DX425 bulletin issue nr. 220

22 July 1995                                                          No.220
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                           edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU

C6     - From 11 to 18 August KG9N will be active from Abaco Island (NA-080)
         using 100 watts and a  R7 antenna.  Chuck plans to join the  WAE DX
         Contest CW. QSL via homecall.
CY9    - Following what published in numbers  214, 213 and 209,  the expedi-
         tion to Saint Paul Island is planned from  27 July to 2 August. The
         operators  Ron (AA4VK) Murry (WA4DAN), Bob (KW2P), Bill (K4TVE) and
         Vance  (W5IJU) will use their  own call /CY9.  The operations  will
         take place on following frequencies: CW  1830, 3505,  7005,  10105,
         14020, 18075, 21020, 24900 and 28020; SSB 3790, 7090, 14195, 18120,
         21295, 24940, 28395 and 50120; RTTY 7085, 14080, 21080 and 28080.
EP     - EP2HZ knows nothing about a 9B2HZ May operation.
F      - From 24 to 27 August F5RUQ will be active as TM8AT from the  Molene
         Island (EU-065).
F      - Following what published in number 214 the Loos DX Gang has cancel-
         led the planned  activity of  TM7I from  Breton Islands due to  the
         death of Yannick, F5IEN.
FW     - It seems that FW0DX recently  active on 20 and  40 mtrs CW  (asking
         QSL via F6FNU) is a pirate.
GJ     - Until 24 July Juergen (DF3OL) will be active in QRP (less than five
         watts output) from Jersey.
GM     - GM0LVI and GM0GAV/VP8GAV will be active as GM0GAV/p from Summer Isl
         Is. (EU-092) during the IOTA Contest (29-30 July).
H44    - Nigel, G3TXF will join the IOTA Contest using the H44XF call.
HS2    - From 19 to 20 August HS7CDI and  7L1MFS will  be portable HS2  from
         Samet Isl. (AS-107). QSL via 7L1MFS.
IA5    - Just a little change to what published  in  previous  number  about 
         Davide's (IK4DCT) activity from Elba Isl (EU-028;LI-01) and,if pos-
         sible,  from other minor islands in the Tuscan Archipelago: it will
         take place from 1 to 17 September.
ID9    - From 20 to 27 August Tony, IK8NIM will be /ID9 from  Vulcano island
         (EU-017, IIA ME-18).
IH9    - Claudio, I1SNW, will be portable IH9 from Pantelleria (AF-018,  IIA
         TP-01) until  the end of the month. During his trip he will  try to
         activate some minor islands.
IL3    - During the weekend, starting from late afternoon of Saturday 22 Ju-
         ly, IK4HLU, IK4HPU  and  IK4NQW will be active from Polesine island
         (IIA RO-03).
IM0    - From 1 to 30 August, Gennaro, I8KCI will be portable  IM0 from some
         minor islands of Sardinia, located in the Sassari province.
IP1    - Sunday 23 July from 0630Z to 1630Z Franco (I1FX), Max (IK1GPG), Ga-
         briele (IK1NEG), Ivan  (IK2OWX) and  Pinuccio  (I2MWZ) will be por-
         table /IP1 from  Bergeggi Isl. (EU-083; IIA SV-02)  on HF  and VHF,
         both in and CW. QSL via homecalls.
JA6    - From 29 to 30 July Yuki  (JI6KVR) will be QRV from Amakusa Archipe-
         lago (AS-012). QSL via EA5KB.
JW     - Wednesday 19 July JW0KKI has been active for few hours on 20 meters
         CW from Kong Karls Land (EU-063). QSL via W4FRU.
OZ     - Until the 5 August Gaby, OZ/DK7FL and Bernd OZ/DK1DU will be active
         from Laeso island (EU-088). They plan to join the IOTA Contest.
P4     - From 28 July to 7 August Bert (CX3AN) and Mario (CX4CR), members of
         the  Uruguay DX Group, will  be active  respectively as  P40AN  and
         P40CR in SSb and CW. QSL via homecalls.
PA     - During the weekend  DJ0MCZ will be portable  /PA from  Texel Island
