8 April 1995 nr.205 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU, IK2ULV translated by I1-21171 BY - CRSA (Chinese Radio Sport Association) and South China DX Team are planning an expedition to Scarborough Reef (AS-116); BZ1HAM, BZ1OK, KC6KOU, KJ4VH, OH0XX, OH2BH will join the group. The team's depar- ture is expected for the 11st of April and the activity will start no later than the 13rd of April. Operations will continue for three days, 24 hours a day with the BS7H call. Frequencies used: 3505, 7005, 14025, 21025 KHz (CW); 3785, 7045, 14195, 21295 KHz (SSB). CT - During the weekend, the station CS8B is QRV from Murraceira Island, BL-013 for the Portuguese Island Award. QSL via CT1EEB. DL - From 29 April to 1 May the station DF0WLG will be active from Use- dom Island (EU-129), mainly around 14262 KHz. EA - During the DIE Contest, programmed for 16 July, the following spa- nish islands stations will be activated: ----------------------------------------------------------- Ref. Call Island QSL to ----------------------------------------------------------- BU-08 EA1AAD/p Cariana EA5OL LO-06 EA1AHP/p Buicio EA5OL N-021 EA1BEY/p De Vega EA1BEY ST-34 EA1BTA/p Carandia EA1EK O-023 EA1DFP/p Carcabeiro EA5OL BU-36 ED1IBA Pedrosa EA5OL N-027 ED1IDA La Isola EA1EBK SA-09 ED1ISA La Chopera EA1EAU N-010 ED1URS Vigen del Mar EA1EB VI-14 EA2AE/p La Poveda EA2AE N-017 ED2SNI San Nicolas EA2CMW T-001 EA3GDE/p Gracia EA5OL GU-09 EA4CBA/p Casa del Duque EA5OL BA-52 EA4ENK Las Caballerias EA5OL V-004 EA5AEN/p La Barca EA5AEN V-002 EA5BHK/p Benageber EA5BHK V-015 EA5CDD/p Baldovi EA5OL V-024 EA5EQ/p Assut de Sueca EA5OL V-006 EA5FD/p Oficinas Viejas EA5OL CS-04 EA5IY/p Villatorcas EA5IY V-025 EA5KT/p Moli de Cardona EA5OL S-004 EA7BR/p Saltes EA7CWA J-019 EA7GYJ/p Soto Gordo EA7GMC SE-06 EA7SK La Cartuja EA7SK S-166 EA8BWW/p Caja del Dinero EA8BGY S-108 ED8IST Santiago del Tigre EA8BGY ----------------------------------------------------------- EA1 - From 29 to 30 July the station ED1URS will be activated from Isla del Moro (DIE N-016). QSL via EA1EB. EA7 - Sunday 16 April EA7BR will be active from Isla Punta de La Cruz (DIE S-224). QSL via EA7CWA. EJ - Following what published in number 199, from 13 to 19 May G0OYQ, G0PHN and G0ULN will be portable /EJ from Inishman Island, Aran Isl (EU-006), with activities on all bands from 160 to 10 mtrs, on IOTA frequencies. QSL via bureau or direct to: CHB ARG, P.O.Box 803, Hull, HU7 4BY, England. FP - Following what published in last number, the call of the Bruno's team (F5JYD), active from 27 April to 6 May on St.Pierre & Miquelon might be TO7I. QSL via F5JYD. HS - From 12 to 15 April the station HS2AC will be active from Koh Chang Island, on the Gulf of Thailand North East