DX425 bulletin issue nr. 210

13 May 1995                                                           No.210
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                       edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU, IK2ULV
                           translated by I1-21171

BY     - Chen, BZ1HAM (one of BS7H operators), has announced that from 13 to
         16 October there will be the first DX Convention of the Popular Re-
         plublic of China. During those days the special station  BT1DX will
         be active,  usable also by  foreign   operators who   can ask for a
         personal BY license. There will be also a North Korea delegation.
CE7    - CE7LNJ, who resides on  San Pedro Island (SA-053),  is particularly
         active on 15 mtrs SSB. QSL to: Manuel Francisco  Donoso Arce, Radio
         Club Aeronautico, Aeroporto Internacional, Santiago del Chile.
CT     - Following what published in number 206,  operations by  CT1EWA  and
         CT1FMX from Berlenga  Island (EU-040)  with the CQ5B call have been
         postponed  to 21 - 27 June. The activity will be in SSB only on 80,
         40, 20, 15 and 10 mtrs.  QSL via CT1FMX,  P.O.Box 189,  2562 Torres
         Vedras, Portugal.
CT     - Following what published in number 206,  from  18-24 May CT1EWA and
         CT1FMX will  be active as CQ1C from Cape Carvoeiro / Peniche Light-
         house, in SSB on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 mtrs. QSL via CT1EWA.
D4     - Daniel, D44AB, has no manager.  QSL via direct only to P.O.Box 166,
         Praia, Cape Verde Island.
EA     - Future Spanish islands activities are as follows:
         13/14 May      ST-10     ED1URS       Isla Cubas             EA1EB 
         26/27 May      N-140     ED1URS       Isla Pedrosa           EA1EB 
         27/28 May      N-054     EA1BT/p      Islote Castrellin      EA1BT 
          3/4  June     O-015     ED1IRA       Isla Malveira Grande   EA1BEZ
         10/11 June     N-133     ED1URS       Isla Hierba            EA1EB 
EJ     - From 26 to 30 May,  GM0DEQ, GM0KVI and GM0SEI will be QRV,  weather
         permitting, from  Tory  Island (EU-121),  using the EJ/GM0DEQ call.
         Activity on all HF bands in SSB and CW, mainly on IOTA frequencies.
         QSL via GM0KVI.
F      - Alan, F6BFH, reports  that the  1995  Clipperton DX Convention will
         take place in Rouen, Saturday the 23rd of September. Further infor-
         mation from: F5LMJ, Alain Tuduri, 25 rue de la Bievre, 78200 Mantes
         La Jolie, France.
FK     - Franck, FK8HC, reports that his address is as follows:FK8HC, Franck
         Petitjean, P.O.Box 7636 Ducos, 98801 Noumea, New Caledonia.
HK     - Pedro (HK3JJH) is preparing two operations, each of about 24 hours,
         to  take place within the first half of June. Pedro intends activa-
         ting  an  island  (Temuco or  El Gallo, both  NO-REF) placed in the
         Narino Division group (SA-???) and an island (Morro or El Morito or
         Salamanca, the three of them NO-REF) placed in the Guajira/Magdale-
         na Division group (SA-???).
         LATEST NEWS - Pedro should  be  active from Temuco Island using the
         HK3JJH/8T call from the  afternoon of  16 to morning of 17 May. The
         second operation is planned  before  the  end of May (possible date
         24-25 May)  or during the first days of June. QSL via HK3JJH.
ID9    - From 1000Z of 2 June to 1000 of 4 June a group of operators(IT9HLN,
         IT9LQG, IT9NGN,  IT9TZZ  and  IW9ELV)  will be  active from Panarea
         islan (IOTA EU-017, IIA ME-06). HF operations  (from 10 to 80  mtrs
         bands, WARC included), on VHF and UHF, in SSB,CW, RTTY, FM and SSTV.
IL6    - Following what published from number 207,  QSL for expedition of 30
         April and 1 May from Vela Reef (IIA AN-???)  can be sent via bureau
         or via direct to operator's address:  IK4CIE, Vittorio Bussoni, Via
         Partigiani d'Italia 35, I-43100 Parma;  IK4IDW, Stefano Sacco', Via
         Fratelli Folli 6, I-43015 Noceto (PR); IK4XQM, Lorenzo Rosa, Piazza
         Italo Salsi 5, I-43100 Parma.
IQ0    - Daniele, IK0REH, will be active during next CQWW WPX CQ Contest and
         IARU Contest (July 95) with the special IQ0J,  already used  in the
         International ARI DX Contest. QSL via IK0REH, Daniele Casini,  P.O.
         Box 42, I-06011 Cerbara (PG).
IT9    - The 27th and 28th of May IT9ABY will be active from  Femmine Island
         (EU-166, IIA PA-04).
LY     - From 22 to 31 July G0BZF, together with other EU and US  operators,
         will activate for the first time Lithuania  in  50 MHz, (operations
         also on the other bands,  from 2 to 160 mtrs,  in SSB, CW and  FM).
         The call will be LY95BDX,  but there is  the possibility that  some
         members of the group will be QRV with their homecall LY/. It is al-
         so possible that operators will  be active Latvia as  YL/LY95BDX or
P5     - A group of business men (with Martti, OH2BH) is in North Corea  for
         work purposes and, in the free time, is trying to promote the  ama-
         teur radio activity in that country. A complete station will be do-
         nated to a school and a short demonstrative activity is possible in
         the  near  future.  More information   will be reported  by OH1NYP,
         JA1BK and N7NG during the visit, which will end the 16th of May.
PY0    - JA2JPA reports that it is possible to ask him the QSLs for QSO with
         ZY0SP (St. Peter & St. Paul Rocks)  made in February  1994, but  he
         has very few cards.
SY     - Apollo, SV2ASP/A, from Docheiarioy monaster of Mount Athos  reports
         that, from 1st of January 1995, he has never operated in CW, there-
         fore any QSO from that date is to be considered made with a pirate.
SY     - Following what published in number 208, operations by  SV0GV/3 from
         Mount Athos, planned from 6 to 9 July, will take place  from   1700
         mtrs of altitude, near the top of the mountain. Operations in SPLIT
         on several frequencies, depending on the call-areas: it is necessa-
         ry  to  follow  the  indicated split  and suggestions by operators,
         otherwise the QSO  will be  deleted from the computerized logs. The
         frequencies which will be used are as follows:

