DX425 bulletin issue nr. 221

29 July 1995                                                          No.221
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                           edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU

CO    - John,  CO7KR   hopes   to be  active   from Los Colorados Archipelago
        (NA-093) in October or November.
EA1   - EA1BT will be QRV on  8 August from Puente Port  (DIEI ZA-41) island.
        QSL via EA1BT.
EX    - From 25 October to 1 November DL4MFM, DJ5BA, DK7ZT and DL8OBQ will be
        active again from Kirghiz Republic (ex UM). Mario, DL4MFM can distri-
        bute QSL for EX stations. If interested send  him the cards before 24
F     - G3XZO will join the IOTA Contest from Noirmoutier island (EU-064)
FH    - Elio (FH5CB) reports that sending parcels with QSL  is very expensive
        then he suggests to write him directly, enclosing the necessary for a
        direct  answer,  to  this  address:  Elio  Fontaine,  B.P. 50, 97610,
        Dzaoudzi, Mayotte.
G     - From  7 to 9 August Carlo (I4ALU) will be active in CW only, from the
        Isle of Wight (EU-120) using the G/I4ALU/p call.
G     - From 20 to 21 August  Carlo (I4ALU)  will be active in  CW only, from
        thw Isles of Scilly (EU-011) using the G/I4ALU/p call.
GD    - DL4LQM, DL5LYM and DL8WAM are currently portable GD. Activity on  all
        bands, mainly in CW.
GD    - From 5 to 19 August Dave (GD3NKC)  will be active,  mainly in CW,  on
        low bands.
GJ    - DL2ZAE  and  DL9ZBG are acurrently portable GJ.  All  bands  activity
        mainly in CW.
GM    - From 29 October to 7 November a group of  Scottish MidLanark ARK ope-
        rators, celebrating the 500th anniversary of the foundation of  their
        association will be active from the Shetland islands (EU-012)   using
        the special GB5SI call. They will join to the CQ WWDX SSB Contest (28
        -29 October).
GW    - From 15 to 16 August  Carlo (I4ALU)  will be active in  CW only, from
        Flat Holm Island (EU-124) using the GW/I4ALU/p call.
H4    - Bernhard, DL2GAC has invited H44NH and H44DG to join the IOTA Contest
        repectively  from New  Georgia  Group (OC-149) and from  Ontong  Java
        Atoll (OC-192).
HK    - Following what published in number 218, Pedro, HK3JJH, hopes to acti-
        vate Aguja Island the  first half  of August. It depends on adequate
        means of transportation.
HK0   - DF5JT is portable HK0 from San Andres.  Activity mainly in  CW and on
        WARC bands.
HS    - During the Seanet Convention 95, from 17 to 20 November,  the special
        E28SEA station (or HS8SEA) will be active.
IA5   - Sergio (IK5WWB) will  join the IOTA Contest from Elba Island (EU-028)
        (IIA LI-01).
IC8   - Wednesday 26 Roberto (IK8BIZ)  and  Nino  (IK8DDN)  were  active from
        Scruopolo Reef (IIA NA13) and from Sconciglio di Scruopolo (IIA NA??)
        QSL via IK8OZZ.
IC8   - Francesco  (IK8TEO)  will  join the  IOTA Contest  from Capri  Island
        (EU-031) (IIA NA-06), in the single operator CW category.
IH9   - Luigi (IT9HLC),  Joe (IT9JOF)  and Bruno (IT9ZAG) will  join the IOTA
        Contest from Pantelleria island (AF-018) (IIA TP-01). QSL via IT9JOF.
IL3   - Oreste  (IK5VIA)  will join the IOTA Contest,  on 20 meters, from Li-
        do island (EU-130) (VE-32).
IL7   - Wednesday  26  Gianni  (IK8MRA)  was  portable IL7 from Varano Island
        QSL via IK8OZZ.
IL7   - As reported in number 218, Alberto  (IW8XAJ), Lucio (IK8EJN),  Tonino
        (IK8RMB),  Antonino   (IK8JRD) and  Davide  (IK8NSR) have started the
        planned activity from Tremiti islands (EU-050). Until now  the opera-
        tions took place from San Domino (IIA FG-01, until 25 July),  Capraia  (IIA
        FG-03,  26 July), Il Cretaccio (IIA FG-06, 27 July) and  Pianosa (IIA
        FG-04 28 July).  During next  days they  plan to  activate Scoglio La
        Vecchia (IIA FG-08), Cacio  Cavallo  (IIA FG-05) and  I Pagliai  (IIA
        FG-07). QSL via homecalls.
