DX425 bulletin issue nr. 207

sb dx @ ww $425WW207A
425 DX News #207 * part 1
22 April 1995                                                         no.207

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                       edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU, IK2ULV
                           translated by I1-21171
BY     - Following what published  in past numbers, operations of  BS7H from
         Huang  Yan  Dao  (Scarborough  Reef,  AS-116) finished at 0200Z  of
         16 April, logging about 12000 QSO in 80 hours of activity.
C6     - From 22 April to 24 May,  W1SE will be active from Green Turtle Cay
         (NA-080) with the C6AGN call. QSL via home-call.
CN     - From 28 April to 10 May  Giovanni (I5JHW)  will be active as  CN2GB
         in Agadir.  From the 5th of May Giovanni will operate together with
         Sergio (I5NSR) CN2SN.  Activities of I5JHW will be in SSB and RTTY,
         while I5NSR  will operate in CW.  Giovanni and Sergio will join the
         ARI  International DX Contest, the  6th and 7th of  May, using  the
         special call CN5I. QSL CN2GB and CN5I to I5JHW, CN2SN via I5NSR.
CO     - Following what published in number 200, due to organisation reasons
         Peppino (I8IYW), Nicola (I0SNY),  Jose (CT1EEB),  Luis (CT1ESO) and
         Jaime (EA3CWT)  will not leave  Europe  before the 23th of May  and
         they  hope to activate Sabana Arch. (NA-???)  from 26 to 28 May, on
         10 to 80 mtrs bands in  SSB and CW.  Then they will try to  operate
         from other islands, particularly from Camaguey Arch. (NA-086).  The
         QSLs, which are once again offered by the Diamond  DX Club, will be
         managed by CT1ESO.
CT     - During the weekend the station CS7B will be QRV from Ilha do Baleal
         (EU-040, DIP ES-02). QSL via CT1EKD.
CT     - Following what published in last number, the activity of CT1EWA and
         CT1FMX, from Berlenga Isl., with the CQ5B call, will be in SSB only
         on 10,20,40,and 80 mtrs bands;  15 mtrs operations are not planned.
         QSL via CT1FMX.
CU3    - Bill, KQ4GC,  during the weekend is QRV from  Terceira Island, Azo-
         res, as CU3/KQ4GC, mainly in SSB.  QSL to: Bill Gallier, 4094 Sandy
         Run Drive, Middleburg, FL 32068, USA.
CU6    - CU7BC, CU7AM and CU7BG will be QRV from Pico Island, Azores(EU-003)
         from 29 April to 1 May, using the CU6PI call on  80, 40, 20, 17, 15
         and 10 mtrs bands. Pico Island is valid for Portuguese Island Award
         with the reference AZ-006. QSL via CU7AM.
CU9    - Following what published in number 201, Altino CU7AA, sadly reports
         that Corvo Isl. expedition (EU-089) planned for 13 to 16 April, has
         been cancelled due  to weather problems concerning  the trasport of
         material and operators.  Altino and his team hope to succeed in the
         intention as soon as possible.
D2     - Morel, 4X1AD,  has informed  us that Valy, YO3XX,  is ready to join
         the  U.N. medical group in Angola;  he will stay there for next six
         months. Valy will be QRV in CW, SSB and RTTY (if possible), as D2YX
         or  YO3YX/4U using a  little equipment and a  multiband dipole.  He
         hopes to  improve its conditions  to be able to  contact Japan  and
         North America also.
DU0    - Following what  published in number 192,  the planned activity from
         DU0K from  North Danger reef,  Spratly Islands, has been  cancelled
         due to reasons not depending from operators.
ER     - Valeri, ER1DA, is the President of the new Amateur  Radio  Associa-
         tion of Moldavia Republic (A.R.M.)  and the address for QSL service
         is:  P.O.Box 6637, Kishinev 277050, Moldavia.
ER     - From 2 to 21 May, during the 50th anniversary of  the end of  WWII,
         5 stations will be active with the special ER50 call. For the ER50R
         station, operated by Valeri, ER1DA, QSL via home-call.
F/GB   - Next 8th of May the special station  F/GB5SF, or probably  F/GR5SF,
         will be activated from Vencors, France, during celebrations of 50th
         anniversary of the end of WWII. QSL via GW0ANA.