SM     - On 22 July Fred, SM7DAY and Jan, SM7NGH will be active from Ven Isl
         (EU-137). QSL via homecalls.
SP     - From 23 to 31 July SP9TTG and SP9WAV will be active from Usedom Isl
TI     - The 20 and 21 of August  Ulis,  WB3LUI/TI5NW  will be  active  from
         Costa Rica mainly in CW. QSL via homecall.
TK     - Following what published in number 217, during  the weekend  Serge,
         F6AUS/TK0P, will be active from Cerbicales islands (EU-100) and, if
         weather  permits, he will try to activate again U-Toro Isl (TK-31).
         QSL via F6AUS.
UA9K   - Vasil RA9LI/9,  as reported in number 218, is active from Sharapovy
         Koshki Islands (AS-089) hoping to be QRV for other twenty days. Va-
         sil will try next week to make a little trip to  Blyj Isl (AS-083).
         QSL via DL6ZFG.
VE1    - From  28 July to 2 August a group of the West Island  Amateur Radio
         Club operators, including Fred (VE2SEI), Helen (VE2YAK), Al (VO1NO)
         Reg (VE2AYU),  Lowell (VY2OX), Al (VE2DAV),  Ben (VE3ISN) and  Jean
         Francois (VE2TBH), will be active from Pictou Island (NA-154).  The
         preferred frequencies are as follows: 1835, 3510, 3795, 7010, 7060,
         7250, 10110, 14010,  14195, 18080, 18120, 21040, 21320. QSL via bu-
         ro toa VE2CWI or direct to this address:  West Island ARC, P.O. Box
         884, Succursale Pointe Claire/Dorval, Pointe Claire-Dorval,  Qc H9R
         4Z6, Canada.
VE7    - For three weeks, starting from 11 August,  Bruno, F5JYD  will be in
         Canada where he hopes to activate Queen  Charlotte islands (NA-051)
         and from other islands valid for CISA Award.
VK9    - From 30 July to 16 August Uwe, DJ9HX will be in Cocos and Christmas
         and he hopes to be active in  SSB and CW,  respectively  using  the
         VK9CJ and VK9Xi calls.
W1     - From 21 to 23 July Phil (N1TMG), Rohan  (N1PCT)  and  Alex  (N1TIV)
         will be active  from  Block Island  (NA-031)  using the N1TMG call.
         Operations are planned on 20 (14260 and 14040), 40  (7257 and 7030)
         17 (18142), 15 (21360) and 10 (28485) meters. QSL via N1PCT.
W4     - The 29 July Stan, N2US will be portable /4 from  Chincoteague  Isl.
         (NA-083), joining the IOTA Contest.
XW     - Andreas, DK9LM (ex TA1ZE) will be in Laos for twenty months  and he
         will try to have a licence to operate.
YS     - From 12 to 20 August Ulis, WB3LUI, will be active from  El Salvador
         using the YS4/TI5NW call. Activity mainly in CW. QSL via homecall.
4X     - Monday 24 July  Amir, 4X6TT and his team will leave for a  "Special
         DXpedition" toward a very needed Country that is still unknown. The
         operations are planned from 10 to 160 meters, WARC included  (first
         time from this Country), in CW, SSb and RTTY.
5A     - The operations by  UT2UA, UT3UY, UT3UX and UX4UMI, currently active
         from the new Radio Club station in Tripoli, started the 13rd of Ju-
         ly using  the 5A1A  call and  will end at 13Z od Saturday 22; it is
         not yet clear if  5A3UY and 5A/UT3UY calls, active before that date
         was pirates or not.  QSL managers  are LZ2UA (for CW contacts: Vlad
         Vladov, Box 100, 5600 Troyan, Bulgaria) and OM3JW (for SSB contacts
         Stefan Horecky, Mnska  2, Stupava,  IBV  900  31,  Slovak Republic).
9A     - 9A2YD, 9A3EO, 9A5DW,  9A2WM,  9A4DC, 9A3FT  and other  9A1BST Radio
         Club operators will join the IOTA Contest using the  9A6V call from
         Long  Isl. (EU-136). QSL  via  9A1BST: R.K. Zadar  R.  Boskovica BB
         P.O.Box 51, 57001 Zadar, Croatia.

