3 June 1995 No.213 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU BV9P - Following what published in previous numbers, the BV9P station is active from Pratas Island (AS-110) until 5 June. Notwithstanding poor conditions and the impossibility to operate with more than 300 watts (due to electrical problems) they have logged more than 10000 QSOs. Difficulties also for some operators who have some health problems due to high temperature and humidity. QSL via KU9C, Steven Wheatley, 12 Netherton Terrace, Morristown NJ 07960, U.S.A. CE0_eas- Following what published in number 190, the Easter Island and Sala y Gomez Island (SA-???) DXpedition, planned from 26 August to 14 September 1995 with XR0Y and XR0Z calls, is in preparation: some operators were in Dayton and much of the stuff is ready for the shipment. CE0_jf - Bob, K4UEE and Randy K0EU, are planning an expedition to Juan Fer- nandez Island to take place in September, for one week. CT - During the weekend CQ5I might be active from Ilhote do Pego (DIP AL-12). CY9 - Following what published in number 209, Dan, WA4DAN, reports that all is ready for the expedition to Saint Paul Island, planned from 27 July to 2 August. Operators AA4VK, WA4DAN, KW2P and W5IJU will be QRV using their call/CY9 in CW/SSB/RTTY on all bands from 160 to 6 meters and via satellite. On 40 and 10 meters they will use Yagi beams (2 elements for 7 MHz). QSL and donations to WA4DAN. DU1 - From 7 to 9 June, Joe (I2YDX) hopes to activate, if weather permits Palawan islands (OC-128) F - During the weekend the station TM0RAD will be active again, cele- brating the Centenary of radio discovery by Guglielmo Marconi. G - During the weekend the station GX0NHR/p will be active from Holy Is (EU-120). QSL via G3OCA. GM - From 16 to 19 June GM3UTQ will be active from Flannan Is. (EU-118). QSL via homecall. GM - A team leaded by Tom, GM4FDM wants to join the IOTA Contest from Gigha Island (EU-008) using the GM5VG/p call. QSL only via bureau to GM5VG. GM - Bob, GM0DEQ, together with other GM operators, will join the IOTA Contest from Cumbrae Island (EU-123). HR6 - Following what published in number 194, Gary HR6/N7QXQ is living on Roatan Island (NA-057) and hopes to receive the HR6GK call soon. Gary is active only in SSB from 10 to 80 meters, WARC included, and via satellite AO10 and AO13 (he will install a 160 mtrs antenna in the summer). QSL via NA7X who collects the cards and sends to him; Gary is sending confirmations via U.S. IC8 - Sunday 4 June, Roberto (IK8BIZ), Antonio (IK8JUZ) and Gianni (IK8MRA) will be portable IC8 from Scoglio Lungo (IIA NA-???) and from Scoglio dei Francesi (IIA NA-???). QSL via IK8OZZ, Luigi Cer- vasio, P.O.Box 13, 80056 Ercolano (NA). IL7 - Following what published in number 205, Roberto IK7XIV, confirming his Sant'Andrea Island expedition (EU-091, IIA LE-01) planned from 23 to 30 June, confirms that QSL are to be requested to Salento DX Team, IK7IMO Enzo Carriero, P.O.Box 100, 73051 Novoli (LE) or via bureau. IM0 - Roberto (IS0JMA) and Ruggero (IS0RUH) together with other friends from Olbia Section will activate some Sardinian islands. First expe- ditions are planned, if weather permits, the first Sundays of June from Soffi Isl (EU-165; IIA SS-57) and Mortorio (EU-165; IIA SS-54) IO1 - From 24 to 25 June, during the V Amateur Meeting at Superga, the special station IO1TGM will be active from the Basilica of Superga (Torino). Special QSL via I1CJP. IT9 - Following what published in number 211, Marcello (IT9ABY) reports that last weekend operations from Femmine Islands (EU-166; IIA PA-04) were stopped in the evening of Saturday 27 May after logging more than 2100 QSOs. Marcello's team (IT9STG, IT9ORA and IT9ULP) hopes to make another activity from 17 to 18 