DX425 bulletin issue nr. 226

 2 September 1995                                                     No.226
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                           edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU


The following amateurs have already confirmed their presence at the  Bologna
Convention, planned from  13 to 15  October:  CT1BH,  DC3MF, DE0MST,  DF5WA,
W5BOS, W9DC, 9A6A. We remind   that those who would like to join the Conven-
tion must send their resevation to Promoteam (tel. +39-51-481346/471902, fax
+39-51-472910) no later than 30 September.

CE0    - Following what published in  previous  numbers, this is  additional
         information about XR0Y from Easter Island (5-20 September) and XR0Z
         from Salas y Gomez (7-11 September) operations: the expedition will
         be documented in a book, a video and an audio tape and is supported
         by the operators, by donations and by various souvenirs  (T-shirts,
         color prints, mugs, ecc). There are also many other  sponsors.  You
         can help support the EI/SyG expedition by purchasing one or more of
         these souvenirs.  The mugs ($15) and tee-shirts  ($15) are  exactly
         the same as they are using on the expedition. Available from Oct 1,
         audio tapes ($15), color prints (3 8x10=$20), color slides (20=$20)
         and rock from Easter Island ($10) ! Available from early 1996  book
         by KK6EK ($25) and video ($25).  To order, send check  made out  to
         Cordell Expeditions, c/o  KK6EK,  4295 Walnut Blvd.,  Walnut Creek,
         CA 94596.
DL     - From 23 September to 1  October  the special DA0DHS station will be
         active  from the coast radio station  Ruegen-Radio in Glowe, Ruegen
         Island (EU-057). Activity in  CW/SSB on bands from 80 to 10  meters
         and in V/UHF.  QSL via bureau to DL3KUD.
EA1    - From 8 to 10 September, EA1BEZ will be active from Cortegada Island
         (DIE O-005).
EA5    - On 2-3 September EA5AEI/p will be active from  Morro de  Gos Island
         (DIE E-323).  QSL via EA5OL.
EP     - The President of  the  Anjoman-e Radioamateuri-e Iran, A. Sadjadian
         (EP2FM),  reports that after fourteen long years it seems  that so-
         mething is moving about amateur activity in Iran, for  local opera-
         tors. EP2FM has losed any contact with the international radio rea-
         lity and he would  like to  receive help  and useful information to
         promote the radio in his country. EP2FM is  reachable  via Internet
         at: ep2fm@ALBORZ.SHARIF.AC.IR
FP     - As previously published in number 208,  K9GS,  ND9O, N9AU and  W9OP
         will join the CQWW SSB DX Contest from St.Pierre & Miquelon Islands
         using the TO5M call.  Before and after  the contest,  from 25 to 31
         October, every operator will be QRV using his call /FP,  with acti-
         vity mainly in CW and on low bands. QSL for all calls via K9GS.
FR     - From 18 to 25 October and from  31 October to 15  November  Didier,
         F5PXQ will be active as  FR/F5PXQ. Operations  from 10 to 20 meters
         (WARC bands included).
FT_w   - Starting from December Jean-Jacques (F5SZK) and Samuel (F5IJT) will
         be active respectively as FT5WF and FT5WG from Crozet.
G      - Until 21 September the special M1OOG  station is active  during the
         celebration of the Centennial of the Radio and in Guglielmo Marconi
         honor. Activity in CW and SSB.  This is the second time  that the M
         prefix is used;  in 1991 it was used for the  M0RSE activities. QSL
         via bureau.
I      - From 4 to 17 September, during the celebrations for the  Centennial
         of the Radio, the Vicenza A.R.I. Section will activate  the special
         IU3VMD (Vicenza Marconi Day) station  on all bands.  QSL via bureau
         or direct to IK3AWP.
IL3    - Following what published in number 217 Saturday 2 September Roberto
         (IK2MRZ),  Maurizio  (IK2ILH)  and  Gigi (IK2MMF) will activate, if
         weather permits, Ca'Venier (RO-??)  and La Batteria (RO-07) Isl.
         They will use the IL3/IK2MRZ and the activity is planned in SSB and
         CW, mainly on 20 and 40 meters. QSL via IK2MRZ.
