DX425 bulletin issue nr. 203

25 March 1995                                                         nr.202
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                       edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU, IK2ULV
                           translated by I1-21171
BV     - Following what published in number 200, Yuki (JI6KVR) reports  that
         from 31 March  to  2 April, during his QSY in Taiwan, he will  join
         the operations from Pescadores Isl. (AS-103) as BV9A/JI6KVR call.
         QSL via EA5KB.
DL     - From 25 to 28 May, DL6CGC  and DL8CZG  will be  portable from  Poel
         Isl.(EU-098) with SSB/CW/RTTY activity from 10 to 80 mtr  bands and
         VHF (2 mtrs) also.
EA     - EA5URD will be active the  2nd of April  from  Mazarron  Lighthouse
         (FEA E-120). QSL via EA5GMB.
EA     - EA3BT/3  will be QRV  the 2nd of April  from Islote  Galera Palamos
         (E-256). QSL via EA3DIH.
EA     - EA4ENK  will be portable  the 2nd of April  from  Isla De Las Vinas
         (BA-53). QSL via EA5OL.
EA     - EA2/EA1FCH  will be QRV from Isla Zadorra (VI-07) the 2nd of April.
         QSL via EA5OL.
EA     - Operation is expected the  2nd of  April  from Islote  Els  Pallers
         (E-258). QSL via EA5OL.
EA     - EA1AGZ will be portable the 16th of April from Isla Pollos (VA-25).
         QSL via EA5OL.
EJ     - The WestNet DX Club would like to join the  IOTA Contest from  Inis
         Meain Isl. (EU-006).Activity from 27 July to 1 August all bands all
         modes, AMTOR and PACTOR as well. QSL via EI6FR.
HC8    - Horst  (DF1VU), Thomas  (DF8VK), Joachim  (DK5VP) e Frank  (DL4VCG)
         will be portable /HC8 from  25 April to 14 May, working from  HC8KU
         station. Activity all bands from 10 to 160 mtrs, WARC included.
HR     - Gerard, HR5/F2JD, is active until 1st of April,  expecially  on CW,
         and he will try to be QRV from  the Gulf of Fonseca Group (NA-060).
IC8    - From 21 to 23 April Raul (IK8VRS) will be portable IC8 from Procida
         Isl. (IIA NA01, IOTA EU-031).
ID8    - From  25 to  26 March  Raul  (IK8VRS),  with other friends, will be 
         active from Le Castella Isl. (IIA KR01)  near Capo Rizzuto. QSL via
IL3    - From 25 to 26 March, Oreste (IK5VIA) together with Stefano (IK3ABY)
         and other  friends, will be  portable IL3  from Lido Isl.  (EU-131,
         IIA VE-32).
JW     - DF6JC is QRV as JW/DF6JC until 30 march from JW5E station.
KP4    - Ken, KP4XS (ex KH2F), will join the  CQWW WPX SSB Contest from  his
         new QTH in Puerto Rico, helped by  K1RZ, K3NA, KF3P e W2EOS.
LU     - The special station LW3DSR is active until 26 March,during the 12th
         edition of Pan American Sport Games. QSL via LU1DVT.
OZ     - From 13 to 20 May Siggi, DL1AZZ, will be active from  Mandoe Island
         (EU-125) as OZ/DL1AZZ/p on 10 to 40 mtr bands. QSL via home-call.
TP8CE  - Station of CERAC (Council of Europe Radio Amateur Club) will be QRV
         during the weekend, joining the CQWW WPX SSB Contest.QSL via F6FQK.
UA1_fil- Due to government funds reductions,many polar bases on Franz Joseph
         Land  risk  to  be  closed  and abandoned during next  months.  The
         personel will be moved to Russia and there  will be no more  active
         stations like R1FJL (ex 4K2MAL) and RX1OX/FJL.
V7     - Ken, V73C/AH9C, reports that  OKDXA (Oklahoma DX Association) is no
         more the QSL manager for  his  operations: send your direct QSLs to
         V73C address Kenneth R. Wells,P.O.Box 1255, APO AP 96555-0008, USA.
