26 August 1995 No.225 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU A7 - From 29 December 1995 to 14 January 1996, DL9FCQ will be QRV again as A71AN/DL9FCQ working mainly in CW on all bands from 80 to 10 me- ters (WARC included). QSL to DL9FCQ, via bureau or his address: Thomas Backert, Freigerichterstrasse 26, 63579 Freigericht 1, Ger- many or P.O. BOX 1139, 63590 Hasselroth, Germany. CE0 - Following what published in previous numbers, these are last infor- mation about XR0Y (Easter Island 5-20 September) and XR0Z (Salas y Gomez 7-11 September) operations: the DXpeditions will transmit on or near the following frequencies. The listening frequencies will be announced on the air. ---Easter Island XR0Y--- ---Salas y Gomez XR0Z--- CW SSB RTTY CW SSB RTTY 1824.5 1845 - - - - 3525 3795 3680 3540 3760 3590 7025 7065 7080 7040 7060 7090 10115 - 10108 10104 - 10104 14025 14195 14080 14040 14260 14090 18075 18145 18102 18080 18160 18109 21025 21295 21080 21040 21260 21090 24895 24945 - 24920 24960 - 28025 28495 28180 28040 28460 28190 6 m 50.105 SSTV 14.230 Robot 72 HF Satellite (RS-12) Tx: 21.225/Rx: 29.425 UHF Satellite (AO-10,AO-13) 435.505 up / 145.890 dwn modo B Beacon 14.100 Beacon sends callsign CW at 100 W, XR0Y/B 18.110 then a steady tone for 21.150 1.5 s at 100, 10, 1, and 0.1 W, 24.930 then moves to next higher frequency. 28.200 The cycle repeats once per minute. The beacon XR0Y/B (Easter Isl.) will be QRV from 1 to 21 September. They request exchange of real signal reports rather than the normal "59" or "599" DXpedition report. This will slow the rates some, but we need the information to study propagation. You are invited to dupe the expeditions in order to help us study propagation, but please do it only on different band-days. If there is a big pile-up please be considerate of others who have not yet worked the DXpedi- tion. They will be logging with a CT network, so they will know if you are a dupe. For a station's first QSO with the expedition, a printed QSL card will be put in the U.S. mail to you within 24 hours after the QSO if they can find a valid mailing address in the available callbook. For all logged QSOs, a "Congratulations" e-mail message will be sent to you automatically, if you are in the QRZ database maintained by Fred Lloyd AA7BQ. To add yourself to the da- tabase, either send an e-mail message To: update@qrz.com Message: comqrz_update your_callsign your_email_address or log into the WWW site with the URL http://www.qrz.com The expedition is presented in a series of pages on the World Wide Web. These show maps, lists of people, latest information about the expedition, etc. During the expedition the pages will be updated daily. The URL for the site is http://ve7tcp.ampr.org/DX/easter. QSL manager will be Mary Ann Crider WA3HUP, 2485 Lewisberry RD., York Haven, PA 17370. Your QSL card will contain a printed barcode which contains all the information about the QSO. It can be read by standard readers capable of handling Code-39 barcodes. The purpose of the barcode is to facilitate future processing by validating agencies such as the ARRL/DXCC. More in the next number. ES - From 28 August to 2 September, the ES2RW/0 station will be active from Hiiumaa Island (EU-034) between 0900Z and 1200Z and between 1700Z and 2100Z. Activity in CW (14025 KHz), in SSB (14260 KHz) and on 6 meters too (50.110 and 50.124 MHz). QSL via ES2RIQ. IC8 - Sunday 27 August, Gianni (IK8MRA), Antonio (IK8JUZ) and Nicola (IK8EPC), will be active from Scoglio Margherita (IIA NA-19). QSL via IK8OZZ. IM0 - From 25 August to 16 September, DK8TQ will be portable IM0 from the Maddalena Archipelago (EU-041) and, if possible, from other minor Sardinian islands, particularly from Sant' Antioco (EU-024). IM0 - Gennaro, I8KCI reports that the station active on 40 meters