DX425 bulletin issue nr. 219

15 July 1995                                                          No.219
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                           edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU

A5/S2  - Notwithstanding  the  refutations  about the  presence of  VK9NS in
         Bhutan there are still voices about his next expedition from a rare
         country that could also be Bangladesh, S2.
AP     - AP2JZB is very active on 20 meters. QSLs must be directed to  K2EWB
         that collects them and then sends the cards in Pakistan. Be patient
         for the answers.
BY     - From 2 to 4 August Nao (JE7RJZ) will be QRV via satellite  AO10 and
         AO13 from chinese club station BY1QH. QSL via JA7FWR.
CT     - Vaz  (CT1FS),  Pedro  (CT1DNF),  Frank  (CT1EDY),  Jose'  (CT1EEB),
         Miguel  (CT1ENQ), Ruben  (CT1ETZ) and Rui  (CT1FAK) members  of the
         NPDXG  (Northern Portugal DX Group) are planning to activate during
         this year some portuguese islands on the Beira littoral.  First ex-
         peditions are planned to  Sama islands  (DIP BL-09)  and Poco  (DIP
         BL-10).  The expedition to Sama isl. is scheduled,  if weather per-
         mits, from 20 to 25 July, using the  CS8B call.  QSL for  Europe to
         CT1EEB, for North America to WA1ECA.
CU3    - Following what published in number 216, the activity from Fradinhos
         Inlet (EU-003) has been cancelled due to sea storm.
DL     - Karl (DJ9IN) will join the IOTA Contest  working the DL0PJ  station
         from Norderney Island.
DU9    - From 14 to 17 July, Dan (DU8ARK) hopes to be portable DU9 from  Sa-
         ragani Island (OC-175): Qsl via I2YDX.
EI     - Following what published in  number 217, the WestNet  DX Group  has
         received the authorization to use the EI7NET call for their activi-
         ties. During the islands activities, like during the next operation
         from Inis Meain island (EU-006), on IOTA Contest,  the call will be
F      - From 21 to 29 August, Franck  (F5GVH) will  be portable from  Belle
         Ile (EU-048) working in SSB/CW on 80 to 10 meters bands.
G      - During the weekend, G8JM and G3NQT will be QRV from  Treshnish Isl.
         (EU-108)  using the  special GB2TI call.  QSL direct  to  G3JNJ, 22
         Charcroft Gardens, Enfield, EN3 7HA, England.
GW     - Barrie (GW7EXH) , Ted (GW0DSJ) , Mike(G0HWK), Alan(GW4HDR)  and To-
         ny (GW4PVU) from 27 July at 1800Z will be QRV as GW0NWR/p from Puf-
         fin Island  (EU-124), joining the IOTA Contest. Operations on 80 to
         10 mtrs and, if possible, on  50 MHz  (before the contest). QSL via
         bureau or direct:  Tony  Wilkinson,  P.O.Box 3,  Colwyn Bay, Clwyd,
         North Wales, England.
HZ     - Dick, N7RO, reports that  HZ1HZ logs has been in part missed.  Dick
         is actually looking to find the logs between October  1994 and  May
         1995 and he will be able to confirm QSO made in that dates.
IA5    - From 1 to 17 October Davide (IK4DCT) will be active from  Elba Isl.
         (EU-028; LI-01) and, if possible, from other minor  islands of  the
         Tuscan archipelago.
IB0    - Sunday 16 July, if weather permits, IK8BIZ and Ik8DDN will be acti-
         ve from Nave dd Serapo Reef (IIA LT-??).
IB0    - The activity of Walter, IN3XUG, from Ponza Isl.  (EU-045 IIA LT-01)
         will end Sunday 15 July.
IL3    - Saturday 15 July Vito, I3BQC, will be active for the whole day from
         San Clemente isalnd (EU-131 IIA VE-025).
IL7    - Sunday 23 July, if weather permits, IK8MRA  will be active  from La
         Chianca Island (IIA FG-11). QSL via IK8OZZ.
IM0    - From 6 to 19 August,  Alberto (IK4HPU)  will be  portable IM0  from
         Maddalena Island  (EU-041  IIA SS-01),  Caprera Island  (EU-041 IIA
         SS-05) and, if possible, from other minor islands in the  Maddalena
         archipelago. QSL via IK4HPU.
IM0    - From 20 August to 6 September Alberto, IK2GAO, will be portable IM0
         from Sant'Antioco island (IIA CA-14) with activity mainly in CW and
         only on WARC bands and 50 Mhz. Alberto  will use a  TS-680S  with a
         vertical antenna for HF and a double 5/8 for 6 mtrs. QSL via IK2GAO
