1 April 1995 no.204 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU, IK2ULV traslated by I1-21171 BV - BV9AAA and BV9AYA are active until the 5th of April from the P'eng-hu Is (AS-103). BV9AYA is QRV in CW/SBB all bands, BV9AAA works mainly on FM on 29040 KHz. EI - From 2 to 18 April, Gregor (DL1BFE), already portable U1O from EU-066, will be QRV from Valentia Isl. (EU-121). Gregor will proba- bly use the EI/DL1BFE/p call, to respect the CEPT license, but he hopes to get the EJ/DL1BFE/m call from the Irish Telecommunication Office. Gregor will also try to activate the Aran Is (EU-006). FJ - N9SW is portable FJ from St. Barthelemy Isl. (NA-146). FP - From 28 April to 7 May, Bruno (F5JYD) together with other members of the Loos DX Gang, will be QRV from St. Pierre & Miquelon (NA-032), all bands, WARC included, on SSB, CW, RTTY and RS12. They will use the TX7I and/or FP/TM7I calls: QSL to F5JYD, via REF bureau or direct to the following address: Bruno Filippi, 189 Rue Barbusse, F-59120 Loos, France. GU - Following what published in numbers 184 and 200, during the 50th anniversary of Liberation celebrations, from 7 to 13 May the spe- cial station GB50LIB from Guersney Island will be activated all bands HF/VHF/UHF on CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via bureau, or via GU3HFN or to this address: P.O.Box 100, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands via UK. HH - KB0QNS is portable HH2. Activity also on WARC bands. ID8 - Following what published in no. 203, the expected expedition to Le Castella Isl (IIA KR-01), by Raul (IK8VRS) and his team, has been postponed to one of the next weekends due to organisation problems. Raul reports that he want s to activate, Sunday 2 April, th e Corica Rocks near Amantea (Cosenza), so far without IIA Reference Number. IE9 - From the evening of 21 to the morning of Tuesday 25 April Roberto/ IK8BIZ, Claudio/IK8FPI and Bruno/IK8HOX will be portable IE9 from Ustica Isl (EU-051, IIA PA-01). All bands acivities, WARC included, CW and SSB. QSL to home-calls. IR2B - Until the 9th of April the special station IR2B is active during celebrations of Busto Arsizio ARI Section foundation and "100 years of Radio" exhibition in Busto Arsizio. All bands operations HF/VHF/ UHF on SSB, CW, RTTY and probably SSTV and RS10/11 satellite. QSL via IK2HTY. IT9 - From 28 to 30 April, IT9AXZ, IT9HLR and IT9WDY will be QRV, CW and SSB, from Porri Isl.(EU-166, IIA RG-01). On CW they will use the IJ9/IT9AXZ call, IJ9/IT9HLR on SSB and IJ9/IT9WDY on RTTY. The island is uninhabited, completely inhospitable with strong winds. Therefore operations will occur only weather permitting. IY4W - The station IY4W (W for wireless) is active from Sasso Marconi (BO) until the end of April, to celebrate the centenary of the radio. The "Casalecchio Team" will activate the station mainly on CW, and also on SSB and RTTY, all HF bands (WARC included). QSL via I4ALU. J2 - Following what published in number 200, J28BQ, J28FD and J28GR will be active from Sept Freres Isl. (AF-059), at about 120 Km north of Djibouti, from 14 to 21 April. The J20SF call will be used; opera- tions on CW and SSb. QSL via F5LBM. OH - The special station OF1AA is active until 25 April, during the 40th anniversary of Turke Radio Club (OH1AA) celebrations. QSL via: OH1AA, P.O.Box 29, FIN-20101 Turku, Finland. P4 - N7NG is portable P4 from Aruba. S0 - The ARRL DXCC Desk will give no more credits to the QSLs from stations /S0, accepting only those from stations with complete S0 calls issued by the Western Sahara