DX425 bulletin issue nr. 211

 20 May 1995                                                          No.211
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                       edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU, IK2ULV
                           translated by I1-21171

BY     - Gerard, F2JD, is  in the  Popular  Republic  of China (BY5) for the
         next two months and he hopes to have the permission to operate.
C6     - Following what published in number 207, we state  that C6AGN opera-
         tor is Bill, KM1E and not  W1SE as reported. C6AGN  will be  active
         from Green Turtle Cay (NA-080) until the 24th of May. QSL via KM1E.
DL     - Werner, DL7HX, will be portable from Foehr Island  (EU-042) from 22
         May to 9 June, with CW activities on 40, 30 and 20 mtrs.
DL     - Bernhard  DL2GAC  reports  that  his  new address  is  as  follows:
         Bernhard Stefan,  Moeggenweiler Str. 18,  88677 Markdorf,  Germany.
         QSLs at the old address are in his  hands so it's not  necessary to
         send duplicates. QSLs for the recent Pacific operations will be do-
         nated by the Diamond DX Club and will be printed in the next days.
DU2    - Friday 19th May, Joe, I2YDX   was active during the  whole day from
         Babuyan Islands (OC-092). QSL via I2CBM.
EA     - The following operations from Spanish islands have been  announced:
         Date            Rif.    Call              Island            QSL via
         21 may         VA-01    EA1FEO/p     Isla Palero            EA1FEO
         21 may         E-358    EA3BT/p      Illot de Santa Ana     EA3FBM
         21 may         A-002    EA5FKF/p     La Gaviota             EA5OL
         21 may         E-145    EA9PB/p      Isleta Punta del Morro EA5OL
         28 may         E-349    EA3BT/p      Escull de S'Angaro     EA3FBM
         28 may         H-018    EA7BR/p      Islotes del Terron     EA7CWA
          2 june        E-055    EA3BT/p      Illots Secains         EA3FBM
         11 june        E-374    EA3BT/p      Illa els Bots          EA3FBM
         11 june        E-288    ED5IRM       Escullos de Estacio    EA5VM
         18 june        E-171    EA3BT/p      Illots Sadolitj        EA3FBM
         24/25 june     N-108    ED1URS       Isla Marnay            EA1EB
         25 june        E-056    EA3BT/p      Les Balelles           EA3FBM
         29/30 june     N-016    ED1URS       Isla de Mouro          EA1EB
EA     - Until the  31st of May the special  station EG1RD is  active on all
         bands and all modes, and during the  CQWW WPX CW Contest also.  QSL
         via EA1NK.
EJ     - In June, DL8MCA will be in Ireland, where he hopes to activate some
         islands in the IOTA EU-121, EU-006 and EU-115 groups.
ES     - Bruno,  ES2RW, Viki, ES2RT  and  Valery,  ES5RJT, want to  activate  
         Vaindloo Island (EU-149) using the  ES2RW/4 call.  The start of the
         expedition is planned, weather permitting,  for May  24th or  25th.
         Operations in CW/SSB on 20, 6, 2 mtrs (square KO39ET) on the follo-
         wing frequencies:
         20 m. - 14025 KHz CW, QSX +3; 14260 KHz SSB, QSX +5;  14340/345 KHz
                 for VHF/Tropo/EME or WARC  skeds.
         6 m.  - 50110 KHz  monitor frequency;  50125 KHz  CW/SSB (+/- QRM).
         2 m.  - 144.012 MHz CW-EME; 144.300 MHz SSB; 144.050 MHz CW.
         QSL via ES2RIQ, Ruth Kaur, Poellu 2, EE2260 Arukyla, Estonia.
F      - During  the weekend  the station  TM5RE is active  from  Re  Island
         (EU-032 DIFM AT-22) with  SSB/CW activities on  80 to 2 mtrs bands.
         QSL via F5PJA.
F      - From 26 to 27 June F5OYU will be active from Fort Brescou (EU-148).
         QSL direct to F5OYU.
