotel in Beijing from 13 to 16 October. PY - The ZW8DX station will join the CQWW DX SSB Contest. QSL via PS8DX, P.O. Box 096, Teresina, PI, 64001-970, Brazil. SV - SV1BKN and a group of SV operators will join the SSB and CW CQWW DX Contests in October and November, using the J48Y call from Salamis Island (EU-075). QSL via SV1BKN. UA9 - The R9KWK station is active from Narechi island (AS-109). QSL via UA9KM. V2 - Following what has been published in issue 224, Tyler (KF3P), one of the Frankford Radio Club operators that will activate Antigua during the next CQWW DX SSB Contest, reports that he want to be QRV, pro- bably as V26P, mainly in RTTY and CW, before and after the contest. QSL via homecall. V4 - Joe, VE3BW, will join the CQWW DX SSB Contest (28-29 October) from St. Kitts, as V47BW. VE1 - Members of the Marconi Amateur Wireless Society will operate VA1S from December 1-31, 1995, to mark the 93rd anniversary of Marconi's successful transmissions from Canada to England. This is the 5th consecutive year for the VA1S operation. As in past years, opera- tion will be on CW and SSB on all bands from 0-160M, depending on conditions. This year's VA1S QSL card and certificate (details be- low) will also honor 100 years of radio. QSLs will be sent to all who request them, direct via VE1AL with appropriate return postage, or via the bureau. Certificates for making contact with VA1S in 1995 are available via VE1AL. Please provide QSO information when requesting a certificate. The cost of the certificate is US$ 5.00 (or 10 IRCs) for postage and handling. Certificates will be issued at no charge to any station making contact with VA1S on 5 different bands during 1995. Any station wishing the free award must make a request for it and provide log details. A different QSL card and certificate have been issued each year since 1990. Cards and cer- tificates are still available to any station wishing them. There is a cost of US$ 2.00 or 4 IRCs for any certificate mailed in the same envelope with a 1995 certificate, or US$ 5.00 or 10 IRCs if it is sent separately. VK6 - Mal (VK6LC) is in Finucane Isl. (OC-199) for job reasons and hopes to be QRV every Sunday, between 06.00 and 09.00 UTC, on 14260 and 21260 KHz, as VK6ISL. QSL via homecall or: P.O. Box 20, Port Hed- land, W. Australia 6721. VK0_h - Peter, ON6TT, reports that, thanks to recent donations made from European DX Foundation and from ON5TW, ON4IR, GM4UZY, IK4GME, OH5TQ and DF6JC, the European fund to support the "1995 Heard Island DX- pedition" is now US$ 1580 (as on 3 September). We remember that the donations can be sent to following addresses: for Europe - P.O. Box 1, B-9090 Melle, Belgium (better if cash or Eurocheques in Belgium Francs); for USA - The Heard Island Expedition, P.O. Box 563, Waite Park, MN 56387-0563; the rest of the world - JH1AJT or VK2BEX. Only 6 weeks left. VP5 - NX4N, N4WW, K0LUZ, KY4Q, KF4WW, AB4OM, KB4QKP will be portable VP5 from 23 to 30 October from Turks & Caicos (NA-002), joining the CQ WW DX SSB Contest using the VP5WW call. Before and after the con- test they will make individual operations on all bands and all mo- des, 50/144 Mhz and satellites included. QSL for VP5WW (CQWW) via KB4QKP, other operations via the respective homecalls. VP8_fal- Mark, VP8CSA (ex ZB0T), is active from Falkland Islands for about five months. QSL via DL1SDN (OK via bureau). VU_and - It seems tha Jim, VK9NS, had visited Port Blair, Andaman Islands, shortly operating from the VU2JPS station, working as second opera- tor, making few QSos due to poor conditions and installing a 40 mtr antenna. Jim ended his visit last 1st of September. W6 - Ray, N6VR, and other operators, hopes to activate Santa Cruz Island (NA-144) from 22 to 25 September. YV - YV3BKC, YV3CFE, YV3FIX, YV5MMA and YV3EHD are portable /YV9 until 10 September, from tropical forests in South Venezuela. ZL8 - Ron, ZL1AMO, reports that New Zealand authorities has changed the previous rules that didn't allowed to stay for the night on Kerma- dec Island: now it is possible to stay on the island also after the sunset. There are now serious plans for an operation from Kermadec in the first months of 1996, but there is still the problem to find US$ 45000 to cover the total costs. 