DX425 bulletin issue nr. 223

12 August 1995                                                        No.223
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                           edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU

CE0    - FoLlowing what published in number 215 and previously,  Bob (KK6EK)
         and Massimo (XE1XA) reported us that XR0Y (Easter Island) and  XR0Z
         (Salas y Gomez) operations are  respectively planned  from 5 to  20
         September and from 7 to 13  September. They confirmed the  activity
         via Oscars 10 & 13 satellites.
CE0_jf - Following what published in number 216 the preparation for the CE0Z
         expedition  to Juan   Fernandez Island,  planned from 13 to 21 Sep-
         ember, is continuing regularly. Operations in RTTY and on WARC bands
         also. QSL manager will be K0IYF.
CO     - Following what published in number 221, Luis (CT1ESO), team  leader
         of the November expedition to Los Colorados   Archipelago (NA-093),
         reports that they will use the CO1OTA call.  QSL via CT1ESO.
CT     - During the weekend CT1EGH and CT4UW will be active as CQ7U.  Satur-
         day 12 August they will be QRV from a lighthouse and Sunday 13 from
         an island valid for DIP as ES-10.
CY9    - Recent Saint Paul Island operations  logged about 11600  QSOs. Best
         bands were the low bands and 14 and 18 MHz. Many contacts were made
         on satellite.
FR/G   - Confirming what published in number 208, FR5HG is now portable from
         Glorioso Island.  Activity mainly in CW.
FS     - Following what published in number 222, the Tintamarre Isl (NA-199)
         operations by FS5PL, FG5BG and FJ5AB are now planned from 14 August
         for a two or three days duration.
G      - Until 23 August the  special GR0LOS station  is active, all  HF/VHF
         bands in SSB, CW, RTTY, SSTV, FAX (GR is a rare UK prefix).
HK2    - As previously reported   in number 221,  Pedro, HK3JJH,  during the
         weekend is active from Ajuga Island (with the new IOTA SA-082 refe-
         rence).  Pedro says that IRCs are no valid in Colombia.
HL     - Until 13 August, the HL0CBD station is active from  Bee-Kum Do Isl.
         (Lat. 34 46' N,  Long. 125 55' E)  for an expedition  organized  by
         Chonnam National University Amateur Radio Association  (CARA).  QSL
         via bureau or direct to:  Chonnam University Amateur Radio Associa-
         tion, P.O. Box 110, Kwangju 501-600, South Korea.
I8     - Monday 21 agosto, Nino  (IK8DDN) will  try to  activate  Scialandro
         reef (IIA SA-03).  The 23 August the La Secca reef (IIA PZ-??), the
         25 from Santo Ianni  reef (EU-144,  IIA PZ-01) and the  27 from  an
         island near Dino (IIA CS-??).  All opearations will take place only
         if weather allows depending also on the shipment ways. QSL IK8OZZ.
IC8    - Sunday 13 August, IK8MRA, IK8JUZ, IK8EPC and IK8TEO will be  porta-
         ble IC8 from Tre Fratelli reef (IIA NA-??).  QSL via IK8OZZ.
IL7    - Following  what published in number 222,  the IL7/IK0MHR operations
         are now planned from 21 to 26 August.
IL7    - Marcello, IW6MTM, will spend his holidays in Puglia from  19 August
         to 2 September and, during those days, he will try to activate Tre-
         miti islands (EU-050) in 144 MHz.
IY1    - From 13  August to 10 September, during the "Marconi:  dal Tigullio
         al Mondo -  100 Anni di Radio" show  organised by  Ari Section  and
         municipality of  Rapallo, helped by Marconi Foudation and ARI, near
         the Castle on sea the special IY1MR station will be active, all HF,
         VHF and UHF  bands.  For further  information on the  demonstration
         contact IK1HJT @ IK1HJT.ILIG.ITA.EU .
IY1    - From 16 to 22 September the special  IY1EY station  will be  active
         during the "Loano Elettra Award" to celebrate the radio experiments
         that Guglielmo Marconi made from Elettra ship between 1916 and 1936
         A special QSL reproducing the Elettra can be asked to I1QOD.
JY     - Amir, 4X6TT, will be again in Amman, planning to sign as JY8TT,  to
         help handling QSL for the last JY74  activities, that logged  about
         17000 QSOs. A special award, signed from  His Majesty King  Hussein
         (JY1) is available for JY74 contacts on at least two bands. Request
         to JY6ZZ. Further informations to 4X6TT:  Amir Bazak, P.O.Box 1515,
         Ramat-Hasharon, Israel 47100.
KL7    - An activity is planned for 18 August from Kalgin Isl. (NA-158).
