SB DX @ WW $425WW214A 425 DX News 10 June 1995 No.214 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU C6 - Until the 17th of June Steve N4JQQ will be active from Treasure Cay (NA-080) on 40, 30 and 17 mtrs. An activity on 6 mtrs is also planned. QSL via homecall. CT - The special station CQ1P will be activated the 10th of June. QSL via CT1EXE. CY9 - Following what published in numbers 209 and 213, also Bill, K4TVE will join the team that will active St. Paul Island between 27 July and 2 August. Vance,W5IJU, wants to try a translatlantic contact on 144 MHz: give him a sked with a specific date and UTC time. The 28870 frequency will be used as support during the attempts. QSL and donations via WA4DAN, Murry Adams, 403 East 14th St., Greenville, NC 27858, USA. D2 - Following what published in number 207, Valy, YO3YX, is active from Angola as D2/YO3YX until the end of 1995. Valy is often QRV in SSB on 14268 and 21266 KHz working with an homebrew, a 400 watt ampli- fier and a quad antenna. Valy is available to QSY in CW on request. QSL a YO3YE, PO Box 55-36, Bucharest, Romania. EA - During the DIE Contest, planned for the 16th of July, the following Spanish islands will be activated: ----------------------------------------------------------- Ref. Call Island QSL via ----------------------------------------------------------- BU-11 EA1FCI/p Alto la Nave EA5OL N-191 ED1IDM Montehano EA1ATT P-019 ED1IPA La Retencion EA5OL E-043 ED3IMP Meda Petita EA3CCN TO-14 EA4OL/p Santo Floro EA4CWN E-014 EA5GOU/p Perdiguera EA5VM E-197 EA5GRO/p El Ciervo EA5VM E-011 ED5IPE Portitxol EA5OL N-002 EA5JC/1 Pancha EA5JC E 013 EA5ZR/p Mayor o Baron EA5VM E-022 EA6BE Menorca E-029 EA6DM/p Conejera EA5OL E-023 EA6IB Ibiza E-021 EA6JN Mallorca EA5OL E-022 EA6KZ Menorca E-021 EA6OH Mallorca EA5OL E-021 EA6PN Mallorca EA5OL E-175 EA6QB/p de La Sal Rossa EA5OL E-022 EA6QC Menorca E-030 EA6SF/p Tagomago EA5OL E-024 EA6WL Formentera E-189 ED6ZXK Gabina EA6ZX SE-06 EA7SK de La Cartuja S-012 EA8AEI Tenerife S-012 EA8AEI Tenerife S-015 ED8BIE Hierro EA8BIE S-012 EA8BZH Tenerife S-217 EA7JB/9 Punta el Chiclon EA5OL ----------------------------------------------------------- EA3 - On the 2nd of July the station EA3BT/P will be active from Secains Illots (DIE E-055): QSL via EA3FBM. EA3 - From 15 to 16 July the station ED3IM will be active from Meda Gran- de Island (IOTA EU-078 DIE E-001). He plans to join DIE Contest. QSL via EA3CCN. EA6 - From 17 to 18 June the station ED6ZXJ will be active from Isla d'en Porros (DIE E-138). EA6 - The 15th of July the station ED6FPG will be active from Punta Gros- sa Lighthouse (E-0289). QSL via EA5OL. EA8 - Jean-Pierre, ON6GP, is portable /EA8 until the 26th of June. Find him daily on 30 mtrs CW, after the 2100Z. QSL via homecall. EI - Anthony, EI2HY and Mike EI2IB, will join the IOTA Contest from Clear Island (EU-121) as EJ5CRC. F - From 22 to 23 July F6HKS will be active from Glenan Is.(EU-094). F - From 6 to 2 7 August a group of operators of the Loos DX Gang will be QRV as TM7I from some islands in Normandie and Bretagne valid for IOTA and DIFM programmes. QSL via F5JYD. G - A group of Chiltern DX Club operators (G0OPB, G0ORH and G4TSH) will be active from the Isles of Scilly (EU-011) before, after and during the IOTA Contest. The call will be G0ORH/P and the QSL manager is G0ORH. GI - Following what published in numer 212, the operations from Mew Isl. (EU-122) by Andy (GI0VGV) and Keith (GI0SSA) have been anticipated to 17 and 18 June. Mew Island is located into