3B9 - 3B9FR is regularly active on 30 meters. Find him on 10103 KHz be- tween 11.30 and 12.30 UTC. 5W - Martin, G6DPU, and Julie, G7UMM, has recently obtained respectively the ZL2MRH and ZL2VWJ calls, and now are in Apia, Western Samoa (OC-097), from where they are QRV as 5W1MH and 5W1NJS on all bands. They plan to stay abou 18 months. QSL via direct to: c/o Meredith & Associates, P.O. Box 1084, Apia, Western Samoa. 8P - Sigi (DL7UUO) will be QRV from Barbados from 24 September to 12 Oc- tober, using the 8P9II call on all bands from 160 to 10 meters, mainly in CW, but with SSB and RTTY possibilities. QSL via DL7UUO, Sigi Presch, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, 12621 Berlin, Germany. 8R - Ed, 8R1AK, has announced the intention to go to Wakennaam Island (SA-68) for one week. The activity was planned for the last week, using the 8R1AK/P call but there have been no feports. 9A - From 12 to 21 September, Jiri (OK2QX) will be active again from Krk island (EU-136) using the 9A/OK2QX/p call. The 16 or 17 September if weather permits, Jiri will operate from Rab island (EU-136). The operations are planned from 10 to 160 meters WARC included. QSL via homecall. 9H - From 21 to 22 October the special 9H3BKS station will be active from Malta (EU-023), with SSB/CW operations on all HF bands from 80 to 10 meters (WARC included) and in VHF/UHF. QSL via bureau or via direct to 9H1FG. 9M8 - Peter, PB0ALB, from 20 February to 2 April 1996, will be active as 9M8CC from Sarawak, East Malaysia (OC-088). Peter, that will use a FT-7B, a tri-band 2-el Yagi and a longwire, hopes to join the ARRL DX SSB Contest and the CQWW WPX SSB Contest in March. QSL to PB0ALB Peter F. Borsboom, Madridwg 299, Vlaardingen, 3137AN Netherlands. 9X - As reported in number 217, Mark (ON4WW) is QRV again from Kigali, Rwanda, as 9X/ON4WW, until the end of the year. Mark is active in CW/SSB/RTTY and via satellite, but he still can't work on 6 meters. QSL via ON5NT. **************************************************************************** D2TT & D3T BY ON6TT -> Peter is back home from Angola where he logged about 10000 QSO (900 in RTTY) on all bands from 80 to 10 meters, using the D2TT and D3T calls. His station was placed in a Red Cross camp, near Luanda, with few space for antennas that limited the low bands operations, due also to noise and poor conditions. Peter reports few operators on 10 and 12 meters notwithstanding good propagation allowing him to hear numerous beacons with good sinals. There was pile-ups only when someone reported him on the packet cluster. HONG KONG, VR2 -> On 30 June 1997 Hong Kong will return under the sovereign of the Popular Republic of China. This could be a DXCC status change but it seems that Hong kong will remain a China region with specila rules and there will be no differences for the next 50 years, amateur activities included. FM5DN -> Doug (N3ADL), QSL manager of FM5DN, reports that he has no more re- ceived logs from Leon from December 1994 at today and then he can't answer to the requests he received. However the situation will be soon solved. VF1L -> The operation of VF1L by VE1AL concluded August 31, 1995 at 2359z with 5300 QSOs logged on 15-160M, CW and SSB. For those wishing the VF1L QSL commemorating the 275th anniversary of the founding of the Fortress of Louisbourg, the 