         Alberto Dalfiume, Via C.Nigra 4, 20013 Magenta (MI).
JT     - From 31 July to 2 August, Nao (JE7RJZ) will be QRV from Ulan Bator,
         in Mongolia, via satellite AO10 and AO13. QSL via JE7FWR.
JW     - Following what reported in number 215, Dominik, DL5EBE, during  his
         next activity as JW0K (from 18 July to 10 August) from Svalbard Is.
         He hopes to activate the rare Kong Karls Land (EU-063).
KL     - The station AB5EA/KL0 will join the IOTA Contests from an island of
         the IOTA NA-197 group. The activity is planed for ten hours only.
P5     - Martti (OH2BH) reported  to John (N4MM)  that the planned  activity
         from North Korea could take  place before  the Pechino  Convention,
         scheduled next October. Martti  has not divulged other  particulars
         "on the air" but he stated that it will not be a big operation like
         the Albanian one.
S0     - Tim,  4U/KC0PA, will end his activity from  Western Sahara  the 1st
         of August.
SV5    - IK3ZAW and IK3RIY (YL) are actually portable SV5.
SV8    - Jens, DL8YEY, reports that from 21 July to 10 August he will  spend
         the summer holidays to Lesvos Island (EU-049) where he will be  QRV
         using the SV8/DL8YEY/p call.  Jens wants also to join the IOTA Con-
UA0B   - At the end of July Alex, RZ9OO, could be active for about  one week
         from Arkticheskogo Instituta Islands (AS-087). Alex could also ope-
         rate from an island of the Nordenshel'da  Archipelago (AS-???).
V5     - Charlie, KY0A, hopes to be  active  from Namibia  during the  first
         half of August (probably from 7 to 10 August)  using the  V52/ZS6YG
         or V52YG call, only in CW, on 160, 80, 40, 30 meters, and  probably
         on 17 and 12 meters too.
VE     - Stefan, DL1FDF, from 24 July to 16 October, will travel through the
         Canada,  using the VY1QRP /VE3 Ontario, /VE4 Manitoba, /VE5  Saska-
         tchewan, /VE6  Alberta, /VE7  British Columbia, /VE8 Northwest Ter-
         ritories and VY1QRP/p from Yukon Territory. Find him at about 0500Z
         on 14060 or 14285 KHz.  This is a QRP operation so try also on  QRP
         frequencies on 40 (7030/7090 KHz) and 80 meters (3560/3690 KHz).
VE2    - Frank (VA2RC), Gilles (VA2LG),  Jean-Marc (VE2BZL) and  Jean-Pierre
         (VE2DFY) will activate  Antiscoti Island  (NA-077), on the   Quebec
         Province Centre Group,  from 15 to 21 July, using the XJ2CQ call on
         80 meters (SSB 3737 KHz, CW 3650/3707 KHz), 40 meters (SSB 7057 KHz
         CW 7007 KHz) and 20 meters (SSB 14267/14270 KHz, CW 14027 KHz). QSL
         via VA2RC, 4434 Astrolabe, Quebec, Quebec, Canada, G2B 2G9.
W3     - Saturday 15 July, N2OO and KF2BQ (YL) will be active from  Assatea-
         gue Island (NA-139).
W5     - The 16 and 19 August Bruce, KK5DO, will activate a special  station
         during the centennial of Alief, Texas. It will be  possible to  ask
         for a special QSL with a 1st day post stamp.
YO     - For shiver lovers, Oli (DL9ABF), from 29 to 30 July, will be active
         from Dracula's Castle, in Transillvania, using the YO/DL9ABF/p call
         in SSB and CW on all HF bands.
YV5    - Following what published in number 216, the Caracas  DX Group  will
         activate the La Orchila island  (SA-054) from  13 to 16 July  using
         the YW5LO call. They will be QRV in CWW and SSB, from 2 to 160 mtrs
         (6 mtrs included) and via Satellite too.  To avoid postal problems,
         QSLs must be sent to WS4E  but they will be  verified and  returned
         from Venezuela.
5A     - Following what published in  previous  numbers, after  delays,  the
         UT2UA, UT3UY, UT3UX and UX4UM team has started the operations  from
         13 July inaugurating the new station of the Radio  Club in Tripoli,
         using the 5A1A call. Toly, UT3UY, reports that first operations was
         made on 20 meters SSB with only 100 watts and a dipole, but on late
         afternoon of Friday 14 July they plan to operate  with more  HF an-
         tennas (WARC included) for about ten days. Please  note the  change
         of the QSL manager from W4FRU to LZ2UA.

4U0ITU by Ik1QBT/IK1CJO -> Tony (Ik1QBT) and Mauro (IK1CJO) inform those who
contact them during the  4U0ITU operations,  on May 1995,  that they  logged
about 3000 QSos, of which 1800 in CW, 1150 in SSB and 150 in  RTTY. QSL  can
be requested, both via direct or via bureau, to IK1QBT (CW) and  IK1CJO (SSB
and RTTY). The direct QSL arrived until now have been answered and now  they
are working on the bureau cards. They can confirm their operations of  13/14
and 20721 may 1995. It is not possible to answer to other date requests.

KU9C -> Steve, KU9C, reports that he is waiting for XX9X and XX9TZ QSLs. The
XX9TZ cards  for the March-April  activity has already been  sent, direct or
bureau. Steve is also the BV9P manager:  the cards are  almost ready.  It is
possible to ask requests via CBA or  to  P.O.Box 5953, Parsippany, NJ 07054,

S92SS -> S92SS cards must  NOT be sent to KY4P  as someone wrongly  reported
but only to the P.O.Box 522, Sao Tome, West Africa.

W4/YV5DTA -> Steve, that recently has activated Florida keys (NA-062) the  1
and 2 July, reports his address for QSLs:  Steve Morao (YV5DTA/W4),  1920 NE
1st Terr # 104H, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33305, U.S.A.

I.R.C.  -> From 9 July the value for IRCs in USA is changed into 0.60$.

D.I.E. NEWS  ->  New D.I.E references:
  CA-009   EL TROCADERO                       S-233   ISLA DE LEON
  S-234    ISLA DE CRONIO                     E-375   CARAGOL DE S'ALGUER
  E-376    NEGRA DE SAN ESTEBAN               E-377   EL ROMPENT
  E-378    LLAGOSTI DE FORMIGUES              E-379   ELS ARQUETS
And also, these are denomination changes:
  E-058    HORMIGAS      is now      FORMICA GRAN
  E-251    ROJA          is now      ROJA DE BAGUR
  E-057    LA GALERA     is now      LA GALERA DE EL GOLFET
  E-347    S'ALGUER      is now      LA PLANELLA DE S'ALGUER
Total number of valid islands for the D.I.E. is now : 2.064.
WABA & WASA -> The 1995 edition of Help Directory lists more than  700 calls
of stations that from 1959 has made radio activity from antarctic bases. The
37 pages booklet included also the WABA and WASA rules (italian/english) and
forms to request the awards. For further informations contact IK1GPG, Massi-
mo Balsamo, Strada Statale 28 Nord n.7, 12084 Mondovi (CN).