F      - A group of  French operators will be soon active on all bands, from
         23 cm to 160 mtrs, from Sein Island (EU-068) using the TM3S call.
FP     - Bruno, F5JYD reports that during his recent expedition to St.Pierre
         et Miquelon (TO7I), in the night (UTC) between 2 and 3 May, he sco-
         red about 300 QSO on 160 mtrs. During a   40 minutes band-open with
         Europe, several Italian stations were logged.
HB0    - Following what published in number 208,  Manfred DL8SET will be as-
         sisted by DJ0KI during the Liechtenstein operations planned from 24
         to 28 May.  HB0/DL8SET will be particularly  QRV in CW/SSB on  WARC
         and 6 mtrs bands, while HB0/DJ0KI will work in  CW/SSB/RTTY/PACTOR/
         AMTOR on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 mtrs. QSL via homecalls.
HB0    - The Wiesbaden Amateur Radio Club will activate again the  Liechten-
         stein Principate from 1 to 18 June using the HB0/DA1WA call. Opera-
         tions in CW/SSB on all HF bands. QSL via DJ0LC and KN6G (USA only).
HK     - Following what published in number  210, Pedro,  HK3JJH, is /8 from
         Narino  Division  group.  The  activity,  from  El Morro island, is
         planned to end Sunday 21 May.  QSL via homecall.  The 19th of  May,
         the IOTA Committee has received from Pedro the necessary  cartogra-
         phic  documentation  for  the  Colombian  El Morro  island.  Having
         HK3JJH/8 made the necessary number of QSOs to be eligible for a new
         Ref.No., SA-081 has been issued to Narino Division group.
HS     - The Radio Amateur Society  of Thailand  has been authorized  to use
         the special HS50A call, for a whole year starting this month,during
         the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of  Kingdom of King Bhumi-
         phol Adulayadej, HS1A.
HV     - Paolo (I2UIY), ARI HF Contest Manager, during the  CQWW WPX CW Con-
         test, the 27 and 28 May, will be active again from  Vatican station
         HV4NAC. QSL is sure, both direct or via bureau, to IK0FVC Francesco
         Valsecchi, Via Bitossi 21, 00136 Roma, Italy.
I      - During the national Field Day of 3-4 June 1995,  the ARI Section of
         Cuneo will be active using the IK1GNC/P call from  a 1650mt site in
         the Alta Valle Varaita. All bands activity,  CW/SSB. Special colour
         QSL via IK1GNC (bureau).
IC8    - The Rovigliano Reef (IIA NA-09)  has not been activated by Roberto,
         IK8BIZ and  Nino, IK8DDN, but by  IK8VVY's team.  Operations  until
         the 23rd of May. QSL via IK8GYK.
IH9    - From 24 to 30 May, a group of  OK-OM amateurs will  be active  from
         Pantelleria island (AF-018, IIA TP-01).
IJ9    - Gaetano, IT9GAI, helped by Turi, IT9HAJ, hopes to be  portable from
         IJ9 on the following islands: Isola Grande di Marzamemi (IIA SR-05)
         Saturday 20 May; Isola delle Correnti (IIA SR-01) Sunday 21 May  or
         if not possible, in June, Saturday 3, Sunday 11, Saturday 24. Isola
         di Vendicari (IIA SR-03) Sunday 4 June; Isola Piccola  di Marzamemi
         (IIA SR-07), Saturday 17 June;  Isola di Capo Passero  (IIA SR-02),
         Sunday 25 June.
IL3    - Between  the end  of  May  ed the  first 15 days of  June,  Alberto
         (IK4HPU) and  Afro (IK4HLU)  will be  portable IL3  from  Albarella
         island (IIA RO-02) and Donzella island (IIA RO-01).  QSL via  their
         homecalls: IK4HLU,  Afro Torelli,  Via Fogliani  26/4, 42100 Reggio
         Emilia; IK4HPU, Alberto Valli, Via Toscanini 1, 42100 Reggio Emilia
IO1    - During 27 and 28 May, the ARI Section of Alba  (CN)  wil l activate
         the special station IO1GFI, with all bands operations.
