SB DX @ WW $425WW206A 15 April 1995 no.206 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU, IK2ULV translated by I1-21171 _________________ _________________ ________________ | | | | | | -----| BUONA PASQUA! |-----| HAPPY EASTER! |-----| FELIZ PASCUA! |----- |_________________| |_________________| |________________| A4 - From 20 to 27 April a group of local operators will be active from Al Ghanam Island (AS-???) using the A47GI call. QSL via A47RS. BY - Following what published in last number,operations from Scarborough Reef (AS-116) have started as scheduled and will end at around noon of sunday the 16th. Two operators (BZ1HAM and KJ4VH) report that they will join the International DX Convention in Visalia. QSL via JA1BK: Kan Mizoguchi, 5-3 Sakuragaoka 4 Chome, Tama-C City, Tokio 206, Japan. CT - From 18 to 24 May Paulo, CT1EWA, and Jorge, CT1FMX, will be active as CQ5B from Berlenga Isl (EU-040). QSL via CT1FMX: P.O.Box 189, 2562 Torres Vedras, Portugal. D6 - After the activity from Mayotte, Adriano, IK2GNW will be QRV for about one week from Comoro Islands (AF-007) joining the Internatio- nal ARI DX Contest the 6 and 7 May. He will use the TS-50, a 1-Kw amplifier and wire antennas. Activity mainly in SSB, before and af- ter the contest, in 40, 80, 160 mtrs and WARC. QSL via IK2GNW. DL - Pete, DL1YAW, from 24 to 30 April will be portable from Spiekeroog Island (EU-047), with activities mainly in CW with 10 watts. Look at him on 7025 KHz and on the frequencies (+40 Khz from the lower edge of the bands). EA_ssh - Angelo, IK2HTW, reports that EA8BGY is asking for a delay to answer the EA7DLF/ED0 cards (WABA EA-03) as QSLs have not yet been printed then DON'T send a second request for them. EO - From 1 to 10 May the special station EO50JS will be active, to ce- lebrate the 50th anniversary of II World War victory.QSL via LY1DS. F - From 28 April to 1 May Joel, F5IWE, will be active, together with other operators, from Yeu island (EU-064). TM6YEU as possible call. F - From 26 April to 1 May F1TXI, F5JOT, F5LGQ, F5OQJ, F6AUS, F6BFH F6CKH and F9IE will be actibe all bands, WARC included, as TM0PR from Groix Island (EU-048). QSL via F5JOT. FH - From 30 April Adriano, IK2GNW, will be active for a couple of days from Mayotte Island (AF-027). He will use a TS-50, a 1-Kw amplifier and wire antennas. Activity mainly in SSB on 40, 80, 160 and WARC bands. QSL via IK2GNW. FO - Lou, LX1SP, is actually in Tahiti until the 21st of April and he is QRV in SSB on 14340 and 21400 KHz, from 1800Z to 2000Z. GM - HB9LEA and HB9LEK are QRV as GM/homecall/p from Shetland Islands (EU-012) until the 16th of April. HP - From 30 April to 2 May HP2CWB together with other three operators will be QRV from Iguana Island, located into the Los Santos/Herrera Cocle Province Group (NA-???). IF9 - During the second week of August Piero, IK1TZO, will be active together with other operators from Marettimo Island (IIA TP10, IOTA EU-054) using the IF9/IT9AUP call. QSL via IK1TZO. KH6-7 - According to FCC decisions, as requested from ARRL, the AH7, KH7, NH7, WH7 (and the usual number 6) calls, will be assigned to Hawaii Islands. Same prefixes followed by the K letter will be assigned to Kure Island. KL0-9 - According to FCC decisions, as requested from ARRL, the calls assi- gned to amateurs in Alaska (AL, KL, NL, WL) will no more be limited to number 7, but all numbers from 0 to 9 will be