19 August 1995 No.224 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU CE0 - Following what published in previous numbers, Bob (KK6EK) reports that Easter Island and Salas y Gomez Island expeditions have recei- ved the permission to operate on 30 meters too, but limited to the 10100-10115 KHz range. The XR0Y (Easter Island) activity is now planned from 5 to 18 September and the XR0Z (Salas y Gomez) from 7 to 11 September. One of the goals of the activity is to build a da- tabase for the propagation analysis: the famous "dupes" QSOs will then be accepted, but in different days (and it's better to wait for less pile-up). As of the scientific value of the "dupes" it is suggested to give the correct report and not the usual 59(9). Max (XE1XA) reports also that XR0Y (Easter Island) will be QRV via sa- tellite (AO-10 & AO-13) only for Europe between 5 and 8 September. DL - Following what published in numbers 218 and 222, DL8KWS is not the manager, but just one of the operators of the Usedom Isl. (EU-129) expedition, that used the DL0HRO/p call, organized by DL9GOA's team during the recent IOTA Contest. QSLs can be sent to DL0HRO via bu- reau or DL9GOA or DL3KUD, or to PO.Box 10 20 73, 18004 Rostock, Germany. DU - Dick, DU1KK (ex VU2RCK and 9Q5DX) will be active for two years from the Philippines, mainly on 20, 40 and 80 meters CW. Dick wants to join the main contests. QSL via bureau. EA6 - During the weekend the station ED6EIP will be active from Na'Pelada Island (DIE E-131). QSL via EA6VC. EA9 - Cards sent to Juan, EA9UK are coming back to the sender marked "S.K.". QSLs can now be requested to EA7HDO. FR/T - Michel, FR5HG, after the Glorioso operations, from 15 August is QRV from Tromelin for four weeks. QSL direct to F6FNU. G - Sunday 20 August the special GB50VJ station will be active to cele- brate the 50th anniversary of the end of the war against Japan. GM - From 2 to 8 September the Newport ARS will be active from Colonsay Island (EU-008) using the GS4EZW and GM4EZW calls. All bands opera- tions, mainly in SSB. QSL to R.D. Rowland, 60 Ombersley Road, New- port, Gwent NP9 3EE, UK. GU - From 20 to 30 August, DL2MGP, DF6MS, DL5MHX and DL1MIA will be QRV from Guernsey Island (EU-144) with two stations active mainly in CW one of which using QRP. QSL via bureau to respective homecalls, or via direct to: DJ3QG, Willi Borkowski, Kipfenberger Str. 22, 85072 Eichstaett, Germany. GW - From 25 to 30 August the station GB5FI will be active from Flatholm Island (EU-124), with operations in CW, SSB, RTTY, AMTOR and PACTOR. QSL via GW0ANA, Nirvana, Castle Precinct, Llandough, Cowbridge, South Glamorgan, Wales, CF7 7LX, UK. HB9 - Sunday 20 August Luciano, IK2QPO, will activate the special HB9O station from Transports Museum of Lucerna. QSL via bureau. HK2 - Following what published in number 223, Pedro (HK3JJH) was active on 11 August from Aguja Island (SA-082). Operations were short due to problems with power generators. Pedro who unfortunately logged only 300 QSO hopes to go back to the island to satisfy other island chasers. I8 - Following what published in number 223, Nino (IK8DDN) will try to activate the Scialandro Reef (IIA SA-03), using the IL8/IK8DDN call starting in the morning of Saturday 19 August. In that case the activity from Santo Ianni Reef (EU-144; IIA PZ-01) is planned for Monday 21. On 23 August, Nino hopes to be QRV from La Secca Reef (IIA PZ-??), and the 25 from an island near Dino (IIA CS-??). All operations if weather permits. QSL via IK8OZZ. IA5 - Due to unexpected problems Bob (IK2MRZ) and Luca (IK4GHW) were not active from Giannutri island. QSL for