IQ4    - The IQ4T station will be activated during the  CQWW  WPX CW Contest
         by IK4SXJ in the D category (S.O. Low Power all bands). QSL manager
         is IK4HVR, via bureau or to his address: IK4HVR, Francesco Tonetti,
         Via Cellaimo 2794, 47032 Bertinoro (FO), Italy.
IT9    - Following what published in number 210, Marcello (IT9ABY), Giovanni
         (IT9ORA) and Gaetano (IT9GAI), from 26 to 28 May will be active, in
         SSB and CW, from Femmine Island (EU-166; IIA PA-04). QSL via IT9ABY
         Marcello, P.O.Box 11,  90129 Palermo 6 (PA), Italy.
KG4    - Ken, KG4MN, is QRV from Guantanamo Bay for the next two years.  Ken
         prefers CW and WARC bands. QSL via WB2YQH.
KL7    - Richard, N6IV, Larry, KF6XC and John NL7TB, will  activate  Ushagat
         Island  (Barren Islands, Alaska) from 0200Z  of  the  4th  of  July
         to 6th of July.  Ushagat  Island  is  a  new-one  both for the IOTA
         programme and for the new US Islands Award.  Two  stations  will be
         active simultaneously using the  NL7TB call, mainly on  14250, 7250
         and 3950 KHz. QSL via NL7TB.  Before and after the  operations from
         Ushagat, the group will be active from two different islands of the
         NA-193 group using the VY1ISL call (see VE8).
KP1    - Following what published in number 208, the Navassa expedition  has
         been cancelled due to transport problems.  Vance, W5IJU, is now ho-
         ping to activate KP1 at the end of the year or in early 1996.
OH1    - From 23 to 25 June OH1MDR/p will be QRV from Sandstroem Reef  (IOTA
OJ0    - Following what published in number  208,  we report  that the  call
         used by the Market Reef expedition planned  from 25 to 29 May  will
         be OJ0/OH8AA. QSL via OH6LI, Jukka Klemola, Aarontie 5 Somero, Fin-
OZ     - Gaby, DG2TM and Frank, DL2SWW, will be portable OZ from Laeso Isl.,
         Kattegat group (EU-088), from 24 June to 14 July and will be QRV on
         all HF bands from 160 to  10 mtrs and also on  VHF 2 mtrs.  QSL via
P5     - As reported in the previous number, the first amateur radio activi-
         ty legally authorized from the North Korea  land was made the  14th
         of May 1995 using the P5/OH2AM call  with 100 watts and a  vertical
         R5 antenna.  The Finnish delegation  (OH2BC, OH2BH, OH0XX among the
         others) made about 20 QSOs on 14 MHz SSB and 7 MHz CW, due to short
         time available, but a big activity is planned before the end of the
         year. First three QSOs were made with DU9RG, JA1BK and OH3YI.
SP     - Wolin Island (EU-132 SPIA SZ02) will be activated from 24 to 30 Ju-
         ne by some SP-IOTA-Club  members: SP2CYK/1,  SP2LLW/1 and SP2LLV/1.
         Operations in  SSB and CW mainly on  20 and 80 mtrs.  QSL via home-
         calls. The same team hopes to activate  in the near  future  Usedom
         (EU-129  SPIA SZ01),  Chrzaszczewska  (SZ04)  and  Karsibor  (SZ03)
SY     - Following what published in  previous number, Dominik,  DL5EBE, re-
         ports that no permissions have been issued from Mt. Athos Community
         for amateurs radio activity to KC1QF and SV1BKN....
TA     - As published in number 210, the TA2DS and  TA1F team has  regularly
         started the activity from Anatolia Region West group (AS-099) using
         the YM0KK call: the activity in  now "on the air"  not from  Alibey
         Island  but  from  Bozcaada  Island.  QSL  via  bureau or direct to
         Box 93, 81031 Istanbul, Turkey.  The team has  announced the inten-
         tion to activate the rarer  Anatolia Region South West group (IOTA
UA0B   - R0/UR8LV wants to activate Andreya Island or Petra Is.(AS-063). The
         expedition depends on the availability of transportation.