group (AS-???). II4ARI - From 19 to 22 May, the Ari Section of Forli, will active the spe- cial station II4ARI, to celebrate the centenary of radio's inven- tion. QSL via IK4QIB. IA5 - From 8 to 14 of sunday 30 April, IK0MHR and IW0AUO will be portable IA5 from L'isolotto (IIA GR-06), weather permitting. IL7 - Roberto, IK7XIV, co-ordinator of Salento DX Team, reports that last 97-hours operations from Pedagna Grande Isl (EU 091, IIA BR-01), loggged 4705 QSO (105 Countries worked). During the weekends of April friends from Lecce will be QRV from Gallipoli Isl (IIA LE-10) while from 23 to 30 June an operations from Sant'Andrea Isl (EU 031 IIA LE-01) during IOTA contest is expected. JA - JA0IAA, JF0KYK and JR0BAQ will be portable /4 from Naka-no-shima, Oki (AS-041), from 0600Z of 3 to 0300Z of 5 May. Operations on all bands, expecially on IOTA frequencies, mainly on 14260 KHz (+- QRM) OE1M - Saturday 22 April, from Broadcasting Center in Vienna (Radio Austria International), the special marconian station OE1M will be activated, with SSB, CW and satellite operations, during the Inter- national Marconi Day. Radio Austria International will broadcast special services on all languages. OE1M will be QRV on SSB on 3770, 7070, 14170, 21170 and 28470 KHz; via AO13 (0500-1220Z) and via AO10 (1300-1500Z) on 145.890 MHz. Radio Austria International broadcasts on 6155 KHz for Europe. QSL for OE1M via: Radio Austria International, A-1136 Vienna, Austria, or via bureau. PA - From 18 to 23 April, ON4TH will be on vacation to Texel Island (EU-038), and he will be active as PA/ON4TH/p, using a vertical an- tenna for 40/80 mtrs and a dipole for 10, 15 and 20 mtrs. ON4TH hopes to be QRV around 1000Z on SSB and evening on CW. S0 - Following what published in numbers 199 and 204, Tim, KC0PA reports that his activity from Western Sahara as S0/KC0PA willnot be credi- ted from DXCC-Desk, also if authorized. Tim is now QRV as 4U/KC0PA (always from Western Sahara) and all documentations has been sub- mitted to ARRL. QSL via VE9RHS. SV - From 13 July to 3 August, Gabriele, IK3GES will be active from Greece. During this period Gabriele hopes to activate some islands valid for IOTA program and more exactly Thassos (EU-049) and Lefka- da (EU-052). Gabriele remember that he still can confirm the acti- vities of IL3SP (EU-131, IIA VE-33), IL3/IK3QAR (IOTA EU-131, IIA-VE-17), RA6WA, TZ6BHV, 5T5FA. T5 - Mario, I2MQP, reports that the station T5/I2MQP is a pirate. Mario is actually in Milano and he has not planned to visit Somalia. Then don't lose time and don't send money. UA0 - R0/UR8LV is active from Dickson Isl (AS-005). QSL to: Box 5, Dickson Island 663241, Russia. V7 - Ken, V73C wants to join IOTA Contest, the 29/30th of July, from Kwajalein (OC-028) using the V7A call. VO2 - During the month of June Martin, G3ZAY/NU2L, should be active from NA-044 and from a Newfoundland Province (Labrador) Centre group island (NA-???). ZL8 - Barry, G4MFW/ZS1FJ, has obtained the permissions to operate from Kermadec island, but he will be active only for few hours a day. Barry thinks to operate as G4MFW/Zl8 from 5 to 15 May, on 15, 20 (attention to IOTA frequency, 14260 KHz), 40 and 80 mtrs. ZS - The station ZS9G will be active during main 1995 CW contests. QSL direct to: M. Oosthuizen, P.O.Box 2741, Bellville 7535, Rep. Of South Africa. ZS - The special station ZS50PAX will be active from 7 May to 8 October on 3700, 7076, 14170 on SSB and on 14230 KHz SSTV. 3A - From 21 April to 21 May will be possible to contact, CW only, the special marconian call 3A100GM. QSL to 3A2LF (direct or bureau) or F6FNU (direct). 4K1 - Ra3RR reports that he has the logs, after 1994, of following antar- ctic stations: 4K1A, 4K1ANO and 4K1HK. Those who likes to receive the QSL can write to : Toivo Laimitainen, P.O.Box 228, Gatchina, 188350 Russia. 4U1ITU - Eric, OH2BBF hopes to be QRV during the weekend from ITU HQ of Ge- neve, waiting for his departure for Africa (see 5H). 5H - Eric, OH2BBF, will arrive at Ngara, Tanzania, the 14th of April and he will stay there for about two months, working for U.N. Eric will use a TS-50 and hopes to receive authorizations to work. Operations are also expected from his short tours in 5X, 9Q, 9U and 9X. QSL via OH2BBF, when he will come back in Finland. 9H - From6 to 8 May the special station 9H50VE will be active from Malta island, celebrating the 50th anniversary of allied victory on 2nd World War. QSL to 9H50VE, P.O.Box 114, Valletta CMR01, Malta. 9Q - Alex, PA3DZZ/9X5EE has leaved Ruanda after worked 20 thousand QSOs and now he hopes to be active from Zaire. 9X Mark, ON4WW, is now in Kigali, Rwanda, with a U.N. human mission for the next three months. March will try to obtain a license (with 9X5WW, 4U9X as possible calls), but in any case he hopes to work from 9X5EE station. CW and SSB activities on all bands from 160 to 10 mtrs, with 100 watts and dipole antennas, QSL via ON5NT. **************************************************************************** * TNX: I1HYW, I2MQP, IK3GES, I4LCK, IK4QIB, I5FLN, I7JFQ, IK7XIV, IK0QDB, * * CT1EEB, DC3MF, DL1NZA , DL7VEE, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, EA5KB, F5JYD, G4DYO, * * G0OYQ, JR0BAQ, KJ4VH, OE1WHC, OH2IC, ON4WW, ON7NQ, DU7CC, RA3AR, W1AW, * * ZS1AFZ, ZS6L, 9H5DV, LNDX, URE-EA-DX, OPDX Bulletin. * **************************************************************************** * 425 DX News, edited by 425 DX Gang is made thanks to contributions by * * many friends that, weekly, send