24 June 1995 No.216 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU HEARD ISLAND EXPEDITION 1995 - For several months a group from the 3Y0PI team has worked discretely on a new DXpedition. All key elements of the pro- ject are now in place. This is the first announcement of this group's acti- vities. K0IR, the organizer and leader of the 1994 3Y0PI Peter I Island DXpedition, will lead a team to Heard Island in November, 1995. Sir Edmund Hillary will be the Honorary Expedition Leader. The Australian Antarctic Di- vision has issued permit number 95/1 allowing a full-scale amateur radio operation. All environmental assessments and letters of indemnification have been filed and approved. A separate proposal for scientific work during the stay is expected to be approved. A 140-ft. vessel has been chartered for the trip. The team will sail from Fremantle, Western Australia, on Nov. 1, 1995, and expects to land on Heard Island Nov. 12. They will remain until Dec. 1, returning to Fremantle around Dec. 12. The team will be active on all bands and modes, including digital and satellite. The team will elaborate on the strong points of the 3Y0PI expedition, and hopes to take advantage of technical innovations resulting from the 1995 Easter Island/Salas y Gomez expedition in September. Radio equipment is being provided by Yaesu, ETO,and Cushcraft. The DXpedition was organized by 3Y0PI veterans K0IR (Expedition Leader), KK6EK (Scientific Coordinator) and ON6TT (European Coordinator). The team also currently includes another 3Y0PI team member HB9AHL, plus N6EK PA3DUU, K5VT, DJ9ZB, and JH4RHF. Additional support will come from JH1AJT (Japanese Coordinator) and VK2BEX (Australian Coordinator). Contributions to help defray the high cost of transportation are needed. Please forward these to: USA: K0IR Heard Island DXpedition, P.O.Box 563, Waite Park, MN 56387-0563. EUROPE: ON6TT - Peter Casier, Oude Heerbaan 30, B-9230 Melle (Belgium) (when sending cheques to Peter, pse use Eurocheques only, drawn in YOUR currency and with the Eurochequecard number written on the back. The bank charges too much if the cheque is made in any other way). Additional details about the project will follow. - * - A6 - Don, WB2DND, will be QRV again as A61AD from 24 to 28 July and from 31 July to 2 August, mainly in CW. Don will be accompanied by his son N1QMM (15 years old, he has just received the DXCC in CW) that will join the operations. Possible activity in RTTY also. BV - The station BO2AB will be QRV until the end of the weekend from Kin Men Island (AS-102). BV - Following what published in number 215, the expedition to Green Isl (AS-020) should take place from 20 to 25 July, probably using the BV9G call. BY - Chinese authorities have released the permission for a new Scarbo- rough Reef expedition, with the BS7A call, that will take place at the end of the typhoons season. This will be an international expe- dition: there will be N7NG, ON1RY, SM7PKK, JH4RHF among the others. The DXAC votation for the Scarborough Reef DXCC status is planned for 26 June. CE0_jf - Following what published in number 213, Bob (K4UEE) and Randy (K0EU) will be QRV from Juan Fernandez Island from 13 to 21 Septem- ber, using the CE0Z call. Operations, in SSB and CW, with 1Kw of transmitting power and optimized antennas for various bands (loops for 160 and 80 mtrs, 2el yagi for 40, beam for higher frequencies). Bob and Randy still needs an european operator, able both in SSB and CW, that want to join