June. QSL via IT9ABY: Marcello, P.O.Box 11, 90129 Palermo 6. IU6 - During the 31st Marconi Philatelist exhibition and the Centennary of Radio, the local ARI Section of Senigallia will activate the special IU6GM station. Special QSL for all contacts. J2 - Francis, F5ORQ, reports that for QSOs with his Djibouti call J28RQ from 1990 and 1992, QSLs are to be requested to : F5ORQ, Francis, 76 Avenue de Magny, F-57157 Marly, France. KH4 - Following what published in number 212, Rick (KH6JEB) has cancelled the planned expedition to Midway Island, due to transportation pro- blems. Rick hopes to make another effort in the near future. KH7 - During the last CQ WW WPX CW Contest Marty, N6VI/KH6 has been acti- ve as N6VI/KH7: operations were not from Kure Island, as most thought, but from Marty's usual QTH, Hailewa, in Hawaii. Marty has used one of the new prefixes allocated to Hawaii (as previously pu- blished in number 206) just to air a new multiplier in the test. OH0 - Hadi, DJ2PI and Peter DL5FF will be portable OH0 from Aland Island from 8 to 20 June, mainly in RTTY on 20 meters. OZ - A group of German scouts is QRV until the 5 June from Romo Island (EU-125) on 80, 40 and 20 mtrs using the OZ1DRP call. QSL to DL9BCP S9 - Didier, F5OGL, reports that QSLs for his Principe Island (AF-043) activity (December 1991 and April 1992) using the S92AA call can be requested directly to his address: F5OGL, Didier Senmartin, PO.Box 1307, F-53013 Laval Cedex, France. Didier is planning a new opera- tion for the end of this year and is looking for sponsors. SV3 - Saturday 3 June, SV1CID will be portable 3 from Sfaktiria Island (EU-158). He will use batteries so please don't make dupe QSOs. SV5 - Steve, G4JVG, is active from Rhodes island (EU-001) until 17 June as SV5/G4JVG. Operation in SSB only on 80 to 10 meters bands. QSL via G3OZF. T2 - Following what published in number 210, Masa, JE1DXC reports that he is currently in Fiji. The flight for Tuvalu, planned for the 1st of June, has been cancelled and now it's impossible to know when the expedition can take place (Masa is pessimist). Activities from Western Samoa (5W0XC) and from South Cook (ZK1DXC) have logged about 4000 QSOs each country. TA - From April, Zdeno (OK2ZW) is in Turkey where he first operated as TA2/OK2ZW, until 25 May, then he received the TA2ZW call. Zdeno is QRV in SSB/CW on 40 to 10 mtrs bands (WARC included) and he hopes to install a new antenna to operate in 80 and 160 also and to be active in RTTY in the near future. He will stay there for three years. QSL for TA2/OK2ZW via OK1TN, for TA2ZW via OK-DX Foundation, Box 73, 293 06 Bradlec, Czech Republic. Don't send QSL via homecall (OK2ZW). TA4 - For few hours, Tuesday 30 May, OE3GRU has been unexpectedly active from Catal Island, which the operator said to be located in the Anatolia Region south West group (AS-098). The short operation from this rare IOTA group has prevented many island chasers from making the QSO and therefore the planned operation from TA friends, as published in number 211, is still of interest. TR8 - Dimitri, TR8DF, is active from Gabon on 40 to 10 mtrs bands (WARC included) mainly in CW. QSL to: TR8DF, P.O.Box 8000, Libreville, Gabon. V2 - The Frankfurt Radio Club will join the CQ WW DX SSB Contest (28 and 29 October), activating the V26B station from Antigua. Before and after the test they will operate on various bands and modes. QSL for V26B to WT3Q. VE - The special stations CG7D and CG7H will be QRV for the whole month of June, during the G7 meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia. QSL via: Nova Scotia. QSL a: VE1FO, P.O.Box 663, Halifax NS, B3J 2T3 Canada. VE8 - The 17 and 18 June VE8NC will try to activate Richard's Island, whose IOTA status, lacking decent