FR     - Dick, N6AA, reports that he is not,  and he has never been, the QSL
         manager of FR5DX. He doesn't really know how  this  wrong  info has
         been  reported, but he is still  receiving  cards  that  cannot  be
G/GR   - The special English prefix  GR has been issued to the stations that
         celebrate the 50th anniversary of the end of WWII.
H44    - JA1OEM will  be portable H44 from  Solomon Is. from  25 April  to 8
         May, operating in SSB/CW on all HF bands. QSL via home-call.
HP     - Following what published in last number, the Iguana Island (NA-???)
         expedition is planned for 30 April to 1 May,  with the special HP9I
         call. The operations will be on 10 to 80 mtrs bands (WARC included)
         24 hours if possible.  QSL direct to HP2CWB (Jose NG, P.O. Box 728,
         Colon, Rep. of Panama) or via HP Bureau.
HS     - Following what published in numbers 200 and 205, the Koh Chang (AS-
         ???) expedition has been cancelled. There is a far possibility of a
         new date at the end of May or first days of June.
sb dx @ ww $425WW207B
425 DX News #207 * part 2
IB0    - From 28 April to 1 May, Luca (IK0QDB) and Marcello (IW6MTM) will be
         portable IB0 from Ventotene Island (EU-045; IIA LT-11).
II3CC  - During the 100th anniversary of the Radio and the 450th anniversary
         of the Trento  Council  and with the Pope's visit,  the amateurs of
         Trento will activate the special station II3CC that will  be QRV on
         all bands from 22 April to 7 May 1995.  QSO confirmed with QSL sent
         via bureau or direct with SASE  to QSL manager: IN3AHO, P.O.Box 38,
         38100 Trento.
IL3    - From 29 April to 1 May a group of  operators of ARI Section of  Me-
         stre  and  the   "Vecio  Piave  Team"  (including   I3QKO,  IK3HUK,
         will be active from  Pellestrina island  (EU-131,  IIA VE-33) using
         the calls IL3/IK3GES  in SSB,  IL3/IK3QAR  in  CW, and IL3/IW3FT in
         144 and 430 Mhz. Operations on all bands from 10 to 80 meters, WARC
         included.  QSL via home-calls.
IL6    - From  30 April to 1 May a group of operators of the  Western Emilia
         DX Club, will be portable IL6 from a rock in Marche's sea,  without
         IIA Ref.No. Operations  on 20, 40 and 80 meters,  in SSB and in CW.
         This is the first time that the IL6 prefix is used.
JA6    - Following  what  published in number  202, the JA3IG  expedition to
         Senkaku islands has been cancelled due to local problems.
PA     - During the month of May,  celebrating the 50th anniversary of libe-
         ration, at least  29 stations will be active  with the special PI45
         prefix, together with other PA6.. /45 stations.  There will be also
         an activity from the special station PA5EMI, from 1 to 13 May. Then
         the  LIBERATION  AWARD has  been issued; 3 contacts  with PI45 sta-
         tions, or one QSO with PA5MEI (valid for two contacts) and one with
         a P45 station  are necessary to obtain it.  Send the log and 10 US$
         no later than 15 July 1995 to the Award Manager PE1EBJ, P.O.Box 56,
         5320 AB Hedel  The Netherlands.
PJ7    - From 3 to 10 May,  AI5P and WB5JHK will be portable PJ7  from Saint
PY     - Ronaldo, PS7AB,  who last week has been active as PT6AB from Tinha-
         re Island (SA-080)  and as PW6AB from Boipeba Island (SA-080), sug-
         gests to those who would like to send contributions to use a carbon
         copy sheet and  no-transparent envelope.  The address of PS7AB  is:
         Ronaldo Bastos Reis, P.O. Box 2021, Natal, RN, 59094-970, Brazil.
PY     - From 21 to 22 April the ZW0X station is active from Grande de Santa
         Isabel island  (SA-025; DIB 19).  Operations are planned on  40, 20
         and 15 meters. QSL via PS8DX.
SV9    - Steve SV9/HA0DU/p,  Feri SV9/HA0ET/p,  and Laci SV9/HA0HW/p will be
         QRV from Crete Isl. (EU-015) from 9 to 16 May.  Activities with two
         computerized  stations, active on  160 to 10 mtrs bands in  SSB/CW/
         RTTY/AMTOR. QSL via HA0HW.