them; further information to Bob, K4UEE (e-mail Mallphin@aol.com). CU3 - The Azores DX Group will activate the station CU3DX from Fradinhos Inlet (EU-003) the 2nd of July, from 0900Z to 1900Z. QSL direct to: CU3AN, P.O.Box 157, P-9702 Angra do Heroismo Codex, Azores, Portu- gal. CU9 - An expedition to Corvo Isl (EU-089) using the CU9B call is planned from 16 July to 10 August. QSL via CU3AV. DL - From 7 to 27 July, Peter (DL4FCH) will be active from Pellworm Isl. (EU-042). Activity mainly in CW. DL - From 30 June to 2 July the station DL0SY/p will be active from Sylt Island (EU-042). DL - Axel, DL6KVA, from 27 July to 1 August will be QRV from Fehmarn Isl (EU-128) joining the IOTA Contest. Activity mainly in CW, with SSB on request. DU - Before the end of this month, a group of DU operators will be QRV from Lubang Island (OC-126) using the DX0W call. EA9 - Paco, EC7ADD, is portable /9 from Isabel II de Chafarinas Island (AF-036; DIE S-016). QSL via homecall: Paco, Apartado Postal 173, 11500 Puerto San Maria Cadiz, Spain. Paco has only a VHF licence and he can works HF only on 10 meters and on a short part of 15 mtr (he has been reported between 21165 and 21185 KHz). ES - From 29 June to 4 July, a group of Estonian operators will be acti- ve from Saaremaa island (EU-034) using the ES6Z/0 call. Operations all bands from 80 to 12 meters, in CW and SSB. QSL via ES6DO. ES - Bruno, ES2RW, reports that from 24 June to 2 July he hopes to acti- vate Osmussaar Island (EU-149) and , in the middle of July, Vormsi Island (EU-034). Bruno will be QRV also on 6 meters. F - From 24 to 27 August, a group of French operators, will try to ac- tivate the following islands valid for DIFM award: Molene (AT-02), Bannec (AT-37), Balanec (AT-38), Trielen (AT-40), Litri (AT-41), Ledenes Vraz (AT-42) e Quemens (AT-44). During this activity the special TM prefix will probably be used, and the manager should be F5RUQ. GM - G0LUQ during his holidays, will activate Skye Isl. (EU-008) from 12 to 18 August and from 21/22 to 25 August, Lewis Isl. (EU-010) from 18 to 21/22 August, Arran Isl. (EU-123) from 25 to 28 August. Ope- rations on all HF bands from 160 to 15 meters and all QSO will be automatically confirmed via bureau. GM - GM3UTQ, GM3NIG and GM4FDM, report that they logged 2751 QSO during the recent Flannan Isl. (EU-118) expedition, and announce that they will join the IOTA Contest from Gigha Isl. (EU-008). HA - From 1 July to 31 December the special station HG100R will be acti- ve, during the Centennary of the Radio. QSL direct to: HA1KSA, P.O. Box 79, Gyor H-9002, Hungary. IA5 - From 5 to 20 July Beppe, IK3VIG will be portable IA5 from Giglio Is (EU-028; IIA GR-02). Beppe will use a little homebrew antenna and will be active in SSB on bands from 10 to 80 meters. QSL via bureau IA5 - Following what published in number 214, the QSL manager for recent IA5S operations is IK1JJB: Giovanni Cantarella, Via G. Musso 22, 14100 Asti (AT) - ITALY IJ7 - Max, IK7TOE reports that a group of amateurs from Puglia, want to activate the Cheradi islands (EU-073) via satellite Oscar-13, pro- bably between 21 and 23 July. We remember that satellite contacts are not valid for the IOTA Award. IP1 - The planned activity from Gallinara islands (EU-083) has logged over 1000 QSOs in less than 7 hours of activity. QSL can be re- quested to operators, both via direct or via bureau. Don't forget that IK1NEG has a new address: Gabriele Rocchi, v Argine Destro 303 18100 Imperia (IM). IP1 - Saturday 