many news and informations. We would * * like to thanks everybody for the great help and we ask to send, if * * possible, informations following this schedule: * * * * ISLANDS ACTIVITIES (IOTA, IIA, DIE) --> Mauro, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM-8) * * ADDRESSES & QSL MANAGERS --> Massimo, IK1GPG (PCL, @IW1BIM-8) * * OTHER DX INFORMATIONS --> Piero, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE-8) * **************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang 425-NEWS is weekly available on Trance *FREE* BBS in Italy (+39-11-482751) =========================== * Q S L M A N A G E R S * =========================== A CURA DI IK1GPG, IK1QFM, IK2IQD CALL MGR CALL MGR CALL MGR CALL MGR ============================================================================ 3D2CT G4WFZ EN7E UB5ECE LT4D LU4DC TO2DX F5VU 3D2CU SM7PKK ER1AM SP9HWN LT4E LU4AA TO5GI F6ASS 3DA0CA W4DR ER3ED I8YGZ LT5E LU1EYW TP8CE F6FQK 3G1I CE1YI ET3BN DL1JRC LT5H LU1HHO TU4EY KE4I 3G1X CE1IDM EU3FT W3HCW LT6E LU6ETB TZ6FIC F6KEQ 4M1DX YV1EQW EU7SA RC2SA LV1V LU1VV UA0KL G4AYO 4M1G YV1CLM EW5A EW1AW LX0ITU LX1JH UN0AA DL6ZFG 4M4AJ YV4DSB EX8MF IK2QPR LX25FME LX1CC UN0G N8LYM 4M5R YV5MRR EX8MMS RA4CDE LX95VEC LX1NO UN2L UA9AB 4N1A YU1FJK EY4AA UA9AB LX9UN LX1NJ UN5G UL8GWJ 4N50A YU1FJK EY8AM DF3OL LY6M LY1DS UR4E UR4EYT 4U9Q ON5NT EY8MM DL8WN LY7A LY2ZO US7W UY5XE 4X/OK1JR OK1AJN FG5GZ F6CLK LZ7G LZ1KCP UT0D RB5DX 4X2T 4X4TT FH5CQ F6ITD LZ9A LZ2CC UT6Q RB5QF 5H3CK I4LCK FM5BH F6HEQ OC4EI OA4ANR UX8I UX8IXX 5N7YZC WA1ECA FO0KUS JA1ELY OF1AA OH1AA UY5C US7CQ 5R8DL JE8BKW FS5PL FG5BG OI5AY OH5LRR V21BF I0WDX 5R8ED LA1SEA GB0DX G3OZF OI6AY OH6AF V31XD OK2PDE 5R8KH WB8LFO H2O 5B4AAJ OL2M OK1DWX V73I V73AX 5X4D IN3DYG HB4FG HB9ALM OL3A OK1AYP V85BJ VK2KFS 6D2X K5TSQ HD3W HC3AP OL3C OK1DWX VA3MG VE3MG 6Y5DA VE4JK HG3DXC HA3UU OL3Z OK2PI VA3MM VE3MM 7Q7ZZ JA1UMN HG5M HA5KEH OL5A OK1FYA VI6VY VK6VS 8A4EI YB0RX HG73DX HA1KSA OM5M OM3KFF VK1DX VK1PJ 8S3BG SM6URO HH2LQ KM6ON OM7M OM3PA VP2EN AA4NC 9A1A 9A2AJ HH2PK KA9RLJ OM7V OM7AB VP2MDE K5GN 9A3B 9A1KDE HH7PV AA5DW OT5T ON4UN VP2MEJ W5ASP 9A4D 9A1HCD HI3Y HI3MTU P29NB K3BYV VP2MFA K8SJ 9A5Y 9A1CCY HR1ERL HR1FC P29VR W7LFA VP2MGA K5GA 9H1TY DL7VRO HR2BDC AA5ET P39P 5B4ES VP2MGF WB9HRO 9H1TZ DL7VRO HT1T SM0KCR P40R K4UEE VP2MGP WQ9H 9H3SB DL5XAT IB4M I4ABF P40V AI6V VP5A KN4UG 9H3UD DL8OBC IB8S IC8SDL PA6EWE PI4TUE VP8CRN GM4CFS 9H3VF DH1OAH II3T IV3TAN PJ9JT W1AX VR2NR WA3RHW 9M8RC HL5AP II4M I4MES PJ9T AB4JI VX2LR VE2LR 9N1MWU JA8MWU II9E IT9EWG PQ0MM PP5JR VX3JPP VE3JPP 9U5MRC G3MRC IO0ZV I0ZV PR4B PY4BHB VX3SK VE3SK 9V1YC AA5BT IO1P IK1NLZ PT5W PY5LY VX3WTO VA3WTO 9Y4VU WA4JTK IO1ZQD I1ZQD PW2N PY2NY VX6FI VE6FI BV0FMT JP1RIW IO2L IK2NCJ PY0FM PY5CC VY9QR VE5SF