Telecom Office in Spain. V3 - Don, ZF2VW (ex DJ0IR), from 10 to 24 April will be active as V31VW with CW and SSB activities on 10 to 20 mtrs bands, mainly on WARC (12 and 17 mtrs). QSL via Vancouver Mountain Radio Club, P.O. Box 1622 Vancouver, WA 98668, USA. V7 - Following what published in number 203, Ken, V73C, has now a new QSL manager: N4GAK, Bruce Smith, 15 Henderson Dr.,Fayetteville, TN 37334, USA. V85 - Gerald, V85GA, reports new QSL info for active stations from Brunei V85BG, Club Station, PO.Box 373, MPC 3703, Brunei (G3JKX is NOT his QSL manager); V85NL (op. Kanzi) QSL via JA4ENL; V85CJ (Jacques) QSL via G3ORC. VQ9 - Following what published in number 193,from the 1st of April to the 25th of May Jim, K5TNP, will be in Diego Garcia as VQ9TN. During this trip he hopes to activate the Egmont Is. (AF-041) as well. 3D2_cr - Following what published in number 203, the operations from Conway Reef have started after many difficulties in approaching the island. 3D2CU and 3D2CT will be active until 3 April. 4S7 - Mario, HB9BRM, from 2 to 27 April will be portable 4S7. Look for him on 14222/21222 KHz at about 1700Z and on 3780/7050 KHz between 1900Z and 2100Z. QSL to his home call. 4U0ITU - During the month of May Tony (IK1QBT) and Mauro (IK1CJO) will be active from ITU Geneve as 4U0ITU . 5R8 - From 28 April to 4 May, JE8BKW and JH8CLU will be active from Mada- gascar (AF-018). JH8CLU has received the 5R8DL call, but JE8BKW is still waiting for his call. 8Q - From 12 to 27 April Juergen, DL1IAI, will be QRV from Kuredu Isl. (Maldive Is., AS-013) probably using the 8Q7AI call on 10 to 80 mtrs (160 mtrs also if possible), only on SSB. QSL via bureau to DL1IAI. 8Q - From 21 April to 6 May HB9DIF will be QRV from Maldive (Thulagiri Isl, AS-013) as 8Q7BV on 10 to 40 mtrs bands only on CW mode. QSL via P.O.Box 130, CH-4206 Seewen (SO), Switzerland. 9M0 - Follwing what published in number 199, the 9M0A station is regular- ly active from the Spratly Is, exactly from Layang-Layang Isl. It may be useful to remember that sometimes the operators work in a 10 Khz range answering to DXers on their own same frequency. QSL via JA9AG. 9N - JA8MWU will be active from Nepal as 9N1MWU from 26 April to 10 May operating all bands CW/SSB. QSL via home-call. **************************************************************************** * TNX: I1HYW, IK1QBT, IK2RGT, I4LCK, IK4PKZ, I5FLN, IK8BIZ, IK8OZZ, IK8VRS * * IT9HLR, DC3MF, DL1IAI, DL7VEE, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, EA5KB, F5JYD, G4DYO, * * GU0SUP, HB9BRM, HB9DIF, JI6KVR, K5PC, OH1AA, V85GA, W1AW, LNDX, * * URE-EA-DX, OPDX Bulletin. * **************************************************************************** * 425 DX News, edited by 425 DX Gang is made thanks to contributions by * * many friends that, weekly, send many news and informations. We would * * like to thanks everybody for the great help and we ask to send, if * * possible, informations following this schedule: * * * * ISLANDS ACTIVITIES (IOTA, IIA, DIE) --> Mauro, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM-8) * * ADDRESSES & QSL MANAGERS --> Massimo, IK1GPG (PCL, @IW1BIM-8) * * OTHER DX INFORMATIONS --> Piero, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE-8) * **************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang **************************************************************************** 425-NEWS is weekly available on Trance *FREE* BBS in Italy (+39-11-482751) **************************************************************************** 1 April 1995 