DX425 bulletin issue nr. 208

29 April 1995                                                         no.208
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                       edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU, IK2ULV
                           translated by I1-21171

CN2    - Following what published in previous number,  Giovanni I5JHW is, as
         scheduled, active from Marocco (Agadir)  using 100 watts and a   R5
         antenna. He is using the CN2HW call.
CT     - From 30 April to 6 May,  DJ0MW, together with two  portuguese radio
         amateurs, will be active as CT7B, from Berlenga Isl. (EU-040).  QSL
         via DJ0MW.
CT3    - From  5 to 29 May  DL5MAE and DL6RAI  will be active  from Madeira,
         using all modes (CW, SSB, RTTY, Satellite, Pactor, EME, MS)  from 2
         to 160 mtrs. They would like to join the CQWW CW WPX Contest (27-28
         May) with a special call.
DL     - During the weekend DF3ZE will be QRV from Amrun Island (EU-042).
DU     - Tom, DU7CC,  reports that his call has been used from some pirates:
         he has received many QSL from European stations for QSO  in 80 mtrs
         band that he never made!  He has been also reported in  160 mtrs on
         wrong hours.
DU     - Rene, 4F2IR, reports that his QSL manager is DU3DO.
EA1    - During the weekend the station  ED1IDT will be active from  Isla de
         Tambo (EU-080). QSL via EA1ASR.
EM0    - To  celebrate  the  205th  anniversary of Samuel Morse's birth, the
         special station EM0RSE from Ukraina is active. QSL via DJ0MAQ.
FK     - Tada, JA1WPX, is doing a trip in the South Pacific. The first acti-
         vity from New Caledonia is scheduled for the 28th of April, then he
         will stop again the 6, 7 and 9 May.  Tada will be  active mainly on
         40 (7005 KHz) and 30 (10105 KHz) mtrs.
FP     - Gary, K9GS, hopes to join the CQWW DX SSB  Contest  (28-29 October)
         from St. Pierre & Miquelon.
FR/G   - FR5HG, currently portable from Europa Island (AF-009),  will be QRV
         from Glorioso Island (AF-011) in August.
FW     _ From 29 April to 5 May Tada, JA1WPX, will be portable FW, mainly on
         40 (7005 KHz) and 30 (10105 KHz) mtrs.
HB0    - From 24 to 28 May Manfred, DL8SET, will be HB0/ from Liechtenstein.
         Particular activity on 6 mtrs; however Manfred  will be active also
         on other bands, using 100 watts and a vertical antenna.
IA5    - From  9  to  11 June Pierluigi (IK1EDC), Giovanni (IK1JJB), Massimo
         (IK5OIY) and Claudio (IK5RLP) hope to activate the  Sparviero  Rock
         (IOTA EU-028; IIA GR07)  using  the  IA5S call. Then,  if  possible
         they  will try to  activate also the  Porcarelli or Porchetti  Reef
         (IIA GR09). Operations on 6, 10, 15, 20 and 40 mtrs.
IB0    - Following what published in previous number, Luca, (IK0QDB)  during
         his trip in Ventotene (28 April-1 May)  hopes to activate also  the
         Sconcigli Rocks (EU-045 ;  IIA LT-28), the  Nave of Ventotene  Rock
         (EU-045; IIA LT-13) and S.Stefano island (EU-045; IIA LT-10).
IE9    - The Neapolitan team  of IK8BIZ, IK8FPI and IK8HOX has ended the Us-
         tica's operations scoring  5200 QSOs during 3 days of activity.
II9    - Salvo, IT9HLR, will join the  ARI International Contest working  in
         SSB with the special II9R call. QSL via IT9HLR.
IL6    - Following what published in previous number,  from 1100Z of  Sunday
         30 April to 1400Z of Monday 1 May, Vittorio (IK4CIE)  together with
         Giuliano (I4VJC),  Stefano (IK4IDW)  and Lorenzo (IK4XQM),  will be
         portabe IL6 from Vela Reef, still without IIA reference number. The
         operations  will be in  10, 15, 20 and 40 mtrs  with a GP  antenna,
         while in 80 and 160 mtrs they will use a dipole.  Activity on 7005,
         7070, 14025 and 14260 KHz.  The friends of  Western  Emilia DX Club
         will be QRV on  14260 KHz for  italian stations at 1400Z of  Sunday
         and 7070 KHz around 0800Z of Monday.  For USA stations on 14025 KHz
         at 1700Z of Sunday 30 April.
IO4    - Guido, IK4PVR, will join the ARI International DX Contest (6 and 7)
         May and the other big contests during 1995,  using the special IO4A
         call.  QSL via IK4PVR, Guido Migliori,  Viale Giordano 67,  I-41049
         Sassuolo (Modena).
IQ1    - During next  ARI International DX Contest  the station IQ1A will be
         active. QSL via I1JQJ.
IQ0    - Daniele, IK0REH, will join the  ARI International  DX Contest  with
         the  special  IQ0J call.  QSL via IK0REH,  Daniele Casini,  Box 42,
         I-06011 Cerbara (PG).
IR1    - During next  ARI International DX Contest  the station IR1A will be
         active. QSL via IK1GPG.
IR8    - From 26 to 28 May the station IR8A will be active from Procida Isl.
         (EU-031; IIA NA-02) and Vivara (EU-031; IIA NA-05).  QSL via IK0YYY
         P.O.Box 17, Roma, Italia.
IZ8    - During the celebrations of  100th  years  of  Radio, the friends of
         Naples ARI Section will be active Saturday 27 and  Sunday  28  May,
         from 0700 to 1100Z, with the special station IZ8ARI. QSL via IK8JVG.
JA6    - From  0600Z of 4 May to  0300Z of 6 May, Takeyasu,  JR0GFM, will be
         QRV from Tsushima Is. (AS-036). It's a QRP  activity  (2 watts out-
         put) scheduled on 14260 and 14030 KHz.
JX     - Per,  LA7DFA, reports  that at the  date of 19 April he answered to
         all the direct QSLs for the JX7DFA activity. If you will not recei-
         ve  your  card,  write  him  a  message  on  packet,  addressed  to
         LA7DFA@LA6K.KSU.T.NOR.EU: you will have your QSL via bureau. Please
         don't send other requests via Bureau. To have a direct  card write:
         P.O.Box 105, 6520 Rensvik, Norway.