used, except the KL9KAA-KL9KHZ serie that is assigned to U.S. personnel in Korea. KL7 - KL7UQ is actually in Beaufort Sea Coast group (NA-004), and he will work there for some months. It's possible to find him QRV for Euro- pe on 7083 KHz at around 0430Z. He has good equipment for 40 mtrs, but he doesn't like pile-ups. KP3-4 . According to FCC decisions, as requested from ARRL, the KP3, NP3, WP3 (and the usual number 4) calls, will be assigned to Puerto Rico Commonwealth, except Desecheo island. LA - From 1 to 8 May the special station LN1V will be active from Oslo to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the II World War end. LU_ant - LU1ZR has been heard from Petrel Air Station (WABA LU-12) located on Dundee isl. (AN-013). Operations mainly on 14275 KHz. OZ - From 10 to 29 July Ullrich, DL2HEB, will use the OZ/DL2HEB/p call from Laeso Island (EU-088). Ullrich, that wants to join the IOTA Contest, will be QRV only in CW, from 10 to 80 mtrs, using 5 watts. P5 - Tom, WB4IUX, reports that is now possible to call by phone, direc- tly or through the operator, from U.S.A. to North Korea. Tom is then hoping that this could be a great change to have amateur radio operations legalized in P5. PJ8 - From 19 to 22 April N4XO will be QRV as PJ8AA from St. Eustatius Isl. (NA-145) on all bands from 10 to 160 mtrs, mainly in CW. QSL via home-call. PY - During the weekend PY1UP and PY3TD will be active from Rasa Island (SA-079) respectively as PX0UP and ZX3T. QSL via home-call. PY - From 19 to 24 April PP5LL will be active as ZX5LL from Anhatomirim Isalnd (SA-026). QSL via PP5LL. PY - Thursday the 13rd of April, PS7AB, has been active as PT6AB from Tinhare Isl. (Bahia State Centre group, SA-080); friday the 14th he has been reported from Boipeba Isl. (SA-080) with the PW6AB call. Ronaldo will end the activity on the weekend, from Tinhare again. QSL both operations to PS7AB. VP8_ssh- Andy, VP8CQS (SP2GOW), has received the material offered him from IRDXA and he is now QRV in RTTY and digital modes also. QSL via DL1EHH. W1 - W1/G4DZC, KA1USL and KC1YR hope to activate Nantucket Isl. (NA-046) from 5 to 8 May. QSL via home-calls, or via W1FY: P.O.Box 3005, Framingham, MA 01701, USA. YV - During his last trip in Caracas, Franco, I5DCE, has received the authorization to confirm the contacts of italian stations with YY5LB (La Blanquilla, SA-037). 3D2_cr - The Conway Reef expedition has logged about 30 thousand QSO. Opera- tors, that left the island Monday 3 April, was obviously satisfed of the result, also if serious troubles has occured. 6Y - From 30 April, for ten days, Roger/GW4OFQ, will spend its holidays in Jamaica (NA-097) and, if he obtains a license, he will be QRV mainly on WARC bands. 9K - Back to the roots: from the end of March, the foreigner amateurs active from Kuwait has their 9K calls again. Bob, N6BFM is newly QRV as 9K2ZZ, while Faisal (ex-9K2HA, ex-9K2ZZ) has now the 9K2CA call (QSL still via ON6BY). Bob/9K2ZZ reports that administration problems has been solved, but how about QSL-managers troubles ? GAHZA - Larry, F5PYI, reports that F5PFP/GAZHA will be in Palestine from 15 April, for two weeks. Operations on spare time. QSL via F5PYI. INTERNATIONAL MARCONI DAY - During The International Marconi Day, many spe- cial and celebrative stations will be QRV on saturday 22 April. Contact at least 12 of them to receive an award. There are 46 stations