VE7    - Elizabeth, VE7YL, reports that  on the 28th of  May an operation is
         planned from a  British Columbia island,  valid for  C.Is.A. Award.
         The activity will take place only if propagation for Europe is good.
VE8    - N6IV, KF6XC and NL7TB will use the VY1ISL call from two new islands
         of the Yukon Territory. First activity is  planned for 30 June  and
         1 July, while the second is for 8 July. QSL via NL7TB.
VU4    - Following what published in previous numbers,  VU2JPS from  Andaman
         Is. (AS-001)  has been reported on  14195 KHz at about 0200Z, toge-
         ther with VU2AU who  made SSB lists. The calls are passed to VU2JPS
         in AM and then VU2JPS call them in CW.  It will be valid for  Mixed
         DXCC ? Good luck.
W      - John, NL7TB,  manager of  the US I program, wants to  encourage the
         operators from US islands to use 14250 KHz  (+/- QRM) af  referring
         frequency for QSOs with Europe.
WP3    - Paul, WX9E and Mike, N0BSH, will join Felipe, NP4Z, to activate one
         of the new prefixes assigned to Puerto Rico during next CQWW WPX CW
         Contest (27-28 May):  the call will be WP3/WX9E,  but they have not
         yet decided if thiswill be a Multi-Single or Multi-Multi operation.
         Before and after the contest  Paul and Mike will be QRV as WP3/WX9E
         and NP3/N0BSH, both with QSL via WX9E.
XU     - Sanyi, XU7VK/XU95HA, will be active until the 12th of June,  parti-
         cularly during the  CQWW WPX CW Contest,  using the special  XU95HA
         call. QSL via HA0HW, after the end of operations.
ZL8    - Many European DXers who  have not made QSO with ZL8/G4MFW,  will be
         happy to know that a team of six ZL amateurs, leaded by Ken (ZL2HU)
         with Ron (Zl2TT) is organising a Kermadec expedition for this year,
         probably during  the CQWW DX  Contest;  and probably Barry will  be
         there again in January.
3D2_fiji-For two weeks starting the 29th of May, Steve, AA6LF and Bob, N6EK,
         will be QRV respectively  as 3D2LF and  3D2EK from Fiji.  Steve and
         Bob hope to activate for few days the  Mamanuca Group (OC-121)  and
         the Yasawa Group (OC-156), with the  utmost  attention to  propaga-
         tion for Europe. Operations in SSB and CW on usual IOTA frequencies
         QSL via AA6B (only for 3D2LF QSOs) or N6EK (for 3D2EK QSOs).
4U0ITU - DL2LSo and DL5YYM will activate  the 4U0ITU station in  Geneve from
         23 to 28  May, all  HF bands, and particularly on  50 MHz using the
         following  frequencies: 50.155 MHz for Italy, 50.205 MHz for France
         and 50.105 MHz other directions (+/- QRM).
5B     - As published in number 197, Phil, G4WFZ wants to activate an island
         near Cyprus (AS-???): the activity is planned for Friday 26 May and
         /or Saturday 27 May, but there is the possibility of a  short acti-
         vity the 22 or 23 May during the recognition.
5X     - Paul, 5Z4FO, will leave Kenya in July to go in Uganda where he  ho-
         pes to be active as 5X1MW. QSL via KB4EKY.

"CONVENCION INTERNACIONAL DE HF" IN SEVILLA ->From 2 to 4 June 1995 is plan-
nned the  "Convencion Internacional de HF"  in Sevilla, Spain,  organised in
collaboration  with  Junta de  Andalucia, at  the Ancora Hotel (four stars),
Ctra  San  Juan-Tomares,  Km. 1,  41920  Sevilla.  Bookings to:  Viajes BOC,
Telephone 956-634131, Fax 956-634101. For further information contact U.R.E.
or EA1QF.