JA6   - From 29 July to 1 August Seiji, JH6RTO will be active from  Miyako Is
        (AS-079) using the 7L3TDU/6 call. QSL via buro.
JY1   - Amir (4X6TT) succeded  to  bring  on  the air King Hussein  of Jordan
        (JY1). Many thanks to Amir for his collaboration, permitting many OM,
        Europeans and Americans, to make this nice emotional contact. QSL via
        WA3HUP. Thanks to Amir it has been  possible to contact  Prince Raad,
        JY2RZ, King Hussein's cousin, as well.
JY    - Following what published in number 220, Amir's (4X6TT) team has star-
        ted the Jordan-Israelian operations using these special  calls: JY47X
        and  JY47Z. QSL via JY6ZZ.
LA    - Arn (LA8LN) will join the IOTA Contest from EU-036.
OH0   - From 4 to  6 August  Pasi (OH1NSJ)  will be portable OH0  from  Aland
        Island. Pasi will be active on  6 meters, using a 7 elements Yagi and
        100 watts. QSL via homecall. 
P2    - Bernhard, DL2GAC has invited  VK4JEN/P29VNJ  to join the IOTA Contest
        from Fergusson Island (OC-116).
SP    - SO1DIG/p will join the IOTA Contest  from Wolin Island  (EU-132). The
        activity  is planned from  10 to  80 meters,  in CW and SSB.  QSL via
        DL3BQA: Uwe Granzow, Ladestr. 2, 16306 Casekow, Germany.
SV8   - During August George (SV1QN) will be portable /8 from  Myconos island
TI9   - Following what published in number 216, the activity of Carlos TI9JJP
        from Cocos island should take place during the first half of August.
TJ    - In a few days Jum, TJ1JB will be  QRT  and back to USA. Meanwhile Jim
        is active, usually between 19 and  2000Z on 14030 KHz. QSL have  been
        bought,  but  Jim  is  likely  to start replying when back at home in
        Virginia. Ken, K9EA asked Jim to send him logs and cards, to speed up
        the  process. Ken is just collecting the cards as Jim likes to answer
        personally. Therefore be patient.
TT    - F5UBK is currently portable TT.
UA0   - From  Thursday   27  July   Valery's  (RW3GW)  team  is  active using
        the RU0B call from Russkij Island, Nordenshel'da Archipelago (AS-121).
        QSL via UA9OBA.
UA0   - UA0NL/0 is currently active from AS-066.
UX0   - Yuri, UR5FRG is portable UX0Z from Kinbur Isl. This island is not va-
        lid for the IOTA Award as it is located inside the Black Sea.
VK0_hi- The  work for Heard  Island expediton  is continuing  hardly. The ma-
        terial is prepared  (for  example the assembly of antennas, coax, and
        so on) to be  sent into a container that will be shipped to Australia
        the second half of August. Currently they are in search of generators-
        they need four, each able to supply  5 KW output -  The HF  equipment
        comprehends six transceivers and six or seven antennas beams and ver-
        ticals.  The  calendar  is  confirmed:  they  will  leave  Freemantle
        (Western Australia) the 1st of November and they will arrive to Heard
        Island  the 12.  They will remain on the island until 1 December then
        they will come back to  Australia between 12 and 14 December. Contri-
        butions for this high-cost DXpedition can be sent to: 
        The Heard Island Expedition, P.O. Box 563, Waite Park, MN 56387, USA.
VK0   - Jim Smith, VK9NS wants to close the logs for the following operations
        VK0JS, AX0NE, VK0NE and  VK0JR.  Those who still need a  confirmation
        have to speed the request. Jim has also the VK0GC logs for 1983, 1985
        1987 and 1989.
VU    - Larry,  F5PYI reports that he received the VU2JPS QSL in three weeks.
        The address of the sender  (VU2AU), on the back side of the  envelope
        is as follows:  Sudhakar Dinkar Paranjpe, 24  Dharampeth Ext., Nagpur
        440010,  India. The VU2JPS address, printed on the QSL is as follows:
        P. Subramanian, K-21, Radio Colony, Port Blair, Andaman 744 102 India
        We suggest to send your card via registered mail.
W2    - From 5 to 6 August the Old  Barney Amateur Radio Club  will  activate
        the special station  W2OB  from   Barnegat  Light, Long  Beach Island
        (NA-111).  QSL via NU2F.
W4    - Bill, WB4RMJ  is active from Hatteras Island  (NA-067) until 30 July.