TA     - In August, DJ8QP, will be in Turkey and  hopes to activate some in-
         teresting islands for the IOTA program.
V2     - Until the 23rd of April,  KA2DIV is QRV,  only in CW, from  Antigua
         (NA-100) as V21CW. QSL via home-call.
V4     - Jim, G0IXC, hopes to be active  from 20 April to 10 May from  Nevis
         Isl. (NA-104) as V47XC. Activities in SSB on 15, 20 and 40 mtrs and
         QSL via home-call.
VP2E   - Rick, AI5P, from 11 to 18 May will be portable VP2E  from Anguilla.
W3     - Brian (WA3WJD), together with Mark (AA3HA), will join the IOTA test
         the 29 and 30 of July from Assateague Isl. (NA-139). Brian and Mark
         will operate with  1Kw and they will  use a 3 band  beam for 10, 15
         and 20 mtrs and dipoles for 40 and 80.
W5     - Charley (K5LBU),  Mike (KG5CM) and  Dave (WQ5Y)  will join the IOTA
         Contest from Mustang Isl. (NA-092).
XE     - Rick, NE8Z/HC1MD,  is QRV until the 24th of April as  XE3/NE8Z from
         different Yucatan Peninsula localities.  Activity mainly in CW, but
         with SSB possibilities, from 160 to 10 mtrs bands. QSL via K8LJG.
YL     - During the celebrations  of the 100th  years of the radio invention
         the special YL100R station is active until the 21st of May. QSL via
         P.O.Box 100, Riga-7, Latvia LV-1007.
ZA     - DJ8QP will be in  Albania, for a 2 or 3  weeks time,  at the end of
         May and during this period he hopes to activate, together with ZA1B
         Sazan Island (EU-169).
ZA     - HB9BGN, manager of ZA0B (EU-169), reports that QSLs sent to his ad-
         dress are resent by him,  every two or three months,  to ZA1B, that
         will personally provide to send the confirmations. So be patient.
4U0ITU - From 6 to 13 May,  Wolfgang, DK7UY,  will operate  from the  4U0ITU
         station in CW, SSB and RTTY on 160 to 2 mtrs bands. QSL will be au-
         tomatically  send to all correspondents.  Please don't send QSL via
         direct, only via bureau or DK7UY.
4U0ITU - Following what published in number 204,  from 13 to 14 May and also
         from 20 to 21 May, Tony (IK1QBT) and Mauro (IK1CJO)  will be active
         again from ITU of Geneva with the special  4U0ITU call.  QSL direct
         or bureau to operators: IK1QBT (CW), Tony Gallo, Via Capo S.Spirito
         1/16,  17020  Borghetto (SV) and  IK1CJO (SSB/RTTY),  Mauro Ferrua,
         P.O.Box 41, 17031 Albenga  (SV).  Remember  also that to  celebrate
         the 120th anniversary of the I.T.U. foundation (Paris, 17 May 1865)
         the call 4U0ITU will be used during all May.
4U0ITU - Following what published in number 200,  the QSLs for operations by
         hungarian team  from 25 to 29 May should be  send to  Gyula Palmai,
         PO.Box 113, Salgotarjan H-3100, Hungary.
4S7    - 4S7/HB9BRM will be active until the 27th of April.
4X     - XE2CQ/4X0 is active from Tel Aviv, from the 4X6TT station.  QSL via
9L     - Cecil, NW8F, is the new QSL manager of Paul, 9L1PG and hopes to re-
         ceive copy of his logs  in the  next month,  to start answering the
         requests at the end of May.
GAHZA  - Following what published in last number, Larry, F5PFP, is currently
         QRV from  Gahza and from  Jericho until the  25th of April. QSL via
         F5PYI , Laurent Borde,  L'Orme, F-42520  Maclas,  France.  Remember
         that this this land is not yet been approved by DXCC Desk.
The ARRL Awards Committee voted 5 to 2 to accept a modified ARRL DX Advisory
Committee (DXAC) recommendation to add a minimum-size rule to Point 2 (Sepa-
ration by water) of the  Countries List  Criteria in the  DXCC  rules.  This
change adds the following paragraphs to the existing rules under Point 2:
''An island  is defined as a naturally formed area of land surrounded by wa-
ter, the surface of which is above water  at high tide.  Rocks  which cannot
sustain human habitation shall not be considered for DXCC country status.
