DX425 bulletin issue nr. 215

 17 June 1995                                                         No.215
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                           edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU

BV     - Tom, WB4IUX, is going to be back in Taiwan, from where  he hopes to
         be  active  on  20  (CW/SSB), 17  (CW/SSB) and 30 mtrs. The date is 
         still unkown, but Tom plans to be in BV for ten days at the  begin-
         ing of July. As he will be often in Taiwan in the next 6-8  months,
         Tom will ask a local licence to operate from his hotel.
BV     - BV8BC hopes to be soon portable /9 from Green Island (AS-020).
Caribb - Tom, LA4LN, from 21 June to 5 July will spend his vacations in Bar-
         bados (8P), St. Vincent (J8) and Tobago (9Y4), using the  following
         calls: 8P9CR, J8/LA4LN and 9Y4/LA4LN. All bands operations from 160
         to 10 mtrs (WARC included) in CW, SSB and RTTY.  QSL via direct to:
         LA4LN: Tom V. Segalstad,  P.O.Box 15 Kjelsas,  N-0411 Oslo, Norway.
CE0_eas- Following what published in number 190,  Bob, KK6EK, has  announced
         that  Sala  y  Gomez Island (SA-???)  expedition,  originally plan-
         ned  together with Easter Island expedition in September, will take
         place in October. This is due to the impossibility of Chilean Mili-
         tary  Marine to  ensure  connections.  About  the  operations  from
         Easter Isl, they are planned from 2 to 23 September, using the XR0Y
         call  (operators: KK6EK,  K4UEE, XE1XA,  AH9B, XE1L,  WT8S,  G0LMX,
         KE6QZZ,  W4ETO,  WJ2O, K0IR,  HB9AEE, AA6TT,  W3UM, PA0ERA,  W8FMG,
         XE1CI, N1OCS,  K9JSC, HB9AHL,  W0ZV).  Sala  y Gomez Island will be
         activated from 1 to 22 October using the XR0Z call.
CN     - Until 21 June, Andreas, DL2EAD is QRV from Marocco as CN2JA, mainly
         in CW on 10 MHz. QSL via DL2EAD.
DU1    - Until 1700Z of today, Saturday 17 June, Joe (I2YDX) is  active from
         Tubbataha Reef (OC-???) using the 4H1TR call.  QSL via I2CBM:  Bert
         Cambieri, P.O.Box 4, 27029 Vigevano-AD (PV).
EX     - Yu, EX/V31YM, is actually active from Kyrgyzstan (ex UM8) on 20, 17
         15, 12, 10 mtrs bands and via satellite RS-12 (21/28 MHz) in CW/SSB
         QSL via  direct to: DF8WS, Wilhelm Schommer,  P.O.Box 71, Speicher,
         54658 Germany. Don't send cards via homecall (V31YM)!
EX     - Yuri, EX0A, Executive Directore of the  Kyrghyzstan  Amateur  Radio
         Union reports  us some useful information about activities from his
         country. Prefixes (ex UM8, now EX) are issued as follows:
         EX9     - club stations         EX0,2,5,6,7,8 -    ordinary   calls
         EX1,3,4 - special calls         EX/home call  - foreigner operators
         At  this moment  only  five  foreigner  amateurs are  permitted  to
         transmit: EX/DF8WS (QSL via DF8WS), EX/DK7ZT (via DK7ZT),  EX/N0LAZ
         (via DL4MFM), EX/KD6BKL  (via DF8WS),  EX/V31YM  (via DF8WS).  Some
         other stations have been heard  (N6AMC/UM8,  EX/RZ4FZT,  EX/UA4FAO,
         EX/UA4FAY, EX/DL1BCL) but  it seems that  they have no  licence  to
         operate. The Kyrghyzstan Amateur  Radio  Union has its  own  bureau
         (P.O.Box 1100,  Bishkek - 20,  720020 Kyrghyzstan,  CIS), to  which
         must be sent cards also for UM and RM stations. First parcel of QSL
         from ARI (Italian) Bureau is  arrived  there about  two weeks  ago.