With a  great dismay we are informed from Eric, F5SSM and Jean-Michel, F6AJA
that  Thursday 13 July  Yannick F5IEN  is silent key  after a long  illness.
Yannick was only 21 but he joined the DX world with some good expeditions.

QSL received  ->   CY9C,  IR1ANT, P4/WA2NHA,  VP2VE, VQ9TP,  XX9TYD,  3V8BB,
4J0/IK2NHX,  5B4/DL1DSN, 5H1CK/A (AF-075), 5H3CK (AF-054), 5H3CK/A (AF-074),
5R8EI, 5R8EJ, 8A4EI (OC-204).


The following  new IOTA References Numbers  have been issued for June opera-

        Islands, lettera "c"), issued for the NU2L/VO2 activity from  Annio-
        waktook Island.

OC-207  DU1   CAGAYAN  IS (Philippines, lettera  "b"), issued for the  4H1TR
        activity from Tubbataha Reef.

The IOTA Commitee is still waiting for the DS0DX/2 documentation, from Paen-
gnyong group, which is stil without reference number.

V IOTA Convention -> The inclusion,  in  the  programme of the HF-DX &  IOTA
Convention  (Bologna, 13-15 October 1995) of a  "preliminary  check of  IOTA
QSLs" seems to have given rise to a misunderstanding which in its turn might
raise partially unjustified expectations. It is therefore necessary to state
that  there will be no proper  "IOTA desk" for  the  checking and  crediting
of confirmed  contacts. More simply, it will be a guidance service for those
who are  uncertain about  their  participation in  the Programme,  about the
validity  of possible "doubtful"cards,  about  the procedures to  follow and
so  on. The actual checking  and crediting  of QSLs are much  more engaging,
they  demands a  lot  of  time  and  often  rrequire  resort  to  supporting
reference material  (atlases, maps etc.)  which  are not available at a Con-
vention: therefore the actual checking process shall as always take place at
the various checkpoints, as specified in the IOTA rules.

                   IOTA 1995 HONOUR ROLL & ANNUAL LISTING

Here is the list of the first 25 Honour Roll stations together  with all the
Italian stations included in the Honour Roll/Annual Listing 1995.

  Psn  Call     Islands     Psn   Call     Islands     Psn   Call    Islands
   1.  F9RM       834        90.  I1CAW      631       347.  IK7MXB     229 
   2.  I1ZL       822        95.  I1TBE      620          .  IN3ASW     229 
   3.  I1HYW      814       117.  IK2IGX     572       362.  IK1PMR     219 
   4.  I1SNW      807       118.  IK8TWV     571       366.  IK2HSW     215 
   5.  I1JQJ      806       120.  IK4CWP     559       373.  IT9VDQ     214 
    .  VE3XN      806       129.  IK8JWA     530       377.  IK4HPU     213 
    .  9A2AA      806       130.  I5DCE      525       388.  I2EOW      210 
   8.  W9DC       803       140.  I2JSB      507       399.  IK1SLE     205 
    .  EA4MY      803       141.  I2YWR      506       404.  I6DQE      204 
  10.  ON5KL      798       149.  IK1NEG     479       415.  IK1HSR     201 
  11.  W9DWQ      796       151.  I1ZXT      477       425.  IK2UEC     190 
  12.  GM3ITN     795       152.  I2YDX      468       441.  I7IJU      170 
    .  I8XTX      795       154.  IK1AOD     463       447.  IK4QJH     166 
    .  W4BAA      795       163.  I1UKM      451       448.  IT9JPK     165 
  15.  VE7IG      794       166.  IK1QFM     448       463.  IN3PEE     154 
  16.  IK1AIG     792       177.  I2LXA      434       469.  I8QJU      150 
  17.  G3AAE      790       178.  I1GEA      433       471.  IK2WAL     148 
  18.  ON5NT      787       189.  IK1ADH     413       483.  IK4MSV     144 
    .  DL8NU      787       195.  IK7DBB     405       487.  IK2MMF     141 
  20.  OH2QQ      786       201.  I8LEL      397       497.  I8USE      137 
  21.  IK1GPG     785       207.  I0ZYA      374          .  IK2QPR     137 
  22.  ON6HE      784       212.  IX1BGJ     364       507.  IK8SMZ     134 
    .  G4WFZ      784       219.  IK0AZG     357       513.  I1FHA      132 
  24.  I8KNT      780       221.  I4CSP      352       516.  IT9JWV     131 
  25.  G3GIQ      778       225.  IK8CVZ     346       524.  IK2ECP     127 
  26.  I0OLK      777       229.  I2MQP      332       572.  IK4HLU     119 
  28.  IK1JJB     773       231.  IK2ILH     330       577.  IK2FEO     118 
  29.  I2MWZ      771          .  I8WES      328       582.  IK7OKB     117 
  30.  IT9GAI     768       233.  IN3QCI     328       587.  IK7CNX     116 
  33.  I8ACB      755       242.  IK4PMA     320          .  IV3GOW     116 
  37.  I8YRK      750       267.  I8IHG      306       600.  IT9BCC     114 
  50.  I8YZP      717          .  I2PQW      306       620.  IK7NXM     109 
  64.  I2FUG      698       293.  IK2ECN     297          .  IK1CJO     109 
  70.  I4LCK      678       294.  IK8FUN     293       626.  IK2AWT     108 
  72.  I1EEW      674       297.  IS0JMA     282       632.  IK1LAN     106 
  74.  IK2MLY     670       298.  I0MOM      279          .  I1BRB      106 
  77.  I2VDX      664       329.  IK2HKL     239       660.  IV3NZN     102 