An island must meet or exceed size standards.  To be eligible for considera-
tion, the island must be visible, and named,  on a chart with a scale of not
less than 1:1,000,000.  Charts used must be from recognized national mapping
agencies.  The island must  consist of a single  unbroken piece of land  not
less than 10,000 square feet in area, which is above water at high tide. The
area requirements shall be demonstrated by the chart.''

ARCTIC -> Following what published in number 199,  NT2X reports that the at-
tempt of Kimura Ohba, 7M1QUK, to cross the Arctic by feet is failed. He left
the Arktichesky Peninsula on  Northern Zemlya (Severnaya Zemlya) the 23rd of
February and  he had planned to arrive in Canada crossing the North Pole but
after about 500 Km he has forced to stop due to frost:  the 26th of March he
has been helped from the aid team,  thanks to R0/RK3KP  base station  always
connected with Kimura, and transported to Khatanga hospital.

TNX DL7VEE! WELCOME DL9GOA! > The 425-DX-NEWS staff would like to thank Rolf
DL7VEE, for the wonderful work done until the number  937 of the DXNL bulle-
tin and to wish  to the successor,  Uwe DL9GOA,  the same success  near Bob,

* TNX:>  I1HYW,  IK1QBT,  IK1CJO, I1-21171, I2YBC, IK2IQD, IK3QAR, IN3AHO, *
* WB2KXA,  WT2O,  WA3WJD,  WQ5Y,  YL2DX,  4X1AD,  4Z5BN,  LNDX, URE-EA-DX, *
* OPDX Bulletin, ARRL-DX-Bulletin.                                         *
*   425 DX News, edited by 425 DX Gang is made thanks to contributions by  *
*   many friends that, weekly, send many news and informations. We would   *
*    like to thanks everybody for the great help and we ask to send, if    *
*            possible, informations following this schedule:               *
*                                                                          *
* ADDRESSES & QSL MANAGERS            --> Massimo, IK1GPG (PCL, @IW1BIM-8) *
* OTHER DX INFORMATIONS  --> Piero, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE-8, pforno@iol.it) *
* INTERNET RESOURCES            --> Maurizio, I121171  (I121171@amsat.org) *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang

 425-NEWS is weekly available on Trance *FREE* BBS in Italy (+39-11-482751)

                            ...e' tutto, gente!
                         73 & DX dalla 425 DX Gang
22 April 1995                                                        no.207
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                           edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU
 PERIOD           CALL                                                  REF
till 27/4        A43GI: Al Ghanam Isl. (AS-119)                         206
till 23/4        CS7B: Ilha do Baleal (EU-040) (DIP ES-02)              207
till 25/4        F5PYI/GAZA                                             207
till December    FT5XK: Kerguelen                                       190
till 24/4        HS/DF8AN/qrp: Koho Samui Isl. (AS-101)                 202
till 23-4        IC8/IK8VRS: Procida Isl. (EU-041) (IIA NA-02)          203
till 25/4        IE9: Ustica Isl. (EU-051) * by IK8BIZ, IK8FPI, IK8HOX  204
till 23/4        IK1XHT: University of Torino                           201
till 30/4        IY4W: special station                                  204
till 29/4        J6/DK1RP                                               200
till June        KL7UQ: Beaufort Sea Coast group (NA-004)               206
till ?           LU1ZR: Petrel Air Base (WABA-LU-12)                    206
till 25/4        OF1AA: Turku * special station                         204
till 23/4        PA/ON4TH/P: Texel Isl. (EU-038)                        205
till 22/4        PJ8AA: St. Eustatius Isl. (NA-145) * by N4XO           206
till 34-4        TM0RAD: special station                                207
till September   ZD8WD * by G4RWD                                       197
till 24/4        ZV5LL: Anhatomirim Isl. (SA-026) * by PP5LL            206
till 22/4        ZW0X: Santa Isabell Isl. (SA-025) (DIB 19)             207
till 21/5        3A100GM: special call                                  205
till 27/4        4S7/HB9BRM                                             207
till middle June 5H * by OH2BBF                                         205