BV4FH KA6SPQ IO5A I5OYY RN3D RK3DXW X5RB YU7KMN BZ4RDA BY4RSA IQ2L IK2JYT RR9W RW9WA XO5COP VO1COP C49C 5B4NC IQ2W IK2DUW RU1A KC1WY XO5TX VO1TX CG7VX VE7VX IQ3T IK4RSR RU3A RZ3AZO XR4B CE4ETZ CJ2DR VE2DR IQ8A IK8NIM RU4L UA4LL XT2TB W3HNK CJ2MCZ VE2MCZ IR1ANT I1JQJ RU9D RK9CXE XU95HA HA0HW CJ2QK VE2QK IR4T IK4IEE RV9C UA9CAW XX9AS KU9C CJ2SPY VE2SPY IR8A I8ABC RW0A RK0AXX XX9X KU9C CJ2ZP VE2ZP IU2D IK2ILH RX1OX/FJL DL6YET YM6ZS F5SLQ CJ3AT VE3AT IU4U I4AUM S01M EA7EL YQ4A YO4KCA CJ3XN VE3XN IU9S IT9BLB S50E S59AB YS1XS WD4PDZ CJ4VV VE4VV IY1LEC I4LEC S50K S57EK YT0T YU1RA CJ5MX VE5MX J28JJ F6HGO S56A S57MM YT7A YU7GMN CJ6JO VE6JO J28ML F5LBM SN1I SP1PEA YT7P YU1AOP CJ7NTT VE7NTT J37P G4RVH SN6O SP6DUP YT9N YU7FIJ CJ7SBO VE7SBO J37Q G3NBB SN9K SP9PRO YW1A YV1AVO CQ8C CT1EGW J52AK IV3TIQ SP50OP SP6PAZ YZ50AA YU1FD CS1A WA1ECA J55UAB F6FNU T91DNO DL1DAZ YZ7A YU7JDE CS5A CS1AAS JW/DF6JC DF6JC T92A S57MX Z30M YU5GCB CT8BWW CT1BWW JW6RHA LA6RHA T93M DL8OBC Z31VP DJ0LZ CX6VM W3HNK JW8KT LA8KT T94DD K2PF ZA1MH YU5FCA CX7BY W0IJN JW9THA LA9THA T95X 9A2AA ZF1DX W8BLA DX3H DU3BAA KC4AAA NC6J TA2IY DL4VBF ZF2AB WA3EOP E20AT HS1CHB KP2A W3HNK TE1C TI2CF ZF2JI KG6AR EA1AGZ/P EA5OL KP4XS W3FG TE2M TI2YO ZF2WH AH9B ED2KRK EA2CBY L37N LU2NI TM1C F6AUS ZF8/ZF2RB KG6ZQ ED4RCT EA4RCT L3HL LU3HL TM1K F5MYH ZP0Y ZP5JCY ED5OL EA5OL L4D LU1EYW TM2T F6KDF ZS9F ZS6YA ED7HBP EA7HBP L5F LU1FNH TM2V F6KRC ZV0W PP5JR EJ9HQ EI9HQ L5V LU3VAL TM3U F6DZU ZV5AS PP5AS EK4JJ GW3CDP LQ5C LU1ARL TM5B F6CQU ZY2HT PU2PAH EL2PP N2CYL LR0A LU1ARL TM7C F6CTT ZY3F PY3AA EM7Q UY5ZZ LR3D LU1DVT TM8A F5SSG ZY5C PY5CA EN2H I2PJA LS6E LU6EJP TM8LUM F8KLY ZZ1Z PY1NEZ ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU PERIOD CALL REF till April D68QM * by ON4QM 197 till April 9Q5FH 195 till 9/4 IR2B: special station 204 till 11/4 AH0Q * by JA team 202 till 13/4 VR2 * by DF8AN 202 till middle Apr PJ9JT * by W1BIH 194 till 17/4 FR5HG/E: Europa Isl. (AF-009) 201 till 18/4 EI/DL1FBE/P: Valentia Isl. (EU-121) 204 till 20/4 5T0AS * by I2RLX, IT9AZS, IT9JNT, IT9PHY 202 till 25/4 OF1AA: Turku * special station 204 till 27/4 4S7 * HB9BRM 204 till 30/4 IY4W: special station 204 till 25/5 VQ9TN * by K5TNP 204 till July 9X * by ON4WW 205 till September ZD8WD * by G4RWD 197 till December FT5XK: Kerguelen 190 8/4-9/4 CS8B: Murraceira Isl. (DIP BL-013) 205 8/4-9/4 4U1ITU * by OH2BBF ??? 205 8/4-12/4 JW6RHA, JW9THA, JW8KT * by LA6RHA, LA9THA, LA8KT 202 10/4-16/4 DU0K: North Danger Reef - Spratly Is.* by DU9RG 192 10/4-24/4 9H3SB, 9H3UF, 9H3UD * by DL5XAT, DH1OAH, DL8OBC 203 11/4-29/4 J6/DK1RP 200 12/4-15/4 HS2AC: Koh Chang Isl. (AS-???) 