                Call-areas                   SPLIT Frequencies
         SSB -  W6, W7, W0, W5        14250-14275, 21250-21275, 28300-28325.
                Other W               14275-14300, 21275-21300, 28325-28350.
                America (no U.S.A.)   14135-14150, 21235-21250, 28500-28525.
                Europe                14200-14225, 21300-21325, 28525-28550.
                Rest of the world     14135-14150, 21235-21250, 28500-28525.
                ITU regions 1/3       7050-7075, 3700-3725.
         CW  -  W6, W7, W0, W5        7040-7055, 3540-3555, 14030-14045,
                                      21030-21045, 28030-28045.
                Other W               7035-7060, 3535-3540, 14045-14060,
                                      21045-21060, 28045-28060.
                Rest of the world     7020-7035, 3520-3535, 14015-14030,
                                      21015-21030, 28015-28030.
         Transmission  frequencies  will  be:  CW  3510, 7015, 14010, 21010,
         28010 KHz; SSB  3780, 7075 (USB!!), 14255, 21355, 28555 kHz.
T2     - It is possible that JE1DXC, after the  5W and ZK1 (South Cook) ope-
         rations, will join the CQWW WPX CW Contest (from 27 to 28 May) from
         Tuvalu (OC-015) as  T20XC or from  Fiji Islands (OC-121) as  3D2XC.
         QSL to JE1DXC via bureau.
TA     - From 18 to 21 May TA2DS together with other TA operators will acti-
         vate Alibey Island  (AS-099)  in SSB, CW and RTTY.  The QSL manager
         should be WA3HUP.
TK     - Jean Pierre, F5XL, during September, will be in Corsica for 15 days
         and he will try to activate  some minor TK  islands valid for  IOTA
         and/or DIFM.
UA     - During the  Island Convention (IOTA)  in Lipetsk (Russia),  planned
         from 12 to 14 May, Valery (RW3GW), Albert (RV3GW)  and other opera-
         tors will use the  Russian Robinson Club call, R3RRC.  QSL only via
         direct to I1HYW.
VP8_fal- Stuart, VP8CQH (homecall G0DVF), will leave the Falkland islands at
         the end of June, to go to  Germany.  Those who should like to  have
         his QSL send quickly the request to S. Wadsley, BFBS/SSVC, RAF MPA,
         BFPO 655 via UK.
YV     - The Venezuela Radio Club will  start to reply   to QSLs for  YW0RCV
         operations (July 1994) from 15 May.
ZA     - From 12 to 20 August, Alfredo (IK7JWX), together with other friends
         of the Salento DX Team, will be portable ZA.
ZK1_sc - From 18 to 24 May JE1DXC will be in Rarotonga (OC-013), in the Sou-
         thern Cook Islands.  The call has not been issued but  the activity
         is planned from 10 to 80 mtrs, WARC included,  in CW, SSB and RTTY.
         QSL to JE1DXC via bureau.
ZS75   - During the  celebrations of the  75th anniversary of South  African
         Air Force, the special station ZS75SAAF will be  often activated in
         the 1995.  Then, from  16 September  to 8 October,  will be QRV the
         station ZS42SQN, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the 42th Team
         of Swartkop Air Base. QSL via bureau.
3D2_fiji-It is possible that JE1DXC, after the  5W and ZK1 (South Cook) ope-
         rations, will join the CQWW WPX CW Contest (from 27 to 28 May) from
         Mamanuca  Group - Fiji Islands  (OC-121) as  3D2XC or  from  Tuvalu
         (OC-015) as T20XC. QSL to JE1DXC via bureau.
5W     - Until the 17th of May JE1DXC will be QRV from Western Samoa(OC-097)
         using the 5W0XC call.  The activity is planned from 10 to  80 mtrs,
         WARC included, in CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via JE1DXC via bureau.
9L     - NW8F is the QSL manager of 9L1PG, who  will be in  Sierra Leone un-
         til August 1996.
9Q     - Alex, PA3DZN (9X5EE) is curently with the U.N. humanitarian mission
         in Goma, Zaire, where he hopes to be  active  soon,  for one  year,
         mainly on 80 and 160 mtrs. QSL via PA3DLM.
9U     - Bill, K5FUV,  reports that  4U9U (operation by F6EXV) and  9U/F5FHI
         QSLs are valid for DXCC credit as Burundi, 9U.