425-DX-NEWS  -> Back issues of the bulletin  can be requested  sending a pa-
cket message in the format: SP REQFIL@IK1EQE. In the title of the message is
necessary to write: 425NEWS\DXnnny.TXT @BBS,  where nnn =  is a three format
number and y = part of the bulletin. Example: DX206A.TXT to receive the bul-
letin number 206 part A. The @BBS means the  BBS where  you want to  receive
the file (Ex: @IK0XXX).
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                    /EX or CTRL-Z
Numbers from 190 to the last published are still available.
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* TNX: I1HYW, I1ZL, IK1QFM, IK1SLO, I1-21171, I4IFL, I4LCK, IK4HPU, I5FLN, *
* WX9E, LNDX, URE-EA-DX, DXNS, OPDX Bulletin, ARRL-DX-Bulletin, QRZ-DX.    *
*   425 DX News, edited by 425 DX Gang is made thanks to contributions by  *
*   many friends that, weekly, send many news and informations. We would   *
*    like to thanks everybody for the great help and we ask to send, if    *
*            possible, informations following this schedule:               *
*                                                                          *
* ADDRESSES & QSL MANAGERS            --> Massimo, IK1GPG (PCL, @IW1BIM-8) *
* OTHER DX INFORMATIONS  --> Piero, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE-8, pforno@iol.it) *
* INTERNET RESOURCES                  -->     Maurizio   I121171@amsat.org *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
 425-NEWS is weekly available on Trance *FREE* BBS in Italy (+39-11-482751)

20 May 1995                                                          no.211
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                           edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU
 PERIOD           CALL                                                  REF
till 24/5        C6AGN: Green Turtle Cay (NA-080) * by KM1E             211
till 24/5        CQ1C: Faro Cape Carvoeiro * by CT1EWA & CT1FMX         210
till 29/5        CT3 * by DL5MAE & DL6RAI                               208
till 31/5        EG1RD: special station                                 211
till 21/5        ER50: special prefix                                   207
till 21/5        HK3JJH/8: Narino Division group (SA-081)               211
till 22/5        II4ARI: special call                                   205
till 24/5        KH9 * by AL7EL                                         202
till June        KL7UQ: Beaufort Sea Coast group (NA-004)               206
till 31/5        OS=ON                                                  209
till 12/6        XU7VK/XU95HA                                           211
till September   YA/UT9XL                                               208
till 21/5        YM0KK: Bazcaada Isl. (AS-099) * by TA2DS's team        211
till September   ZD8WD * by G4RWD                                       197
till 24/5        ZK1DXC: Rarotonga Isl. (OC-013) South Cokk * by JE1DXC 210
till middle June 5H * by OH2BBF                                         205
till ?           7Q7XT * ON6TT                                          208
till 31/5        8P9GU * by DL7VOG                                      209
till June        9X/ON4WW                                               205
20/5-23/5        IC8/IK8VVY: Scoglio Rovigliano (IIA NA-09)             211
20/5             IJ9/IT9GAI: Isola Grande di Marzamemi (IIA SR-05)      211
20/5-21/5        TM5RE: Re Isl. (EU-032) (DIFM AT-22)                   211
20/5-21/5        VP9RND: special station                                200
20/5-21/5        4U0ITU * by IK1CJO & IK1QBT                            207
20/5-22/5        ITU Contest                                            ***
21/5             EA1FEO/p: Isla Palero (DIEI VA-01)                     211
21/5             EA3BT/p: Illot de Santa Ana (DIE E-358)                211
21/5             EA5FKF/p: La Gaviota Isl. (DIEI A-02)                  211
21/5             EA9PB/p: Isleta Punta del Morro (DIE E-145)            211
21/5             IJ9/IT9GAI: Isola delle Correnti (IIA SR-01)           211