205 12/4-16/4 BS7H: Scarborough Reef (AS-116) 205 12/4-21/4 J37P & J37Q * by G4RVH & G3NBB 201 12/4-27/4 8Q7AI: Kuredu Isl. * by DL1IAI 204 13/4-16/4 CU9: Corvo Isl. (EU-089) * by CTU7AA & CU7BC 201 13/4-24/4 HS/DF8AN/qrp: Koho Samui Isl. (AS-101) 202 14/4-16/4 W4: Beverly Beach (NA-138) by KM4WE 203 14/4-17/4 ZL/G4CVC: Stewart Isl. (OC-203) 201 14/4-21/4 J20SF: Sept Freres Isl. (AF-059) by J28BQ,J28FD,J28GR 204 14/4-14/6 5H, 5X, 9Q, 9U, 9X * by OH2BBF 205 15/4-16/4 CQ4I: Ilheu Alturas * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU 190 15/4-? HS * DF5UG 202 16/4 EA1AGZ: Isla Pollos (DIEI VA-25) 203 16/4 EA7BR/P: Isla Punta de la Cruz (DIE S-224) 205 16/4-29/4 8Q7: Thulagiri Isl. * by HB9DIF 200 17/4-23/4 IK1XHT: University of Torino 201 18/4-23/4 PA/ON4TH/P: Texel Isl. (EU-038) 205 18/4-24/4 V31VW * by ZF2VW 204 20/4-23/4 TM0RAD: special call 195 21/4-23/4 IC8/IK8VRS: Procida Isl. (EU-041) (IIA NA-02) 203 21/4-25/4 IE9: Ustica Isl. (EU-051) * by IK8BIZ, IK8FPI, IK8HOX 204 21/4-6/5 8Q7BV: Thulagiri Isl. * by HB9DIF 204 21/4-21/5 3A100GM: special call 205 22/4 International Marconi Day *** 22/4 OE1M: special call 205 23/4-? JA3IG/6: Senkaku Archipelago (AS-???) 202 25/4-14/5 HC8 * by DF1VU, DF8VK, DK5VP, DL4VCG 203 26/4-10/5 9N1MWU * by JA8MWU 204 28/4-30/4 IJ9: Porri Isl. (EU-166) * by IT9AXZ, IT9HLR, IT9WDY 204 28/4-4/5 5R8DL * by JE8BKW & JH8CLU 204 28/4-7/5 TO7I: St. Pierre & Miquelon * by F5JYD's team 204 29/4-30/4 Helvetia Contest *** 29/4-1/5 DF0WLG: Usedom Isl. (EU-129) 205 30/4 IA5: L'Isolotto (IIA GR-06) * by IK0MHR & IW0AUO 205 April ID8/IK8VRS: La Castella Isl. (IIA KR-01) 204 April-May KP1 * by W5IJU, KB4VLO, K0IYF 195 April XV/3W * by SM0FLY ??? 197 April ZK3RW * by ZL1AMO ??? 201 April 5T0AS/p: Tidra Isl. (AF-050) * by I2RLX & IT9AZS team 202 5/5 JA4: Naka-no-shima (AS-041) * by JA0IAA,JF0KYK,JR0BAQ 205 5/5-15/5 ZL8/G4MFW: Kermadec Is. 205 6/5-7/5 CQ4I: Ilheus Gemidos * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU 190 6/5-7/5 >>> A.R.I. * INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST <<< *** 6/5-8/5 9H50VE: special call 205 7/5-13/5 GB0LIB: special station from Gurnsey Is. 204 7/5-8/10 ZS50PAX: special call 205 12/5-16/5 VK6ISL: Faure Isl. (NO-REF) * by VK6LC 202 13/5-14/5 Volta RTTY Contest *** 13/5-19/5 EJ/G0OYQ: Inishmaan Isl. (EU-006) 205 13/5-20/5 OZ/DL1AZZ/p: Mandoe Isl. (EU-125) 203 17/5-23/5 KH9 * by AL7EL 202 19/5-22/5 II4ARI: special call 205 20/5-21/5 VP9RND: special station 200 20/5-22/5 ITU Contest *** 21/5-24/5 CO: Sabana Arch. (NA-???) by I8IYW,I0SNY,CT1EEB,CT1ESO 200 25/5-28/5 DL: Poel Isl. (EU-098) * by DL6CGC & DL8CZG 203 25/5-28/5 TM0RAD: special call 195 25/5-29/5 4U0ITU * by HA team 200 27/5-28/5 CQ4I: Ilhote do Pego * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU 190 27/5-28/5 CQ WW CW WPX Contest *** 28/5-3/6 GU4VPM/qrp 199 13/10-15/10 >>> Bologna: V IOTA CONVENTION <<< ***