The SWL chart is leaded by  DE0MST (815 islands),  followed by BRS8841 (703)
and W0-6437  (632); the only Italian SWL is I1-21171 (334) in 12th place.

The Country  subdivision, for  both Honour Roll and Annual Listing charts is
the following:

Cty  Score      Cty  Score      Cty  Score      Cty  Score      Cty  Score
W     179       HB     11       OH      3       UA9     2       IS0     1 
G     103       OE     10       ZL      3       VK      2       LY      1 
I      94       GM      8       9A      3       CE      1       OM      1 
DL     44       UA      7       EI      2       EA8     1       P29     1 
EA     27       HA      5       KH6     2       EA9     1       SP      1 
F      22       PY      5       LA      2       FR      1       UC2     1 
SM     21       KL7     4       LU      2       GI      1       VK9     1 
VE     20       OZ      4       OK      2       GJ      1       VR2     1 
CT     17       UT      4       PA      2       H4      1       YL      1 
JA     17       4X      4       S5      2       HC      1       YO      1 
ON     14       GW      3       SV      2       HK      1       YU      1 

*                              425 DX NEWS                                 *
*                        DX info weekly bulletin                           *
*       edited by Mauro  Pregliasco, I1JQJ  and Piero Forno, IK1IYU        *
*       with  the  contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171        *
              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
IK7AFM, I8KCI,  IK8NIM,  IK8OZZ,  IK0DWN, IS0JMA,  Roman  DX  Group,  DC3MF,
DX, The 59(9) DX Report, VK2SG RTTY DX Notes.
* Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
*          Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to         *
*      Piero Forno, IK1IYU  (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it)      *
*                  INTERNET e-mail : I1-21171@amsat.org                    *
*         425 WWW Page -->  http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html      *
*                   INTERNET via anonymous FTP at site:                    *
*   promet12.cineca.it  - under the directory: /pub/ham/425news/english/   *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
425 DX NEWS is weekly available on Trance *FREE* BBS in Italy (+39-11-482751)

22 July 1995                                                          no.220
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                           edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till 28/8        D2TT & D3T * by ON6TT                                  218
till 27/7        DL4FCH/p: Pellworm Isl. (EU-042)                       216
till 24/7        GJ/DF3OL/qrp                                           220
till 31/7        IH9/I1SNW: Pantelleria Isl. (AF-018) (IIA TP-01)       220
till 25/8        KC6YK: Palau * by NH6YK                                209
till 31/7        IM0/IK2AEQ: San Pietro Isl. (EU-165) (IIA CA-13)       212
till 10/8        JW0K * by DL5EBE                                       219
till 12/8        OK1EE/OD5                                              218
till 27/7        OY/DK9FE                                               209
till 5/8         OZ: Laeso Isl. (EU-088) * by DK1DU & DK7FL             220
till 23/7        PA/DJ0MCZ: Texel Isl. (EU-038)                         220
till early Aug   RA9LI/9: Sharapovy Koshki Is. (AS-089)                 220
till ?           SV/I2YYO: Skiros Isl. (EU-072)                         217
till 23/7        SV1CID/8: Kithira Isl. (EU-113)                        217
till ?           SV5 * by IK3RIY & IK3ZAW                               219
till 3/8         SV/IK3GES: Amoliani Is. & Thassos Isl. (EU-049)        217
till 23/7        TK * by F6AUS                                          217
till 31/8        VF1L: Cape Breton Isl. (NA-010) * by VE1AL             214
till 26/7        VP9/G3AVJ                                              218
till September   YA/UT9XL                                               208
till September   ZD8WD * by G4RWD                                       197
till 1/8         4U/KC0PA: Western Sahara                               219
till 22/7        5A1A: Triploi * by UT2UA, UT3UY, UT3UX, UX4UMI         220 
20/7-25/7        BV9G: Green Isl. (AS-020)                              216
20/7-25/7        CS8B: Sama Isl. (DIP BL-09) * by NPDXG                 219
20/7-2/8         V2/G6QQ: Antigua                                       214
21/7-23/7        IJ7: Cheradi Is. (EU-073)                              216
21/7-10/8        SV8/DL8YEY/p: Lesvos Isl. (EU-049)                     219
21/7-23/7        N1TMG: Block Isl. (NA-031) * by N1TMG, N1PCT, N1TIV    220
21/7-23/7        Pacific Northwest DX Convention                        ***
22/7-23/7        ED7IDC: Isla de Cronio (DIE S-234)                     218
22/7-23/7        F: Glenan Is. (EU-094) * by F6HKS                      214
22/7-23/7        IL3: Polesine Isl. (IIA RO-03) * by IK4HLU & IK4HPU    220
22/7             IM0: Mortorio Isl. (EU-165) (IIA SS-54) * by IS0JMA    220
22/7-31/7        LY95BDX                                                210
22/7             SM: Ven Isl. (EU137) * by SM7DAY & SMNGH               220
23/7             IL7/IK8MRA: La Chianca Isl. (IIA FG-11)                219
23/7             IP1: Bergeggi Isl. (EU-083) (IIA SV-02) by I1&I2 team 220
23/7-31/7        SP: usedom Isl. (EU-129) * by SP9TTG & SP9WAV          220
24/7-28/7        A61AD * by WB2DND & N1QMM                              216
24/7-30/7        IL7: Tremiti Is. (EU-050) * by IK8JRD's team           218
24/7-16/10       VY1QRP/VE * by DL1FDF                                  219
24/7-25/7        W0: Governor's Isl. * by NL7TB & WL7MY                 215
25/7-2/8         DL9OBC/p: Helgoland Isl. (EU-127)                      212
25/7             GB4KLD: St. Kilda Is. (EU-059)                         212
25/7-?           HK2: Guajira/Magdalena Div. group (SA-???) * by HK3JJH 218
25/7-5/8         IL7: Grande Isl. (EU-091) (LE-02) * by Salento DX team 205