         Yuri reports also that DF8WS  (Wilhelm Schommer,  P.O.Box 71, Spei-
         cher, 54658, Germany)  has QSLs and logs for the followin stations:
         EX0A,  EX0M,  EX0O,  EX0V  (only QSOs before 1 March 1995)   EX7MM,
         EX9HQ, ER8M, EO8M, EU8M, RM0M, RM1MWW, RM4A,  RM7M,  RM8MM,  RM8MU,
         RM1MWW/UM4Q,  UM9MWA,  UM4A, UM9MWA/U8P,  UM9MWA/U8Q,  UM9MWA/UM0T,
         UM9MWA/UM0N,  UM9MWA/UM3T,   UM9MWA/UM5P,  EX/V31YM   (via direct),
         EX/DF8WS, EX/KD6BKL. For further information about EX  licences  it
         is possible contact Yuri, EX0A,  on  Internet (Root@ktu.bishkek.su)
         or DF8WS (via Packet or CBA).
F      - Until 18 June,  during the 63th edition of "24 hours of Le Mans" is
         active the special TM6ACO station. QSL via F6FKI.
F      - During July and August Michel F/HH2HM, will activate several French
         Islands valid for DIFM award.
FG     - From 17 to 18 June  Lionel, FS5PL,  should be /FG from  Les Saintes
         Islands (NA-114). QSL via FG5BG.
GM     - Following what published in number 213, from Friday 16 to Monday 19
         June, GM3UTQ, GM3NIG and GM4FDM will be active from Flannan Islands
         (EU-118) using  the  GM3UTQ/p call.  Operations mainly in SSB,  but
         some CW on request is expected, all bands from 160 to 10 mtrs.  QSL
         via GM3UTQ.
GM     - Following what published in number 213,  GM0DEQ, GM0KVI and  GM0SEI
         will join the IOTA Contest from Great Cumbrae Island (EU-123) using
         the GM3USL/p call.  Operations are expected to  start in the after-
         noon of Friday 28 July. QSL via GM0KVI.
HP3    - Jose  (HP2CWB),  Emilio  (HP2DFU),  Ricardo  (HP2CTM) and Guillermo
         (HP2DUI) want to  activate, the  1st and 2nd of July,  two or three
         islands  located in the  Province of Chiriqui group (NA-071).  From
         each  island will be  used a different call:  3F3C, H33C and  HO3C.
         Operations are planned on bands from 80 to 10 mtrs (WARC included),
         but only in SSB.  QSL via HP2CWB,  Jose NG Lee, P.O.Box 728, Colon,
         Republic of Panama.
IA5    - From 29 July to 12 August, Bob IK2MRZ will be portable IA5 from Gi-
         glio Island  (EU-028; IIA GR-02)  from where he will  join the IOTA
         Contest. Bob will be active all bands, both in CW and SSB.  QSL via
IB0    - From 30 June to 2 July, Marcello,  IW6MTM will be active on 144 MHz
         from Ponza Island (IIA LT-01), Le Formiche (LT-05) and, if possible
         from other Ponziano archipelago minor islands.
IC8    - Saturday 17 June, Roberto (IK8BIZ), will be portable IC8 from Gaio-
         la Reefs (IIA NA-07). QSL to IK8BIZ: Roberto Fiorentino, Strada Vi-
         cinale Campanile 131, 80126 Napoli.
IJ9    - Following  what  published  in  number 209, Salvo's  (IT9HLR)  team
         has finally found the conditions to activate Porri Island  (EU-166;
         IIA RG-01). Operations until this evening, 17 June, all bands, WARC
IL3    - Afro (IK4HLU) and Alberto (IK4HPU), who,  as planned, have been QRV
         from Albarella Island, hope to activate soon  Donzella island  (IIA
         RO-01) and Polesine island  (IIA RO-03).  They suggest to  wait for
         those operations before to send all QSLs.
IL3    - Tuesday 13 June, Gianni, IK3TTY,  has been active from  Sant'Erasmo
         island (EU-131; IIA VE-15).