        He is active in  CW  and SSB on 10, 12, 15, 17 and 20 meters and will
        probably join the IOTA Contest.  QSL  via homecall.
YB5   - Imam  (YB5NOC)  lives in Tanjung Pinang, on Riau islands (OC-075) and
        is active again.
3V8   - Drago  (S59A)  hopes to receive  the permission  to join next  WAE CW
        Contest (12-13 August) from Tunisia.
3V    - Selim (OE6EEG) and Drago (S59A) are planning a DXpedition to Qerqenah
        islands  (AF-074) to take place in August.
4U    - RW3AH  is  currently  portable  4U as  has joined  the UN  troops  in
        the  former Jugoslavia.
5A    - The  departure of the Ukranian  operators from Lybia, planned for the
        last weekend, has been  delayed  many times due  to the Tripoli-Malta
        flight cancelled. The operations ended 25 July then the  team    left
        towards  Malta then for  Kiev via  Rome (28 July). We hope the two 5A
        operators, "trained" by  Toly and his friends, will active the  Radio
        Club  station (with  Toly as possible  manager). The next  expedition
        to Tripoli is planned for Spring 1996. 5A1A will  remain the only au-
        thorized station for some time, as no other call has been issued.
9M2   - Following what published in number 213, Neville, G3NUG is going to be
        9M2/ from two West Malaysian islands, exactly from Babi Besar  (Johor
        East/Pahang State group, AS-046, from 11 to 14 August) and Perhentian
        Besar (Terengganu/Kelantan State group, AS-073, from 17 to 21 August).
        Phone  operations   only  (split 5/10  up) on  usual IOTA frequencies,
        particularly on 14260,  18128 and 7055. Neville will be QRV for Europe
        between 14 and 16 UTC. QSL via homecall.
9M    - Starting from 29 July the Borneo Radio Club  will be active using the
        special 9M6V call in 15, 20 and 40 meters.
9X    - SM5DIC is currently portable 9X.

                                 ARRL NEWS
At its  July 19 meeting,  the ARRL Membership Services Committee (MSC) of the
ARRL  Board of Directors  voted to remove from  the Awards Committee Standard
Operating Procedure (SOP) an administrative interpretation of a Board motion.
The  deleted text said in part, ''Thus it requires a favorable recommendation
by the DXAC to initiate a country status review by the Awards Committee.''All
ARRL  Directors were present at the meeting, and it was the sense of the mee-
ting that the Awards  Committee should  review negative  as well as  positive
country  status recommendations of the DXAC. On July 25, the ARRL Awards Com-
mittee voted unanimously that Scarborough Shoal (Huang Yan Dao) should be ad-
ded to  the DXCC List under Point 2 (a) of the Countries List Criteria.  Com-
mittee members all felt that  Scarborough meets the  rules that were in place
when the petition for new country status was received. Further they concluded
that it meets the definition of an island under the UN Law of the Sea Conven-
tions.  China  claims Scarborough,  and there is an absence of other territo-
rial claims. Finally it is more than 225 miles from the nearest part (island)
of China. Awards Committee Chair, Chuck Hutchinson, K8CH, shared  the results
with DXAC Chair, Garth Hamilton, VE3HO immediately after the vote. As announ-
ced in a June 30, 1995 news release,  the DXAC voted 9 to 7 against recommen-
ding the addition of Scarborough to the DXCC Countries List. Under procedures
established by the ARRL Board, and  because the Chairs are unable to effect a
compromise,  there is an automatic appeal.  In the next step, the two commit-
tees will report the reasons for their votes to the MSC for recommendation to
the full Board, which ultimately will decide the matter.

*                              425 DX NEWS                                 *
*                        DX info weekly bulletin                           *
*       edited by Mauro  Pregliasco, I1JQJ  and Piero Forno, IK1IYU        *
*       with  the  contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171        *
              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
Club Roman DX Group, DC3MF,  DL3BQA, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL8YEY, DL9GOA,  EA5KB,
URE-EA-DX, DX News Sheet, OPDX, ARRL DX, QRZ DX, The 59(9) DX Report,  VK2SG
RTTY DX Notes.
* Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
*          Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to         *
*      Piero Forno, IK1IYU  (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it)      *
*                  INTERNET e-mail : I1-21171@amsat.org                    *
*         425 WWW Page -->  http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html      *
*                   INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site:                    *
*   promet12.cineca.it  - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/   *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
425 DX NEWS is weekly available on Trance *FREE* BBS in Italy (+39-11-482751)