that will be ac- tive; no previous editions had so large presence: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CT1TGM Coimbra, Portugal DA0IMD Borkum Island ED7IMD Cadiz, Spain EI2IMD Crookhaven EI3MFT Latterfrack, Co Galway EI4IMD Clifden, Co Galway EI5IMD Cork EI4JAM Dublin GB???? RSGB HQ, Potters Bar GB0IMD Island of Wight GB0MAR Island of Wight GB0MWT Chelmsford GB1IMD Leicester GB2GM Poldhu Cove, Cornwall GB2IMD Rathlin Island GB2MDI Salisbury GB2MID Poole, Dorset GB2FSL S. Foreland Lighthouse GB4IMD Truro (CRAC station) GB4JAM Island of Wight GB4MD Old Carnarfon Stn, Wales GB4MDI Lavernock Point IY4W Casalecchio di Reno IY0GA Sardegna IY0ORP Rocca di Papa, Roma IY0TCI Civitavecchia IY1MR Rapallo, Genova IY1TTM Sestri Levante, Genova IY4FGM Villa Grifone, Pontecchio Marconi K1VV/IMD Cape Cod, MA KK6H/IMD Marshall, CA OE1M Radio Austria, Vienna PQ1MD Rio de Janeiro, Brazil PR1MD Rio de Janeiro, Brazil PS1MD Rio de Janeiro, Brazil PT1MD Rio de Janeiro, Brazil PU1MD Rio de Janeiro, Brazil PV1MD Rio de Janeiro, Brazil PW1MD Rio de Janeiro, Brazil PX1MD Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ZW1TTO Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ZW1USK Rio de Janeiro, Brazil VE1IMD Glace Bay, Nova Scotia VK2IMD Wahroonga, Australia VO1IMD St. Johns, Newfoundland ZS6IMD Johannesburg, RSA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The award (it costs 10 US$ or 12 IRC among with the log of stations worked/ listened) can be obtained to this address: Sue Thomas, G0PGX, Cornish Ama- teur Radio Club, IMD Awards Manager, P.O.Box 100, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 1RX, England. **************************************************************************** * TNX:> I1HYW, IK1TZO, IK1RGL, I1-21171, IK2GNW, IK2HTW, I4LCK, I5DCE, * * I5FLN, CT1EWA, DC3MF, DL7VEE, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DU7CC, EA5KB, F5IWE, G4DYO * * ON6BY, NI6T, W6GO, WB4IUX, KA3DBN, LNDX, URE-EA-DX, OPDX Bulletin, * * ARRL-DX-Bulletin. * **************************************************************************** * 425 DX News, edited by 425 DX Gang is made thanks to contributions by * * many friends that, weekly, send many news and informations. We would * * like to thanks everybody for the great help and we ask to send, if * * possible, informations following this schedule: * * * * ISLANDS ACTIVITIES (IOTA, IIA, DIE) --> Mauro, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM-8) * * ADDRESSES & QSL MANAGERS --> Massimo, IK1GPG (PCL, @IW1BIM-8) * * OTHER DX INFORMATIONS --> Piero, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE-8) * **************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang **************************************************************************** 425-NEWS is weekly available on Trance *FREE* BBS in Italy (+39-11-482751) **************************************************************************** 15 April 1995 no.206 ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU PERIOD CALL REF till 16/4 BS7H: Scarborough Reef (AS-116) 205 till 21/4 FO: Tahiti * by LX1SP 206 till 17/4 FR5HG/E: Europa Isl. (AF-009) 201 till December FT5XK: Kerguelen 190 till 16/4 GM: Shetland Is. (EU-012) * by HB9LEA & HB9LEK 206 till 24/4 HS/DF8AN/qrp: Koho Samui Isl. (AS-101) 202 till 30/4 IY4W: special station 204 till 21/4 J20SF: Sept Freres Isl. (AF-059) by J28BQ,J28FD,J28GR 204 till 29/4 