IP1    - Massimo, IK1GPG, and Gabriele, IK1NEG, will be active from 0700Z to
         1700Z of today, Saturday 17 June from Gallinara island (IOTA EU-083
         IIA SV-01)  using the IP1/IK1GPG and IP1/IK1NEG calls. Two stations
         will be simultaneously  active and they  will  work  from  10 to 40
         mtrs bands (WARC included). QSL via their homecalls.
JW     - From 17 July to 10 August, Dominik, DL5EBE, will join  a scientific
         expedition to  Svalbard Islands, from where  he hopes to be  active
         using the JW0K call in CW and RTTY. QSL via homecall.
OJ0    - Recent operations  from Market Reef by OJ0/OH8AA  were very succes-
         ful logging about 12000  QSO, mainly with European stations due to
         poor propagation.  4009 QSOs was made during the  CQ WW WPX CW Con-
         test. QSL via OH6LI, Jukka Klemola, Aarontie 5, Somero, Finland.
OY     - During next IOTA Contest, a group of ON amateurs will activate  the
         Faroe Islands  (EU-018) from the last week of  July to the first of
         August.  During the Contest,  from 1200Z of 29 to 1200Z of 30 July,
         the special OY6A call will be used, both in SSB and CW.  Before and
         after the  test many other islands in the Faroe group will be acti-
         vated. QSL via ON6QR,  Fred Jans-Cooremans,  3 Tangedallaan, B-1850
         Grimbergen, Belgium.
S0     - Following what published in previous  number, Tim, 4U/KC0PA  is now
         active in CW also, at low speed. 
SV8    - Jim, SV1DET, will be portable /8 from Corfu Island (EU-052)  during
         July and he will operate on 80 to 10 mtrs bands in SSB and CW.  QSL
         via bureau or direct to SV1DET: Jim Tsifakis, 30-32 Kanari str, 185
         38 Piraeus, Greece.
T2     - Following what published in number 213,  Masa (JE1DXC), after  many
         delays, is now finally QRV from Tuvalu as T20XC.
TI     - From 22 June DK6AO will be in Costa Rica, from where he will try to
         activate IOTA groups NA-155, NA-117 and NA-116.
UA     - UE1QDX  has  been  active  the  11st of June from Trehgorka island,
         which is valid for the Russian Robinson Club Award (RR-22-01).
VE     - To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the end of WW II in Asia, from
         000Z of 8 July to 2359Z of 8 September, the VE amateurs may use the
         following special prefixes:
         ordinary  PFX     special PFX        ordinary  PFX     special  PFX
              VA2              XK2                VE6               XK6
              VA3              XK3                VE7               XJ7
              VA7              XK7                VE8               XK8
              VE1              XK1                VE9               XK9
              VE2              XJ2                VO1               XO7
              VE3              XJ3                VO2               XO8
              VE4              XK4                VY1               XN7
              VE5              XK5                VY2               XN8
VU_and - Larry, F5PYI, reports that  he planned  skeds with  Manny,  VU2JPS,
         active  from Andaman  islands.  The skeds are every  evening,  from
         1600Z to 1800Z, on frequencies between 14195 and 14210 KHz. Usually
         is Paran, VU2AU, whot collects short lists called later by  VU2JPS,
         only in CW. Manny hopes to receive in a short time an  official VU4
         call but unfortunately he can't stay  too much on  frequency due to
         electrical limitations, as the  power generator  works only  during
         the day. VU2JPS has been recently heard, with good signal, on 14205
         KHz at 1700Z. QSL via VU2AU.
VY1    - The  30th  of  July  VY1ISL  will  start  an  expedition to several
         islands on the Yukon coast.
W1     - The Newington Amateur Radio League will join the IOTA Contest  from
         29 to 30 July from Sheffield island (NA-136) using the W1OKY call.
W4     - Randy, KD8JN, from 8 to 15 July will activate Hatteras Isl.(NA-067)
         using the KD8JN/4 call,  on 80 to 10 mtrs bands  (WARC included) in
         SSB and CW on request. QSL via homecall.
W0     - From 25 to 25 July NL7TB and WL7MY will be QRV from Governor's Isl.
         located in the Sakakawea Lake (North Dakota).  This island is valid
         only for the US Islands Awards.
