425 DX NEWS #209 6 May 1995 Edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU, IK2ULV and translated by I121171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BV9P - There is an opportunity of another activity from Pratas Island (AS-110) for ten days starting the 25th of May. The operations is expected from a group of BV and JA, joined probably by OH2BH. BY - QSLs for BS7H operations from Scarborough Reef (AS-116) must be sent at this address: JA1BK, Kan Mizoguchi, 5-3 Sakuragaoka 4, Chome, Tama City, Tokyo 206, Japan. This address, already pu- blished in number 206, has been reported from Kan, JA1BK, himself, as he don't want to receive cards to his Callbook address. C2 - Ron, ZL1AMO, is actually portable C21. Ron reports that he has de- layed the expedition to Tokelau. CO - Following what published in number 200, we inform that, for orga- nisation problems, our friends Peppino (I8IYW), Nicola (I0SNY), Jose' (CT1EEB) Luis (CT1ESO) Anselmo (EA5BYP) and Vincente (EA5YN) will not leave Europe before the 23rd of May. Operations from Cayo Santa Maria, into the Sabana Group (NA-???) should begin the 25th in the evening or the 26th in the morning and continue until the 29th of May. CO2QQ, CO6CG and CO7KR will join the activity that is planned on all bands from 10 to 80 mtrs, WARC included, in SSB and CW, using the CO0OTA call. There will be a station for satellite activity - on AO13 (mode B), RS10/11 (mode A), RS12/13 (mode K) and RS15 (mode A) - and also a station for 50, 144 and 432 MHz for the square-hunters. Then some components of the team will try to activate other islands, particularly from the Camaguey Group (NA-086). QSLs, still donated by Diamond DX Club, must be send to: CT1ESO: Luis Gomes, P.O.Box 207, 8900 Vila Real de Santo Antonio, Portugal. CU5 - CU5AO is active from Sao Jorge Island, Azores,(EU-003; DIP AZ-05). CY9 - From 27 July to 2 August, AA4VK, WA4DAN, KW2P and W5IKU will be active from St.Paul Island. QSL via WA4DAN: Adams Murray, 403 East 14th Street, Greenville, NC 27858, U.S.A. D6 - As published in number 206, Adriano IK2GNW, is active from Comoros (AF-007) using the D68NW call. Adriano has also used the D61NW call during the International ARI DX Contest. EA5 - Paco (EA5DKR), a famous spanish islands operator, has received the new EA5FD call. EI - Following what published in number 203, the WestNet DX Group will join the IOTA 95 Contest from Inis Meain Isl (EU-006). Operations from 27 July to 1 August on all bands. Operators will be EI6FR, EI2GX, EI3HA, EI9IF, EI7DSB,GI0KOW, GI0NWG, GW4VEQ, GW0ONY, GW4OFQ and GW3JXN. QSL via EI6FR. F - The special TM5CLS station is QRV until the 10th of May to cele- brate the 50th years of the Armistice. QSL via F6IUI. FW - Following what published in previous number, the operations of FW/JA1WPX has started at 2145Z of the 1st of May on 17 mtrs CW. Contacts before that time are probably made by pirates. GAZA - From 14 to 18 May, seven JA operators will be active from this land as JA1UT/GAZA. H44 - Following what published in number 207, JA1OEM is still in Solomon Is. until the 20th of May. HC - After fifteen years as missionary, Mats (HC7SK) will leave Ecuador the 8th of May. Until that date he will still be QRV daily on 14149 KHz at 1200Z and 2000Z. QSL for his operations as HC1SK and HC7SK are available via SM6DYK. Mats will be soon in Sweden using his SM7BUA call. IC8 - Sunday 7 May Unberto, I8KUT and Paolo, I8USE, will active the Isca Reef (IIA NA-08) or the Scruopolo Reff (IIA NA.13). IF9 - IF9/IT9PPG will join the ARI International DX Contest from Favi- gnana Isl.(EU-054). IJ9 - Following what published in number 204, due to organization pro- blems, the Salvo's (IT9HLR) team has postponed the planned expedi- tion to Porri island (EU-166, IIA RG-01). Operations are expected the 13 and 14 May if weathers will permit. The island is uninhabi- ted and there are strong winds; Salvo has an authorization to pla- ce his station in a few meters square because of archaelogy exca- vations. IL6 - As announced in previous number, the Western Emilia DX Club has succesfully activated the Nave Reff (IIA AN-??) using the new IL6 prefix. More than 1200 QSOs were logged, in less than 24 hours of activity. IQ2 - During the International ARI Contest the station IQ2L will be ac- tive. QSL via IK2JYT. IR1 - Enzo, IK1RGL together with friends of Ivrea ARI Section will join the International ARI Contest with the IR1I call in the multi op- single TX category. QSL via IK1RGL. IY - Many Marconi's commemorative stations will join the International ARI DX Contest, during the weekend. We'll have the presence of IY0TCI all bands in CW, SSB and RTTY. Note that for this edition of the contest that commemorative stations are valid as multiplier on each band. QSL IY0TCI via I0KHP. IY0 - The Olbia ARI Section will join the International ARI DX Contest activatin the marconian station IY0GA (Capo Figari-Golfo Aranci). QSL via IS0JMA. KC4_ant - Bob, K4MZU is the QSL manager of the following Antarctic US sta- tions: KC4USB, KC4USX, KC4AAG, KC7GJJ/KC4, KA7DHE/KC4, KH6JNF/KC4. KC6 - From 13 June to 25 August Ted, NH6YK, will spend his holidays in Palau where he will be active with the KC6YK call. All band opera- tions, 6 mtrs and satellites included. QSL via homecall. ON - During the whole month of May, the Belgium stations can use the special OS prefix, celebrating the 50th years of the WW end. OY - From 10 to 27 July, Claus (DK9FE) will be active again from Faroe islands (EU-018) as OY/DK9FE, mainly in CW on 10 to 80 mtrs bands (WARC included). QSL via DK9FE, also via bureau. RP9 - The special russian station RP9X is active until 9 May, and again from 13 to 14 May. QSL via UA9XC, P.O.Box 73, Syktyvkar 167023, Russia. T5 - EI5C has sent to ARRL the documentation about his activity from Somalia. QSL has been printed and he's waiting an answer from US. V8 - The club station V85BG is now active on 160 mtrs with a new anten- na. VK6 - Following wat published in numbers 202 and 203, Malcom (VK6LC) re- ports that Dave (VK6DLB) will not join the Faure Island expedition - Western Australia State (S.W. Coast) North group (OC-???)