*                              425 DX NEWS                                 *
*                        DX info weekly bulletin                           *
*       edited by Mauro  Pregliasco, I1JQJ  and Piero Forno, IK1IYU        *
*       with  the  contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171        *
              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
G4BUE,  GW0DSJ,  KB8NW,  N4MM,  UT3UY, W3KH, LNDX, URE-EA-DX, DX News Sheet,
OPDX, ARRL DX, QRZ DX, The 59(9) DX Report, VK2SG RTTY DX Notes.            
* Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
*          Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to         *
*      Piero Forno, IK1IYU  (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it)      *
*                  INTERNET e-mail : I1-21171@amsat.org                    *
*         425 WWW Page -->  http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html      *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
425 DX NEWS is weekly available on Trance *FREE* BBS in Italy (+39-11-482751)

15 July 1995                                                          no.219
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                           edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till 28/8        D2TT * by ON6TT                                        218
till 27/7        DL4FCH/p: Pellworm Isl. (EU-042)                       216
till 20/7        IA5/IK3VIG: Giglio Isl. (EU-028) (IIA GR-02)           216
till 16/7        IB0/IN3XUG: Ponza Isl. (EU-045) (IIA LT-01)            219
till 16/7        JT1 * by JA0HC, JA0IXW, JH0PCO, JF0QIR, JR0CGJ         214
till 25/8        KC6YK: Palau * by NH6YK                                209
till 15/7        W5BOS/KL0: Popof Isl. (NA-087)                         212
till 12/8        OK1EE/OD5                                              218
till 27/7        OY/DK9FE                                               209
till ?           SV/I2YYO: Skiros Isl. (EU-072)                         217
till ?           SV5 * by IK3RIY & IK3ZAW                               219
till 3/8         SV/IK3GES: Amoliani Is. & Thassos Isl. (EU-049)        217
till 17/7        TI/DK6AO                                               215
till 23/7        TK * by F6AUS                                          217
till 31/8        VF1L: Cape Breton Isl. (NA-010) * by VE1AL             214
till 26/7        VP9/G3AVJ                                              218
till September   YA/UT9XL                                               208
till September   ZD8WD * by G4RWD                                       197
till 1/8         4U/KC0PA: Western Sahara                               219
till 24/7        5A1A: Tripoli * by UT3UY's team                        219
13/7-18/7        SV1CID/3: Sfaktiria Isl. (EU-158)                      217
13/7-16/7        YW5LO: La Orchila Isl. (SA-054) * by Caracas DX Group  216
14/7-17/7        DU8ARK/DU9: Sarangani Isl. (OC-175)                    219
15/7-16/7        ED3IM: Meda Grande Isl. (EU-078) (DIE E-001)           214
15/7-16/7        GB2TI: Treshnish Is. (EU-108) * by G3NQT & G8JM        219
15/7             IL3/I3BQC: San Clemente Isl. (EU-131) (IIA VE-25)      219
15/7-31/7        IM0/IK2AEQ: San Pietro Isl. (EU-165) (IIA CA-13)       212
15/7             W3: Assateague Isl. (NA-139) * by N2OO & KF2BQ         219
15/7-21/7        XJ2CQ: Anticosti Isl. (NA-077)                         219
16/7             IB0: Scoglio Nave di Serapo (IIA LT-??) * by IK8 team  219 
16/7             DIE Contest                                    205/214/218
17/7-21/7        DL3KBC/p: Borkum Isl. (EU-047)                         217
18/7-10/8        JW0K * by DL5EBE                                       219
19/7-23/7        SV1CID/8: Kithira Isl. (EU-113)                        217
20/7-25/7        BV9G: Green Isl. (AS-020)                              216
20/7-25/7        CS8B: Sama Isl. (DIP BL-09) * by NPDXG                 219
20/7-2/8         V2/G6QQ: Antigua                                       214