KH9    - Following what published in number 202,  Tom (AL7EL) corfirms  that
         his activity from Wake Island will be from 17 to 23 May. Operations
         in CW and SSB mainly on 30, 40, 80 and 6 mtrs bands.
KP1    - Vance,  W5IJU, reports that the  Navassa expedition, scheduled  for
         the last week of April, has reported on number 195,  has been post-
         poned to the last week of may due to trip problems.  Operators will
         be W5IJU, KB4VLO, K0IYF, WA3YVN (one of South Georgia's team).
KP2    - From 4 to 9 May NP2N will be QRV from U.S. Virgin Islands  (NA-106)
         mainly on 40 mtrs CW, but also on 10, 15 and 20 mtrs. QSL via W0ANZ
         or through the KP2 bureau.
OD     - Zanek, SP7LSE, will be active from Lebanon for a month, probably as
OJ0    - Market Reef will be  activated from 25 to  29 May on all  bands  HF
         (WARC included) and 50 MHz,  joining the WPX CW Contest.  Operators
         will be  OH0RJ, OH6EI,  OH6LI, OH6LK e  OH8PF. The call will be an-
         nounced later. QSL via OH6LI.
ST     - WB2RAJ reports that all requests for ST2/G4OJW, ST2AA and  ST0K has
         been answered.The requests that he receives now will be answered in
         24 hours from reception.
SY     - Peter (KC1QF/SV0GV/EI4GV) and Andreas (SV1BKN) want to operate from
         Mount Athos from 6 to 9 July, using the SV0GV/3 call. Operations in
         CW and SSB, may be in RTTY and AMTOR too.
V6     - The 9th  of May Ken, V73C, will be in Pohnpei (V63), where he hopes
         to discuss with the local authorities the possibility of activating
         Pingelap Atoll (OC-???).
VE2    - John, VE2PR, is actually QRV from Mistassini lake, Zone 2 and he is
         particularly active on the lower edge of the 80 mtrs DX band.
VP2E   - K8MFO hopes  to join the CQWW DX CW Contest  (25-26 November)  from
         Anguilla with the VP2EFO call. QSL via W8TPS.
VP2M   - Dave, K5GN, and Bob, N5DU,  will join the  IARU Contest  (8-9 July)
         from Montserrat with the VP2MDE call.
VP9    - Dave, WJ2O, hopes to join the next CQWW CQ WPX Contest  (27-28 May)
         from Bermudas.
VU4    - Following what previously published, VU2JPS is currently in Andaman
         Islands and he hopes to receive in a short time a call.  VU2JPS has
         an AM/CW  transceiver, but VU radio amateurs are trying to give him
         a SSB equipment.
W4     - From 21 to 26 June a group of operators including Bob, N4BP, Scott,
         KR4GJ, Bruce, W4OVU, Kevin, WV5Z, and  Jerry, KR4RBB, will be acti-
         ve from  Dry Tortugas (NA-079).  During the Field Day  (24-25 June)
         they will use the N4BP call and operations (on QRP) will  be mainly
         in CW from 10 to 80 mtrs.  Outside of the test the KR4GJ call  will
         be used with 100 watts power.
XV     - Rolf, XV7SW (SM5MX), will be QRV from Vietnam on  1827, 3505,  7013
         KHz at the end of  May. Rolf hopes  to find the  wire necessary  to
         build antennas. The copper is as precious as gold over there !  The
         new laws about amateur  radio service in  Vietnam will be  probably
         approved during the second half of this year and will allow the use
         of the entire bands, not only the fixed frequencies. Rolf  asks  to
         be patient  with his QSL for  problems of time concerning  his work
         and for problems of photo development.  Rolf suggest to not use IRC
         but just 1 green stamp.
XV/3W  - UA0FM/3W is active in RTTY from Vietnam.
YA     - As announced  in number 201, Oleg, YA/UT9XL,  is active from Kabul,
         Afghanistan. Oleg will stay in  Kabul for other  5 months.  QSL via
         P.O.Box 207, Pavlograd 323012, Ukraine.
YJ     - The 7 and 8 of May Tada, JA1WPX, will be active from Vanuatu, main-
         ly on 40 (7005 KHz) and 30 (10105 KHz) mtrs.
YL     - During the next CQWW WPX CW Contest the station YL7T will be  acti-
         ve. QSL via: P.O.Box 265, Riga 50, Latvia LV-1050
ZF2    - Joe, W5ASP, will be active as ZF2NE during the CQWW CW WPX Contest.
         QSL via home-call.
ZL8    - Following what published  in number  205, Barry  (G4MFW, ZS1FJ) has
         left Capetown the 27th of April  and he is now  travelling  towards
         Kermadec Islands.  He will be QRV from there from 5 to 15 May using
         the G4MFW/ZL8 call. Look for him on 14195, 21295, 7080 and 3798 Khz
         only in SSB and SPLIT. QSL via KA1JC that is asking  only one  card
         per envelope.
ZS     - Lambert, ZS2LL and Roy, ZS6QU,  are very active in  80 mtrs CW  and
         they hope to be soon on 160 mtrs also.
3V8    - YT1D is active for about one week from the radio station located in
         the University of Tunisi, 3V8BB. QSL via home-call.
4U1UN  - Jerry, WB8LFO, reports that a ton of  QSL of 4U49UN and  4U1UN  has
         been sent last 20th of April.  QSLs for 4U50UN  operations will  be
         worked  as  soon  as  printed.  Jerry, helped  by Mike AA8EU is now
         working on answering through the bureau  and wish to thanks for the
5T     - Sal, IT9AZS, reports that during  his trip in Mauritania,  together
         with IT9PHY and I2RLX, he scored  13,000 QSO working over 130 coun-
         tries. QSL will be ready in 15 days.
5W     - Edwin, K8VIR,  is active from  Western Samoa Is.  using the  5W1GEH
         call. QSL K8VIR, Edwin Hartz, 108 Hartz Drive, Holly,MI 48442, USA.
7Q     - Peter, has already reported, is a Red Cross consultant, and he will
         be in Malawi again from 11 May,  where he hopes to operate with his
         old 7Q7XT call.  Peter, that will be QRV from 10 to 40 mtrs in SSB,
         CW and RTTY will use a 5 elements yagi directed to Europe.  QSL via
8Q7    - Until the 10th of May Gerhard  (DL3NBL) and Hans  (DL8NBE) will  be
         active respectively as 8Q7BL and 8Q7BE from Thuragiri Isl. (AS-013).
         QSL via home-calls.

CONWAY REEF  ->  OH1RY, team leader of the  Conway Reef DXpedition , reports
that activity, from 25 March to 3 April, scored 30.000 QSOs of which  15-20%
with European stations (but in 15 and 10 mtrs almost only K and JA stations)
Operation was two days less than initially planned due to severe landing ac-
cidents caused by very  high swell, which turned into 10 meter high breakers
when the waves hit the coral reef. The landing operation was done in several
stages, several  trips had to be made.  The first landing trip took some an-
tennas  ashore, the second one became a disaster when radios, computers, the
outboard  motor and  personal belongings  were lost not to mention seriously
endangering  the lives of  the operators. The computers were lost - which is
why there are few statistics to give out at this time. Paper logs were used,
in fact  all available slips of  paper which could be found were filled with
QSO-data. Supporting: Needless to say the operation turned out to be more of
a life rescue operation than a DXpedition.  Much material loss also occured.
Now DX folks,  if you feel that  you can support the group, please send your
support as a money transfer to the account specifically set up for this pur-
pose. Bank: "OKO Bank Finland", Account number: 531935-42044,  account name:
"Conway 1995". Many did offer their support  before the expedition.  Of this
the group is very grateful. The group hereby announces that in 1996 OH1RY+Co
will find their way to Canton Island T31.  We remind  that QSL  managers for
the Conway  expedition  are  SM7PKK  (only for CW contacts with 3D2CU)  Mats
Persson, Zenitgatan 24 #5, S-21214 Malmo, Sweden) and  G4WFZ (only  for  SSB
contacts with 3D2CT) Philip  Marsh,  Orcheston  road  28, Charminster, Bour-
nemouth BH8 8SR, Dorset, England.