Monday evening (21 August) using the IM0/I8KCI call was a pirate. IM0 - Tuesday 22 August Lello, I0QI, has been portable IM0 from S.Maria island (IIA SS-12), while the station active on 40 meters the fol- lowing Wednesday using the IM0/I0QI, was a pirate. QSL via I0QI: Lello Lucarini, Via Cassia 1866, 00123 La Storta - RM. IU8 - IK8EPC will be active in main contests using the special IU8E call. Nicola will join the WAE SSB Contest (9-10 September) together with Gianni (IK8MRA), Luigi(IK8OZZ), Fabio (IK8PAC) , Francesco(IK8TEO). QSL via IK8OZZ. JA - From 25 to 28 August, during the Tokyo "Ham Fair '95" , the special 8J1HAM station will be active on all bands. Internet user can visit the Web site " http://www-harumi.prug.or.jp ". JA - The special 8J9WGC station will be active during the 1995 Ginnic World Championships in Sabae from 1 to 10 October. All bands/modes operations, RTTY, SSTV and SATELLITE included. All QSO will be au- tomatically confirmed via the bureau. OH0 - From 11 to 17 September Seppo, OH0BDA, will be active from Aland Is (EU-002). QSL to OH2BDA: Seppo Kaariainen, Viikinkitie 6 G 61, SF-01200 Vantaa, Finland. SM - From 1 September to 30 November, during the celebrations of the Gu- glielmo Marconi radio discovery and the 70th anniversary of S.S.A., some stations will be active using the special SI(0-7)GM calls. QSL via bureau. ST - Louis, ST2AA/G4OJW, is now in England and he will probably not back in Sudan. SV3 - Werner, DL1BKK, reports that between 1 and 20 September he wants to activate, for some days (maximum 5 or 6), Sfaktiria Island, located in the Peloponnisos West group (EU-158). The SV3/DL1BKK/P will be used: find him expecially on 14260 KHz. QSL via homecall. SV8 - From 23 September to 12 October Jim, SV8/G0IXC, will be active from Skopelos island (EU-072). Operations mainly on 15 and 20 meters SSB QSL via homecall: J.H. Martin, 27 Firs Crescent, Harrogate, North Yorks HG2 9HF. TK - Wolfgang, DF4UW, will be portable TK from 4 to 15 September. He plans to be QRV at about 1100Z and 1800Z on 7060, 14260, 18160, 21260 and 28620 KHz. QSL via DF4UW. V2 - Bill, KQ4GC, from 6 to 14 September will be portable V2 from Anti- gua, with 80, 20 and 15 meters SSB activities. QSL to Bill Gallier, KQ4GC, 4094 Sandy Run Drive E., Middleburg, FL 32068, USA. V2 - From 17 to 30 September WF2S will be active as V26Z in CW e RTTY. He plans to join the CQ RTTY Contest. QSL via homecall. V2 - From 24 to 30 September W2KKZ will be active in CW as V26Y. QSL via homecall. VK9_lh - Between 19 and 26 September, W6OTC, N4TQO, KE6FV and W6/G0AZT will be in Lord Howe Island working all bands from 160 to 10 meters (WARC included) using thre stations and three calls: VK9LZ (RTTY), VK9LX (CW) and VK9NM (SSB). The plan to join the CQWW RTTY Contest. QSL to: Eddie Schneider, P.O. Box 5194, Richmond, CA 94805, USA. VP9 - From 21 September to 3 October Fred, K1EFI/VP9, will be active from Sandys Parish. Operations are planned on all bands, mainly in CW. QSL via homecall. W - From 19.00 UTC of 1 September to 17.00 UTC of 4 September, during the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of war end between USA and Japan, the special WW2END station will be active on the following frequencies: BAND FM CW SSB NOVICE CW NOVICE SSB 2m 146.520 144.050 144.110 6m 51.110 50.010 50.110 10m 28.010 28.510 28.110 28.310 15m 21.035 21.310 21.110 20m 14.035 14.235 40m 7.035 7.235 7.110 80m 3.535 3.860 3.685 QSL via W7DK (Radio Club of Tacoma, WA). XW - Andreas, DK9LM (ex TA1ZE) is actually in Laos for about 20 months and he is trying to obtain a license. 4S - From 14 September to 3 October, Mario, 4S7/HB9BRM, will be active from Ambalangoda, at about 80 Km south of Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka (AS-003). Operations are planned from 15 to 80 meters (Mario will you a longwire placed between two palms). QSL via homecall. 