1 e Sunday 2 July Max (IK1GPG), Betty (IK1QFM), Pinuccio (I2MWZ), Bruno (IK2UEC) and Ivan (IK2OWX) will activate, if wea- ther permits, Tinetto island (IOTA EU-93; IIA SP-03) and the follo- wing reefs: Ferale (IIA SP-05), Montanaio (IIA SP-11), Grimaldo (IIA SP-12), Cala Fornace (IIA SP-06) and Torre Scuola (IIA SP-04). They will use the IP1/IK1GPG and IP1/I2MWZ calls. IR8 - From 1 to 10 August the special IR8S station will be active, during the National ASSORAIDER Camp (Raider Scouting Association). QSL via I8TVS, P.O.Box 14, 86100 Campobasso. IT9 - IT9FXY, IT9GNG and IT9WKH will be QRV from 23 to 25 June from Santa Maria Isl. and from 30 June to 2 July from San Pantaleo/Mozia Isl. (EU-166, Stagnone group). QSL via bureau or via: IT9FKY, P.O.Box 89 91025 Marsala (TP). KH9 - The Dateline DX Association is planning an expedition to Wake Isl. for a week, to take place in autumn during the CQWW DX SSB Contest. There will be three stations on all bands and all modes, operated by AL7EL, WB2DND, KC7V, K4HQI among the others. LY - The special LY95BDX station will be active from Lithuania from 22 to 31 July with operations in SSB and CW on all HF bands (except 24 Mhz, as they have no permission), particularly on 160 mtrs. Dave G0BZF will be one of the operators and it's possible to ask him for skeds (via packet: G0BZF @ GB7DEO). OH - From 24 to 25 June, Pekka (OH6MIL) will activate Skarporen Isl. (EU-101) with all bands activity in CW/SSB. Pekka will back on the island many other times during the summer and, particularly, during the IOTA Contest. PY0T - Sergio (PU1LOK) is QRV from Trinidade Isl. as PU0TRI, but he can operate only in SSB on 80 and 10 meters (28300 - 28500 KHz). Sergio will remain on the island until October and then he will start to answer to QSL cards. QSL a: Sergio S. Mendes, Rua Visconde de Santa Isabel, 692 apto. 202, Grajau, 20560-121 Rio RJ, Brazil. R1_fjl - Slava, RX1OX/FJL, reports that the situation with "shut down" of operation is not so critical. The main problem is diesel fuel deli- very It's happened every year. According Slava, officials almost solved this problem. At least Slava will be active till October when he goes to vacation. Also there are couple extra HAMs - R1FJC and R1FJZ. SM - SM4DDS/6 will be QRV from North Koster Isl (EU-043) from 1 to 8 Ju- ly, in SSB and CW, mainly on 20 meters. QSL via SM4DDS via direct or bureau. SM - Until the 31st of December, the Sundsvalls Radioamatorer, SK3BG, has the permission to operate using the special 8S3BG call, to ce- lebrate the 50th anniversary of the club. The activity, started the last February, is an all bands from 10 to 160 meters, WARC included in SSB, CW, RTTY and many contests will be joined. QSL via bureau or direct to: SM3CER, Jan-Eric Rehn, P.O.Box 54, S-863 22 Sund- sbruk, Sweden. SV - From 3 to 21 September, DL1BKK will be portable SV3 from Sfaktiria Isl. (EU-158) with operations on 10, 15 and 20 mtrs. QSL homecall. TI9 - Following what published in number 195, Jose', TI2JJP, will be in Cocos Island starting about from 10 October, for 15 days. The acti- vity is planned on all bands, 160 meters included. TY - Ken, WA4OBO, hopes to be QRV from Benin for short periods during the next two years, using the TY8OBO call. His licence, unlike the TT8OBO one, seems to be valid. Ken will be active on all bands, mainly in SSB, but with RTTY possibilities. V2 - Following what published in number 213, Doug (N3ADL), member of the Frankfurt Radio Club, reports that before and