21/7-23/7        IJ7: Cheradi Is. (EU-073)                              216
21/7-10/8        SV8/DL8YEY/p: Lesvos Isl. (EU-049)                     219
21/7-23/7        Pacific Northwest DX Convention                        ***
22/7-23/7        ED7IDC: Isla de Cronio (DIE S-234)                     218
22/7-23/7        F: Glenan Is. (EU-094) * by F6HKS                      214
22/7-31/7        LY95BDX                                                210
23/7             IL7/IK0MRA: La Chianca Isl. (IIA FG-11)                219
24/7-28/7        A61AD * by WB2DND & N1QMM                              216
24/7-30/7        IL7: Tremiti Is. (EU-050) * by IK8JRD's team           218
24/7-16/10       VY1QRP/VE * by DL1FDF                                  219
24/7-25/7        W0: Governor's Isl. * by NL7TB & WL7MY                 215
25/7-2/8         DL9OBC/p: Helgoland Isl. (EU-127)                      212
25/7             GB4KLD: St. Kilda Is. (EU-059)                         212
25/7-?           HK2: Guajira/Magdalena Div. group (SA-???) * by HK3JJH 218
25/7-5/8         IL7: Grande Isl. (EU-091) (LE-02) * by Salento DX team 205
27/7-2/8         CY9: St. Paul * by AA4VK, WA4DAN, KW2P, W5IJU, K4TVE   214
27/7-1/8         EJ7NET: Inis Meain Isl. (EU-006) * by WestNet DX Club  217
27/7-1/8         DL6KVA/p: Fehmarn Isl. (EU-128)                        216
27-7-30/7        GW0NWR/p: Puffin Isl. (EU-124)                         219
27/7-30/7        XE: Guadalajara * ARARM Convention                     ***
27/7-3/8         XJ1CWI: Pictou Isl. (NA-154) * by WIARC                218
28/7-30/7        TM5BEN: Bendorm Isl. (DIFM ME-08)                      218
29/7-30/7        AA1AC: Aquidneck Isl. (NA-031)                         214
29/7-30/7        AA7RW/p: Guemes Isl. (NA-065)                          212
29/7-30/7        CQ2C: Culatra Isl. (EU-145) * by NPDXG & RCL           218
29/7-11/8        DF6QN: Bornholm Isl. (EU-030)                          218
29/7-30/7        DL0HRO: Usedom Isl. (EU-129) * by DL9GOA's team        218
29/7-30/7        DL0PJ: Nordeney Isl. (EU-047)                          219
29/7-30/7        ED1MC: Salvora Isl. (EU-077) (DIE O-121)               217
29/7-30/7        ED1URS: Isla del Mouro (EU-142)(DIE N-016)             205
29/7-30/7        EJ5CRC: Clear Isl. (EU-122) * by EI2HY & EI2IB         214
29/7-30/7        G0ORH/p: Scilly Is. (EU-011) by Chiltern DX Club Team  214
29/7-30/7        GM5VG/p: Gigha Isl. (EU-008)                           213
29/7-30/7        GM: Flannan Is. (EU-118) * by GM3UTQ, GM3NIG, GM4FDM   216
29/7-30/7        GM3USL/p: Cumbrae Isl. (EU-123) * by GM0DEQ & GM team  213
29/7-30/7        GW5LP/p: Anglesey Isl. (EU-124) by G5LW, G3VNW, G4BWP  214
29/7-12/8        IA5/IK2MRZ: Giglio Is. (EU-028) (IIA GR-02)            215
29/7-30/7        ID8: Cirella Isl. (EU144)(IIA CS-01) * by Diamond Team 214
29/7-30/7        K5: Mustang Isl. (NA-092) * by K5LBU, KG5CM, WQ5Y      207
29/7-30/7        AB5EA/KL0: NA-197                                      219
29/7-30/7        OH6/HA0HW/p: Raippaluoto Isl. (EU-101)                 217
29/7-30/7        OZ/DL6FCY/p: Laeso Isl. (EU-088)                       217
29/7-30/7        SK7DX: Hahno Isl. (EU-138) * by SSRA                   217
29/7-30/7        SV/IK3GES: Lefkada Isl. (EU-052)                       217
29/7-30/7        V7A: Kwajalein Isl. (OC-028) * by V73C                 205
29/7-30/7        VR2: Ma Man Isl. (AS-006) * by VR2 team                213
29/7-30/7        W1OKY: Sheffild Isl. (NA-136)                          215
29/7-30/7        W1: Block Isl. (NA-031) * by South Coast Wireless Soc. 213
29/7-30/7        W1: Cousins Isl. (NA-137) * by WW1V & KA1GJ            203
29/7-30/7        WA3WJD/p: Assateague Isl. (NA-139) * by WA3WJD & AA3HA 207
29/7-30/7        YO/DL9ABF/p: Dracula's Castle                          219
29/7-30/7        ZC4DX * by G3OZF & G4JVG                               213
29/7-30/7        IOTA Contest                                           ***
13/10-15/10      >>> Bologna: V IOTA CONVENTION <<<                     ***