DX425 bulletin issue nr. 222

 5 August 1995                                                        No.222
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                           edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU

A5     - QSLs for the last February activity by A51/JH1AJT are coming.
A6     - A61AI (since January: Ahmed Saif, P.O.Box 20200, Dubai, U.A.E.) and
         A61AM (since July: Mohammed Khalifa,  P.O.Box 22216, Dubai, U.A.E.)
         are two new OMs from the United Arab Emirates.
BS7H   - The QSL for April activity from Scarborough Reef are coming.
EX     - From 30 August to 13 September Wolfgang (DK7UY) will be portable EX
         from Bishkek,  Kyrgystan.  All HF bands operations  (WARC included)
         in CW, SSB, RTTY and PACTOR.  Wolfgang  hopes to join the  Region 1
         SSB Field Day using the EX/DK7UY/p call from a 2500   mtr mountain.
         QSL via homecall, only via bureau.
F      - On  5 and 6 August  the Loos DX Gang will activate the TM7I station
         from some islands valid for DIFM Award. QSL via F5JYD.
FP     - From 15 to 19 August Rich, K2RW will be active as  FP5AA. It's  not
         a real DXpedition but Rich will try to help many DXers.
FS     - Following what published in number 217, the Tintamarre Isl (NA-199)
         expedition, planned from 14 to 17 August, will take place thanks to
         FS5PL, FG5BG, FJ5AB. The call will be FS5PL/P. QSL via FG5BG
FT_ker - Jean Jacques, FB1LYF  (ex J28CW) will be in  Kerguelen Islands  for
         one year starting from next November.
GI     - During the weekend the special GB0MAY station  will be active  from
         top of the Slieve Gallion Mountain (1800 meters  height),  in North
         Ireland, with SSB/CW operations all bands HF/VHF,  particularly  on
         80, 20, 6 and 2 meters.
HL     - From 15 UTC of 11 August to 12 UTC of 15 August, HL0T/2 will be ac-
         tive from Jebu Island (AS-105) on 7, 21 and 28 MHz. QSL via HL0T.
HP     - From  26 to 27 August  the station  3E2G will  be active  from Isla
         Grande (NA-202).  QSL via HP2CTM.
HP     - A DXpedition to Bocas del Toro Island (NA-088) is planned for Octo-
         ber using the 3F4B, H34B and HO4B calls. QSL via HP2CWB.
HZ     - In early July Mike, K3UOC was back in U.S.A., with over 32000 QSOs
         logged using the 7Z5OO call.  On 14 September Mike will be back to
         Riyad,  from  where  he will be active  from 10 to 160 meters (and
         probably on 6 meters). QSL via W1AF.
IA5    - Following what published in numbers 215 and 218,  during the  week,
         probably Tuesday 8  - Roberto (IK2MRZ) and Luca (IK4GNH) will acti-
         vate Giannutri Island (EU-028; IIA GR-01).
ID9    - Paolo, I2AE  is portable ID9 from Salina Island (EU-017 IIA ME-15).
ID9    - Aldo, I2PFY is portable ID9 from Lipari Island (EU-017; IIA ME-01).
IH9    - From 20 August to 1  September  Francesco,  IK0XBX, will be  active
         from Pantelleria Island (AF-018; IIA TP-01).  Operations will  take
         place mainly on bands from 15 to 80 meters in SSB and CW. Francesco
         plans to activate one or more minor islands. QSL via homecall:Fran-
         cesco Fucelli, Str. S.Lucia 38, 06125 Perugia.
IL7    - The  19 and 20 August  Roberto, IK0MHR, will  be portable IL7  from
         Campi (IIA FG-010) and Portonuovo  (IIA FG-09)  islands.  QSL   via
IM0    - Monday 31 July Mario, IS0LYN, was active from Stella Maris   island
         (EU-024; IIA SS-127).
IT9    - Saturday 12 August Gaetano, IT9GAI will be active from  Ognina Isl.
         (EU-025, IIA SR-08).
KP2    - Phil, KP2/VS6CT is currently QRV from American Virgin Is. (NA-106).
         QSL via AA6BB.
OD     - OD/N4ISV (ex VU2ISV and YB0ATA)  will be active  from Libano  until
         February 1996. QSL via N4JR.
OD     - From 4 to 14 September ZP5ALI will be active as OD5FR in 10, 15 and
         20 meters phone.  QSL via homecall.
OZ     - From 12.00 UTC of Friday 11  to 10.00 UTC of  Sunday 13  August the
         station OZ4CHR will be QRV from Christians Island (EU-030), working
         mainly on 20 and 80  meters bands near  the usual IOTA frequencies.
         QSL via bureau or direct to OZ1LUR.
P4     - Following what published in number 220, Mario  (CX4CR) -  currently
         QRV from Aruba as P40CR until Tuesday 8 August - reports that he is
         active on 80 (3795 KHz at 02.00 UTC) and 160 meters (1848 KHz    at
         09.30 UTC), while the 40 meters bean is unusable and  he  wants  to
         install a dipole.  QSL via CX4CR.
PA     - From 25 to 29 August the special PA6QRP  station will be  activated
         to promote QRP operations. All HF bands activity, in CW and SSB, on
         usual QRP frequencies. QSL via bureau or via direct to: F.L.M. Boot
         PA3FYV, Ratelaar 44, 2954-ND Alblasserdam, Netherlands.
PY0_fn - PY0ZFB is QRV also in RTTY from Fernando de Noronha. QSL via JH2MRA
SM     - To  celebrate  the  100th   anniversary  of  the Radio and the 70th
         anniversary of first Telegraphic service between Grimeton  (Sweden)
         and New York, the Grimeton amateurs can use the special 7S6SAQ call,
         working mainly in CW from the old radio station building.
SU     - From 28 August  to 3 September SU1/ZP5ALI will be active on  10, 15
         ande 20 meters phone.  QSL via homecall.
SV     - From 14 to 30 August Vito,  I3BQC will be /SV8  from Amorgus Island
         (EU-067).  QSL via homecall.
SV     - From 19.00 UTC of 4 August to 24.00 UTC of 6 August a group of ope-
         tors, including SV/N2VUD, SV1DKD and SV1DKJ, will be active   using
         the   SV1DKD/P  call  from  Mount Parnis ( 1400 meters height). The
         operations, thanks to two simultaneous stations, will take place in
         SSB and CW on all bands (WARC included), and via satellite. QSL via
         SV1DKD  (Andrew Georges, 13 Solonos Street,  16675 Glyfada, Athens,
SV     - Nectario,  SV1UM/8, will be active until the end of  September from
         Antikithira islands (EU-113).
TA     - From  7 August  Torsten (DL1GST) and Ronald (DL1GRO) will be porta-
         ble TA4  from Alanya, Turkey,  from where they will operate, for 22
         days, on all HF bands, mainly in CW. QSL via DK8GP.
TA     - As reported in number 207, the 3 August Gus, DJ8QP, has been active
         as TA0/DJ8QP/P from AS-099. Gus plans to be active from AS-098 soon
TY     - Sigi, DJ4IJ/TY1IJ, is QRV again from Benin, and he  will stay  here
         until the  second half  of August. QSL via DK8ZD  (QSL manager from
         April 1995).
LY     - From 11 to 22 September LA4GHA,  LA5IIA and LA9IY,  members of  the
         LA-DX-Group will be active all modes all bands using the TY8G call.
         Donations can be sent to LA-DX-Group, c/o Ruth Tollefsen, PO Box 17
         Tveita,  N-061  Oslo,  Norway.  QSL  via  LA8G,  v/Morten Antonsen,
         POB 5626 Moellenberg, 7027 Trondheim, Norway.