J6/DK1RP 200 till June KL7UQ: Beaufort Sea Coast group (NA-004) 206 till ? LU1ZR: Petrel Air Base (WABA-LU-12) 206 till 25/4 OF1AA: Turku * special station 204 till 16/4 PT6AB: Tinhare Isl. (SA-080) * by PS7AB 206 till 16/4 PX0UP & ZX3T: Rasa Isl. (SA-079) * by PY1UP & PY3TD 206 till September ZD8WD * by G4RWD 197 till middle June 5H * by OH2BBF 205 till 20/4 5T0AS * by I2RLX, IT9AZS, IT9JNT, IT9PHY 202 till 27/4 8Q7AI: Kuredu Isl. * by DL1IAI 204 till 24/4 9H3SB, 9H3UF, 9H3UD * by DL5XAT, DH1OAH, DL8OBC 203 till July 9X * by ON4WW 205 10/4-16/4 DU0K: North Danger Reef - Spratly Is.* by DU9RG ??? 192 10/4-24/4 V31VW * by ZF2VW ??? 204 12/4-21/4 J37P & J37Q * by G4RVH & G3NBB ??? 201 13/4-16/4 CU9: Corvo Isl. (EU-089) * by CTU7AA & CU7BC ??? 201 14/4-16/4 W4: Beverly Beach (NA-138) * by KM4WE 203 14/4-17/4 ZL/G4CVC: Stewart Isl. (OC-203) 201 15/4-16/4 CQ4I: Ilheu Alturas * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU 190 15/4-30/4 F5PYI/GAHZA 206 15/4-? HS * by DF5UG 202 16/4 EA1AGZ: Isla Pollos (DIEI VA-25) 203 16/4 EA7BR/P: Isla Punta de la Cruz (DIE S-224) 205 16/4-29/4 8Q7: Thulagiri Isl. * by HB9DIF 200 17/4-23/4 IK1XHT: University of Torino 201 18/4-23/4 PA/ON4TH/P: Texel Isl. (EU-038) 205 19/4-22/4 PJ8AA: St. Eustatius Isl. (NA-145) * by N4XO 206 19/4-24/4 ZX5LL: Anhatomirim Isl. (SA-026) * by PP5LL 206 20/4-27/4 A47GI: Al Ghanam Isl. (AS-???) 206 20/4-23/4 TM0RAD: special call 195 21/4-23-4 IC8/IK8VRS: Procida Isl. (EU-041) (IIA NA-02) 203 21/4-25/4 IE9: Ustica Isl. (EU-051) * by IK8BIZ, IK8FPI, IK8HOX 204 21/4-21/5 3A100GM: special call 205 21/4-6/5 8Q7BV: Thulagiri Isl. * by HB9DIF 204 21/4-23/4 Visalia (California): International DX Convention *** 22/4 OE1M: special station from Radio Austria International 205 22/4 International Marconi Day *** 23/4-? JA3IG/6: Senkaku Archipelago (AS-???) 202 24/4-30/4 DL1YAW: Spiekercoog Isl. (EU-047) 206 25/4-14/5 HC8 * by DF1VU, DF8VK, DK5VP, DL4VCG 203 26/4-1/5 TM0PR: Groix Isl. (EU-048) * by F team 206 26/4-10/5 9N1MWU * by JA8MWU 204 27/4-6/5 TO7I: St. Pierre & Miquelon * by F5JYD's team 204 28/4/30/4 IJ9: Porri Isl. (EU-166) * by IT9AXZ, IT9HLR, IT9WDY 204 28/4-1/5 TM6YEU: Yeu Isl. (EU-064) * by F5IWE 206 28/4-4/5 5R8DL * by JE8BKW & JH8CLU 204 28/4-30/4 Dayton (Ohio): Hamvention *** 29/4-1/5 DF0WLG: Usedom Isl. (EU-129) 205 29/4-30/4 Helvetia Contest *** 30/4-2/5 FH/IK2GNW 206 30/4 IA5: L'Isolotto (IIA GR-06) * by IK0MHR & IW0AUO 205 30/4-2/5 HP: Iguana Isl. (NA-???) * by HP2CWB 206 30/4-10/5 6Y5 * by GW4OFQ 206 April IL7: Gallipoli Isl. (IIA LE-10) * by Salento DX team 205 April-May KP1 * by W5IJU, KB4VLO, K0IYF 195 April XV/3W * by SM0FLY ??? 197 April ZK3RW * by ZL1AMO ??? 201 April-June 5X, 9Q, 9U, 9X * by OH2BBF 205 April 9Q * by PA3DZN ??? 205 1/5-10/5 EO50JS: special station 206 1/5-8/5 LN1V: special station 206 3/5-10/5 D6 * by IK2GNW 206 5/5 JA4: Naka-no-shima (AS-041) * by JA0IAA,JF0KYK,JR0BAQ 205 5/5-8/5 W1/G4DZC, K1USL, KC1YR: Nantucket Isl. (NA-046) 206 5/5-15/5 ZL8/G4MFW: Kermadec Is. 205 6/5-7/5 CQ4I: Ilheus Gemidos * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU 190 6/5-8/5 9H50VE: special call 205 6/5-7/5 >>> A.R.I. * INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST <<< *** 7/5-13/5 GB0LIB: special station from Gurnsey Is. 204 7/5-8/10 ZS50PAX: special call 205 12/5-16/5 VK6ISL: Faure Isl. (NO-REF) * by VK6LC 202 13/10-15/10 >>> Bologna: V IOTA CONVENTION <<< ***