XF4    - Tony, XE1GRR,  has announced that from 17 to 19 June,  for about 40
         hours, a team by  XE1AVM, XE1FRF, XE1FSK, XE1FWJ, XE1IAX, XE1EP and
         XE1GRR will activate Socorro Island on all bands from 160 to 10 me-
         ters (WARC included) and VHF/UHF (6m, 2m, 70cm, 23cm and via satel-
         lite) in SSB, CW and RTTY. The call will be  XF4RTD. QSL via XE1TD:
         Club  de Radioaficionados de Occidente, P.O.Box 1-197, 44100 Guada-
         lajara, Jalisco, Mexico.  A second operation,  from 1 to 19 July is
         also planned, but there are still some  problems to solve  with the
         Mexican Military Marine for the shipment  (about two tons of equip-
         ment). We remember that Socorro and Clarion count as Revilla-Gigedo
         for the DXCC.
YB4    - QSLs for 8A4EI operations (Enggano Island, OC-204)  are ready to be
         sent for the end of June.
YB8    - Following what  published in number 195,  YC0FEO has confirmed  the
         intention to  activate,  before  the end  of June,  Talaud  Islands
         (OC-???). YC0FEO and his team would like also to activate Tukangbe-
         si Islands (OC-???) and/or Sangihe Isl. (OC-???).
9H     - Following what published in previous number, from 22 June to 4 July
         Fritz  (PA0BEA/9H3IE),  Franz (PA3CGX/9H3ID),  Wim  (PA3BIZ/9H3ON),
         Frank  (PE1KNL/9H3QH),  Teun  (PA0TPM/9H3TD), Anton (PA3CRA),  Erik
         (PA3DES) e Jo (PE1NWI) will be QRV on all bands from 160 to  2 mtrs
         (WARC included) in SSB/CW and via satellite  AO13 and AO13  Mode B.
         Monitor  VHF frequencies for good conditions:  50.110,  50.120  and
         144.300 MHz. QSL via bureau to their homecall.
        *** IOTA Reference Numbers issued in the month of May 1995 ***
AS-120  5B   CYPRUS'S   coastal   islands,  issued   for  the   activity  of
             5B4/G4WFZ from Ayios Yeoryiou island.
NA-204  CO   SABANA ARCHIPELAGO  (Cuban coastal islands, letter "e"), issued
             for the activity of CO0OTA from Cayo Santa Maria.
OC-206  VK6  WESTERN  AUSTRALIA  STATE  (S. W. COAST)  NORTH  group (Western
             Australia  Islands, letter  "l")  issued  for the  activity  of
             VK6ISL from Faure Island.
SA-081  HK8  NARINO DIVISION group (Colombian Islands,  letter  "f"), issued
             for the activity of HK3JJH/8 from Morro Island.
FO5BI - > The QSL manager, F6HSI,  receives the logs  from this station only
once per year and then answers to requests. Be patient !

HAM RADIO 1995 -> The traditional  HAM RADIO  happening  in Friedrichshafen,
is planned from 23 to 25  June.  Particularly interesting is the presence of
Bill, K5FUV who  will check QSL for the DXCC awards  (for the base award, no
more than  110 Countries)  and of Mats,  SM7PKK, who   will have fresh  QSLs
from Conway reef operations (3D2CT and 3D2CU). From 26 June,  as soon as  he
is back in Sweden, Mats starts to answer to requests.