UA0    - As reported in number 219, on 1 August the RU0B/p team has been ac-
         tive for few hours, on  20 meters  SSB and CW,  from  Arkticheskogo
         Instituta Is (AS-087). QSL via UA9OBA.
VE     - From 22 September to 1 October the special CY3IARU station will  be
         active during the IARU Region 2 Conference.
VE     - Following what published in number 220, from 11 to 26 August Bruno,
         F5JYD and Eric, F5SSM will be VE7/ from Vancouver Isl (NA-036), Ga-
         briola  (NA-075), Texada  (NA-091), Prince Rupert (NA-061) and pro-
         bably from Graham (NA-051) and Dundas (NA-118) islands.
VP5    - From 7 to 26 September  PA3ERC, PA3EWP, PA3BBP and PA3FQA (all mem-
         bers of the PI4COM Contest Group) will be /VP5 from  Providenciales
         Island (NA-002). They want to join the WAE SSB Contest and the CQWW
         RTTY Contest both using the VP5C call. QSL via PA3ERC (R.J. Snieder
         Van Leeuwenstraat  137,  2273-VS, Voorburg, Netherlands).
VP9    - Gene, VE7GAS, is /VP9 from Bermudas.  QSL via homecall.
VR6    - Pitcairn post offices accept no more IRCs. Then green stamps are to
         be preferred.
XF4    - Nellie, XE1CI is planning a visit  to Revillagigedo  for  September
XZ     - As already reported in number 178, JA1UT, and other friends, last 1
         August   were   active again from Myanmar with a short demontrative
         operation,   using   the XY1HT call.  The activity was in  CW, SSB,
         RTTY and SSTV.
YB     - The special YE50RI station will be active until 00.00 UTC of 17 Au-
         gust to celebrate the  50th anniversary of Indonesian Independence.
         QSL via N6QLQ.
YB     - Following what published in  number 213,  YC5BLB reports  that  his
         planned expedition to Matawai Isl. (OC-???) will not take place be-
         fore September.
YK     - From 22 to 27 August YK1/ZP5ALI will be active on 10, 15 and 20 me-
         ters phone.  QSL via homecall.
Z3     - Ann,  Z38/DL1SCQ, and Wolf,  Z38/DL2SCQ, will be active from Skopje
         until the end of the month.  QSL via DL6DK.
ZP     - Doug, ZP6CW/N4PW, reports that QSL to him can be sent via bureau or
         direct to Box 73, Caacupe, Paraguay.
3B8    - 3B8/NK6F  is currently active from Mauritius Island (AF-049), main-
         ly in CW.
3V8    - Following what published in number  216, 217 and  221, the  planned
         activity of OE6EEG as 3V8BB  has been cancelled  (reasons are still
3W     - Wang, 3W1AS, who was active on 20 meters CW  hopes to be soon acti-
         ve also on 40 meters CW. QSL via W3RGD.
3W     - Shun  (JF1MGI)  has received the QSL card from 3W5FM, who confirmed
         him  to  have  sent  copy of authorization to ARRL. QSL via Box 66,
         Vladimir 600011, Russia.
3X     - Rudi, DK7PE is active from Guinea using the 3X9HCW call.
4J     - From 11 August to  1 September  Yannick, F6FYD  (ex ST2YD and T5YD)
         will be active from Azerbaijan as 4J0FR.
5B4    - Between 31 July and 1 August G3OZF and G4JVG,after joining the IOTA
         Contest as ZC4DX,   made  about  1200  QSO from an island valid for
         the IOTA AS-120 group.
5Z     - Michel, F5IBZ has received the 5Z4BZ call and he will remain in Ke-
         nya for another one and half year.