till 27/4        8Q7AI: Kuredu Isl. * by DL1IAI                         204
till 24/4        9H3SB, 9H3UF, 9H3UD * by DL5XAT, DH1OAH, DL8OBC        203
till July        9X * by ON4WW                                          205
21/4-6/5         8Q7BV: Thulagiri Isl. * by HB9DIF                      204
21/4-23/4        Visalia (California): International DX Convention      ***
22/4-24/5        C6AGN: Green Turtle Cay (NA-080) * by W1SE             207
22/4-7/5         II3CC: Trento * special station                        207
22/4             OE1M: special station from Radio Austria International 205
22/4             International Marconi Day                              ***
24/4-30/4        DL1YAW: Spiekercoog Isl. (EU-047)                      206
25/4-14/5        HC8 * by DF1VU, DF8VK, DK5VP, DL4VCG                   203
26/4-1/5         TM0PR: Groix Isl. (EU-048) * by F team                 206
26/4-10/5        9N1MWU * by JA8MWU                                     204
27/4-6/5         TO7I: St. Pierre & Miquelon * by F5JYD's team          204
28/4-10/5        CN2GB * by I5JHW                                       207
28/4-1/5         IB0: Ventotene Isl. (EU-045) (IIA LT-11) * by IK0QDB   207
28/4/30/4        IJ9: Porri Isl. (EU-166) * by IT9AXZ, IT9HLR, IT9WDY   204
28/4-1/5         TM6YEU: Yeu Isl. (EU-064) * by F5IWE                   206
28/4-4/5         5R8DL * by JE8BKW & JH8CLU                             204
28/4-30/4        Dayton (Ohio): Hamvention                              ***
29/4-1/5         DF0WLG: Usedom Isl. (EU-129)                           205
29/4-1/5         IL3: Pellestrina Isl. (EU-131) (IIA VE-33) by I3 team  207
29/4-30/4        Helvetia Contest                                       ***
30/4-2/5         FH/IK2GNW                                              206
30/4             IA5: L'Isolotto (IIA GR-06) * by IK0MHR & IW0AUO       205
30/4-2/5         HP9I: Iguana Isl. (NA-???) * by HP2CWB                 206
30/4-1/5         IL6 * by Western Emilia DX Club                        207
30/4-10/5        6Y5 * by GW4OFQ                                        206
April            IL7: Gallipoli Isl. (IIA LE-10) * by Salento DX team   205
April-May        KP1 * by W5IJU, KB4VLO, K0IYF                          195
April            XV/3W * by SM0FLY                                  ??? 197
April            ZK3RW * by ZL1AMO                                  ??? 201
April-June       5X, 9Q, 9U, 9X * by OH2BBF                             205
April            9Q * by PA3DZN                                     ??? 205
1/5-10/5         EO50JS: special station                                206
1/5-8/5          LN1V: special station                                  206
2/5-21/5         ER50: special prefix                                   207
3/5-10/5         D6 * by IK2GNW                                         206
3/5-10/5         PJ7: St. Martin * by AI5P & WB5JHK                     207
5/5-10/5         CN2SN * by I5NSR                                       207
5/5              JA4: Naka-no-shima (AS-041) * by JA0IAA,JF0KYK,JR0BAQ  205
5/5-8/5          W1/G4DZC, K1USL, KC1YR: Nantucket Isl. (NA-046)        206
5/5-15/5         ZL8/G4MFW: Kermadec Is.                                205
6/5-7/5          CQ4I: Ilheus Gemidos * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU  190
6/5-8/5          9H50VE: special call                                   205
6/5-7/5          >>> A.R.I. * INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST <<<              ***
7/5-13/5         GB0LIB: special station from Gurnsey Is.               204
7/5-8/10         ZS50PAX: special call                                  205
11/5-18/5        VP2E/AI5P                                              207
12/5-16/5        VK6ISL: Faure Isl. (NO-REF) * by VK6LC                 202
13/5-19/5        EJ: Inishmaan Isl. (EU-006) * by G0OYQ, G0PHN, G0ULN   205
13/5-20/5        OZ/DL1AZZ/p: Mandoe Isl. (EU-125)                      203
13/5-14/5        4U0ITU * by IK1CJO & IK1QBT                            207
13/5-14/5        Volta RTTY Contest                                     ***
13/10-15/10      >>> Bologna: V IOTA CONVENTION <<<                     ***