IL6    - Saturday 23 September, the Western Emilia DX Club will activate the
         Vela Reef  (AN-01) and  Due Sorelle Reef  (AN-02).  Operations from
         08.00 to 15.00 UTC on 20 and 40 meters. The operator will be IK4CIE
         IK4IDW, I4VJC  and IK4XQM. If weather doesn't permits the  activity
         will be postponed to the next week.
IM0    - During the weekend from 16-17 September Antonello, IS0BDF, will  be
         QRV from Managu Island (IIA NU-16). Since Antonello is working only
         in CW there will be a second operator for the phone.
IY4    - The special IY4W call will be on the air again from  5 September to
         the end of December, joining the CQWW SSB DX Contest.  Activity  in
         CW (mainly), SSB and RTTY on all bands.  QSL via I4ALU.
J2     - Starting from this month and for the next two years  Patrick, F5SFD
         will be active in SSB and CW as J28PP. QSL via F5PWH.
OH     - Until 9 September the special OH6W station is active on all HF, VHF
         UHF, SHF bands, celebrating the 375th anniversary of Kokkola city.
SM     - The special 7S6SAQ station is QRV celebrating the 70th  anniversary
         of the Grimeton radio station.
TK     - Following what published in number 210, Jean Pierre (F5XL) starting
         from 5 September will be in Corsica for  two weeks and  during this
         time he will try to activate, if weather permits, some minor TK Isl
         These are the details of the islands: Moines (TK-09) Bruzzi (TK-21)
         Fazzio (TK-23), Ratino (TK-26) Poraggia (TK-27), San Bainzo (TK-28)
         Perduto (TK-29), Lavezzi (TK-11), Piana (TK-04), La Folaca (TK-30),
         Toro (TK-31), Farina (TK-36) La Vacca (TK-34), San Ciprianu (TK-37)
         Roscona  (TK-39) and La Cornuta  (TK-38). Jean Pierre hopes to have
         the QSL printed in a short time to confirm QSO at the  Bologna Con-
TY     - As previously published in  number 222, from  16 to 26 September, 3
         LA operators (LA9IY, LA4GHA and LA5IIA) members of the  LA-DX Group
         will be  QRV from Benin, on all bands and  all modes  (also via sa-
         tellite Oscar-13, mode B) using the possible TY8G call. Particulary
         attention will be given to low bands and WARC, and also to CW. This
         is the frequencies that will be used: SSB: 1841, 3755, 7055, 14145,
         18145, 21185, 24945, 28455 KHz. CW: 1827, 3515, 7015, 10115, 14005,
         18075, 21005, 24895, 28005 KHz. RTTY: mainly on 14085 KHz (+/- QRM)
         QSX up, but look for other bands also. OSCAR-13/B: 145.895 MHz (+/-
         QRM)  QSX up. These frequencies hav e been  chosen  to not QRM  the
         operations from  XR0Y/XR0Z. For  donations :  LA-DX Group, c/o Ruth
         Tollefsen, P.O.Box 17  Tveita,  N-0617 Oslo, Norway.  QSL via LA8G,
         P.O.Box 5626, N-7002 Trondheim, Norway.
VK     - VK4CRR is currently active from Frazer Island (OC-142).
VK     - The special VI3MDA station will be active from 23 to 29  September.
         The activity, planned by VK3DA  in collaboration with  the Muscular
         Dystrophy Association, wants to stimulate the persons  affected  by
         that disease to the radio activities. QSL via VI3MDA, GPO Box 9932,
         Melbourne 3001, Victoria, Australia.
VP2M   - Perry, VP2MR/W5STI, reports that on  Montserrat Island the  volcano
         Soufriere is still active. Many persons  who  live in the  southern
         zone have moved to the northern part of the island.
VP5    - Nob (JA7AYE) is currently portable VP5 from Turks & Caicos, but the
         lenght of his staying is unknown.  QSL via JA7ZF.
XU     - XU1FL  is the call  of Franco  Legnani, university  teacher in  the
         Kampuchea capital working at "New Umanity" a co-operational program
         between the Sassari University and the Phnom Penh one. Mario Atzori
         IS0AYZ, has donated  a Collins amplifier  to increase  the power of
         the TS850  used  by Franco.  The Diamond DX Club donated first  500
         QSL already printed and I8KUT will be the manager.  Daily skeds are
         planned on 14319 KHz between 14.30 and 15.00 UTC, at the end of the
         technical contacts between the two Universities.
ZB     - From 22.00 UTC of Sunday 2 until Sunday 10 September the  Gibraltar
         amateurs will use the special ZG prefix.