DXCC -> DXCC desk announced that rule about "minimum size" of a DXCC Country
is valid  from  20  April 1995,  therefore it will be applied only from that
date not before. The documentation about  Scarborough  Reef  has  been  sent
before the 20th of April and the new rule will not be considered.

DXCC DESK -> Documentation has been received and approved for the operations
ZS6YG, 3DA/SP2JYX, 6Y5/DL2ECB, 8Q7DM, 9L1PG, 9Q2L, 9Q5TT, 9U/F5FHI, 4U/KC0PA
(Western Sahara, only operations /4U), 4U/VE3UWC (Syria), 4U9Q (Zaire), 4U9U
(Burundi), 7O1AA (only for QSO from 27/Mar/94 to 16/Apr/94).

/MICKEY MOUSE -> QRZ DX reports that the Illa Tiki expedition has left Ecua-
dor the 30th of March, towards Hawaii.  During the 5-6 month  trip  the crew
will make radio contacts on 15, 17, 20, 30 and 40 mtrs,  using the KC5KHA/MM
call. For further information AA5NT, who is also the QSL manager.

RUSSIAN QSL BUREAU -> RA6YR and UA4CIF has supplied  an updated address list
of some QSL-bureau of ex-Soviet republics:
EK-BUREAU:  Box 22, Yerevan, 375000 ARMENIA.
ER-BUREAU:  Box 6637, Kishinev - 50, 277050 MOLDAVIA.
EU-BUREAU:  Box 469, c/o EU1AO, Minsk - 50, 220050, BYELORUSSIA.
EX-BUREAU:  Box 1100 A.R.U.K. Bishkek, 720020 KIRGHIZIA.
EY-BUREAU:  Box 303 T.A.R.L. Glavpochtamt, Dushanbe 734025, TADJIKISTAN.
EZ-BUREAU:  Box 555 T.A.R.L. Ashgabat 744020, TURKMENIA.
UK-BUREAU:  Box 0, Tashkent, 700000, UZBEKISTAN.
UN-BUREAU:  Box 112, c/o UN9PC, Kataganda 470055, KAZAKHSTAN.
UR-BUREAU:  Box 56, U.A.R.L. Kiev - 1, 252001 UKRAlNE.
4L-BUREAU:  Box 1, Tbilisi 380002 GEORGIA.
UA-BUREAU:  Box 59 U.R.R., c/o RZ3AZO Moscow 105122 RUSSIA,
            or Box 88 C.R.C.R.F. Moscow, RUSSIA.