- then Malcom will be alone to operate for the only house in the island. The equipments is already in the island since 3 weeks, included a 5KVA power generator and all antennas. Activity is planned to be- gin at 0400Z of friday 12 May and to stop at 1200Z of the 16th of May. The weather is not so good in these days with a 30 knob wind. Mal is fearing the high sea that can delay the operations for 2 or 3 weeks. We are hoping. Mal asks for just one QSO to allow as many DXers as possible to make the contact. He will be QRV for Europe from 1800Z to 2300Z on 14260 KHz (short path) and 7084 KHz. QSL to I1HYW (for Europa), K1IYD (North America) and VK6LC (Oceania). VO2 - Following what published in number 206, Martin, G3ZAY/NU2L, will be active from 21 to 22 June from Newfoundland Province (Labrador) South group (NA-044) and from 24 to 25 June he will active another new group (congratulations Martin!), the Newfoundland Province (Labrador) Centre group (NA-???). W1 - During the weekend Kim, KD1VE, will be active from North and South Hero Islands, valid for US I (the award of US islands). The "US Island Directory", which contains all the informations about this new award, together with the islands lists is available from NL7TB (John Reisenauer, RT 2 Box 2161, Benton City,WA 99320, USA) and it costs 7 US$. ZA - Ermira, ZA1AF and Majlinda, ZA1AG are two new YLs from Albania. The other YL (ZA1L) is actually in Greece. ZL9 - Ron, ZL2TT (NZART DX Editor for the BREAK-IN Magazine), reports that the activity of ZL9GD from Auckland Island could not be valid in part for DXCC. Graham, ZL4MV (the ZL9GD operator) has admitted that he transmitted both from the surface (mainly in 15 mtrs CW) and from the anchored ship. Graham is an old man with 40 years of activity but he has not DX experienced and he totally unknew the DXCC rules. Now Graham should send a detailed relation to ARRL to better explain the situation. 3V8 - Following what published in previous number, QSLs for the YT1AD activity (ex YU1TF) from 3V8BB in Tunisi must be requested to: Hranislav-Hrane, Milosevic, k br 183, Vitanovac, 36206 Serbia. 3W - Following what published in previous number, UA0FM is now active with the 3W5FM call, in SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL homecall. 4J - Piero (IK2BHX) is still active from Azerbaijan, not with the 4K1HK call, but with the newest 4J0/IK2BHX. Piero is now trying to use his digital equipment. QSL via IK2MRZ that will send the cards via bureau as soon as he receive the logs. 5R - Ben, 5R8DS, has improved his antennas for 80 mtrs and he is now regularly active from 0230Z to 0300Z on 3606 kHz. 8P - From 11 to 31 May Gerd, DL7VOG, will be active again from Barbados using the 8P9GU call. Activities mainly in CW and RTTY with 100 watts and a vertical antenna. Gerd will join the CQWW CW WPX Test. 9x - As published in number 205, Mark, ON4WW, is actually in Kigali, Rwanda, with an U.N. humanitarian mission for the next two months. Mark is active in SSB and CW on all bands from 160 to 10 mtrs. QSL via ON5NT: Ghis Penny, Lindestr. 46, B-9880 Aalter, Belgium. 425-DX-NEWS & INTERNET -> Thanks to Maurizio, I1-21171, the bulletin is now available in a graphic format on the World Wide Web pages of Internet. Those who have access to the Net can visit us using a browser (Mosaic or Netscape) at this site address: http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/index.html Another cyberspace for hams is reachable at the University of Torino, and we would like to congratulate for the service quality, at the address: http://www.cisi.unito.it/radiogw/radio.html **************************************************************************** * TNX:> I1HYW, I1TBE, IK1RGL, I1-21171, IK2GNW, IK2HTW, IK2MRZ, I4LCK, * * IK4CIE, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK8OZZ, I0KHP, IS0JMA, IT9HLR, CT1EEB, DC3MF, * * DL9GOA, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL8FBH, DL8OBC, DU7CC, EA5KB, EI6FR, F5PYI, * * F8RU, G3ZAY, JA1UT, JH1ROJ, JH2PDS/1, K4MZU, LA2GCA, NH6YK, NL7TB, ON4TH,* * ON7SS, RN9XA, SM6DYK, V73C, VK6LC, ZL2TT, LNDX, URE-EA-DX, DX-News-Sheet,* * OPDX Bulletin, ARRL-DX-Bulletin, QRZ-DX. * **************************************************************************** * 425 DX News, edited by 425 DX Gang is made thanks to contributions by * * many friends that, weekly, send many news and informations. We would * * like to thanks everybody for the great help and we ask to send, if * * possible, informations following this schedule: * * * * ISLANDS ACTIVITIES (IOTA, IIA, DIE) --> Mauro, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM-8) * * ADDRESSES & QSL MANAGERS --> Massimo, IK1GPG (PCL, @IW1BIM-8) * * OTHER DX INFORMATIONS --> Piero, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE-8, pforno@iol.it) * **************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang