1 July 1995 No.217 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU BV - Following what published in number 216, Mr. Bolon Lin, BV5AF, in an official report of CTARL, confirms that the Green Island (AS-020) expedition will take place from 20 to 25 July using the BV0ARL/BV9G call, shortly BV9G, on IOTA HF frequencies and on V/UHF. QSL via BV8BC or the CTARL Bureau: P.O.Box 73, Taipei 100, Taiwan, R.O.C. CO - QSL for the recent CO0OTA (NA-204) expedition will be printed du- ring July. Operators report that CO7/CT1ESO activities were made from Cuba (NA-015). CU - Until 5 July Duncan, G4ELJ, will be active from Sao Miguel Island (DIP AZ-02) using a portable QRP equipment for 20 mtrs (2 watts!). D2 - Peter, ON6TT, during next two months will be in Angola, for an In- ternational Red Cross mission and hopes to be QRV using the D2TT call also in RTTY and, if possible, in 80 and 160 meters. DL - Stefan, DL3KBC, from 17 to 21 July will be portable from Borkum Isl (EU-047) with activities in SSB on 20 (14200 - 14250 KHz) and 40 (7080 - 7095 KHz) meters. QSL via homecall. EA - The Batea IOTA Team will join the IOTA Contest in SSB and CW, from Salvora Island (IOTA EU-077) (DIE O-121) using the ED1MC call. QSL via EA1MC. EI - As reported in number 213, during the IOTA Contest, the WestNet DX Group will activate Inis Meain Island (EU-006) from 27 July to 1 August. They asked for a special prefix or they will use the EJ3HA call. Before and after the contest, the activity will be mainly on WARC bands and on 160 mtrs, with possibilities in RTTY/AMTOR/PACTOR Operators will be EI6FR, EI2GX, EI3HA, EI9IF, EI7DSB, GW4VEQ, GW0ONY, GW4OFQ, GW3JXN, GI0KOW and GI0NWG. F - Following what published in number 211, the planned expedition of F5OYU to Fort Brescou was, unfortunately, not made. F - Until 6 July, F6FTB will be active from Oleron Island (EU-032; DIFM AT-25). QSL via homecall. FO - FO5BI wants to operate from some FO islands particularly inte- resting for IOTA program. FS - Following what published in number 196, Lionel (FS5PL) hopes now to activate Tintamarre Island (NA-199) from 15 to 19 August. G - Colin, G0IFM, from the evening of Saturday 1 until Thursday 6 July will be active from Lundy Isl. (EU-120) as GB5LI, working on 20 and 40 mtrs (CW on 7025 and 14040 KHz, SSB on 7055 and 14260 KHz, +/- QRM). GJ - From 9 to 14 July Bert, PA3GIO, will be portable GJ using mainly these frequencies: 14282, 14306, 18153, 21318, 24948 and 28495 MHz. QSL via homecall. GW - Saturday 1 July, some members of the Tenby Amateur Radio Club will be QRV from Caldy Island (EU-124), on the South Penbrokeshire coast (West Wales), using the GB5CI call. Operations from 0800Z to 1800Z on 20, 40, 80 and 2 meters. HB0 - From 4 to 6 July, a group of DL amateurs will be active from Liech- tenstein using the HB0/KE4TNL (QSL via DL8BDR), HB0/DL9BDJ/p (QSL via DL9BDJ), HB0/DL8BDR/p (QSL via DL8BDR) calls. Activities on HF bands and on 6 meters. HB0 - Andy, DG3XA, Mathew, DD3XN, Mark, DL1XAQ, and Matt, DJ2XS, from 13 to 18 July will be active from Liechtenstein using the HB0/DK0FTG (HF bands + 50 MHz) and HB0/DF0CB (VHF/UHF bands) calls. QSL via DK0FTG e DF0CB. HR - The cards for the recent HR4/F2JD activities are ready and the di- rect requests will be satisfied soon. IG9 - Erminio (I2EOW) and Giorgio (I2VXJ) hope to join the WAE SSB Con- test from Lampedusa Island (AF-019). IG9 - Fabio (I4UFH), Alberto (IV3TAN), Giorgio (I2VXJ), Fabio (IT9GSF), Francesco (IV3SHF) and other italian Contestmen are planning a DX- pedition to Lampedusa Isl. (AF-019, CQ zone 33) during the WWDX SSB & CW Contests, in the multi-single category. IL3 - During August Maurizio (IK2ILH) and Bob (IK2MRZ) hope to activate some islands in the province of Rovigo valid for the I.I.A. (Ita- lian Islands Award). J3 - N3SIY and KB0QNS are portable J3. QSL via KF0UI. JY - The 22 nd 23 June, from 2200 and 2300 UTC on 14240 King Hussein of Jordan (JY1) has been active making contacts with U.S. amateurs. The operation was on a WA3HUP list. OH - Laci, HA0HW, will spend his summer holidays in Finland and during the IOTA Contest he will activate Raippaluoto Isl. (EU-101) using the OH6/HA0HW/p call. QSL via homecall. OZ - At the end of July, OZ/DL6FCY/p will be active from Romo Island (EU-125) and he will join the IOTA Contest from Laeso Isl (EU-088). SM - The Southwest Scania Radio Amateurs (SSRA) will join