Elba and Giglio expeditions can be requested both for IA5/IK2MRZ and IA5/IK4GHW, to IK2MRZ. IF9 - As published in number 206, from 21 to 23 August Giacomo, IT9AUP Gianfranco, IK1JJD, Piero, IK1TZO, and Franco, IW1DGL, will be ac- tive from Marettimo Island (EU-054; IIA TP-10), both in HF and VHF. Last Marettimo activity was in August 1985. QSL via IK1TZO. IG9 - Friday 18 August, Luca, IV3JVJ, currently portable IG9 from Lampedusa Island (AF-019, IIA AG-01), has been QRV, using the same call, from Lampione Island (AF-019; IIA AG-02). QSL via IV3JVJ. IH9 - Pericle, I2SXD is active from Pantelleria Island (AF-018 IIA TP01). IM0 - Saturday 19 August Antonello, IS0BDF, together with other Sardinian operators, will activate La Maddalena di Alghero (SS-085). IM0 - Gennaro, IM0/I8KCI, has been active from the following islands: Cormorano Reef (SS-???, 3 and 4 August), Stella Maris (EU-024, IIA SS-127, 5 August), Forani Reef (EU-024; IIA SS-91, 6 August), Piana dell'Asinara (EU-165; IIA SS-63, 7 August), Cala Rossa Reef (SS-???, 9 August), Monte Russo Reef (or Punta Ruio: EU-024; IIA SS-108, 10 August), Molino Reef (EU-024; IIA SS-126, 11 August), Frigiano (EU-024; IIA SS-121, 12 August), Rossa di Badesi (EU-165; SS-090, 18 August). QSL via I8KCI, Gennaro Chietti, Via degli Scipioni 8, 80125 Napoli. JW - From 20 to 24 August Veronica IK3ZAW will be active as JW/IK3ZAW/MM and plans to visit some island (also Moften Island, EU-026) and to work shortly using a TS-50 powered with batteries. On 24 August she hopes to be QRV from club station JW0A. QSL via IK3RIY. KL7 - Due to unexpected problems the planned activity from Kalgin Island (NA-158) has been postponed; the date is not yet defined. OD - Sunday 27 August the special OD5LEB station will be active from mount Kornet El Saouda (3088 meters high), the highest Lebanese mountain. Operations in HF (SSB, CW) and VHF (SSB: 144.360 MHz). ON - From 26 to 27 August the special OR4LI station will be active from the BELGACOM centre, near Rochefort. Operations on all HF bands in CW/SSB modes. PJ7 - Just a little correction to what published in previous number. Mike K6URE will be portable PJ7 from St.Maarten from 9 to 23 September. S7 - From 22 August to 8 September, Hannes, DL3NEO, will be active from Seychelles (Mahe Island, AF-024) probably using the S79NEO call. Operations from 10 to 40 meters, WARC included, mainly in CW. QSL via bureau or direct to DL3NEO (95 Callbook address) SM - Following what published in number 222, Wolf (DL2SCQ) and Ann (DL1SCQ) left Macedonia and now are portable SM from Ven Island (EU-137). QSL via DL6DK. T2 - Ron ZL1AMO is active from Tuvalu (OC-015) using the T28RW call. QSL via home call. T32 - From 5 to 11 September Tuck, KH6DFW will be active from Christmas Island (OC-024), East Kiribati. QSL via home call. TA - Following what published in number 223, Gus (DJ8QP), Thursday 17 August at about 08.00 UTC, actived Bogsak Island, located about 25 Km south-west of Silifke, in the Anatolia Region South East group (AS-123). Gus wants also to activate AS-115 and the rare AS-098. TA - From 26 August to 7 September, Egon (DL3MGK) will be portable TA3 and he hopes to activate Kara Ada Island (AS-098). Egon is not sure about this operations as there is no electricity on the island then he will try to find another way to have electric power. QSL only via bureau to DL3MGK. TT - TT8NU is active daily, mainly in CW, on 17, 20 and 30 meters. QSL via F6FNU. UA9 - Rolf, DL6ZFG reports that Vasily's activity, RA9LI/9 from Sharapovy Koshki Island (AS-089), started the 16 July 1995, will soon stop. Vasily reached the island by