BEACON HF CT3B  -> Responsibles of HF CT3B  beacon, active on 20  mtrs CW on
14.100.0 Mhz with transmission at  6, 16, 26, 36, 46, 56 minute  every  hour
and part of the international beacon net on the same frequency,  are anxious
to receive reports, as the beacon has now  a new site. Reports  can be  sent
with a packet message addressed to CT3HB @ CS3MAD.CTMD.PRT.EU or with QSL to
ARRM - CT3HB,  P.O.Box  4694,  9058 Funchal Codex, Madeira Island, Portugal.
* TNX:>  I1HYW, I1-21171,  IK2HTW,  I4LCK, IK4CIE,  I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK7JWX, *
* LNDX, URE-EA-DX, DX-News-Sheet, OPDX Bulletin, ARRL-DX-Bulletin, QRZ-DX. *
*   425 DX News, edited by 425 DX Gang is made thanks to contributions by  *
*   many friends that, weekly, send many news and informations. We would   *
*    like to thanks everybody for the great help and we ask to send, if    *
*            possible, informations following this schedule:               *
*                                                                          *
* ADDRESSES & QSL MANAGERS            --> Massimo, IK1GPG (PCL, @IW1BIM-8) *
* OTHER DX INFORMATION   --> Piero, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE-8, pforno@iol.it) *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
 425-NEWS is weekly available on Trance *FREE* BBS in Italy (+39-11-482751)