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                           edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU

                      *    1995 IOTA Contest Managers  *
                      *       (29 & 30 July 1995)      *
                      *       -------------------      *
                      *    edited by  IK1GPG, Massimo  *
CALL          MANAGER       CALL          MANAGER       CALL         MANAGER
9A6V          9A1BST        F5SHQ/P       F5SHQ         OH6/HA0HW/P   HA0HW 
A61AH/P       KA5TQF        F6BKP/P       F6BKP         OY6A          ON6QR 
AA1AC/P       AA1AC         F9IE/P        F9IE          OZ/DF6QN/P    DF6QN 
AA7RW/P       AA7RW         FS5PL         FG5BG         OZ/DL5XAT/P   DL5XAT
CQ2C          CT1EEB        G0ORH/P       G0ORH         OZ/DL6FCY/P   DL6FCY
CQ3B          CT3FF         GM3USL/P      GM0KVI        OZ/DL8AAM/P   DL8AAM
CU9B          CU3AV         GM5VG/P       GM4FDM        PA/DJ0MCZ     SP9ERV
DL0HRO/P      DL8KWS        GW0NWR/P      GW4HDR        RA1ZF/1       UA1ZX 
DL0PJ         DJ9IN         GW5LP/P       G4BWP         RA9LI/9       DL6ZFG
DL6KVA/P      DL6KVA        H44XF         G3TXF         SO1DIG/P      DL3BQA
DL7AKC/P      DL7AKC        HL0Y/2        HL0Y          SV1CIF/8      SV1CIB
DL7ANR/P      DL7ANR        I3BQC         I3BQC         SV8/DL8YEY/P  DL8YEY
DL8OBC/P      DL8OBC        IA5/IK5WWB    IK5WWB        SV8/IK3GES/P  IK3GES
DU1RAA        DU9RG         ID8/I8KUT     I8KUT         V73C          N4GAK 
DX1EA         OH0XX         IH9/IT9JOF    IT9JOF        W1OKY/P       W1OKY 
ED1MC         EA1MC         IJ7/IK7VJX    IK7IMO        WA3WJD/P      WA3WJD
EJ1D          EI5HD         IL3/IK5VIA    IK5VIA        WB4RMJ/P      WB4RMJ
EJ5CRC        EI2HY         IM0/IK2AEQ    IK2AEQ        WQ5Y/P        WQ5Y  
EJ7NET        EI6FR         J48ISL        SV2AEL        XJ1CWI        VY2OX 
ES0SM/0       SM0OGX        KL0/AB5EA     AB5EA         XN8DXA        VE1RU 
F/G3XZO       G3XZO         LA4C          LA4C          YB5NOC        YB5NOC
F5MQB/P       F5MQB         N2US/4        N2US          ZC4DX         G3OZF 


3V8BB -> JF2EZA  (QSL manager of 3V8BB) reports that logs from 14 January to
         29 April 1995 activities  have been  lost due to  postal  problems,
         therefore he cannot confirm all those contacts.
GERMAN ISLANDS AWARD -> The G.I.A. (Deutsches Insel Diplom) Award Manager is
DL2MX (ex DL2RMX), Peter Seifert,  P.O.Box  1124, D-16535  Hohen  Neuendorf,
Germany: you can write him to ask for questions, information or credits.
DX IN VHF? METEOR SCATTER!  ->  Next week the most  important meteors  swarm
will cross the Earth's orbit giving to lovers of VHF DX (and above) the  op-
portunty to make contacts in SSB, in fast CW  (about 200 WPM) and  recently,
in PACKET also on distances between 800 and 2000 Kilometers.  The maximum of
the activity is planned betwee 12 and 13 August. For 144 Mhz  a simple  beam
with at least 10-13 elements and  at least 25 watts power output are enough.

*                              425 DX NEWS                                 *
*                        DX info weekly bulletin                           *
*       edited by Mauro  Pregliasco, I1JQJ  and Piero Forno, IK1IYU        *
*       with  the  contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171        *
              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
Club, Roman DX Group,  A61AH,  DC3MF,  DJ3CP, DK7UY, DL1GRO, DL1GST,  DL2MX,
DX News Sheet, LNDX, URE-EA-DX, QRZ DX.                                     
* Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
*          Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to         *
*      Piero Forno, IK1IYU  (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it)      *
*                  INTERNET e-mail : I1-21171@amsat.org                    *
*         425 WWW Page -->  http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html      *
*                   INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site:                    *
*   promet12.cineca.it  - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/   *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
425 DX NEWS is weekly available on Trance *FREE* BBS in Italy (+39-11-482751)

Titolo : 425 DX News #222 * part 4/4
 5 August 1995                                                        No.222

                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                           edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF
till 12/8        IA5/IK2MRZ: Giglio Isl. (EU-028) (IIA GR-02)           215
till 13/8        IA5/IK4GNH: Giglio Isl. (EU-028) (IIA GR-02)           218
till ?           ID9/I2AE: Salina Isl. (EU-017) (IIA ME-15)             222
till ?           ID9/I2PFY: Lipari Isl. (EU-017) (IIA ME-01)            222
till 30/8        IM0/I8KCI                                              220
till 10/8        IR8SER: special station                                216
till 10/8        JW0K * by DL5EBE                                       219
till ?           KP2/VS6CT                                              222
till February    OD/N4ISV                                               222
till 6/8         OH0/OH1NSJ                                             221
till 12/8        OK1EE/OD5                                              218
till 11/8        OZ/DF6QN: Bornholm Isl. (EU-030)                       218
till 8/8         P40AN & P40CR * by CX3AN & CX4CR                       222
till ?           PY0ZFB: Fernando de Noronha                            222
till 10/8        SV8/DL8YEY/p: Lesvos Isl. (EU-049)                     219
till end Sept    SV1UM/8: Antikithira Isl. (EU-113)                     222
till middle Aug  TI9JJP * by TI2JJP                                     221
till end August  TY1IJ * by DJ4IJ                                       222
till 31/10       VI50PEACE * special event station                      217
till 31/8        VF1L: Cape Breton Isl. (NA-010) * by VE1AL             214
till ?           VE7GAS/VP9                                             222
till ?           VK9XI (Christmas) * by DJ9HX                           220
till 16/10       VY1QRP/VE * by DL1FDF                                  219
till 30/7        WB4RMJ: Hatteras Isl. (NA-067)                         221
till September   YA/UT9XL                                               208
till 17/8        YE50RI: Special Event Station                          222
till end August  Z38 * by DL1SCQ & DL2SCQ                               222
till September   ZD8WD * by G4RWD                                       197
till ?           3B8/NK6F                                               222
till ?           3X9HCW * by DK7PE                                      222
till ?           9Q2L * by PA3DZN                                       217
till ?           9X/SM5DIC                                              221
4/8-6/8          SV1DKD/p: Mount Parnis                                 222
4/8-6/4          ARRL Rocky Mtn Division Convention                     ***
5/8-6/8          TM7I: DIFM * by F5JYD & Loos DX Gang                   222
5/8-19/8         GD3NKC                                                 221
5/8-6/8          GB0MAY: Slieve Gallion Mountain                        222
5/8-6/8          W2OB: Long Beach Isl. (NA-111)                         221
6/8-19/8         IM0/IK4HPU: Maddalena Isl. & Capraia Isl. (EU-041)     219
6/8-18/8         ZC4C * by OK1ADM, OK1RF, OK1RI                         221
7/8-9/8          G/I4ALU/p: Isle of Wight (EU-120)                      221
7/8-29/8         TA4 * by DL1GST & DL1GRO                               222