27/7-2/8         CY9: St. Paul * by AA4VK, WA4DAN, KW2P, W5IJU, K4TVE   214
27/7-1/8         EJ7NET: Inis Meain Isl. (EU-006) * by WestNet DX Club  217
27/7-1/8         DL6KVA/p: Fehmarn Isl. (EU-128)                        216
27-7-30/7        GW0NWR/p: Puffin Isl. (EU-124)                         219
27/7-30/7        XE: Guadalajara * ARARM Convention                     ***
27/7-3/8         XJ1CWI: Pictou Isl. (NA-154) * by WIARC                218
28/7-7/8         P40AN & P40CR * by CX3AN & CX4CR                       220
28/7-30/7        TM5BEN: Bendorm Isl. (DIFM ME-08)                      218
28/7-2/8         VE. Pictou Isl. (NA-154) * by West Island ARC          220
29/7-30/7        AA1AC: Aquidneck Isl. (NA-031)                         214
29/7-30/7        AA7RW/p: Guemes Isl. (NA-065)                          212
29/7-30/7        CQ2C: Culatra Isl. (EU-145) * by NPDXG & RCL           218
29/7-30/7        DL0HRO: Usedom Isl. (EU-129) * by DL9GOA's team        218
29/7-30/7        DL0PJ: Nordeney Isl. (EU-047)                          219
29/7-30/7        ED1MC: Salvora Isl. (EU-077) (DIE O-121)               217
29/7-30/7        ED1URS: Isla del Mouro (EU-142)(DIE N-016)             205
29/7-30/7        EJ5CRC: Clear Isl. (EU-122) * by EI2HY & EI2IB         214
29/7-30/7        G0ORH/p: Scilly Is. (EU-011) by Chiltern DX Club Team  214
29/7-30/7        GM5VG/p: Gigha Isl. (EU-008)                           213
29/7-30/7        GM: Flannan Is. (EU-118) * by GM3UTQ, GM3NIG, GM4FDM   216
29/7-30/7        GM3USL/p: Cumbrae Isl. (EU-123) * by GM0DEQ & GM team  213
29/7-30/7        GM0GAV/p: Summer Is. (EU-092) * by GM0GAV & GM0LVI     220
29/7-30/7        GW5LP/p: Anglesey Isl. (EU-124) by G5LW, G3VNW, G4BWP  214
29/7-30/7        H44XF * by G3TXF                                       220
29/7-12/8        IA5/IK2MRZ: Giglio Is. (EU-028) (IIA GR-02)            215
29/7-30/7        ID8: Cirella Isl. (EU144)(IIA CS-01) * by Diamond Team 214
29/7-30/7        JI6KVR/p: Amakusa Isl. (AS-012)                        220
29/7-30/7        K5: Mustang Isl. (NA-092) * by K5LBU, KG5CM, WQ5Y      207
29/7-30/7        AB5EA/KL0: NA-197                                      219
29/7-30/7        OH6/HA0HW/p: Raippaluoto Isl. (EU-101)                 217
29/7-11/8        OZ/DF6QN: Bornholm Isl. (EU-030)                       218
29/7-30/7        OZ/DL6FCY/p: Laeso Isl. (EU-088)                       217
29/7-30/7        SK7DX: Hahno Isl. (EU-138) * by SSRA                   217
29/7-30/7        SV/IK3GES: Lefkada Isl. (EU-052)                       217
29/7-30/7        V7A: Kwajalein Isl. (OC-028) * by V73C                 205
29/7-30/7        VR2: Ma Man Isl. (AS-006) * by VR2 team                213
29/7-30/7        W1OKY: Sheffild Isl. (NA-136)                          215
29/7-30/7        W1: Block Isl. (NA-031) * by South Coast Wireless Soc. 213
29/7-30/7        W1: Cousins Isl. (NA-137) * by WW1V & KA1GJ            203
29/7-30/7        WA3WJD/p: Assateague Isl. (NA-139) * by WA3WJD & AA3HA 207
29/7             N2US/4: Chincotegue Isl. (NA-083)                      220
29/7-30/7        YO/DL9ABF/p: Dracula's Castle                          219
29/7-30/7        ZC4DX * by G3OZF & G4JVG                               213
29/7-30/7        IOTA Contest                                           ***
29/9-30/7        9A6V: Long Isl. (EU-136) * by 9A1BST's team            220
30/7             VY1ISL * C.Is.A.                                       215
30/7-16/8        VK9CJ (Cocos) & VK9XI (Christmas) * by DJ9HX           220
31/7-2/8         A61AD * by WB2DND & N1QMM                              216
31/7-2/8         JT * by JE7RJZ                                         219
13/10-15/10      >>> Bologna: V IOTA CONVENTION <<<                     ***