after the activity of V26B during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (28 and 29 October) he will be active as V26DX on 12 and 17 meters bands, and also via satellite RS-12. QSL via N3ADL. VE - During the month of July the special station CG3V will be active, celebrating the Centennial of Chatam city foundation, Ontario. QSL via CG3V c/o The Chatham-Kent Amateur Radio Club Inc., Box 284, Chatham, Ontario, Canada, N7M 5K4. VK9 - Following what published in number 214, the planned expedition by JA1CMD/AD4WF to Christmas Island using the VK9XH call should start with some delay: probably not before the 26th of June. VP2E - Don, K8MFO, wants to join the CQWW DX CW Contest (25 and 26 Novem- ber) from Anguilla as VP2EFO. VP5 - Rick, KF6UM, from 3 to 10 July will be portable VP5 and wants to join the IARU HF Contest using the VP5J call. QSL via homecall. YO - The special YR0R station will be active from 26 June to 7 July, in SSB and CW, on 80, 40, 30, 20, 15 and 10 meters. YV5 - From 13 to 16 July, the Caracas DX Group will be active from La Or- chila (SA-054) using the YW5LO call. ZB2 - Following what published in number 213, Dave (N7RK) reports that he has cancelled his operation in Gibraltar due to annulment of the European business trip. Dave should try again in autumn. ZK3 - Following what published in number 209, Ron, ZL1AMO is now active from Tokelau using the ZK3RW. QSL via homecall. ZL8 - An operation from Kermadec Island is planning (the permission to operate is ready, but the authorizations to land are still lacking) and, if donations will be enough before that date, it should take place in November. On the contrary, the expedition will be postpo- ned to May 1996, as connections to and from the island occur every 6 months from a ship that usually carries supplies for the scien- tists and researches. ZS - Johann, ZS6L is the Manager of the South African Air Force Amateur Radio Association, that celebrates the 75th years of foundation. During this anniversary the following stations will be active in 1995: ZS75SAAF - S.A. Air Force 75th Anniversary (QRA KG44CI) ZS35SQN - 35 Squadron 50th Anniversary (QRA JF96HA) ZS42SQN - 42 Squadron 50th Anniversary (QRA KG44CE) ZS50PAX - 50th Anniversary of the World War II End (QRA KG43AV) Other club stations of the S.A. Air Force that will be QRV: ZS6MUS - Swartkop (Pretoria) (QRA KG44CE) ZS1MUS - Ysterplaat (Cape Town) (QRA JF96AC) ZS6NOM - the National War Museum (Johannesburg) (QRA KG43AV) ZS6HLM - Air Force HQ, (Pretoria) (QRA KG44CI) ZS6HDT - Hoedspruit, (QRA KG55LL) ZS6LLL - Louis Trichardt, (QRA KG46UU) ZS4BSP - Bloemspruit, (QRA KG40DV) ZS6ZRB - Air Force Telecom Center, (Pretoria) (QRA KG44CE) ZS6MKE - Mobile Comms Unit (Pretoria) (QRA KG44CE) ZS6COM - Telecom School (Pretoria) (QRA KG44CD) ZS5DBN - Durban (QRA KG50LA) For all QSL via P.O.Box 7763, Pretoria 0001, R.S.A. or via bureau. 3A - Daniel, 3A2LZ, reports that 3A50A and 3A2CC stations, recently re- ported active, are pirates, as not authorized. Besides Daniel wants to informate the QSL requests for the special 3A2RAR station must be sent to his callsign, 3A2LZ. 3V - OE6EEG hopes to operate from 3V8BB club station during the first two weeks of August, on all bands and in RTTY if possible. 