P4     - From 5 to 12 September Jack, N2VW, will be active as P40T from Aru-
         ba. Jack, who  plans to join the  WAE SSB Contest (9-10 September),
         wants to be active mainly on WARC bands. QSL via homecall.
PJ7    - From 23 September K8URE  will be portable PJ7 from St.Maarten, wor-
         king 15, 20 and 40 meters.  QSL via homecall.
PY     - From 10 to 16 October the ZW2EPA station will be active in SSB  and
         CW from Anchieta Island (SA-028, DIB 61). QSL via PP5LL P.O.Box 08,
         88010-970 Florianopolis, SC, Brazil.
TA     - Andy, UA3AB, from 18  August to 1 September will be active from Be-
         lek, Turkey, as TA4/UA3AB, working mainly in CW on WARC bands.  QSL
         via homecall.
TA     - Following what published in number 222, Gus (DJ8QP) hopes to  acti-
         vate during this week the Anatolia Region South East group (AS-???)
         and then the IOTA AS-115 and AS-098 groups.
TF7    - On  7 and 8 August  Martin (TF7/G3ZAY/P),  Andrew (TF7/G0HSD/P) and
         John  (TF7/G3WGV/P)  were  active in 20 meters SSB and 30 meters CW
         from Westman islands (EU-071).  QSL via homecalls.
TI9    - As previously reported in number 221, Jose, TI9JJP is QRV from  Co-
         cos Island until 15 August, but he will be again on the island from
         4 to 20 October. QSL via: Jose Pastora, P.O. Box 330, 1000 San Jose
         Costa Rica. Jose is not active in RTTY but he will try to use  this
         mode during the next activity.
VP2E   - Following what published in number 208, from 18 to 28 November Don,
         K8MFO, will be QRV from Anguilla  as VP2EFO.  He plans to join  the
         CQWW DX CW Contest. Before and after the contest Don will be active
         mainly on WARC bands and on 6 meters.
VP5    - WD8AUB, W9VNE, N9DX and W0CG will join the CQWW DX CW Contest using
         the VP5FOC call in the multi-single category.
VQ9    - Pete, N5TP will be active again as VQ9TP during September for about
         four months.
W5     - From 21 to 24 September N5UR together with other operators  will be
         active from Marsh Island (NA-120).
XU     - Following what published in numbers 133, 196 and 197 John (PA3BTQ),
         who  is  active from Bangladesh,  reported to Wolff (DJ5JH) that in
         September he will be active for two weeks as XU6TQ. Then he will be
         in Afghanistan,  but with few opportunities to be on the air.
YS     - Kent, N2MIP, will be  QRV from  El Salvador from  5 to 11  November
         using the YS1ZRK call.  Operations mainly on  satellite  (it is the
         very first time that YS is active on sats) with possible activities
         on HF bands when OSCARs 10 and 13 are not reachable.
ZC     - From  24  October to 6  November, some  Whitton Amateur Radio Group
         memebers will be active as ZC4DX joining the  CQ SSB Contest in the
         multi-single category.  All modes activity  (CW, SSB, RTTY, EME and
         satellite) from 160 meters to 2.4GHz.  QSL via G0MRF.
ZL8    - Following what published in number 216, some ZL operators have  re-
         ceived the permission to work from Kermadec  but only if they  will
         stop to be active at sunset.   They  are  now  considering if it is
         possible to afford a DXpedition with these restrictions.
3B9    - Robert,  3B9FR, is actually QRV, mainly in CW, on WARC bands.
3W     - Nickolay, 3W5FM,  is still  active in  CW/SSB/RTTY, but he  doesn't
         know how long he will stay in Vietnam.  Probably until September or
         October. His address is changed: QSLs for 3W5FM and UA0FM/3W now go
         to P.O. Box 66, Vladimir 600011, Russia. QSLs are handled by Nicko-
         lay's daughter, Nataly (UA0FFL/3); she reports that is not necessa-
         ry to send a second request as she can recover the post sent to the
         old address.
5B     - From 13 to 16 August Marios, 5B4WN, and other operators,  should be
         active from Manijin Island (AS-120).  The call will be C4MA and the
         activity is planed in SSB  and CW on 15, 20, 40 and 80 meters.  QSL
         via 5B4KH.
5R     - From mid-August until  the end of September, Shun, JF1MGI,  will be
         in Madagascar for work.  During his spare time Shun  will try to be
         QRV as 5R8EU,  mainly in RTTY, PACTOR and  low bands,  particularly
         during the third week of september. QSL via homecall.
9A     - During the weekend,  S52CI will be portable 9A from EU-016. QSL via

+ KB4C SILENT KEY +  Last 26 July Miriam West Smith, KB4C, Carl Smith N4AA's
wife (DX-Editor of the famous "QRZ DX" bulletin) was S.K.  The 425-DX-News's
team sends condolences to Carl, joining his pain.