no.204 ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU PERIOD CALL REF till 2/4 BV9AAA & BV9AYA: Pescadores Is. (AS-103) * by BV team 204 till 2/4 BV9A/JI6KVR: Pescadores Is. (AS-103) 203 till April CE7LHG: San Pedro Isl. (SA-053) 198 till April D68QM * by ON4QM 197 till ? FJ/N9SW 204 till end April FR5HG/E: Europa Isl. (AF-009) 201 till December FT5XK: Kerguelen 190 till ? HH2/KB0QNS 204 till 9/4 IR2B: special station 204 till 30/4 IY4W: special station 204 till 25/4 OF1AA: Turku * special station 204 till ? P4/N7NG 204 till middle Apr PJ9JT * by W1BIH 194 till September ZD8WD * by G4RWD 197 till 3/4 3D2CT & 3D2CU: Conway reef 195 till 3/4 5X4D * by IK3DYG 203 till 7/4 9H1TZ & 9H1TY * by DL7VTZ & DL7VTM 201 till 3/4 9M0A: Spratly * by JA & 9M6 team 199 till 5/4 9N * by DF8AN 202 till April 9Q5FH 195 1/4-4/4 J6: St. Lucia (NA-108) * by DL1XAQ & DL9XAT 200 1/4-2/4 VE8YEV: Hendrickson Isl. (NA-192) 202 1/4-25/5 VQ9TN * by K5TNP 204 1/4 W1: Cousins Isl. (NA-137) * by WW1V e KA1GJ 203 1/4-20/4 5T0AS * by I2RLX, IT9AZS, IT9JNT, IT9PHY 202 2/4 EA2/EA1FCH: Isla Zadorra (DIEI VI-07) 203 2/4 EA3BT/3: Islote Galera Palamos (DIE E-256) 203 2/4 EA4ENK/p: Isla De Las Vinas (DIEI BA-53) 203 2/4 EA5URD: Faro de Mazarron (FEA E-120) 203 2/4 EA: Islote Els Pallers (DIE E-258) 203 2/4-18/4 EI/DL1FBE/P: Valentia Isl. (EU-121) 204 2/4 IK8VRS: Scogli Corica 204 2/4-27/4 4S7 * HB9BRM 204 4/4-8/4 FG: Guadaloupe (NA-102) * by DL1XAQ & DL9XAT 200 6/4-13/4 VR2 * by DF8AN 202 7/4-11/4 AH0Q * by JA team 202 8/4-12/4 JW6RHA, JW9THA, JW8KT * by LA6RHA, LA9THA, LA8KT 202 10/4-16/4 DU0K: North Danger Reef - Spratly Is.* by DU9RG 192 10/4-24/4 9H3SB, 9H3UF, 9H3UD * by DL5XAT, DH1OAH, DL8OBC 203 11/4-29/4 J6/DK1RP 200 12/4-21/4 J37P & J37Q * by G4RVH & G3NBB 201 12/4-27/4 8Q7AI: Kuredu Isl. * by DL1IAI 204 13/4-16/4 CU9: Corvo Isl. (EU-089) * by CTU7AA & CU7BC 201 13/4-24/4 HS/DF8AN/qrp: Koho Samui Isl. (AS-101) 202 14/4-21/4 J20SF: Sept Freres Isl. (AF-059) by J28BQ,J28FD,J28GR 204 14/4-16/4 W4: Beverly Beach (NA-138) by KM4WE 203 14/4-17/4 ZL/G4CVC: Stewart Isl. (OC-203) 201 15/4-16/4 CQ4I: Ilheu Alturas * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU 190 15/4-? HS * DF5UG 202 16/4 EA1AGZ: Isla Pollos (DIEI VA-25) 203 16/4-29/4 8Q7: Thulagiri Isl. * by HB9DIF 200 18/4-24/4 V31VW * by ZF2VW 204 20/4-23/4 TM0RAD: special call 195 21/4-23-4 IC8/IK8VRS: Procida Isl. (EU-041) (IIA NA-02) 203 21/4-25/4 IE9: Ustica Isl. (EU-051) * by IK8BIZ, IK8FPI, IK8HOX 204 21/4-6/5 8Q7BV: Thulagiri Isl. * by HB9DIF 204 23/4-? JA3IG/6: Senkaku Archipelago (AS-???) 202 25/4-14/5 HC8 * by DF1VU, DF8VK, DK5VP, DL4VCG 203 26/4-10/5 9N1MWU * by JA8MWU 204 28/4-7/5 FP: St. Pierre & Miquelon * by F5JYD's team 204 28/4/-30/4 IJ9: Porri Isl. (EU-166) * by IT9AXZ, IT9HLR, IT9WDY 204 28/4-4/5 5R8DL * by JE8BKW & JH8CLU 204 29/4-30/4 Helvetia Contest *** April ID8/IK8VRS: La Castella Isl. (IIA KR-01) 204 April-May KP1 * by W5IJU, KB4VLO, K0IYF 195 April XV/3W * by SM0FLY ??? 197 April ZK3RW * by ZL1AMO ??? 201 April 5T0AS/p: Tidra Isl. (AF-050) * by I2RLX & IT9AZS team 202 6/5-7/5 CQ4I: Ilheus Gemidos * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU 190 6/5-7/5 >>> A.R.I. * INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST <<< *** 7/5-13/5 GB0LIB: special station from Gurnsey Is. 204 12/5-16/5 VK6ISL: Faure Isl. (NO-REF) * by VK6LC 202 13/5-19/5 EJ/G0OYQ: Inishmaan Isl. (EU-006) 199 13/5-20/5 OZ/DL1AZZ/p: Mandoe Isl. (EU-125) 203 13/5-14/5 Volta RTTY Contest *** 17/3-23/5 KH9 * by AL7EL 202 13/10-15/10 >>> Bologna: V IOTA CONVENTION <<< ***