the J68 WAB square. GW - Lionel, G5LP, reports that, following the success obtained with the last year expedition, during the next IOTA Contest Anglesey Island (EU-124) will be activated again, using the GW5LP/p call. Operators will be Lionel, Steve, G3VMW and Fred, G4BWP. Activities in SSB, CW and RTTY. Before and after the contest the GC4MBC/p will be used. QSL via G5LP. HL - From 14 (but probably from 15) to 18 June, a group of HL operators, leaded by HL2KAT and including, among the others, HL1XP and HL2IWD, will be active from Paengnyong Island (AS-???) using the DS0DX/2 call. Activities are planned in SSB (on usual IOTA frequencies, ex- pecially on 14260 and 21260 KHz) and in CW (14026 and 21026 KHz). QSL via HL1XP. IA5 - As reported in number 208, Pierluigi, IK1EDC, Giovanni, IK1JJB, Massimo, IK5OIY and Claudio, IK5RLP, are active until 11 June from Scoglio dello Sparviero (EU-028; IIA GR07) using the IA5S call. Ac- tivities on 40, 20 and 6 mtrs bands using particularly attention to North America during the evenings and early mornings on 14260 KHz. Giovanni, IK1JJB, if weather permits, will be active for few hours from Scogli Porchetti (IIA GR-09) using another equipment. IA5 - IA5/OE5XBL is active from Giglio island (EU-028; IIA-GR-02). ID8 - I1HYW, I8KUT and I8USE will join the IOTA Contest (29-30 July) from Cirella island (EU-144, IIA CS-01). IL3 - Until 15 June Wolfgang, IL3/DL3MFW/p, will be active from Grado Isl (EU-130, IIA GO-01). Wolfgang cannot receive QSLs via the bureau, therefore cards can only be requested via direct. IL3 - Following what published in number 211, during the weekend, Afro (IK4HLU) and Alberto (IK4HPU) will join the ARI Sections Contest from Albarella island (IIA RO-02). IY4 - Until 18 June will be active from Bologna the IY4ARI station, du- ring the "Radio Expo 1995" exhibition. QSL via IK4DCT. JT - From 12 to 16 July JA0HC, JA0IXW, JH0PCO, JF0QIR and JR0CGJ will be portable JT1 in CW, SSB, RTTY and SSTV. KH6 - George, WH6BLQ was active, between Thursday 8 and Friday 9 June, from rare French Frigate Shoals (OC-055). Notwithstanding the good propagation, very few European stations have worked him, since George used a wire antenna and low power. LA - During the weekend the special station LA2D/p is active all bands (from 80 to 10 mtrs) and all modes. QSL via bureau or direct to: P.O.Box 1184, N-3001 Drammen, Norway. P5 - A detailed documentation about the recent P5/OH2AM operation has been submitted to ARRL and the insert of North Corea into the DXCC Countries List is expected in a short time. It's an historic event as P5 is the last of the ONU members' nations to be added to the list. Meanwhile, OH0XX and OH2BH have received another invitation for a big operation using, respectively, the P51XX and P51BH calls. This expedition is planned after their Finland vacations and the last activities related to recent BS7H operation from Scarborough Reef. S0 - An operation from Western Sahara using the S0URE call is planned between 9 and 15 June. Activity on all bands all modes, particular- ly in RTTY and on 50 MHz. S0 - Tim, KC0PA, is QRV again from Western Sahara, after a short vaca- tion in U.S.A., using the 4U/KC0PA call. Tim that is joing the U.N. troops, operates both on HF and 6 mtrs bands. We remember that DXCC Desk has recently approved his activities with the 4U call, valid for DXCC purposes. QSL via VE9RHS. TF - DL2RXE is portable TF (EU-021). QSL via homecall. UA0 - UA0QBA is QRV from AS-028. QSL via EV6A, P.O.Box 15, 210026 Vi- tebsk, Russia. V2 - David, G6QQ, will be portable /V2 from Antigua from 20 July to 2 August working mainly in CW on 40 to 10 mtrs bands using an IC-735, a vertical antenna and a dipole. During the IOTA Contest he will try to be QRV during the night also and will QSY in SSB on request. VK9X - From 23 to 26 June, Ken, JA1CMD/AD4WF, should be active from Christmas Island. Operations are planned from 10 to 80 meters, WARC included, mainly in CW. QSL via bureau to JA1CMD or direct to AD4WF VU_and - While there is no more information about VU2JPS operations from Andaman islands, WB2RQX reports that VU2RKC and other operators are planning an activity to take place in October. VP8_ssh- Andy, VP8CQS, active from South Shetlands islands, reports his new address: Andrze Grotha, SP2GOW, ul Mikolaja Gomolki 5 m 1, 80-279 Gdansk, Poland. VP9 - From 15 to 22 June Fred K1EFI/VP9 will be QRV from Southampton Pa- rish. W4 - From 21 to 24 September a group of operators will activate Tybee island (NA-058) using the K8SCH/4 call. QSL via K8SCH or via N8FU. XF4 - As the XE bureau is very slow, XE1BEF suggests to those who are in- terested in receiving QSL from his operation in Clarion Island (XF0C, 6-19 March 1995) to send the requests via direct. YI - YI1RS is the new Baghdad Radio Club call; among the operators there is Adel YI1FC, who speaks also Italian, asking QSL to Box 55072, Baghdad, Iraq. ZS - The special ZS10JUN station is active until 10 June from South Africa. QSL via bureau. ZS - The QSL manager for ZS95RWR operations is KK3S. First QSLs will be sent in the first half of July, at the end of the Rugby World Cham- pionship's activities. 3V - As reported in previous number, 3V8BB is actually active in CW, SSB RTTY and satellite. Operations until mid-June. QSL via JF2EZA. 3W - Warren, KF7AY, together with N7WTU, K5VT, AA7WP, AA7NO, WA7LNW, KF7AY, from Page DX Association and Central Arizona DX Association will be active from Vietnam from 23 January and 2 February 1996. The operations are planned mainly on low bands and in CW, joining the 160mtrs Contest, but they will use also RTTY and SSB on 40 to 10mtrs bands (WARC included). They will try also to activate Hon Tre Island (AS-???) located in the Mien Trung South group. More details in the next months. 4J - Following what published in number 211, Piero (4J0/IK2BHX), thanks to Chiru, JA3DLE/1 is now able to operate in RTTY also. QSL IK2MRZ. 4U0ITU - Following what published in number 200, the Hungarian team reports to have logged 5600 QSOs from I.T.U. station in Geneve, without the possibility to operate on WARC and RTTY. QSLs will be ready in few days and can be requested to: Gyula Palmai, PO.Box 113, Salgotarjan H-3100, Hungary. 5B - From 10 to 13 July a group of 5B operators will activate Ayios Yeoryiou island (AS-120) probably using the special C4IOTA call. 5H - Michael, 5H3MS, reports that in Tanzania a new Amateurs Radio Asso- ciation has been established (Tanzania Amateur Radio Club) and that a Net is active every Sunday at 0500Z on 7080 KHz. If you like to have further information about the HAM activities in Tanzania (as, for example, how to obtain a license) you can ask to: Tanzania Ama- teur Radio Club, c/o Tanzania Scouts Headquarters, P.O.Box 945, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. You can also send a message to Michael: 5H3MS @ ZS5S.ZAF.AF (e-mail: 5T - Until 25 August, Eric (5T5JC) is active from Mauritania using the special 5T6E call, all bands all modes. QSL via F6FNU. 6W - The 10th of June the amateurs in Senegal can use the special 6W25 prefix to celebrate 25th years of Amateur Radio activities. 