VK6    - More from last  number:  Malcom (VK6LC)  reports  that  during  his
         forthcoming operation to Faure Island (NO-REF) he will be joined by
         Dave, VK6DLB  (he was already active from Malus Island). They  have
         already sent copy of permissions to the IOTA Committee.  If 20 mtrs
         band conditions is poor, VK6ISL will be QRV for  Europe on 7084 KHz
         from 1800Z to 2300Z.  QSL via  I1HYW  (Europe),  K1IYD  (N.America)
         and VK6LC (Oceania).
VK0_h  - The South Sandwich Island DX Group, announcing a new  member in the
         team  (Verne,  W8BLA, a very skilful CW operator), reports that the
         permission  has  been  asked to land on Heard Island and is waiting
         for the reply by the Australian government. Team is  still  looking
         for CW operators  and a doctor:  FAX for  further  informations  to
         Jerry,  AA6BB, +1-503-998-1269, or Tony, WA4JQS, +1-606-679-3151.
VU_ant - Dinesh, AT3D, is coming back in India,after his trip to Antarctica.
         He will be QRV with his usual call VU3DEN.
W1     - The 1st of April WW1V and KA1GJ will be active from Cousins  Island
         (NA-137) for two hours, from about 1500 to 1700Z. They will  proba-
         bly be active from the same islnad during the IOTA contest.
W4     - Mac, KM4WE and other Clay County DX Association operators,  will be
         active from 14 to 16 April from Beverly Beach,  Florida State  East
         Group  (NA-138).  QSL  via  KM4WE,  5180  Mallard Rd.,  Middleburg,
         FL 32068-7717, USA.
XE1    - A scientific expedition is expected to activate in June the Jalisco
         Nayarit State group (NA-189), precisely  Les Tres Marietas  Islands
         and Roca Corbetana.
XE3    - Bernardo,  XE1BGM/3, from Carmen Island (NA-135) informs that he is
         active during weekends on 14260 and 21260 KHz from  1600Z to 2400Z.
         He also says that he has big problems with local post office: dama-
         ged  envelopes  and  lost QSL.  He has  now a new address: Bernardo
         Garcia Mendoza, P.O.Box 882, Poza Rica, Ver., Mexico.
ZF     - AH9B is active as ZF2WH until 27 March, joing the CQWW WPX SSB Test
3D2_cr - Latest  news  from  3D2CU/MM  is about a delay of operations due to
         difficulty  to  land  on Conway Reef. The rough sea with high waves
         has overturned the ship.
5R8    - Ben, 5R8DS, informs that he has improved the 80 mtr band aerial and
         he is QRV on 3505 KHz CW and 3792 SSB (he prefers CW). QSL via: Ben
         Witvliet, B.P. 404, Antananarivo-101, Madagascar.
5X     - From 25 March to 3 April, Franco (IN3DYG)  will be  active as  5X4D
         from Arua, with volunteers. QSL home call.
9H     - From 10 to 24 April,  Holger (DL5XAT),  Matthias (DH1OAH), e  Felix
         (DL8OBC) will be QRV  from  Gozo Island  (EU-023)  respectively  as
         9H3SB, 9H3UF e 9H3UD. Operations on all HF bands in CW/SSB/RTTY/AM-
         TOR/PACTOR and also RS satellites. QSL for 9H3SB via DL5XAT, Holger
         Binder,  Thorkoppel  15A, D-22885 Barsbuettel, Germany;  for  9H3UF
         via  DH1OAH, Matthias Deutscher,P.O.Box 600121, D-30947 Ronnenberg,
         Germany;  for 9H3UD via DL8OBC,Felix J. Riess, P.O.Box 1253,D-30984
         Gehrden, Germany.
9Q     - Peter, 9Q5TT (ON6TT) helped by Alex 9X5EE (PA3DZN) will join the CQ
         WW WPX SSB Contest, during this weekend.A special call has been re-
         quested or the 9Q5TT call will be used. QSl via ON5NT. 