OY6A & OY/ON...  -> Fred, ON6QR, reports that QSL requests for the OY6A ope-
rations during the  IOTA 1995 Contests  and those from  24 July to 3  August
using the OY/ON6QR call must be sent to : ON6QR, Fred Jans-Cooremans, 3 Tan-
gedallaan, B-1850 Grimbergen,  Belgium. The requests for OY/ON7PC in the sa-
me period must be sent to ON7PC.  Fred reports also that for all these acti-
vities it is possible to use the P.O.Box 1789, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium.
GB0CI ->  If you  still have not  received the QSL  for the  12/13 June 1993
activity from  Copeland Islands (EU-122),  you are kindly request to send it
tagain to manager GI0DVU, both via bureau or direct,  as he knows about lost
mail from the local post office. The correct address is : J.C. Henry, GI0DVU
3 Kirkwoods Park, Lisburn, Co. Antrim, BT28 3RR, North Ireland.
ES0SM/0 (EU-034)  -> If you contacted  this station during the  IOTA Contest
you can send the QSL  to SM0OGX,  Kjell Zajd,  Lojovagen 8,  181 47 Lidingo,
QSL received -> 5B4/G4WFZ/P (AS-120), 7W5J, 9J2BO, 9N1RNH, A51/JH1AJT, BS7H,
BV9AAA (AS-103),  BV9AYA (AS-103),  BV0L,  9Q5MRC,  BY9GA,  CE7LNJ (SA-053),
*                              425 DX NEWS                                 *
*                        DX info weekly bulletin                           *
*       edited by Mauro  Pregliasco, I1JQJ  and Piero Forno, IK1IYU        *
*       with  the  contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171        *
              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
IK8OZZ,  IK8VRI,  I0ZV,  IK0MHR,  IK0QDB,  Diamond DX Club,  Roman DX Group,
UA3AB, W3KH, XE1XA, 4X6TT,  DX News Sheet,  LNDX, URE-EA-DX,  QRZ DX,  OPDX,
ARRLDX, The 59(9) DX Report, VK2SG RTTY DX.                                 
* Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
*          Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to         *
*      Piero Forno, IK1IYU  (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it)      *
*                  INTERNET e-mail : I1-21171@amsat.org                    *
*         425 WWW Page -->  http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html      *
*                   INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site:                    *
*   promet12.cineca.it  - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/   *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
425 DX NEWS is weekly available on Trance *FREE* BBS in Italy (+39-11-482751)

12 August 1995                                                       no.223
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                           edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF
till ?           FR5HG/G: Glorioso Isl. (AF-011)                        208
till 19/8        GD3NKC/p                                               221
till 23/8        GR0LOS: Special Station                                223
till 13/8        HB0/HB9QQ                                              197
till 13/8        HL0CBD: Bee-Kum Do Isl.                                223
till 13/8        IA5/IK4GNH: Giglio Isl. (EU-028) (IIA GR-02)           218
till ?           ID9/I2AE: Salina Isl. (EU-017) (IIA ME-15)             222
till ?           ID9/I2PFY: Lipari Isl. (EU-017) (IIA ME-01)            222
till 30/8        IM0/I8KCI                                              220
till 19/8        IM0/IK4HPU: Maddalena Isl. & Capraia Isl. (EU-041)     219
till February    OD/N4ISV                                               222
till end Sept    SV1UM/8: Antikithira Isl. (EU-113)                     222
till ?           SV1QN/8: Myconos Isl. (EU-067)                         221
till middle Aug  TI9JJP * by TI2JJP                                     221
till end August  TY1IJ * by DJ4IJ                                       222
till 31/10       VI50PEACE * special event station                      217
till 31/8        VF1L: Cape Breton Isl. (NA-010) * by VE1AL             214
till 16/10       VY1QRP/VE * by DL1FDF                                  219
till 30/7        WB4RMJ: Hatteras Isl. (NA-067)                         221
till September   YA/UT9XL                                               208
till 17/8        YE50RI: Special Event Station                          222
till 18/8        ZC4C * by OK1ADM, OK1RF, OK1RI                         221
till September   ZD8WD * by G4RWD                                       197
till September   3W5FM                                                  223
till 13/8        9A/S52CI: EU-016                                       223