ZF     - Tosy (JA6VZB) and Seiji (JH6RTO)  from 24 to 28  September will  be
         active  from  Little  Cayman  Island,  respectively  as ZF2TY/8 and
         ZF2SF/8. Activities on all bands from 160 to 10 meters,  in CW/SSB/
         RTTY/SSTV.  The 28 and 29 September  they  could be  QRV from Grand
         Cayman. QSL for ZF2TY via JA6BSM, for ZF2SF via JH6RTO.
ZS     - On 16 September (World  Amateur Radio  Day)  the ZS100IARU  station
         will be active  on 15, 20 and  40 meters during YARIA  celebrations
         (Youth for Amateur Radio in Africa).
3B8    - From 26 to 30  October Didier,  F5PXQ, will be active as 3B8/F5PXQ.
         Operations from  10 to 20 meters (WARC bands included) and he plans
         also to join the CQWW SSB Contest.
5R     - Following  what  published  in   number   223, because  of business
         commitments Shun, JF1MGI, has  postponed   the   planned   Malagasy
         activity, planned from mid-August until the end of September.  Shun
         will use the 5R8EU call and hopes to be QRV mainly in RTTY,  PACTOR
         and low bands. QSL via homecall.
5R     - Karl, 5R8KH, has solved some  problems for the  equipment installa-
         tion and is now regularly  QRV via satellite Oscar-10 and Oscar-13.
         QSL via WB8LFO.
9H     - In  early August a new license was issued in Malta to Edwin, 9H1YE,
         who is active now on WARC bands too.
9M     - From 1 to 20  November F6BFH, F5LGQ,  F6AOI, F6AUS and F9IE will be
         in Malaysia. Information about IOTA activities will be  reported in
         the next bulletins.
9Q     - Joe, G3MRC, is back  in Zaire and is QRV again as 9Q5MRC. Joe hopes
         to  operate in  the  future  from  Burundi  (9U).  QSL  via  G3MRC,
         18 Grosvenor Avenue, Kidderminster, Worcs DY10 1SS, England.
AS-121    US0B    NORDENSHEL'DA  ARCHIPELAGO (Taymir  Oblast,  letter  "h"),
                  for the activity by RU0B from Russkij Island.
AS-122    HL2     PAENGNYONG  group  (Korean  South  islands,  letter  "k"),
                  for the activity by DS0DX/2 from Paengnyong Island.
AS-123    TA0     ANATOLIA REGION SOUTH EAST group (Turkish  islands, letter
                  "b"),  for the activity by TA0/DJ8QP/P from Boghsak Isl.
SA-082    HK2     GUAJIRA / MAGDALENA  DIVISION  group  (Colombian  islands,
                  letter "d"), for the activity by HK2JJH/2 from  Auja Isl.

+ IK2YCR SILENT KEY +  We sadly have been  informed about the  death of  our
friend Andrea, IK2YCR, the 29th of August, due to a non-curable illness.  He
was a great key and a Delta Mike member. We will regret him.
+ VP2MN SILENT KEY + "Mae" Martin, VP2MN,  the wife of Bobby Martin (VP2MO),
was killed in  a  car  accident  Sunday  27  August  in  Montserrat. In  the
accident Bobby, who  was back home  after  leaving it  due to the  volcanian
eruption, has been seriously injured and he is still in the  Hoberton Hospi-
tal in Antigua; his conditions are slowly improving.
***************************   BUONO A SAPERSI... ***************************

NEW SOLAR CYCLE! -> As  reported by Paul,  NA5N,  from National Radio Astro-
nomy Observatory of Socorro (New Mexico), the Cycle 23 has begun last 12 Au-
gust 1995,  when a  solar spot was  photographed from the  scientists in the
Sun  Observatory of the California Institute of Technology in Big Bear City;
that sunspot was at 21 degrees latitude north, with an opposite magnetic po-
larity  respect of  those viewed from 1984,  the start date of Cycle 22. The
position and polarity difference are useful to identify  the end  of a cycle
and the begin of another. Paul believes that an improvement of HF conditions
is expected for the next spring/summer, depending on the  speed of  the  Sun
activity increasing.