SCARBOROUGH REEF -> OH0XX, that together with BZ1HAM,BZ1OK, KJ4VH, OH2BH and
VR2EW has been one of the operators of last activity from  Scarborough  Reef
(BS7H), reports that during the operations they scored about 12,000 QSOs, of
which CW-QSOs are 3000-4000 (a thousand  were made by the  Chinese  straight
keyers). Remember that the QSL manager is JA1BK and that next activity  from
Scarborough Reef is planned for 1996, by BYs.

WF5E QSL SERVICE -> Following what previously published and answering to ma-
ny requests here are some details for the WF5E QSL service. From August 1994
after 13 years and about 1,000,000 of cards,  the "DX QSL Service" of  Dick,
N7RO, ceased to operate and  is now in the hands  of Les Bannon, WF5E,  that
use the same way of Dick, sending the cards  directly to the  DX station  or
his manager, using the informations of DX bulletins and other  publications.
When he receive the cards back from the DX stations he then send  them  thru
the bureau.Cards must be alphabetically ordered and no older than 12 months.
The cost is 1 US$ or 2 IRC for 6 cards. The address is: WF5E-DX QSL SERVICE,
3400 Bedford, Midland, TX 79703, USA.

           Committee for the Celebration of the First Centennial
                        of the Invention of Radio
    Associazione Radioamatori Italiani Bologna  13,14 & 15 October 1995     

                           Official Celebration
       Eleventh International <<Guglielmo Marconi>> HF-DX Meeting
                          Fifth IOTA Convention
                        Saturday Evening DX Dinner
                     DXpedition Videos & Slides Show
                    Microwaves: How Far Have We Come?
                      PacketCluster SysOp Meeting
             LASER Communications: Technical Demonstrations
                           Digital Modes Forum
                   Opening of the New Robot Beacon IY4M
  ARI International <<Guglielmo Marconi>> Contest: Presentation of Prizes
                          DX Skill Competitions
                            Ladies Programme
                                DXCC Desk

Info: A.R.I. - Comitato Celebrazioni Marconiane
c/o Sezione A.R.I. "G.Sinigaglia",C.P.2128,40100 Bologna - BO, Italy
Booking:Promoteam, Via B. Marcello 1, 40141 Bologna - BO, Italy
        Phone Int +39+51+481349
        Fax             472910

* TNX:>  I1HYW,  IK1EDC,  I1-21171,  I4LCK, IK4CIE, IK4PVR, I5FLN, IK8BIZ, *
* WF5E, WQ5Y, YL2DX, 4F2IR, LNDX, URE-EA-DX, DX-News-Sheet, OPDX Bulletin, *
* ARRL-DX-Bulletin.                                                        *
*   425 DX News, edited by 425 DX Gang is made thanks to contributions by  *
*   many friends that, weekly, send many news and informations. We would   *
*    like to thanks everybody for the great help and we ask to send, if    *
*            possible, informations following this schedule:               *
*                                                                          *
* ADDRESSES & QSL MANAGERS            --> Massimo, IK1GPG (PCL, @IW1BIM-8) *
* OTHER DX INFORMATIONS  --> Piero, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE-8, pforno@iol.it) *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang
 425-NEWS is weekly available on Trance *FREE* BBS in Italy (+39-11-482751)