helicopter, he lives alone into an old shelter and is active mainly between 14250 and 14270 KHz using an homebrew transceiver and a ground plane. QSL via DL6ZFG: Rolf asks to be patient as QSL will be printed as the logs are received from Russia. V2 - Following what published in number 213, the Frankford Radio Club team that will join the CQ SSB Contest from Antigua is formed by: N3BNA (V26A), WT3Q (V26B), N3ADL (V26DX), AB2E (V26E), KA2AEV (V26R), K3MQH (V26T), WA2UDT (V26U), KF3P and WB2P. The call used during the Contest will be V26B. Two awards are available for those who will contact V26B: the first one is for contacts made during the contest from 10 to 75 meters and the second is a special award for contacts from 160 to 10 meters. They will be automatically sent when asking for the QSL cards. VE - During the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of United Nations, from 0000Z of 28 October to 2359Z of 29 December, the VE amateurs can use the following special prefixes: Ordimary PFX Special PFX Ordinary PFX Special PFX VA2 XL2 VE6 VG6 VA3 XJ3 VE7 XM7 VA7 CJ7 VE8 VC8 VE1 VX1 VE9 VA9 VE2 CG2 VO1 CZ9 VE3 XM3 VO2 CZ0 VE4 VB4 VY1 CK9 VE5 VF5 VY2 CK0 VE4 - From 17 to 18 UTC of Tuesday 22 August (or Wednesday 23), Skip, VE4SK will activate Hecla Island and then Black Isl. Both islands are valid only for the C.Is.A. programme. VK9_xms- From 14 to 17 September, Mine (JA2NQQ) will be QRV from Christmas Island as VK9LS/X, only on 160 meters. Find him on 1825 KHz. VP5 - From 24 to 29 August ZP5XYE/VP5 and ZP5XQV/VP5 will be active on all bands, WARC included, mainly in CW. QSL via JA7ZF. VP9 - Don, W4ZYT, hopes to be QRV da Southampton Parish, Bermuda, using the W4ZYT/VP9 call from 16 to 22 September, mainly in CW on bands from 40 to 15 meters. XV - Rolf (SM5MX), better known as XV7SW, will back to Hanoi the 26 Au- gust after relaxed in Sweden. As previously published in number 208 Rolf is still obliged to use fixed frequencies, but he hopes that the new regulation from autumn will permit to use the whole bands. Rolf has not yet able to work low bands as he can't find copper wi- re (see number 208) but this is one of the things he will take to- gether with the CW filters for his transciver. QLSs were printed in Hanoi and Rolf will start to send them in September. YB8 - From 10 to 13 October the 8A8BI station will be active from Banggai islands (OC-???). YB8 - From 16 to 19 October the 8A8A station will be active from Talaud islands (OC-???). YB8 - From 21 to 24 October is planned an activity from Sangihe Is. (OC-???) ZF - Buzz, N5FTR hopes to be QRV in SSB on 40, 20, 17, 15 and 10 meters (mainly on 20 mtrs, 14195 KHz) from 3 to 9 September. Buzz prefers complete calls, don't use last two letters. QSL via N5FTR. 4X - Until 26 August the special 4X95YV station is active during the "1995 Youth Village" in Tel Aviv. 5A - Dan, W4BRE, reports that all the 5A1A documentation has been sent to ARRL DXCC Desk last 10 August, from International Youth League of Ukraine. Currently there are three local operators active from 5A1A club station: Ali, Usaama and Mufi. Usama asked to send QSL to Box 78665 in Tripoli: as the cards have not yet been printed for activities by local operators it is better to wait for an official address. 9K - Hamad, 9K2HN, reports that QSL can now be sent via bureau or direct to: Hamad J. Al-Nusif, PO Box 29174, 13152 Safat, State of Kuwait. **************************************************************************** IL3 -> Bob, IK2MRZ, reports that due to the Luca's (IK2NCJ) trip in Kuwait he now handels QSL by IL3/IK2NCJ from Grado Isl.(EU-130), relative to the CQ WW 160 meters 1995 Contest. Cards will be printed in September and will be immediately sent, via bureau, to all logged stations. Those who already sent the QSL DON'T send it again. For a direct card it is possible to use the IK2MRZ's address: P.O. Box 37, 20092 Cinisello Balsamo (MI). EJ/GM0DEQ/P (Tory Is.) -> Bob, GM0DEQ, reports that QSL for his Tory Island activity should be ready this week. Don't send dupes: all requests will be dispatched as soon as possible. GM3USL/P (EU-123) -> Bob, GM0DEQ, reports that all QSL for the Cumbrae Isl. activity, during past IOTA Contest, must be sent via bureau or direct to GM0KVI. QSL are already printed and are ready to be sent. JY8CR -> QSL for this station via bureau or direct to DL4VCR: Ruben Becker, Provinzialstr. 163, 66787 Wadgassen 3, Germany. PS8AM -> QSLs for the PS8AM activity from Potros Island (SA-079) can be requested to PS7AB: Ronaldo Bastos Reis, P.O. Box 2021, Natal/RN, 59094-970, Brazil. N9OQS/T5 -> NM1K reports that many QSL have been received for this activi- ty but there are no news about N9OQS conditions. Voices talk about a bad ac- cident in Somalia. YT1AD -> Alek, YU1AA, reports the correct YT1AD address , QSL manager for 3V8BB activities (by YT1AD himself): Milosevic Hranislav-Hrane, Bulevar Len- jina 10/254, YU 11070 Novi Beograd, Yugoslavia. QSL received -> F6ELE/p, F6HKA/p, ZA0B (EU-169), 5W0XC, 9L1PG, A51/JH1AJT, BS7H, S0RASD, T20XC, WW1V (NA-137), IM0/IS0RUH (SS-54), IM0/IS0RUH (SS-27), PT6AB (SA-080), PW6AB (SA-080). DX & AIR POLLUTION --> It has been recently discovered that the increase in carbon dioxide (a green-house effect gas), which is expected in the forthcoming decades, will cause a decrease in the air density at an altitude of about 300 kilometres. Consequently there will occur a thinning of about 20 kilometres in that particular sector of the ionosphere, known as F2, which is the most important one for the long distance short wave radiocom- munications. **************************************************************************** * 425 DX NEWS * * DX info weekly bulletin * * edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Piero Forno, IK1IYU * * with the contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171 * **************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, I1POR, IK1TZO, IK2EUY, IK2HTW, IK2MRZ, I4LCK, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IT9AUP, IS0JMA, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, DC3MF, DJ8WL, DL1MIA, DL3MGK, DL3NEO, DL4VCR, DL6ZFG, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL9GOA, DL9RCF, DL9ST, EA5KB, F6AJA, G4BUE, G0RNM, GM0DEQ, JA2NQG, KB8NW, KK6EK, NM1K, OD5SB, ON7LE, W3KH, XE1XA, YB0RX, YU1AA, 4X1BQ, 9K2HN, DX News Sheet, LNDX, URE-EA-DX, QRZ DX, OPDX, ARRLDX, The 59(9) DX Report, VK2SG RTTY DX. **************************************************************************** * Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to * * Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to * * Piero Forno, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it) * **************************************************************************** * INTERNET e-mail : I1-21171@amsat.org * * 425 WWW Page --> http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html * * INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site: * * promet12.cineca.it - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/ * **************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on Trance *FREE* BBS in Italy (+39-11-482751) 19 August 1995 no.224 ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU PERIOD CALL REF till 20/8 ED6EIP: Na'Pelada Isl. (DIE E-131) 224 till middle Sept FR5HG/T: Tromelin Isl. (AF-011) 224 till 23/8 GR0LOS: Special Station 223 till ? IH9/I2SXD: Pantelleria Isl. (AF-018) (IIA TP-01) 224 till 30/8 IM0/I8KCI 220 till 10/9 IY1MR: Rapallo * Special Event Station 223 till February OD/N4ISV 222 till ? SM: Ven (EU-137) * by DL1SCQ & DL2SCQ 224 till end Sept SV1UM/8: Antikithira Isl. (EU-113) 222 till ? SV1QN/8: Myconos Isl. (EU-067) 221 till 30/8 SV8/I3BQC: Amorgus Isl. (EU-067) 222 till ? T28RW * by ZL1AMO 224 till end August TY1IJ * by DJ4IJ 222 till 26/8 VE: (NA-036, 075, 091, 061, 051, 118) by F5JYD & F5SSM 222 till 31/10 VI50PEACE * special event station 217 till 16/10 VY1QRP/VE * by DL1FDF 219 till September YA/UT9XL 208 till 20/8 YS4/TI5NW 220 till September ZD8WD * by G4RWD 197 till September 3W5FM 223 till 1/9 4J0FR * by F6FYD 222 till 21/8 9M2/G3NUG: Perhentian Besar (AS-073) 221 till ? 9Q2L * by PA3DZN 217 till ? 9X/SM5DIC 221 18/8-21/8 GM0LUQ: Lewis Isl. (EU-010) * by G0LUQ 216 18/8-9/1 TA4/UA3AB 223 19/8-20/8 CQ4I: Ilhote do Cabo * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU 190 19/8-20/8 HS2: Samet Isl. (AS-107) * by HS7CDI & 7L1MFS 220 19/8 IL8/IK8DDN: Scoglio Scialandro (IIA SA-03) 224 19/8-20/8 IM0: La Maddalena di Alghero Isl. (IIA SS-085) 224 19/8 KK5DO: Alief, TX * special event station 219 19/8-20/8 SARTG WW RTTY Conntest *** 20/8-21/8 G/I4ALU/p: Scilly Isl. (EU-011) 221 20/8 GB50VJ * special event station 224 20/8-30/8 GU * by DL2MGP, DF6MS, DL5MHX, DL1MIA 224 20/8 HB9O: Lucerna - special station * by IK2QPO 224 20/8-27/8 ID9/IK8NIM: Vulcano Isl. (EU-017) (IIA ME-18) 220 20/8-1/9 IH9/IK0XBX: Pantelleria Isl. (AF-018) (IIA TP-01) 222 20/8-6/9 IM0/IK2GAO: Sant'Antioco Isl. (IIA CA-14) 219 20/8-24/8 JW/IK3ZAW 224 20/8-21/8 TI5NW * by WB3LUI 220 21/8-29/8 F: Belle Isl. (EU-048) * by F5GVH 219 21/8-25/8 GM0LUQ: Skye Isl. (EU-008) * by G0LUQ 216 21/8-23/8 IF9/IT9AUP: Marettimo Isl. (EU-054) (IIA TP-10) 224 21/8 IK8DDN: Scoglo Santo Ianni (EU-144) (IIA PZ-01) 224 21/8-26/8 IL7/IK0MHR: Campi Isl.(FG-10) & Portonuovo Isl.(FG-09) 222 22/8-8/9 S79NEO:Mahe Isl. (AF-024) * by DL3NEO 224 22/8 VE4SK: C.Is.A. 224 22/8-27/8 YK1/ZP5ALI 222 23/8 IK8DDN: Scoglo La Secca (IIA PZ-??) 223 24/8-27/8 F: DIFM Islands 216 24/8-27/8 TM8AT: Molene Isl. (EU-065) * by F5RUQ 220 24/8-29/8 ZP5XYE/VP5 & ZP5XQV/ZP5 224 25/8-28/8 GM0LUQ: Arran Isl. (EU-123) * by G0LUQ 216 25/8-30/8 GB5FI: Flatholm Isl. (EU-124) 224 25/8 IK8DDN: IIA CS-?? 223 25/8-29/8 PA6QRP: Special Station 222 25/8-26/8 W: New Orleans * DX Convention *** 26/8-27/8 OR4LI: special station 224 26/8-7/9 TA3/DL3MGK 224 26/8-27/8 3E2G: Isla Grande (NA-202) 222 27/8 OD5LEB: Mt. Kornet El Saouda 224 28/8-3/9 SU1/ZP5ALI 222 30/8-13/9 EX/DK7UY/p 222 August CT: Poco Isl. (DIP BL-10) * by NPDXG 219 August EA5BD/p: Isla de Audi (DIEI T-16) 218 August IL3 * by IK2ILH & IK2MRZ 217 middle August TA: AS-115, AS-098 * by DJ8QP 223 middle August 5R8EU * by JF1MGI 223 August 9X * by ON4WW 217 1/9-17/9 IA5/IK4DCT: Toscano Archipelago (EU-028) 220 2/9-8/9 GS4EZW & GM4EZW: Colonsay Isl. (EU-008) 224 3/9-21/9 SV3/DL1BKK: Sfaktiria Isl. (EU-158) 216 3/9-9/9 ZF * by N5FTR 224 5/9-12/9 P40T * by N2VW 223 5/9-11/9 T32: Christmas Isl. (OC-024) * by KH6DFW 224 5/9-18/9 XR0Y: Easter Isl. * by KK6EK and his team 224 7/9-26/9 VP5: Providenciales Isl. (NA-002) * by PI4COM team 222 7/9-11/9 XR0Z: Sala Y Gomez Is. (SA-???) * by KK6EK's team 224 September TK/F5XL 210 September XF4: Revillagigedo * by XE1CI 222 September YB5: Mentawai Isl. (OC-???) * by YC5BLB 222 13/10-15/10 >>> Bologna: V IOTA CONVENTION <<< ***