RSGB HF CONVENTION -> The annual Internationa HF Convention of RSGB will ta-
ke place the 9 and 10 September at Beaumont Conference Centre (Windsor).Just
take a look at some of the  talks already  scheduled and  we think you  will

** The DXCC programme by Chuck Hutchinson, K8CH
** Amateur Radio on Internet by Mike Richards, G4WNC
** Top Band antennas for mere mortals by Neil Smith, G4DBN
** Cluster Forum by John Clayton, G4PDQ
** Islands on the  Air - the fastest growing DX award programme
     by Roger Balister, G3KMA
** Sunspots and propagation by Martin Atherton, G3ZAY
** Bhutan - 40 years of amateur radio, by Jim Smith, VK9NS
** The Camel Trophy by Richard Diamond, G4CVI
** HF Contesting by Chris Burbanks, G3SJJ
** Computers in the shack by Don Field, G3XTT
** Activating Islands; the Do's and Dont's
      by a number of Island activators
** HF Data Modes by Mike Kerry, G4BMK
** The Conway Reef  DXpedition by Mats Persson, SM7PKK
** Low Band Antennas - my way by Ron Stone, GW3YDX
** The Islands on the air awards programme report
      by Roger Balister, G3KMA
** Equipment reviews by Chris Lorek, G4HCL
** Contesting in the Caribbean by Bill Hudzik, WA2UDT

Organising Committee -  G3OUF & G0TWW  (Joint Chair),  G3ZAY, G3KMA,  G4XRV,
G3NUG, G4BWP, G4IQM, G3RTU, G3PSM & G4PFF. Full details from  Marcia Brimson
at RSGB HQ, Lambda House, Cranborne Road, Potters Bar, Herts, EN6 3JE, UK

SIX METERS IN SPAIN -> Salvador EA3BKZ/EH3BKZ,  reports that currently there
are about 140 stations in Spain authorized to  operate on 50 MHz.  The rules
allow to use the frequencies between 50.000 and 50.200 Mhz,  only in CW/SSB,
with a power less  than 30 watt.  The Spanish  stations change their  prefix
working on 6 mtrs, from EA to EH.
NEW POSTAL RATES IN USA (CORRECTION) -> Following what published in previous
numer, some English versions of the bulletin report a wrong equivalence  be-
tween ounces and grammes.  One ounce is equivalent to  28.35 grammes.  Sorry
for the mistake.
*                              425 DX NEWS                                 *
*                        DX info weekly bulletin                           *
*       edited by Mauro  Pregliasco, I1JQJ  and Piero Forno, IK1IYU        *
*       with  the  contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171        *
              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
IK8OZZ,  IK0QDB,  IT9HLR,  Roman DX Group,  DC3MF,  DL2EAD,  DL5EBE, DL7VOA,
QRZ DX, The 59(9) DX Report,  VK2SG RTTY DX Notes.                          

* Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to *
*          Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to         *
*      Piero Forno, IK1IYU  (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, pforno@iol.it)      *
*                  INTERNET e-mail : I1-21171@amsat.org                    *
*         425 WWW Page -->  http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html      *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
425 DX NEWS is weekly available on Trance *FREE* BBS in Italy (+39-11-482751)

17 June 1995                                                          no.215
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                           edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till 30/6        CG7D & CG7H: special stations                          213
till 21/6        CN2JA * by DL2EAD                                      215
till 18/6        DS0DX/2: Paengnyong (AS-???) * by HL2KAT               214
till 26/6        EA8/ON6GP                                              214
till 19/6        GM3UTQ/p: Flannan Is. (EU-118)                         213
till 18/6        HB0/DA1WA * by Wiesbaden Amateur Radio Club            211
till 18/6        IY4ARI: Bologna                                        214
till 17/6        IJ9: Porri Isl. (EU-166) (IIA RG-01) by IT9HLR's taem  215
till 25/8        KC6YK: Palau * by NH6YK                                209
till 20/6        OH0 * by DJ2PJ & DL5FF                                 213
till 28/6        TM6ACO: Lee Mans * special station                     215
till 31/8        VF1L: Cape Breton Isl. (NA-010) * by VE1AL             214
till September   YA/UT9XL                                               208