4U_ITU - The confirmations for all the QSO made with the I.T.U. station in Geneve are usually sent via bureau. If you are hurried, you can send requests via direct at this address: International Amateur Ra- dio Club, P.O.Box 6, CH - 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland. Don't think to receive an answer shorter than from bureau and above all don't forget to enclose a SASE with IRC ! The station has now a computerized log with over 90000 QSO stored, made in the last three years. Note for post-stamps collectors: I.T.U. has its own philate- lic prints that can be used on the envelopes, asking specifically for them. Last, for those who want to operate from I.T.U. station, it is possible to ask for it (at least one month before for normal operations, six months before for contests) at the same address:the Club will send properly forms, that must be correctly filled, toge- ther with the rules of the station. 5B - Following what published in number 214, the team by 5B4AFM, 5B8AH, 5B4KH and 5B4WN will activate Ayios Georgios Island (AS120) from 10 to 13 July. Operations in SSB and CW, using the C4AG/p call. QSL via 5B4AFM (P.O.Box 5089, Nicosia, Cyprus) or 5B4KH. 7Q - Les, 7Q7LA, will leave the Malawi in a month and will come back in England. Until then he will be QRV daily on 1832 KHz at about 0300Z TT8OBO -> Operations made from WA4OBO in Chad using the TT8OBO call was con- sidered NOT valid from the ARRL DXCC Desk. NEW ONE DXCC & IOTA ??? -> In these days newspapers and televisions talked about the big volcanic eruption in Pacific Ocean, near the Tonga archipela- go that could create a possibile new island; the conditional is necessary as the same volcanic activity that created it could destroy it in a short while but we are sure that someone is looking for Metis Shoal on maps, to consider the possibility of a new DXCC country. PIRATES -> Tony, T77C, is still receiving QSL for operations made from an unknown M1TC station. Tony reports that is a pirate activity and ask to not lose time and money sending requests that he is not able to satisfy. **************************************************************************** * 425 DX NEWS * * DX info weekly bulletin * * edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Piero Forno, IK1IYU * * with the contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171 * **************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, IK1NEG, I2MWZ, IK3VIG, I4LCK, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK7TOE, I8TVS, Roman DX Group, DC3MF, DJ8WL, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL9GOA, DK5UG, DK8OL, DU7CC, EA5KB, ES7RTY, F8RU, G3NFB, G0BZF, GM4FDM, HA1DAE, JI6KVR, K2JYL, K0IR, KK6EK, OH6MIL, ON6TT, PT7WA, SM3CER, T77C, UA3AP, VE3MXG, W4/YV5DTA, ZS6L, 5B4WN, LNDX, URE-EA-DX, DXNS, OPDX, ARRL DXBulletin, QRZ DX, The 59(9) DX Report, VK2SG RTTY DX Notes. **************************************************************************** * Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to * * Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to * * Piero Forno, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it) * **************************************************************************** * INTERNET e-mail : I1-21171@amsat.org * * 425 WWW Page --> http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html * **************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on Trance *FREE* BBS in Italy (+39-11-482751) 24 June 1995 no.216 ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU PERIOD CALL REF till 25/6 DX Caribe 95 *** till 25/6 BO2AB: Kin-Men Isl. (AS-102) 216 till 26/6 N4BP: Dry Tortugas Is. (NA-079) 208 till 26/6 EA8/ON6GP 214 till 27/6 CQ5B: Berlenga Isl. (EU-040) * by