till ?           9Q2L * by PA3DZN                                       217
till ?           9X/SM5DIC                                              221
11/8-18/8        C6A: Abaco Isl. (NA-080) * by KG9N                     220
11/8-13/8        HK2: Guajira/Magdalena Div. group (SA-???) * by HK3JJH 221
11/8-15/8        HL0T/2: Jebu Isl. (AS-105)                             222
11/8-13/8        OZ4CHR: Christians Island (EU-030) * by OZ4FF          222
11/8-26/8        VE: (NA-036, 075, 091, 061, 051, 118) by F5JYD & F5SSM 222
11/8-1/9         4J0FR * by F6FYD                                       222
11/8-14/8        9M2/G3NUG: Babi Besar (AS-046)                         221
12/8-13/8        CQ7U * by CT1EGH & CT4UW                               223
12/8             IT9GAI: Ognina Isl. (IIA SR-08)                        222
12/8-20/8        ZA * by IK7JWX & Salento DX Team                       210
12/8-13/8        WAE CW Contest                                         ***
12/8-18/8        GM0LUQ: Skye Isl. (EU-008) * by G0LUQ                  216
12/8-20/8        YS4/TI5NW                                              220
13/8             IC8: Scoglio 3 Fratelli (IIA NA-??) by IK8MRA's team   223
13/8-10/9        IY1MR: Rapallo * Special Event Station                 223
13/8-16/8        C4MI: Manijin Isl. (AS-120) * by 5B4WN's team          223
14/8-17/8        FS5PL/p: Tintamarre Isl. (NA-199) by FS5PL,FG5BG,FJ5AB 223
14/8-30/8        SV8/I3BQC: Amorgus Isl. (EU-067)                       222
15/8-19/8        FP5AA * K2RW                                           222
15/8-16/8        GW/I4ALU/p : Flat Holm Island (EU-124)                 221
16/8             KK5DO: Alief, TX * special event station               219
17/8-21/8        9M2/G3NUG: Perhentian Besar (AS-073)                   221
18/8-21/8        GM0LUQ: Lewis Isl. (EU-010) * by G0LUQ                 216
18/8             KL7: Kalgin Isl. (NA-158)                              223
18/8-9/1         TA4/UA3AB                                              223
19/8-20/8        HS2: Samet Isl. (AS-107) * by HS7CDI & 7L1MFS          220
19/8-20/8        SARTG WW RTTY Conntest                                 ***
19/8-20/8        CQ4I: Ilhote do Cabo * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU  190
19/8             KK5DO: Alief, TX * special event station               219
20/8-21/8        G/I4ALU/p: Scilly Isl. (EU-011)                        221
20/8-27/8        ID9/IK8NIM: Vulcano Isl. (EU-017) (IIA ME-18)          220
20/8-1/9         IH9/IK0XBX: Pantelleria Isl. (AF-018) (IIA TP-01)      222
20/8-6/9         IM0/IK2GAO: Sant'Antioco Isl. (IIA CA-14)              219
20/8-21/8        TI5NW * by WB3LUI                                      220
21/8-29/8        F: Belle Isl. (EU-048) * by F5GVH                      219
21/8-25/8        GM0LUQ: Skye Isl. (EU-008) * by G0LUQ                  216
21/8             IK8DDN: Scoglio Scialandro (IIA SA-03)                 223
21/8-26/8        IL7/IK0MHR: Campi Isl.(FG-10) & Portonuovo Isl.(FG-09) 222
22/8-27/8        YK1/ZP5ALI                                             222
23/8             IK8DDN: Scoglo La Secca (IIA PZ-??)                    223
24/8-27/8        F: DIFM Islands                                        216
24/8-27/8        IF9/IT9AUP: Marettimo Isl. (EU-054) (IIA TP-10)        206
24/8-27/8        TM8AT: Molene Isl. (EU-065) * by F5RUQ                 220
25/8-28/8        GM0LUQ: Arran Isl. (EU-123) * by G0LUQ                 216
25/8             IK8DDN: Scoglo Santo Ianni (EU-144) (IIA PZ-01)        223
25/8-29/8        PA6QRP: Special Station                                222
25/8-26/8        W: New Orleans * DX Convention                         ***
26/8-27/8        3E2G: Isla Grande (NA-202)                             222
27/8             IK8DDN: IIA CS-??                                      223
28/8-3/9         SU1/ZP5ALI                                             222
30/8-13/9        EX/DK7UY/p                                             222
August           CT: Poco Isl. (DIP BL-10) * by NPDXG                   219
August           EA5BD/p: Isla de Audi (DIEI T-16)                      218
August           IL3 * by IK2ILH & IK2MRZ                               217
middle August    TA: AS-???, AS-115, AS-098 * by DJ8QP                  223
middle August    VK9CJ (Cocos Keeling) * by DJ9HX                       222
middle August    5R8EU * by JF1MGI                                      223
August           9X * by ON4WW                                          217
13/10-15/10      >>> Bologna: V IOTA CONVENTION <<<                     ***