maps, cannot be defined. The island is located in the delta of Mackenzie River north of Inuvik (69.00N-134.43W), and it counts for C.Is.A. award. Operations in SSB and RTTY. VK7 - An international team (with Marek VK3DO, Jurek VK3OO, Barry VK3XV, Tad VK3UX, Mirek VK3DXI, Jacek VK5CJC, Wlodek SP5DDJ, Ed W6KCB, Jurek 4X6RM and others) is planning an expedition to Deal Island (147.55E-37.34S, Kent Group, OC-195) to take place from 8 to 15 February 1996. The call will be VI7DI and all contacts will be con- firmed with a special QSL. They hope to use three generators for a total of 40 Kw. VR2 - A group of Hong Kong operators will join the IOTA contest from Ma Man Island (AS-006). W1 - The South Coast Wireless Society of Pawcatuck CT, hopes to activate Block Island, RI (IOTA NA-31) during the IOTA Contest (29-30 July). Operations on 10, 15, 20 and, if possible, on 40 and 80 mtrs. The call will be announced later. YB5 - YB5BLB hopes to activate Mentawai Isl (OC-??) Wednesday 9 August. ZB2 - Dave, N7RK, will be QRV again from Gibraltar from 23 to 30 June as N7RK/ZB2. Dave will operate mainly on 80, 40, 30, 20 and 17 mtrs, using 100 watt and wire antennas. QSL via homecall. All the re- quests for his previous activity (November 1994) have been answered both via direct or via bureau. ZC4 - Don G3OZF and Steve G4JVG will be active as ZC4DX (British Sove- reign Bases in Cyprus, AS-004) during the IOTA contest at the end of July, working in CW and SSB on 80 to 10 mtrs bands. Before and after the contest they will be QRV as 5B4/homecall. QSL for ZC4DX (only for this operation) and for 5B4 activity via G3OZF. 3D2_fiji-As reported in number 210, Masa, JE1DXC was active during the CQ WW WPX CW Contest as 3D2XC/p from Mamanuca Group (OC-121).QSL JE1DXC. 3V - From mid-June, for two weeks, the club station 3V8BB will be again QRV, also in RTTY. 5B - Saturday 27 May, 5B4/G4WFZ has activated for few hours Ayios Yeoryiou island, one of the Cyprus coastal islands, and the IOTA reference number AS-120 has been issued. During operations, shor- ter than expected due to landing problems, Phil made about 200 QSO. Phil hopes that some local operators, expecially 5B4EV, would try to activate this group again. QSL via G4WFZ (remember that Phil collects used phone cards!): Philip Mash, 28 Orcheston Road, Char- minster, Bournemouth, Dorset BH8 8SR, England. 5N - Mark, 5N0HMA is active from Victoria Island. He often uses the 14260 KHz frequency, but the island is not valid for IOTA. 6W - During the weekend some Dakar Radio Club amateurs will active the Ile de Goree again (AF-045) using the 6V1A call. QSL a: Radio Club, B.P. 971, Dakar, Senegal. 9M - Neville, G3NUG, is planning an IOTA tour in Malaysia to take place this summer. ARARM DX CONVENTION -> The Amateur Radio Association of Republic of Mexico (ARARM) is organising from 27 to 30 July the 35th edition of annual conven- tion to Guadalajara, c/o Hotel Malibu, one of the most luxury congress cen- ters of the city. Numerous activities are planned, referring to DX arguments packet radio, satellites and emergency communications. Families will have special cultural programmes. Further information and/or resevations to : Sergio Valdes Sada, XE2RJ, +52-83-357113 oppure +52-83-353368. NEW ORLEANS DX CONVENTION -> The fourth edition of the annual International DX Convention of New Orleans will take place the 25 and 26 August c/o the Royal Sonesta Hotel in Barbour Street. About the activities there will be movies about recent expeditions and technical conferences, and also ARRL DXCC Desk discussions. During the evening the prize "DXers of the year" will be given to Vince, K5VT.For information and/or reservations contact "Wondy" Wondergem, K5KR, allo +1-504-837-1485, FAX +1-504-524-2129.