CT1EWA & CT1FMX 210 till 28/6 TM6ACO: Le Mans * special event 215 till 30/6 CG7D & CG7H: special stations 213 till June 9X/ON4WW 205 till 4/7 9H * by PA team 215 till 5/7 8P9CR, J8/LA4LN, 9Y4/LA4LN 215 till 17/7 TI/DK6AO 215 till July 7Q7LA 216 till 25/8 KC6YK: Palau * by NH6YK 209 till 31/8 VF1L: Cape Breton Isl. (NA-010) * by VE1AL 214 till August 4U/KC0PA: Western Sahara 199 till September YA/UT9XL 208 till September ZD8WD * by G4RWD 197 till October PU0TRI: Trindade Isl. (SA-010) * by PU1LOK 216 till October RX1OX/FJL: Franz Josef Land (EU-019) 216 till 31/12 8S3BG: special event * by SK3BG 216 till ? ZK3RW * by ZL1AMO 216 till ? EC7ADD/9: Isabel II de Chafarinas Isl. (AF-036) 216 till ? 7Q7XT * by ON6TT 208 till ? 9Q2L * by PA3DZN 212 23/6-25/6 Friedrichshafen * Ham Radio 95 *** 23/6-25/6 OH1MDR/p: Sandstroem Reef (EU-096) 211 23/6-25/6 IT9: Stagnone Is. (EU-166) * by IT9FXY,IT9GNG,IT9WKH 216 23/6-30/6 IL7: Sant'Andrea Isl. (EU-091) (LE-01) Salento DX team 205 24/6-25/6 ED1URS: Isla Marnay (DIE N-108) 211 24/6-25/6 IO1GTM: Basilica of Superga * special station 213 24/6-25/6 OH6MIL/p: Skarporen Isl. (EU-101) 216 24/6-25/6 NU2L/VO2: Newfoundland Pro. Centre (NA-???) * by G3ZAY 212 24/6-30/6 SP1: Wolin Isl. (EU-132) * by SP2CYK, SP2LLV & SP2LLW 211 24/6-2/7 ES: Osmussaar Isl. (EU-149) * by ES2RW 216 24/6-14/7 OZ. Laeso Isl. (EU-088) * by DG2TM & DL2SWW 211 25/6 EA3BT/p: Les Balelles (DIE E-056) 211 25/6 IJ9/IT9GAI: Isola di Capo Passero (IIA SR-02) 211 26/6-27/6 F: Fort Brescau (EU-148) * by F5OYU 211 26/6-29/6 VK9XH: Christmas Isl. * by JA1CMD/AD4WF ??? 216 26/6-7/7 YR0R: special event 216 29/6-30/6 ED1URS: Isla de Mouro (DIE N-016) 211 29/6-4/7 ES6Z/0: Saaremaa Isl. (EU-034) 216 30/6-1/7 VY1ISL: Yukon Terr. (NA-193) * by N6IV, KF6XC & NL7TB 211 30/6-2/7 DL0SY/p: Sylt Isl. (EU-042) 216 30/6-4/7 VE8: Belcher Isl. (NA-196) * by VE3LKS, VE3VGI, VE3WFS 199 June EJ/DL8MCA 211 June HK2: Guajira/Magdalena Div. group (SA-???) * by HK3JJH 210 June IL3: Donzella Isl. (IIA RO-01) * by IK4HLU & IK4HPU 211 June IL3: Polesine Isl. (IIA RO-03) * by IK4HLU & IK4HPU 211 June IM0: Soffi Isl. (EU-165) (IIA SS-57) * by IS0JMA 213 June IM0: Mortorio Isl. (EU-165) (IIA SS-54) * by IS0JMA 213 June XE1: Jalisco Nayarit State group (NA-189) 203 June YB8: Talaud Is. (OC-???) * by YC0FEO's team 215 June DX0W: Lubang Isl. (OC-126) 216 June-July YB8: Sangihe Is. (OC-???) * by YC0FEO's team ??? 215 June-July YB8: Tukangbesi Is. (OC-???) * by YC0FEO's team ??? 215 middle June 9H3AM * by G3VLX 214 1/7-2/7 CQ4I: Ilhote Ratas * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU 190 1/7-2/7 IP1: Tinetto Isl. (EU-083) & IIA Islands 216 1/7-2/7 3F3C,H33C,,HO3C: NA-071 by HP2CWB,HP2DFU,HP2CTM,HP2DUI 215 1/7-8/7 SM4DDS/6: North Koster Isl. (EU-043) 216 1/7-31/12 HG100R: special event 216 2/7 EA3BT/p: Illots Secains (DIE E-055) 214 2/7 CU3DX: Fradinhos Inlet (EU-003) 216 3/7-10/7 VP5/KF6UM & VP5J 216 3/7-3/8 SV/IK3GES: Thassos Isl. (EU-049) Lefkada Isl. (EU-052) 205 4/7-6/7 KL7: Ushagat Isl. (NA-???) * by N6IV, KF6XC & NL7TB 211 5/7-20/7 IA5/IK3VIG: Giglio Isl. (EU-028) (IIA GR-02) 216 6/7-9/7 SY: Mount Athos * by KC1QF & SV1BKN 210 7/7-27/7 DL4FCH/p: Pellworm Isl. (EU-042) 216 8/7 VY1ISL: Yukon Terr. (NA-193) * by N6IV, KF6XC & NL7TB 211 8/7-9/7 IARU Contest *** 8/7-9/7 IQ0J * by IK0REH 210 8/7-9/7 VP2MDE * by K5GN & N5DU 208 8/7-15/7 KD8JN/4: Hatteras Isl. (NA-067) 215 13/10-15/10 >>> Bologna: V IOTA CONVENTION <<< *** 12/11-1/12 VK0H: Heard Island DXpedition (AN-003) 216