9N - From 12 to 21 September Roger, G3SXW, will be active from Nepal as 9N1SXW or 9N1/G3SXW. Operations in CW only, all bands, mainly on: 1827, 3507, 7007, 10107, 14023, 18073, 24893 and 28023, split up 2-5 KHz. Unfortunately the Roger's license will permit to use only 100 watts. QSL via homecall (Roger Western, 7 Field Close, Ches- sington, Surrey, KT9 2QD, England). 9Q - Alex, 9Q2L (PA3DZN), is trying to be active on 160 meters too, but unfortunately, his QTH is not the finest place to place a good an- tenna for the top band, then he is looking for an alternative site. Actually he has very few spare time to transmit, then be patient for some weeks. The QSL manager for all 9Q2L operations is PA3DMH: Alex van Hengel, Schoener 85, NL-2991JK Barendrecht, Netherlands. **************************************************************************** PY0TUP -> Dieter, OE2DYL, reprts that all those who sent QSL for PY0TUP QSO will receive confirmations directly from Brazil at the end of September/Oc- tober. From 1 August Dieter has collected all the requests (he is not the QSL manager for this operation then he has not the logs) and he don't want to repeat the job. Then, the only valid QSL route now is: Mr Joao Batista G. Mendonca, P.O. Box 3100, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 20001-970, Brasil, South Ame- rica. Enclose 2 IRCs (don't use green stamps) and a SAE. IL3/IK4HPU -> Alberto IK4HPU, reports that QSLs for Albarella (RO-01), Don- zella (RO-02) and Polesine (RO-03) islands were all sent, via direct or bu- reau. MIR -> German Cosmonaut Thomas Reiter, DF4TR, will join the Russian space station Mir, and operate signing DP0MIR, during the European Space Agency's ''EUROMIR 95'' mission beginning September 2, 1995. Reiter will use the 2-meter FM rig aboard Mir during the 135 days planned for his flight. Prima- ry frequencies to be used (preferably in split mode) are 145.800, 145.550, and perhaps 145.200 MHz. QSLs for DP0MIR should be sent to DARC QSL bureau. QSL received -> CO0OTA (NA-204), F5PFP/ZC6, G4MFW/ZL8, J3/N3SIY, NL7V, OY9JD, 9Y4NZ, IA0PS, ID8/IK8TPJ (IIA KR-01), IJ9/IT9HLR (EU-166), IT9FXY/IT9 (EU-166), JY1. PIRATES -> I4LCK reports that he received from JE1DXC, to which he asked the T20XC QSL (worked on 10 MHz last 16 June at 1723Z), the information about his non-activity in that data/hour. Masa informs also that he worked very few european stations during the last pacific trip, but he's receiving many requests from Europe for QSO during hours when he was not QRV. **************************************************************************** * 425 DX NEWS * * DX info weekly bulletin * * edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Piero Forno, IK1IYU * * with the contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171 * **************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, I1SNW, IK2HTW, I4EAT, I4LCK, IK4HPU, I5FLN, I5KKW, IK7AFM, I8KCI, IK8OZZ, IK8TEM, IS0JMA, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, DC3MF, DL1BKK, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL9FCQ, DL9GOA, EA5KB, ES2RW, ES5RJT, F6AJA, G3SXW, G4BUE, JR9LKF, PA3DMH, PY2ZY, SM1OII, XE1KK, DX News Sheet, LNDX, URE-EA-DX, QRZ DX, The 59(9) DX Report, OPDX, VK2SG RTTY DX. **************************************************************************** * Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to * * Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to * * Piero Forno, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it) * **************************************************************************** * INTERNET e-mail : I1-21171@amsat.org * * 425 WWW Page --> http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html * * INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: * * promet12.cineca.it - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/ * **************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang * 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on * TRANCE BBS ITALY: +39-11-482751 ARRL HQ BBS USA: 203-666-0578 DXA BBS BELGIUM : +32-3-8253613 26 August 1995 no.225 ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU PERIOD CALL REF till 30/08 GU * by DL2MGP, DF6MS, DL5MHX, DL1MIA 224 till 27/08 ID9/IK8NIM: Vulcano Isl. (EU-017) (IIA ME-18) 220 till ? IH9/I2SXD: Pantelleria Isl. (AF-018) (IIA TP-01) 224 till 01/09 IH9/IK0XBX: Pantelleria Isl. (AF-018) (IIA TP-01) 222 till 06/09 IM0/IK2GAO: Sant'Antioco Isl. (EU-024) (IIA CA-14) 219 till 30/08 IM0/I8KCI 220 till 10/09 IY1MR: Rapallo * Special Event Station 223 till Febbruary OD/N4ISV 222 till 08/09 S79NEO: Mahe Isl. (AF-024) * by DL3NEO 224 till end Sept SV1UM/8: Antikithira Isl. (EU-113) 222 till ? SV1QN/8: Myconos Isl. (EU-067) 221 till 30/08 SV8/I3BQC: Amorgus Isl. (EU-067) 222 till 09/01 TA4/UA3AB 223 till end August TY1IJ * by DJ4IJ 222 till 31/10 VI50PEACE * special event station 217 till 16/10 VY1QRP/VE * by DL1FDF 219 till September YA/UT9XL 208 till September ZD8WD * by G4RWD 197 till September 3W5FM 223 till 01/09 4J0FR * by F6FYD 222 till October 8J9WGO * Special Event Station 225 21/08-29/08 F: Belle Isl. (EU-048) * by F5GVH 219 22/08-27/08 YK1/ZP5ALI 222 24/08-27/08 F: DIFM Islands 216 24/08-27/08 TM8AT: Molene Isl. (EU-065) * by F5RUQ 220 24/08-29/08 ZP5XYE/VP5 & ZP5XQV/ZP5 224 25/08-28/08 GM0LUQ: Arran Isl. (EU-123) * by G0LUQ 216 25/08-30/08 GB5FI: Flatholm Isl. (EU-124) 224 25/08-16/09 IM0/DK0TQ 225 25/08-28/08 8J1HAM: Tokyo * Special Station 225 25/08-29/08 PA6QRP: Special Station 222 25/08-26/08 W: New Orleans * DX Convention *** 26/08-27/08 OR4LI: Special Station 224 26/08-07/09 TA3/DL3MGK 224 26/08-27/08 3E2G: Isla Grande (NA-202) 222 27/08 OD5LEB: Mt. Kornet El Saouda 224 27/08 IC8: Scoglio Margherita (IIA NA-19) * by IK8MRA's team 225 28/08-02/09 ES2RW/0: Hiiumaa Isl. (EU-034) 225 28/08-03/09 SU1/ZP5ALI 222 30/08-13/09 EX/DK7UY/p 222 August CT: Poco Isl. (DIP BL-10) * by NPDXG 219 August EA5BD/p: Isla de Audi (DIEI T-16) 218 August IK8DDN: Scoglo La Secca (IIA PZ-??) 223 August IL3 * by IK2ILH & IK2MRZ 217 middle August TA: AS-098 * by DJ8QP 223 middle August 5R8EU * by JF1MGI 223 August 9X * by ON4WW 217 01/09-17/09 IA5/IK4DCT: Toscano Archipelago (EU-028) 220 01/09-30/11 SI(0-7)GM 225 01/09-04/09 WW2END * Special Station 225 02/09-08/09 GS4EZW & GM4EZW: Colonsay Isl. (EU-008) 224 03/09-21/09 SV3/DL1BKK: Sfaktiria Isl. (EU-158) 216 03/09-09/09 ZF * by N5FTR 224 04/09-15/09 TK/DF4UW 225 05/09-12/09 P40T * by N2VW 223 05/09-11/09 T32: Christmas Isl. (OC-024) * by KH6DFW 224 05/09-20/09 XR0Y: Easter Isl. * by KK6EK and his team 225 06/09-14/09 V2/KQ4GC 225 07/09-26/09 VP5: Providenciales Isl. (NA-002) * by PI4COM team 222 07/09-11/09 XR0Z: Sala Y Gomez Is. (SA-???) * by KK6EK's team 225 08/09-10/09 W9-DXCC Convention *** 09/09-10/09 IG9: Lampedusa Isl. (AF-019) * by I2EOW & I2VXJ 217 09/09-10/09 IU8E: IK8EPC's team 225 09/09-23/09 PJ7/K6URE 224 09/09-10/09 WAE SSB Contest *** 09/09-10/09 RSGB HF Convention *** 11/09-17/09 OH0BDA 225 11/09-22/09 TY8G * by LA4GHA, LA5IIA, LA9IY 222 12/09-21/09 9N * by G3SXW 225 13/09-21/09 CE0Z: Juan Fernandez Is. * by K4UEE & K0EU 213 14/09-14/09 OD5FR * by ZP5ALI 222 14/09-17/09 VK9LS/X: Chistmas Isl. * by JA2NQQ 224 14/09-03/10 4S7/HB9BRM 225 16/09-22/09 IY1EY: Loano * Special Station 223 September TK/F5XL 210 September SV3/DL1BKK/p: Sfaktiria Isl. (EU-158) 225 September-Jan VQ9TP * by N5TP 223 September XF4: Revillagigedo * by XE1CI 222 September XU6TQ * by PA3BTQ 223 September YB5: Mentawai Isl. (OC-???) * by YC5BLB 222 13/10-15/10 >>> Bologna: V IOTA CONVENTION <<< ***