250th anniversary of the first seige, and the 100th anniver- sary of the Sydney and Louisbourg Railway, cards are available via the Bu- reau and direct. VF1L is located on IOTA NA-010. Direct requests with suffi- cient return postage (via VE1AL) will be returned with the QSL and a color post card aerial view of the reconstructed fortress. Stamps used on the re- turn envelope will be from a 1995 Canada Post series to commemorate the an- niversaries at Louisbourg, with a special Louisbourg postmark used only in 1995. Of interest to collectors is the five-stamp full-bleed series showing a panorama of the 18th century Fortress. A booklet of these stamps is avai- lable while limited supplies last for US$5.00 and will be included with your return QSL. Please note that with recent increases in IRC prices, a US dol- lar is LESS EXPENSIVE and actually of more value in Canada than an IRC. Whi- le the IRC will purchase a stamp for return postage, the greenstamp additio- nally helps cover costs of printing and other expenses such as getting great numbers of cards to and from the Bureau. Louisbourg commemoratives will be used only until November 30, 1995. Note that the stamps are oversize and contain a border with an explanation of the particular image. Leave 2x3 in- ches at the top right on a #10 envelope to ensure your name and address are not covered. If you do not wish to have the commemorative stamps, send an SASE with the following CANADIAN postage: Canada 45 cents, United States 52 cents, All others 90 cents DL7UUO -> Sigi reports than after a long delay in printing and delivery of the cards, has started to answer for V52UUO and V52UTR activities. ET3AA QSL ADRESS -> The address of the Radio Club ET3AA in Ethiopia is the following ET3AA, P.O. Box 60258, Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia, Africa. PY0TUP QSL ADRESS -> The new Joao, PY1UP, address (QSL manager for the PY0TUP operations from Trindade Island) printed on QSL recently received is: Joao Batista G. Mendonca, R. Alfredo Backer 536 Bl 5/1101, Alcantara - Sao Goncalo - RJ, Cep. 24452-000 Brasil. QSL VIA WA1ECA -> Frank, WA1ECA, reports that he is the QSL manager for these stations: TL8NG, EA6ZZ, EH6UC, CT1EEB, ED6UC, CU3LG, CS8B, 5N7YZC, CQ1A, CR4Y, CT1YRV, CQ2C, 5X1F, 5X1C, CR8A, CQ5EEB, CS1A, EA8BYR, 9Q5CME, TG8AJR, EA7HBY, CU3/NOFHL, SV0HW/SV9, 5N6/N9MDW. **************************************************************************** * 425 DX NEWS * * DX info weekly bulletin * * edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Piero Forno, IK1IYU * * with the contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171 * **************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, I4LCK, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IS0JMA, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, DC3MF, DL2RUM, DL4SCZ, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL9GOA, EA5KB, F5NZO, F6AJA, G4BUE, G0MMH, HL1-1617A, KA5EJW, KB8NW, OE3KLU, OK2QX, ON4BAM, ON6TT, OZ1LQH, PB0ALB, PT7WA, SM4EMO, SV1BKN, VE1AL, VK6LC, WA1ECA, 9H1AM, DXNS, LNDX, OPDX, URE-EA-DX, 59(9) DX Report, QRZ-DX, VK2SG RTTY DX, ARRL DX Bulletin. **************************************************************************** * Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to * * Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to * * Piero Forno, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it) * **************************************************************************** * INTERNET e-mail : I121171@amsat.org * * 425 WWW Page --> http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html * * INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: * * promet12.cineca.it - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/ * **************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 ARRL HQ BBS USA : 203-666-0578 CODE THREE USA : 510-799-2921 9 September 1995 no.227 ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU PERIOD CALL REF till 13/09 EX/DK7UY 222 till 17/09 IA5/IK4DCT: Toscano Archipelago (EU-028) 220 till 16/09 IM0/DK0TQ 225 till 17/09 IU3VMD: Vicenza * Special Event Station 226 till 10/09 IY1MR: Rapallo * Special Event Station 223 till 21/09 M1OOG: Special Station 226 till February OD/N4ISV 222 till ? R9KWK: Narechi Isl. (AS-109) 227 till 30/11 SI(0-7)GM * special calls 225 till end Sept SV1UM/8: Antikithira Isl. (EU-113) 222 till 20/09 TK/F5XL 226 till 21/09 SV3/DL1BKK: Sfaktiria Isl. (EU-158) 216 till 31/10 VI50PEACE * special event station 217 till ? VK6LC: Finucane Isl. (OC-199) 227 till 26/09 VP5: Providenciales Isl. (NA-002) * by PI4COM team 222 till 16/10 VY1QRP/VE * by DL1FDF 219 till 20/09 XR0Y: Easter Isl. * by KK6EK and his team 225 till 11/09 XR0Z: Sala Y Gomez Is. (SA-083) * by KK6EK's team 225 till September YA/UT9XL 208 till 10/09 ZB=ZG 226 till September ZD8WD * by G4RWD 197 till September 3W5FM 223 till October 8J9WGO * Special Event Station 225 04/09-15/09 TK/DF4UW 225 05/09-31/12 IY4W: Special Station 226 05/09-12/09 P40T * by N2VW 223 05/09-11/09 T32: Christmas Isl. (OC-024) * by KH6DFW 224 06/09-14/09 V2/KQ4GC 225 08/09-10/09 EA1BEZ: Cortegada Isl. (DIE O-005) 226 08/09-10/09 W9-DXCC Convention *** 09/09-10/09 IG9R: Lampedusa Isl. (AF-019) * by I2EOW & I2VXJ 217 09/09-10/09 IL7/II7I * IK7RWD's team 227 09/09-10/09 IU8E: IK8EPC's team 225 09/09-23/09 PJ7/K6URE 224 09/09-10/09 WAE SSB Contest *** 09/09-10/09 RSGB HF Convention *** 11/09-17/09 OH0BDA 225 12/09-21/09 9A/OK2QX/p: Krk Isl. (EU-136) 227 12/09-21/09 9N * by G3SXW 225 13/09-21/09 CE0Z: Juan Fernandez Is. * by K4UEE & K0EU 213 14/09-14/09 OD5FR * by ZP5ALI 222 14/09-17/09 VK9LS/X: Chistmas Isl. * by JA2NQQ 224 14/09-03/10 4S7/HB9BRM 225 14/09-15/09 IL7/II7I * IK7RWD's team 227 15/09-15/10 AB7HB/KH9 * by V73O 227 16/09-24/09 IY1EY: Special Station for "LOANO ELETTRA AWARD" 223 16/09-26/09 TY8G * by LA4GHA, LA5IIA, LA9IY 226 16/09-22/09 W4ZYT/VP9 224 16/09-17/09 Scandinavian CW Activity *** 17/09-30/09 V26Z * by WF2S 225 19/09-26/09 VK9: Lord Howe * by W6OTC,N4TQO,KE6FV,W6/G0AZT 225 21/09-24/09 K8SCH/4: Tybee Isl. (NA-058) 214 21/09-24/09 N5UR: Marsh Isl. (NA-120) 223 21/09-28/09 P40JT & P40BT * by WS7I & WV7Y 227 21/09-03/10 K1EFI/VP9 225 22/09-01/10 CY3IARU: special event station 222 22/09-25/09 N6VR: Santa Cruz Isl. (NA-144) 227 23/09-24/09 CQ5H: Lea-Matosinhos-Porto 227 23/09-01/10 DA0DHS: Ruegen Isl. (EU-057) 226 23/09 IL6: Scoglio Vela(AN-01) & Scoglio Due Sorelle(AN-02) 226 23/09-24/09 IM0: Isolotto Managu (NU-16) * by IS0BDF & IS0KEB 227 23/09-03/10 SV5/DL1TQ: Karpathos Isl. (EU-001) 218 23/09-12/10 SV8/G0IXC: Skopelos Isl. (EU-072) 225 23/09-24/09 CQ WWDX RTTY Contest *** 23/09-24/09 Scandinavian SSB Activity *** 23/09-24/09 U.S. & VE Islands Contest *** 23/09 Rouen: Clipperton DX Convention *** 24/09-30/09 V26Y * by W2KKZ 225 24/09-28/09 ZF2TY/8 & ZF2SF/8 * by JA6VZB & JH6RTO 226 24/09-12/10 8P9II * by DL7UUO 227 30/09-01/10 CQ5L: Lea-Matosinhos-Porto 227 September-Oct CQ4I: Gaivota Rock * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU 190 September J28PP * by F5SFD 226 September-Oct P5 * by OH2BH's team 219 September-Jan VQ9TP * by N5TP 223 September XF4: Revillagigedo * by XE1CI 222 September XU6TQ * by PA3BTQ 223 September YB5: Mentawai Isl. (OC-???) * by YC5BLB 222 September 8R1AK/p: Wakennaam Isl. (SA-068) ??? 227 04/10-20/10 TI9JJP * by TI2JJP 223 06/10-20/10 FO: Tuamoto Arch.(OC-066), Acteon gr.(OC-113) by F5JWW 218 10/10-13/10 8A8BI: Banggai Isl. (OC-???) 224 10/10-16/10 ZW2EPA: Anchiesta Isl. (SA-028) (DIB 61) 223 13/10-15/10 >>> Bologna: V IOTA CONVENTION <<< ***