USA/CANADA ISLANDS CONTEST -> The first edition  of this contest is  planned
from 17.00 UTC of Saturday 23 to 23.00 UTC of Sunday 24 September.  Stations
working from USA or Canadian Islands, both maritime, or fluvial or in  lakes
will be accepted. Further details to N0ISL, John Douglas, 19164 147th Street
NW, Elk River MN 55330, USA.
3V8BB/G0UCT  ->  QSL for the recent 3V8BB  activity, by G0UCT,  can be  sent
both via bureau or direct, to  G0UCT: Brendan O'Brien, 47 Hartscroft, Linton
Glade,  Croydon, Surrey  CR0 9LB,  England.
EX8F, EX8W -> Alex DL8FCU that collects card for direct QSL to EX8F and EX8W
reports his new address:  Alex Sudermann, DL8FCU,  Mehlemer Str. 18, D-53343
Niederbachem, Germany.
K8EFS -> Bob, W8ERD, reports that K8EFS (QSL manager of CN8NS, CN8ST, V51KC,
V51E, YV4DSB, YV5ZZ, YV5/DL3ZM, ZS3E, 7P8DX, 9K2USA, 9K2ZR) is refusing  QSL
via bureau; the cards are sent back to the senders.
QSL received  ->  T32J, 9Q2L, D61NW, IL6/IK4CIE (AN-01), IL6/IK4XQM (AN-01),
IM0/IS0BDF (EU-165),  IQ7J,  IT9GNG/IT9 (EU-166),  YW0RCV,  VQ9QM,  HH2HM/F,
PIRATE  ->  Bob, IK2MRZ, reports that the 3A0DX  station, giving him as  QSL
manager is a pirate. Don't contact him and don't send QSL to IK2MRZ. Antoine
(F6FNU), QSL manager of FR5HG, confirms that recent operations from FR5HG/G,
/T, /J, are pirates. Michel, the "real" FR5HG, is currently in Malagasy. An-
toine reports also that recents activities  by FW0DX  (asking QSL via F6FNU)
are pirate. Last,  LA7DFA is receiving many QSLs for JX7DFA dated 15 January
1995; unfortunately,  Per-Einar was not QRV  between 05.00 UTC of 14 January
and 07.00 UTC of 19 January.

*                              425 DX NEWS                                 *
*                        DX info weekly bulletin                           *
*       edited by Mauro  Pregliasco, I1JQJ  and Piero Forno, IK1IYU        *
*       with  the  contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171        *
              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
URE-EA-DX, QRZ DX, The 59(9) DX Report, VK2SG RTTY DX, ARRL DX Bulletin.    
* Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
*          Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to         *
*      Piero Forno, IK1IYU  (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it)      *
*                  INTERNET e-mail : I1-21171@amsat.org                    *
*         425 WWW Page -->  http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html      *
*                   INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site:                    *
*   promet12.cineca.it  - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/   *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
                  * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on *
                      TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751
                      DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613
                      ARRL HQ BBS USA :  203-666-0578
                      CODE THREE  USA :  510-799-2921

2 September 1995                                                     no.226
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                           edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF
till 02/09       ES2RW/0: Hiiumaa Isl. (EU-034)                         225
till 16/09       IM0/DK0TQ                                              225
till 06/09       IM0/IK2GAO: Sant'Antioco Isl. (EU-024) (IIA CA-14)     219
till 10/09       IY1MR: Rapallo * Special Event Station                 223
till 21709       M1OOG: Special Station                                 226
till February    OD/N4ISV                                               222
till 08/09       S79NEO: Mahe Isl. (AF-024) * by DL3NEO                 224
till end Sept    SV1UM/8: Antikithira Isl. (EU-113)                     222
till 31/10       VI50PEACE * special event station                      217
till ?           VK4CRR/p: Frazer Isl. (OC-142)                         226
till 16/10       VY1QRP/VE * by DL1FDF                                  219
till September   YA/UT9XL                                               208
till September   ZD8WD * by G4RWD                                       197
till September   3W5FM                                                  223
till October     8J9WGO * Special Event Station                         225
28/08-03/09      SU1/ZP5ALI                                             222
30/08-13/09      EX/DK7UY/p                                             222
01/09-17/09      IA5/IK4DCT: Toscano Archipelago (EU-028)               220