the next IOTA Contest using the SK7DX call from the Blekinge District group (EU-138). SV - Following what published in number 205, Gabriele, IK3GES will be active from Greece as followst: 6 July from Ioannina City (SV6); from 7 to 8 July from mountains in zone SV4 (mt. 1700 KM09PT) par- ticularly in VHF (Gabriele will be QRV around 144.250 MHz using a 17el antenna and about 50 watt, and on 14.280 KHz for skeds); then he will try to activate, before 3 August, Amoliani Islands (SV8, EU-049) (KN20WR) and Thassos (SV,EU-049) (KN20IS) and zone SV7 from Alexandria. Dates will be decided locally depending on the availa- bility of transports. Gabriel hopes to join the IOTA Contest from Lefkada Isl. (EU-052) (KM08HM). SV - Giorgio (SV/I2YYO) is still on the air from Skiros Is (EU-072). QSL via IK2MYX. SV3 - Kostas, SV1CID, from 13 to 18 July will be portable SV3 from Sphaktiria Island (EU-158), working with 20 watts and a car anten- na. QSL via homecall. SV5 - Ralf, DL9GTI, from 7 to 19 July, will be active from Rhodes Island (EU-001) as SV5/DL9GTI/p, working a QRP station: 5 watts and long wire antennas and verticals for 40 to 10 meters bands. Ralf will join the IARU HF and the AGCW QRP Summer Contests. QSL homecall. SV8 - Kostas, SV1CID from 19 to 23 July will be portable SV8 from Kithira Island (EU-113), working with 20 watts and a car antenna. QSL via homecall. T30 - David, T30DW, will be QRV from West Kiribati for the next 2 years. QSL via P.O. Box 29, Bairiki, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati, Central Pacific Ocean. TK - From 30 June to 23 July Serge F6AUS will be QRV using the TK/F6AUS. Serge, that will operate on 40 and 20 mtrs, hopes to activate some coastal islands (valid for DIFM and IOTA group EU-164) using the TK0P call. QSL via F6AUS. VE - As reported in number 199, Winston, VE3WFS and John, VE3VGI from 30 June to 3 July, will be active from Belcher Islands (NA-196) and exactly from Flaherty Isl. (NW-040 for the Canadian Islands Award) and, if possible, from other islands. VE - From 10 to 13 July VE3VRO should be active from Banks Island (NA-129). From 14 to 17 July an activity from Herschel Island (NA-193) is planned. VE1 - From 28 July to 2 August VY2OX will be active from a Nova Scotia Province North group island (NA-154) using the XJ1CWI call. VK - From 1 August to 31 October, the special VI50PEACE station will be active in SSB and CW to celebrate the II WW end. The "Australia Re- members Award" is available to everyone making a contact with the station (5 dollars or 5 IRCs are required to cover the postal costs). QSL direct to P.O. Box 829, Hervey Bay, QLD 4655, Australia. VP2E - Fritz (HB9SL) is active as VP2EY. QSL via homecall. VQ9 - N6SS will soon be back in Diego Garcia Island, Chagos Archipelago, for about 4 months and he will be active as VQ9SS, also in 160 mtrs. QSL via N6SS. ZK3 - Following what published in previous number, Ron, ZL1AMO, currently ZK3RW should stay in Tokelau Islands until mid-July. 3V - Monday 3 July the operations of JA2PDQ from 3V8BB club station will end (QSL via JF2EZA) now that a 6el beam for 15 mtrs is available. These are the last days to work Tunisia in CW and RTTY, until the next OE6EEG operation, probably joined from DL8DBF, as reported in previous number, that will take place from 3 to 17 August using the possible 3V8SR and 3V8DX calls. 4U_itu - From 30 June to 4 July, a group of DL amateurs will activate the 4U1ITU station in Geneve in SSB/CW/PACTOR/SSTV on all HF bands and on 6 meters. QSL via bureau. 4U_itu - Mark, DL1XAQ, and Matt, DJ2XS, will be active from 4U1ITU from 7 to 12 July, working on all HF bands and on 50 MHz. 4U_vic - From 7 to 9 July, a group of DL amateurs will activate the 4U50VIC from United Nations in Vienna, Austria. They are planning to join the IARU HF Championship. 5A - Toly, UT3UY, leader of the Ucranian team that in 1991 activated An- gola with the D2ACA call, hopes to be active from Lybia, together with other three operators, from 2 to 7 July, using the 5A3UY call. 7X - Moctar, 7X5JF, is QRV using the 7W5J call, during the celebrations of the Algeria Independence (5 July). QSL via 7 X5JF. 9Q - Alex (PA3DZN), active as 9Q2L from Goma, in Zaire, is back in Ne- therlands to spend his holidays. (We meet him in Friedrichshafen, during the HAM RADIO 1995). He will be in Zaire again in about a month. 