DXCC DESK -> Documentations received and approved for operations:
3A/IK1QBT      3B8/ON4QM      3C1/TU4EI       3DA0CA          3V8BB 
4S7/JA4FM      5N0ETK         5N0GC           5N0PYL          5X1HR 
5X1MW          5X1KO          7Q7SB           8Q7AB           8Q7BX 
8Q7YF          9A/SP3DPR      9A/SP6MLX       9G5WH           9G5RM 
9G5TL          9G5MB          9G5MT           9G5JR           9G5VT 
9G0ARS         9I0A           9I30ZIN         9J2AE           9J2CE 
9L1/TU5EV      9M2/GM0DEQ     9M6/GM0DEQ      9N1AP           9Q5AGD
9Q5RT          9X/SM5DIC      9X5EE           A51MOC          A51MOC/JH1AJT
A51/JH1AJT     A61AH          A61AN           C4C             CE8SFG
CN2SK          D2EGH          D68RS           D68TA           DU7LA 
DU7/KD6QV      FH/JA1IDY      HS0/DL2FDK      J55UAB          J87CO 
J87FT          J8/F5LGQ       J8/F6AOI        J8/F6BFH        J8/F9IE
P43DWC         S21YO          S79ASM          SV5/DK1RP       SV9/G4OBK
TI2/KB9CRY     TI4/KB9CRY     TI6/KB9CRY      TI2PDX          TK/IK1QBT
TL8JD          TO0P           TU4EG           TU4EX           TU5DX
TU5EV          TU5NC          US1U/PA3BUD     UT8U/PA3BUD     V26E
V51T           V5/N0AFW       VI0ANT          VP2EDK          VP29EI
VP2MDY         VP8SGP         VP8CBC          VP8CRB          VP8CRC
VP9/W1RQ       VR6AB          XE1/UA3AB       XE1/RA3AUU      XE1/NT2X
XF4M           XT2JB          XU3DWC          XW1             XW1A 
YK0A           ZA/OK1CF       ZK1SRF          ZK2ZE
* JI6KVR, ON4WW, VK6LC, XE1BGM, 5R8DS, LNDX, URE-EA-DX, OPDX Bulletin.     *
*   425 DX News, edited by 425 DX Gang is made thanks to contributions by  *
*   many friends that, weekly, send many news and informations. We would   *
*    like to thanks everybody for the great help and we ask to send, if    *
*            possible, informations following this schedule:               *
*                                                                          *
* ADDRESSES & QSL MANAGERS            --> Massimo, IK1GPG (PCL, @IW1BIM-8) *
* OTHER DX INFORMATIONS               --> Piero, IK1IYU   (PCL, @IK1EQE-8) *
                            ...that's all folks!
                           73 & DX by 425 DX Gang

 425-NEWS is weekly available on Trance *FREE* BBS in Italy (+39-11-482751)

25 March 1995                                                        no.203
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                           edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU
 PERIOD           CALL                                                  REF
till 26/3        CP * by LU5VC & LU5UL                                  202
till 26/3        8A4EI: Enggano Isl. (OC-204) * by YB team              202
till 26/3        CQ4I: Cobra Isl. * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU      190
till 26/3        LW3DSR: Pan Americans Sports Games                     203
till 27/3        P40R * by K4UEE                                        201
till 27/3        ZF2WH * by AH9B                                        203
till 27/3        1J4: St. George Isl. (NA-085) * by W8 team             202
till 27/3        IE9/IT9JPK: Ustica Isl. (EU-051) (IIA PA-01)           202
till 28/3        S79MX * by HB9MX                                       200
till 29/3        VP2EN * by AA4NC                                       202
till 30/3        PY0FM: Fernando de Noronha * by PY5CC                  202
till 30/3        JW/DF6JC                                               203
till 30/3        AH0W * by OH2LVG                                       201
till 30/3        ZF2AB * by WA3FYZ                                      200
till 31/3        C31=C37 * special prefix                               198
till end March   5B4/DL8KWS                                             201
till April       CE7LHG: San Pedro Isl. (SA-053)                        198
till April       D68QM * by ON4QM                                       197
till April       9Q5TT * by ON6TT                                       195