till September   ZD8WD * by G4RWD                                       197
till 17/6        4H1TR: Ttubbataha Reef (OC-???) * by I2YDX             215
till August      4U/KC0PA: Western Sahara                               199
till ?           7Q7XT * by ON6TT                                       208
till ?           9Q2L * by PA3DZN                                       212
till June        9X/ON4WW                                               205
15/6-22/6        K1EFI/VP9                                              214
17/6-18/6        ED6FPG: Faro de Punta Grossa                           214
17/6-18/6        FG/FS5PL: Les Saintes Is. (NA-114)                     215
17/6-19/6        GB0SRS: Steepholm Isl. (EU-120)                        212
17/6-18/6        GI: Mew Isl. (EU-122) * by GI0SSA & GI0VGV             214
17/6             IC8/IK8BIZ: Scogli Gaiola (IIA NA-07)                  215
17/6             IJ9/IT9GAI: Isola delle Correnti (IIA SR-01)       ??? 211
17/6-18/6        IP1: Gallinara Isl. (EU 083) (IIA-SV-01) * by IK1 team 215
17/6-18/6        IT9: Femmine Isl.(EU-166)(IIA PA-04) by IT9ABY's team  213
17/6-18/6        VE8: Richard's Isl. * by VE8NC                         213
17/6-18/6        XF4RTD * by XE1 team                                   215
18/6-25/6        DX Caribe 95                                           ***
18/6             EA3BT/p: Illots Sadolitj (DIE E-171)                   211
20/6             NU2L/VO2: Battle Harbour Isl. (NA-044) * by G3ZAY      212
21/6-27/6        CQ5B: Berlenga Isl. (EU-040) * by CT1EWA & CT1FMX      210
21/6-26/6        N4BP: Dry Tortugas Is. (NA-079)                        208
21/6-22/6        NU2L/VO2: Ponds Isl. (NA-044) * by G3ZAY               212
21/6-5/7         8P9CR, J8/LA4LN, 9Y4/LA4LN                             215
22/6-?           TI/DK6AO                                               215
22/6-4/7         9H * by PA team                                        215
23/6-30/6        IL7: Sant'Andrea Isl. (EU-091) (LE-01) Salento DX team 205
23/6-25/6        OH1MDR/p: Sandstroem Reef (EU-096)                     211
23/6-26/6        VK9: Christmas Isl. * by JA1CMD/AD4WF                  214
23/6-30/6        ZB * by N7RK                                           213
23/6-25/6        Friedrichshafen * Ham Radio 95                         ***
24/6-25/6        ED1URS: Isla Marnay (DIE N-108)                        211
24/6-25/6        IO1GTM: Basilica of Superga * special station          213
24/6-14/7        OZ. Laeso Isl. (EU-088) * by DG2TM & DL2SWW            211
24/6-30/6        SP1: Wolin Isl. (EU-132) * by SP2CYK, SP2LLV & SP2LLW  211
24/6-25/6        NU2L/VO2: Newfoundland Pro. Centre (NA-???) * by G3ZAY 212
25/6             EA3BT/p: Les Balelles (DIE E-056)                      211
25/6             IJ9/IT9GAI: Isola di Capo Passero (IIA SR-02)          211
26/6-27/6        F: Fort Brescau (EU-148) * by F5OYU                    211
29/6-30/6        ED1URS: Isla de Mouro (DIE N-016)                      211
30/6-4/7         VE8: Belcher Isl. (NA-196) * by VE3LKS, VE3VGI, VE3WFS 199
30/6-1/7         VY1ISL: Yukon Terr. (NA-193) * by N6IV, KF6XC & NL7TB  211
June             BV8BC/9: Green Isl. (AS-020)                           215
June             EJ/DL8MCA                                              211
June             HK2: Guajira/Magdalena Div. group (SA-???) * by HK3JJH 210
June             IL3: Donzella Isl. (IIA RO-01) * by IK4HLU & IK4HPU    211
June             IL3: Polesine Isl. (IIA RO-03) * by IK4HLU & IK4HPU    211
June             IM0: Soffi Isl. (EU-165) (IIA SS-57) * by IS0JMA       213
June             IM0: Mortorio Isl. (EU-165) (IIA SS-54) * by IS0JMA    213
June             UA0Y: Republic of Tuvan (zone 23)                      199
June             XE1: Jalisco Nayarit State group (NA-189)              203
June             YB8: Talaud Is. (OC-???) * by YC0FEO's team            215
June-July        YB8: Sangihe Is. (OC-???) * by YC0FEO's team       ??? 215
June-July        YB8: Tukangbesi Is. (OC-???) * by YC0FEO's team    ??? 215
June             ZA: Sazan Isl. (EU169) * by DJ8QP & ZA1B           ??? 207
middle June      9H3AM * by G3VLX                                       214
13/10-15/10      >>> Bologna: V IOTA CONVENTION <<<                     ***