7/8-10/8         V52/ZS6YG * by KY0A                                    219
8/8              EA1BT/p: Isla Puente Porto (DIEI ZA-41)                221
8/8              IA5: Giannutri Isl. (IIA GR-01) * by IK2MRZ & IK4GNH   222
9/8-13/8         HB0/HB9QQ                                              197
11/8-18/8        C6A: Abaco Isl. (NA-080) * by KG9N                     220
11/8-15/8        HL0T/2: Jebu Isl. (AS-105)                             222
11/8-13/8        OZ4CHR: Christians Island (EU-030)                     222
11/8-26/8        VE: (NA-036, 075, 091, 061, 051, 118) by F5JYD & F5SSM 222
11/8-1/9         4J0FR * by F6FYD                                       222
11/8-14/8        9M2/G3NUG: Babi Besar (AS-046)                         221
12/8             IT9GAI: Ognina Isl. (IIA SR-08)                        222
12/8-20/8        ZA * by IK7JWX & Salento DX Team                       210
12/8-13/8        WAE CW Contest                                         ***
12/8-18/8        GM0LUQ: Skye Isl. (EU-008) * by G0LUQ                  216
12/8-20/8        YS4/TI5NW                                              220
14/8-30/8        SV8/I3BQC: Amorgus Isl. (EU-067)                       222
15/8-19/8        FP5AA * K2RW                                           222
15/8-19/8        FS5PL/p: Tintamarre Isl. (NA-199) by FS5PL,FS5BG,FJ5AB 222
15/8-16/8        GW/I4ALU/p : Flat Holm Island (EU-124)                 221
16/8             KK5DO: Alief, TX * special event station               219
17/8-21/8        9M2/G3NUG: Perhentian Besar (AS-073)                   221
18/8-21/8        GM0LUQ: Lewis Isl. (EU-010) * by G0LUQ                 216
19/8-20/8        HS2: Samet Isl. (AS-107) * by HS7CDI & 7L1MFS          220
19/8-20/8        IL7/IK0MHR: Campi Isl.(FG-10) & Portonuovo Isl.(FG-09) 222
19/8-20/8        SARTG WW RTTY Conntest                                 ***
19/8-20/8        CQ4I: Ilhote do Cabo * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU  190
19/8             KK5DO: Alief, TX * special event station               219
20/8-21/8        G/I4ALU/p: Scilly Isl. (EU-011)                        221
20/8-27/8        ID9/IK8NIM: Vulcano Isl. (EU-017) (IIA ME-18)          220
20/8-1/9         IH9/IK0XBX: Pantelleria Isl. (AF-018) (IIA TP-01)      222
20/8-6/9         IM0/IK2GAO: Sant'Antioco Isl. (IIA CA-14)              219
20/8-21/8        TI5NW * by WB3LUI                                      220
21/8-29/8        F: Belle Isl. (EU-048) * by F5GVH                      219
21/8-25/8        GM0LUQ: Skye Isl. (EU-008) * by G0LUQ                  216
22/8-27/8        YK1/ZP5ALI                                             222
24/8-27/8        F: DIFM Islands                                        216
24/8-27/8        IF9/IT9AUP: Marettimo Isl. (EU-054) (IIA TP-10)        206
24/8-27/8        TM8AT: Molene Isl. (EU-065) * by F5RUQ                 220
25/8-28/8        GM0LUQ: Arran Isl. (EU-123) * by G0LUQ                 216
25/8-29/8        PA6QRP: Special Station                                222
25/8-26/8        W: New Orleans * DX Convention                         ***
26/8-27/8        3E2G: Isla Grande (NA-202)                             222
28/8-3/9         SU1/ZP5ALI                                             222
30/8-13/9        EX/DK7UY/p                                             222
August           CT: Poco Isl. (DIP BL-10) * by NPDXG                   219
August           EA5BD/p: Isla de Audi (DIEI T-16)                      218
August           FR5HG/G: Glorioso Isl. (AF-011)                        208
August           HK2: Guajira/Magdalena Div. group (SA-???) * by HK3JJH 221
August           IL3 * by IK2ILH & IK2MRZ                               217
August           SV1QN/8: Myconos Isl. (EU-067)                         221
middle August    TA: AS-098 * by DJ8QP                                  222
middle August    VK9CJ (Cocos) * by DJ9HX                               222
August           9X * by ON4WW                                          217
13/10-15/10      >>> Bologna: V IOTA CONVENTION <<<                     ***