till middle Apr  PJ9JT * by W1BIH                                       194
till end April   FR5HG/E: Europa Isl. (AF-009)                          201
till ?           P29VMS: Woodlark Group (OC-205) * by DL2GAC            196
till September   ZD8WD * by G4RWD                                       197
till 1/4         HR5/F2JD (possibly HR4, NA-060)                        203
till 2/4         5H3CK: Mafia Isl. (AF-054) * by I4LCK                  201
till 3/4         3D2CT & 3D2CU: Conway reef                             195
till 3/4         5X4D * by IK3DYG                                       203
till 5/4         9N * by DF8AN                                          202
till 7/4         9H1TZ & 9H1TY * by DL7VTZ & DL7VTM                     201
25/3-26/3        CQ WW SSB WPX Contest                                  ***
25/3-26/3        GT3FLH: Isle of Man                                    196
25/3-26/3        IL3 * Lido Isl. (EU-131)(VE-32) by IK5VIA & IK3ABY     203
25/3-26/3        ID8/IK8VRS: Le Castelle Isl. (IIA KR-01)               203
25/3-26/3        KP4XS                                                  203
25/3-26/3        TP8CE * Council of Europe                              203
25/3-26/3        IO1P * by IK1NLZ                                       199
25/3-26/3        IR1ANT * by I1HYW, I1JQJ & IK1GPG (WABA JOKER)         195
25/3-26/3        IR3X * by "Vecio Piave" team                           199
25/3-26/3        TM8LUM: Lyon * special call                            197
25/3-27/3        J8: St. Vincent (NA-109) * by DL1XAQ & DL9XAT          200
25/3-28/3        TM5AUP * special station                               201
25/3-2/4         5X4D * by IN3DYG                                       203
26/3             EA7BR/p: Isla Puntal de la Cruz (DIE S-224)            199
27/3-1/4         J8: Mustique Isl. (NA-025) * by DL1XAQ & DL9XAT        200
29/3-2/4         BV9AAB: Pescadores Isl. (AS-103) * by BV2AS            200
29/3-3/4         9M0A: Spratly * by JA & 9M6 team                       199
31/3-2/4         BV9A/JI6KVR: Pescadores Is. (AS-103)                   203
March            PJ7/KA3DBN                                             197
March            VP2EBN * by KA3DBN                                     197
March            9M8 * by OH2LVG                                        194
March            9U * by F5FHI                                          196
March-April      5H1CK: Boydu Isl.(NO-REF) * by I4LCK               ??? 201
March-April      8Q7XO * by DL7UTM                                      191
end March-May    VQ9TN * by K5TNP                                       195
1/4              K1:Cousins Isl. (NA-137) by WW1V e KA1GJ               203
1/4-2/4          VE8YEV: Hendrickson Isl. (NA-192)                      202
1/4-4/4          J6: St. Lucia (NA-108) * by DL1XAQ & DL9XAT            200
1/4-20/4         5T0AS * by I2RLX, IT9AZS, IT9JNT, IT9PHY               202
2/4              EA5URD * Faro de Mazarron (FEA E-120)                  203
2/4              EA3BT/3 * Islote Galera Palamos (E-256)                203
2/4              EA4ENK/P * Isla De Las Vinas (BA-53)                   203
2/4              EA2/EA1FCH * Isla Zadorra (VI-07)                      203
2/4              EA: Islote  Els  Pallers (E-258)                       203
4/4-8/4          FG: Guadaloupe (NA-102) * by DL1XAQ & DL9XAT           200
6/4-13/4         VR2 * by DF8AN                                         202
7/4-11/4         AH0Q * by JA team                                      202
8/4-12/4         JW6RHA, JW9THA, JW8KT * by LA6RHA, LA9THA, LA8KT       202
10/4-16/4        DU0K: North Danger Reef - Spratly Is.* by DU9RG        192
10/4-24/4        9H3SB, 9H3UF, 9H3UD * by DL5XAT, DH1OAH, DL8OBC        203
11/4-29/4        J6/DK1RP                                               200
6/5-7/5          >>> A.R.I. * INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST <<<              ***
13/10-15/10      >>> Bologna: V IOTA CONVENTION <<<                     ***