22/5-9/6         DL7HX/p: Foehr Isl. (EU-042)                           211
23/5-28/5        4U0ITU * by DL2LSO & DL5YYM                            211
24/5-28/5        HB0/DL8SET & HB0/DJ0KI                                 211
24/5-30/5        IH9: Pantelleria Isl. (AF-018) (IIA TP-01) by OK & OM  211
25/5-5/6         BV9P: Pratas Isl. (AS-110) * by BV & JA team           209
25/5-29/5        CO0OTA: Cayo Santa Maria NO-REF) * by CT, CM, EA & I   209
25/5-28/5        DL: Poel Isl. (EU-098) * by DL6CGC & DL8CZG            203
25/5-29/5        OJ0/OH8AA: Market Reef * by OH team                    208
25/5-28/5        TM0RAD: special call                                   195
25/5-29/5        4U0ITU * by HA team                                    200
26/5-27/5        ED1URS: Isla Pedrosa (DIE N-140)                       210
26/5-30/5        EJ/GM0DEQ: Tory Isl. (EU-121) * by GM0 team            210
26/5-28/5        IR8A: Procida Isl. (IIA NA-02) & Vivara Isl. (NA-05)   208
26/5-28/5        IT9: Femmine Isl. (EU-166) (IIA PA-04) * by IT9        211
26/5             5B: Ciprus's coastal Is. (AS-???) * by G4WFZ           211
27/5-28/5        IQ0J * by IK0REH                                       210
27/5-28/5        CQ4I: Ilhote do Pego * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU  190
27/5-28/5        EA1BT/p: Islote Castrellin (DIE N-054)                 210
27/5-28/5        HV4NAC * by I2UIY                                      211
27/5-28/5        IO1GFI: special station                                211
27/5-28/5        IQ4T                                                   211
27/5-28/5        IZ8ARI: Napoli * special station                       208
27/5-28/5        T20XC * by JE1DXC                                  ??? 210
27/5-28/5        VP9 * by WJ2O                                          208
27/5-28/5        WP3. Puerto Rico * by WX9E & N0BSH                     211
27/5-28/5        YL7T                                                   208
27/5-28/5        ZF2NE * by W5ASP                                       208
27/5-28/5        3D2XC: Mamanuca group (OC-121) * by JE1DXC         ??? 210
27/5-28/5        CQ WW CW WPX Contest                                   ***
28/5             EA3BT/p: Escull de S'Angaro (DIE E-349)                211
28/5             EA7BR/p: Islotes del Terron (DIEI H-018)               211
28/5-3/6         GU4VPM/qrp                                             199
28/5             VE7: C.Is.A.                                           211
29/5-11/6        3D2EK & 3D2LF * by N6EK & AA6LF                        211
May-June         HK2: Guajira/Magdalena Div. group (SA-???) * by HK3JJH 210
end May-June     IL3: Albarella Isl. (IIA RO-02) * by IK4HLU & IK4HPU   211
end May-June     IL3: Donzella Isl. (IIA RO-01) * by IK4HLU & IK4HPU    211
May-June         TM3S: Sein Isl. (EU-068)                               211
end May-June     UA0Y: Republic of Tuvan (zone 23)                      199
end May          XV7SW * by SM5MX                                       208
end May-June     ZA: Sazan Isl. (EU169) * by DJ8QP & ZA1B           ??? 207
1/6-13/6         D4 * by GJ4ICD                                         196
1/6-18/6         HB0/DA1WA * by Wiesbaden Amateur Radio Club            211
2/6              EA3BT/p: Illots Secains (DIE E-055)                    211
2/6-4/6          ID9: Panarea Isl. (EU-017) (IIA ME-06) * by IT9 team   210
2/6-4/6          Sevilla: Convencion International de HF * by URE       ***
3/6-4/6          ED1IRA: Isla Malveira Grande (DIE O-015)               211
3/6-4/6          IK1GNC/p                                               211
3/6-4/6          TM0RAD: special call                                   195
3/6-4/6          Field Day ARI                                          ***
4/6              IJ9/IT9GAI: Isola di Vendicari (IIA SR-03)             211
9/6-11/6         IA5S: Scoglio Sparviero (EU-028) (IIA GR-07)           208
13/10-15/10      >>> Bologna: V IOTA CONVENTION <<<                     ***