01/09-30/11      SI(0-7)GM * special calls                              225
01/09-04/09      WW2END * Special Station                               225
02/09-03/09      EA5EI/p: Isla Morro de Gos (DIE E-323)                 226
02/09-08/09      GS4EZW & GM4EZW: Colonsay Isl. (EU-008)                224
02/09            IL3: Ca'Venier Isl. (RO-??) & La Batteria Isl. (RO-07) 226
02/09-10/09      ZB=ZG                                                  226
03/09-21/09      SV3/DL1BKK: Sfaktiria Isl. (EU-158)                    216
03/09-09/09      ZF * by N5FTR                                          224
04/09-17/09      IU3VMD: Vicenza * Special Event Station                226
04/09-15/09      TK/DF4UW                                               225
05/09-31/12      IY4W: Special Station                                  226
05/09-12/09      P40T * by N2VW                                         223
05/09-11/09      T32: Christmas Isl. (OC-024) * by KH6DFW               224
05/09-20/09      TK/F5XL                                                226
05/09-20/09      XR0Y: Easter Isl. * by KK6EK and his team              225
06/09-14/09      V2/KQ4GC                                               225
07/09-26/09      VP5: Providenciales Isl. (NA-002) * by PI4COM team     222
07/09-11/09      XR0Z: Sala Y Gomez Is. (SA-???) * by KK6EK's team      225
08/09-10/09      EA1BEZ: Cortegada Isl. (DIE O-005)                     226
08/09-10/09      W9-DXCC Convention                                     ***
09/09-10/09      IG9R: Lampedusa Isl. (AF-019) * by I2EOW & I2VXJ       217
09/09-10/09      IU8E: IK8EPC's team                                    225
09/09-23/09      PJ7/K6URE                                              224
09/09-10/09      WAE SSB Contest                                        ***
09/09-10/09      RSGB HF Convention                                     ***
11/09-17/09      OH0BDA                                                 225
12/09-21/09      9N * by G3SXW                                          225
13/09-21/09      CE0Z: Juan Fernandez Is. * by K4UEE & K0EU             213
14/09-14/09      OD5FR * by ZP5ALI                                      222
14/09-17/09      VK9LS/X: Chistmas Isl. * by JA2NQQ                     224
14/09-03/10      4S7/HB9BRM                                             225
16/09-17/09      IM0: Isolotto Managu (NU-16) * by IS0BDF's team        226
16/09-22/09      IY1EY: Loano * Special Station                         223
16/09-26/09      TY8G * by LA4GHA, LA5IIA, LA9IY                        226
16/09-22/09      W4ZYT/VP9                                              224
16/09-17/09      Scandinavian CW Activity                               ***
17/09-30/09      V26Z * by WF2S                                         225
19/09-26/09      VK9: Lord Howe * by W6OTC,N4TQO,KE6FV,W6/G0AZT         225
21/09-24/09      K8SCH/4: Tybee Isl. (NA-058)                           214
21/09-24/09      N5UR: Marsh Isl. (NA-120)                              223
21/09-03/10      K1EFI/VP9                                              225
22/09-01/10      CY3IARU: special event station                         222
23/09-01/10      DA0DHS: Ruegen Isl. (EU-057)                           226
23/09            IL6: Scoglio Vela(AN-01) & Scoglio Due Sorelle(AN-02)  226
23/09-03/10      SV5/DL1TQ: Karpathos Isl. (EU-001)                     218
23/09-12/10      SV8/G0IXC: Skopelos Isl. (EU-072)                      225
23/09-24/09      CQ WWDX RTTY Contest                                   ***
23/09-24/09      Scandinavian SSB Activity                              ***
23/09-24/09      U.S. & VE Islands Contest                              ***
23/09            Rouen: Clipperton DX Convention                        ***
24/09-30/09      V26Y * by W2KKZ                                        225
24/09-28/09      ZF2TY/8 & ZF2SF/8 * by JA6VZB & JH6RTO                 226
September-Oct    CQ4I: Gaivota Rock * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU    190
September        J28PP * by F5SFD                                       226
September-Oct    P5 * by OH2BH's team                                   219
September        SV3/DL1BKK/p: Sfaktiria Isl. (EU-158)                  225
September-Jan    VQ9TP * by N5TP                                        223
September        XF4: Revillagigedo * by XE1CI                          222
September        XU6TQ * by PA3BTQ                                      223
September        YB5: Mentawai Isl. (OC-???) * by YC5BLB                222
13/10-15/10      >>> Bologna: V IOTA CONVENTION <<<                     ***