13 May 1995                                                          no.210
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                           edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU
 PERIOD           CALL                                                  REF
till ?           C21/ZL1AMO                                             209
till 29/5        CT3 * by DL5MAE & DL6RAI                               208
till 21/5        ER50: special prefix                                   207
till 20/5        H44/JA1OEM                                             209
till 14/5        HC8 * by DF1VU, DF8VK, DK5VP, DL4VCG                   203
till June        KL7UQ: Beaufort Sea Coast group (NA-004)               206
till 31/5        OS=ON                                                  209
till 14/5        R3RCC: Lipetsk * Island Convention                     210
till 19/5        SV9: Crete * by HA0HW, HA0ET, HA0DU                    209
till 16/5        VK6ISL: Faure Isl. (OC-206) * by VK6LC                 209
till 18/5        VP2E/AI5P                                              207
till September   YA/UT9XL                                               208
till September   ZD8WD * by G4RWD                                       197
till 15/5        ZL8/G4MFW: Kermadec Is.                                205
till ?           3W5FM * by UA0FM                                       209
till middle June 5H * by OH2BBF                                         205
till 17/5        5W0XC * by JE1DXC                                      210
till 31/7        8P9GU * by DL7VOG                                      209
till June        9X/ON4WW                                               205
13/5-19/5        EJ: Inishmaan Isl. (EU-006) * by G0OYQ, G0PHN, G0ULN   205
13/5-14/5        ED1URS: Isla Cubas (DIE ST-010)                        210
13/5-14/5        IJ9: Porri Isl. (EU-166) (IIA RG-01) by IT9HLR's team  209
13/5-20/5        OZ/DL1AZZ/p: Mandoe Isl. (EU-125)                      203
13/5-14/5        4U0ITU * by IK1CJO & IK1QBT                            207
13/5-14/5        Volta RTTY Contest                                     ***
14/5-18/5        Gaza * by JA1UT and his team                           209
16/5-17/5        HK3JJH/8T: Temuco Island (SA-???)                      210
17/5-24/5        KH9 * by AL7EL                                         202
18/5-24/5        CQ1C: Faro Cape Carvoeiro * by CT1EWA & CT1FMX         210
18/5-21/5        TA: Alibey Isl. (AS-099) * by TA2DS                    210
18/5-24/5        ZK1_SC: Rarotonga Isl. (OC-013) * by JE1DXC            210
19/5-22/5        II4ARI: special call                                   205
20/5-21/5        VP9RND: special station                                200
20/5-21/5        4U0ITU * by IK1CJO & IK1QBT                            207
20/5-22/5        ITU Contest                                            ***
21/5-24/5        CO: Sabana Arch. (NA-???) by I8IYW,I0SNY,CT1EEB,CT1ESO 200
24/5-28/5        HB0/DL8SET                                             208
25/5-5/6         BV9P: Pratas Isl. (AS-110) * by BV & JA team           209
25/5-28/5        DL: Poel Isl. (EU-098) * by DL6CGC & DL8CZG            203
25/5-29/5        OJ0: Market Reef * by OH6EI,OH6LI,OH6LK,OH8PF,OH0RJ    208
25/5-28/5        TM0RAD: special call                                   195
25/5-29/5        4U0ITU * by HA team                                    200
26/5-27/5        ED1URS: Isla Pedrosa (DIE N-140)                       210
26/5-28/5        IR8A: Procida Isl. (IIA NA-02) & Vivara Isl. (NA-05)   208
26/5-30/5        EJ/GM0DEQ: Tory Isl. (EU-121) * by GM0 team            210
27/5-28/5        EA1BT/p: Islote Castrellin (DIE N-054)                 210
27/5-28/5        IQ0J * by IK0REH                                       210
27/5-28/5        IT9: Femmine Isl. (EU-166) (IIA PA-04) * by IT9ABY     210
27/5-28/5        CQ4I: Ilhote do Pego * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU  190
27/5-28/5        IZ8ARI: Napoli * special station                       208
27/5-28/5        T20XC * by JE1DXC                                  ??? 210
27/5-28/5        VP9 * by WJ2O                                          208
27/5-28/5        YL7T                                                   208
27/5-28/5        ZF2NE * by W5ASP                                       208
27/5-28/5        3D2XC: Mamanuca group (OC-121) * by JE1DXC         ??? 210
27/5-28/5        CQ WW CW WPX Contest                                   ***
28/5-3/6         GU4VPM/qrp                                             199
May-June         HK2: Guajira/Magdalena Div. group (SA-???) * by HK3JJH 210
end May          KP1 * by W5IJU, KB4VLO, K0IYF, WA3YVN                  208
end May-June     UA0Y: Republic of Tuvan (zone 23)                      199
end May          XV7SW * by SM5MX                                       208
end May-June     ZA: Sazan Isl. (EU169) * by DJ8QP & ZA1B           ??? 207
end May          5B: Mizaki Isl. (AS-???) * by G4WFZ                ??? 197
1/6-13/6         D4 * by GJ4ICD                                         196
2/6-4/6          ID9: Panarea Isl. (EU-017) (IIA ME-06) * by IT9 team   210
3/6-4/6          ED1IRA: Isla Malveira Grande (DIE O-015)               210
3/6-4/6          TM0RAD: special call                                   195
9/6-11/6         IA5S: Scoglio Sparviero (EU-028) (IIA GR-07)           208
10/6-11/6        ED1URS: Isla Hierba (DIE N-133)                        210
10/6-15/6        3A2RAR: special call                                   196
13/6-25/8        KC6YK: Palau * by NH6YK                                209
21/6-27/6        CQ5B: Berlenga Isl. (EU-040) * by CT1EWA & CT1FMX      210
21/6-26/6        N4BP: Dry Tortugas Is. (NA-079)                        208
21/6-22/6        VO2/NU2L: Newfoundland Pro. South (NA-044) * by G3ZAY  209
23/6-30/6        IL7: Sant'Andrea Isl. (EU-091) (LE-01) Salento DX team 205
23/6-25/6        Friedrichshafen * Ham Radio 95                         ***
24/6-25/6        VO2/NU2L: Newfoundland Pro. Centre (NA-???) * by G3ZAY 209
30/6-4/7         VE8: Belcher Isl. (NA-196) * by VE3LKS, VE3VGI, VE3WFS 199
June             XE1: Jalisco Nayarit State group (NA-189)              203
June             YB8: Talaud Is. (OC-???) * by YB team                  195
June             YB8: Tukangbesi Is. (OC-???) * by YB team          ??? 195
13/10-15/10      >>> Bologna: V IOTA CONVENTION <<<                     ***