9H - From 22 June to 4 July a group of PA operators will be QRV from Malta. Operations planned from 10 to 80 meters, WARC included, in CW and SSB. 9H - Deryck, G3VLX, hopes to be QRV from Malta as 9H3AM from 5 to 24 Ju- ne. QSL via homecall. *** New IOTA numbers issued in April 1995 *** AS-119 A4 MUSANDAM PENINSULA group (Omani islands, lettera "e"), is- sued for A43GI activity from Al Ghanam Island. NA-202 HP COLON/VERAGUAS NORTH PROVINCE group (Panamanian islands, lette- r "c"), issued for HP2CWB/P activity from Isla Grande. NA-203 HP LOS SANTOS/HERRERA/COCLE PROVINCE group (Panamanian islands, letter "d"), issued for HP9I activity from Iguana Island. SA-080 PY6 BAHIA STATE CENTRE group (Brazilian islands, letter "k"), issued for PT6AB activity from Tinhare Island and for PW6AB from Boipeba Island. DX NEWS SHEET -> A change was made to the guide of famous bulletin published from Radio Society of Great Britain: after more than ten years as editor, Brendan McCartney, G4DYO, has recently stopped, leaving all in the hands of Christopher J.Page, G4BUE, that has officially started with number 1668, changing the format, from classic A4 to "smaller" A5 size; the monthly sup- plement DX News Magazine has also been announced. The 425 DX News team, thanks Bren (G4DYO) for his international DX community support and welcome to Chris (G4BUE) wishing him great success. NEW POSTAL COSTS in U.S.A. -> Hardy, DC8TS, reports that from 9 July 1995 there will be an increase to the postal costs for the outgoing mail. To send a card will be necessary 50c, for a letter that weighs less than 1/2 ounce (219 grammes) 60c and for more than 1 ounce (437,5 grammes) 1$. This is va- lid for all destinations, except Canada and Mexico. VP2V QSL BUREAU -> The new address of the British Virgin Islands QSL bureau is: c/o Dirk J. de Jong, P.O.Box 137, Read Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands. The service is reserved to resident VP2V. **************************************************************************** * 425 DX NEWS * * DX info weekly bulletin * * edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Piero Forno, IK1IYU * * with the contribution of IK1GPG, IK2IQD, IK2ULV, I1-21171 * **************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, I1ZL, IK1EDC, IK1JJB, I2CBM, IK2MRZ, I4LCK, IK4DCT, IK4HPU, I5FLN, IK5HHA, IK7AFM, Roman DX Group, DC3MF, DC8TS, DL9GOA, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DU7CC, EA5KB, F5JYD, G5LP, GI0VGV, GI0SSA, KK6EK, HA6NY, LA7EHA, ON1LDN, ON6QR, More(N=no)? TU4EX, VE1AL, ZS6YA, LNDX, URE-EA-DX, DX News Sheet, OPDX, ARRL DX Bulletin, QRZ DX, The 59(9) DX Report, VK2SG RTTY DX Notes. **************************************************************************** * Further information, reports, suggestions and/or comments can be sent to * * Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) or to * * Piero Forno, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE.IPIE.ITA.EU, * **************************************************************************** * INTERNET e-mail : * * 425 WWW Page --> * **************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on Trance *FREE* BBS in Italy (+39-11-482751) ________________________________________________________________ I121171 Maurizio Bertolino - Short Wave Listener - S.W.L. SWL Manager of A.R.I. & Sysop of Trance BBS (Italy)+39-11-482751 JRC-NRD535 Kenwood R5000 AOR3000A -----> <-----