9X - Mark, 9X/ON4WW, will leave Kigali at the end of June for holidays. He will back in Rwanda during August. 9X - Alfredo, EA1FH/9Q5FH, in the middle of July will move to Kigali in Rwanda. 4K5ZI -> Ed, NT2X, has explained the activities from Snake Island (4K5ZI and EK5ZI). Both operations were regularly authorized (Snake was and probably is still a military island) and prefixes used were Russian (as the island was under the control of Moscow) and not Ucranians. Unfortunately the expedition organisation was not able to obtain the necessary documentations for ARRL, then both activities are not valid for DXCC. DL8AAM -> Tom, DL8AAM, reports that he finally has received the QSL for the RW3TT/0 activity from Sredniy Island (AS-042) in April 94. He already answe- red to direct requests. Tom is working now on bureau requests. We remember his new address: Thomas M. Roesner, DL8AAM, Woerthstr. 17, D-37085 Goettin- gen, Germany. HF0POL -> Rys, SP5EWY, reports that HF0POL is a club station, then QSL must be asked to different managers, depending on the operator that made the con- tacts. Between 1990 and 1992 the operators were SP5FLC (until 24 December 1990, QSL via homecall), SP3FYM (from 25 December 1990 to 24 December 1991, QSL via homecall), SP9DWT (from 25 December 1991 to the end of 1992, QSL via homecall). If you still need a QSL try to send it to Rys, and he will make his best to have a confirmation. VE3VGI -> QSL for John, VE3VGI, activities from Scugog Island (ON-020) and Amherst Island (ON-021) and Wapoos Island (ON-143), valid for Canadian Is- lands Awards can be requested to the following address: John Harden, VE3VGI, 1284 Eldorado Avenue, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada LIK-1G3. This address is also valid to request VE8RAC QSL. 9Q2L & 9X5EE -> It seems there is a little confusion about the address for 9Q2L and 9X5EE operations. The correct address are: 9X5EE via PA3DLM, 9Q2L via PA3DMH, Tiny Mahoney, Alex van Hengel, J. Haydnstraat 17, Shoener 85, NL-4536BT Terneuzen, NL-2991JK Barendrecht, The Netherlands. The Netherlands. 9Q2L QSL will be available from July. ARGENTINA: SPECIAL CALLS -> Sergio, LU1ARL, is the QSL manager for the fol- lowing stations: LR0A, LQ0A, LV0A, LT0A, LQ5C and LR1C. His address is: Sergio Daniel V. Temporini, P.O. Box 454, CP 1000, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Other QSL info about special LU calls are: AY1A via LU4AA, L3HL via LU3HL, L40V via LU1VV, L5P via LU1PAA, and LT0N, LR0N and L37N via LU2NI or to the LU bureau at P.O.Box 97, CP 1000, Buenos Aires, Argentina. JE1DXC PACIFIC TOUR -> The Pacific trip of Masa, JE1DXC, has logged: Band 5W0XC ZK1DXC 3D2XC/P T20XC Total 80/75 257 320 236 134 947 40 383 557 56 759 1.755 30 457 476 46 663 1.642 20 809 927 360 1.566 3.662 17 927 504 183 817 2.431 15 961 714 158 437 2.270 12 162 265 0 151 578 10 94 196 0 28 318 Totals 4.050 4.100 1.039 4.555 13.623 Masa reports that he made no QSO in CW on 40 meters during the All Asian Contest, then the T20XC was a pirate. QSL to JE1DXC only via bureau. **************************************************************************** * 425 DX NEWS * * DX info weekly bulletin * * edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Piero Forno, IK1IYU * * with the contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171 * **************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, I2EOW, IK2ILH, IK2MRZ, IK3GES, IV3TAN, I4LCK, I4UFH, I5FLN, IK7AFM, I8IYW, IT9GSF, Roman DX Group, BV5AF, DC3MF, DJ9LJ, DK0FTG, DL3KBC, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL8BDR, DL9GOA, DL9GTI, DU7CC, EA5KB, EI2GX, EI6FR, EI9IF, G3HYH, G4BUE, GW0NCN, HA0HW, JH2PDS/1, K9RHY, NT2X, PA3DMH, SP5EWY, SV1CQO, VE3VGI, VK4OH, W3KH, LNDX, URE-EA-DX, DX News Sheet, OPDX, ARRL DX Bulletin, QRZ DX, The 59(9) DX Report, VK2SG RTTY DX Notes. **************************************************************************** * Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to * * Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to * * Piero Forno, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it) * **************************************************************************** * INTERNET e-mail : I1-21171@amsat.org * * 425 WWW Page --> http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html * **************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on Trance *FREE* BBS in Italy (+39-11-482751)