18th March, 1995 no.202 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU, IK2ULV translated by I1-21171 A9 - A92BE is regularly QRV on 1845 SSB during the weekends, beginning from 2000Z. C15 - Thomas, DU7CC, in his DX & IOTA Tidbits #184, writes about a recent operation from Bougainville with the C15AB and C15AD calls. We have no confirmations from other DXers and nothing appeared on the Eu- ropean Packet Cluster. CP - From 22 to 26 March LU5VC and LU5UL will be portable CP, from where they will operate all bands joining the CQ WW WPX SSB contest too. EA - Until 19 March the special stations AM7EJ and AM0EJ will be active for the marriage of Elena de Borbon y Borbon, King Juan Carlos's daughter (EA0JC), with Jaime de Marichalar. FM - During all main 1995 contests, Michel, FM5CD, will use the TO2DX call. QSL via F5VU HP - Sunday 12 March Jose', HP2CWB/P was active for short time from Isla Grande (09.38N-79.34W). During the operations (no advance publicity was provided for them) he made about 350 QSOs. So far is not yet possible to say if the island qualifies for the IOTA Program in the Colon/Veraguas Province Group (NA-???). QSL via: Box 728, Colon, Panama. HS - Mike, DF8AN, hopes to be active from 13 to 24 April from Thailand, exactly from Koh Samui Island (AS-101). Mike will use a little hand -transceiver on HF (3 watts QRP!!) covering 40, 15 and 6 meter bands. Look for him in the mornings and evenings on CW, on the first 5 KHz of 21 and 7 MHz. QSL via DF8AN, Michael Noertemann, Amselstieg 4, D-38226 Salzgitter, Germany. HS - Starting from 15 April Hans, DF5UG will be in Thailand where, toge- ther with other local operators, he hopes to activate one of the 3 HS unnumbered groups. IE9 - Mario, IT9JPK will be IE9/ from Ustica Island (IOTA EU-051; IIA PA-01) from 24-27 March. He will partecipate in the CQ WW SSB WPX Contest, but he intends to operate on CW as well, before and after the competition. QSL to IT9JPK, Mario Bartuccio, Box 7, 94100 Enna - EN. JA6 - JA3IG will be active from Senkaku Group (AS-???) from 23 April. JW - From 8 to 12 April Unni (LA6RHA), Turid (LA9THA) and Inger (LA8KT), three Norwegian YLs, will be active from Spitzbergen Isl., Svalbard (EU-026) as JW6RHA, JW9THA and JW8KT. They will move on the ices with motoskies with a portable HF equipment running about 25 watts with batteries and a dipole antenna. Frequencies on SSB will be 14247 and 21247 KHz; CW operations are also expected. Their equipment has no SPLIT facilities and the batteries have limited duration, so please make short QSO only to exchange the reports. QSL to their home-calls. KH9 - From 17 to 23 May Tom (AL7EL) will be portable KH9, operating all bands, SSB and CW. KH0 - I2YBC is receiving QSLs for the WH0AAV. I2YBC IS NOT HIS MANAGER ! The correct QSL route is: Toribio C . Mercado Jr., P.O. Box 1941, Saipan, MP 96950, Mariana Islands. KH0 - From 7 to 11 April a Japanese group will be active from Mariana Isl. using AH0Q call from 10 to 40 mtr bands. PY7 - During the weekend, PY7XC will be active from the Pernambuco State group (SA-046). PY0F - From 21 to 30 March Peter, PY5CC, will be active again from Fernan- do de Noronha Isl. as PY0FM joining the CQ WW WPX Contest as single operator on 20 mtrs. Peter will be QRV before and after the contest on all band (6mtrs, 2 mtrs, EME and Oscar-13 also). For skeds fax +55-81-6191142 (Andre) TN - A new station from Congo: is Hazel (YL) TN7OT,listened on 14220 KHz at about 1945Z. UA0 - Serge, UA0KL, is currently QRV from Ayon Isl (AS-038). The duration is unknown. He was heard with a good signal the 15th of March on 20 mtrs at 0900Z. QSL via G4AYO. VE8 - The Inuvik Amateur Radio Club is organising a new DXpedition to Hendrickson Island (NA-192), already actived last year. Operations are planned to start at 0000Z of Saturday 1 April until the after- noon of Sunday the 2nd. A vertical for 20 mtr band will be used and long-wire for 40 and 80 mtrs. Two stations will be on the air simultaneously, one mainly on 14260 KHz. CW and RTTY operations are also planned. Power of both transceivers will be 100 watts only, so keep your ears opened. They hope in good weather. VK6 - From 12 to 16 May Malcom, VK6LC, will be active from Faure Island (NO-REF), in the Western Australia State (S.W. Coast) North Group (OC-???). Mal will use the Vk6ISl call on 21, 14 and 7 MHz. On 20 mtr band Mal will have a 5 element monobander; dipoles on 15 and 40 mtrs. VP2E - From 22 to 29 March Will (AA4NC) will be active as VP2EN. VR2 - Mike, DF8AN will be in Hong Kong from 6 to 13 April planning to be active as VR2 or VR2/DF8AN. During the same days he will be in Macao also (see XX9). Mike will use a little handy equipment (3 watts QRP) on 40 15 and 6 mtrs with dipoles. Look for him in the mornings and evenings on CW on first 5 KHz of 21 and 7 MHz. QSL via DF8AN. VU4 - Following what we published in #197, Nadisha, 4S7NR, says that Mani, VU2JPS is QRV from Andaman Islands but with QRP equipment. Mani is ususally active on 20 mtrs CW and 40 mtrs SSB. W4 - NY8E, WA8LOW, WB8GEX and WD8MQJ will be /1J4 from St.George Island (NA-085), in Florida, from 22 to 27 March.All bands operations from 160 to 10 mtrs. QSL home calls, only direct. XT - Jim/XT2JB will be active until 19 March on CW and SSB, WARC bands included. QSL via W3HCW. XX9 - Mike, DF8AN, during his trip to Hong Kong (6-13 April), will also visit Macao, hoping to be QRV with a XX9 callsign. QSL via DF8AN. YB - Following what published in #200, Bob Blumberg, AA4U/YB0ASI reports that the special call 8A4EI has been issued to the planned DXpedition to Enggano Isl. (OC-???) from 24 to 26 March. This will be a good prefix for the CQWW WPX SSB Contest. For most of the 35 operators this will their first pile-up and contest experience. The main station will operate with a 4 element beam (and 3 Kw) on a12 mtrs tower and a dipole for 40/80 mtrs. Planned activities on CW/RTTY and OSCAR-13. YU - During the weekend the station 4N73N will be on from Sveti Nikola Isl. (EU-163). QSL via YU7FIJ. 3V - 3V8BB's QSls, coming in these days, are accepted for DXCC and can be submitted to the ARRL for credit. 5B - There are rumours about an activity from Mazaki Island (AS-???) du- ring the weekend. 5T - Sal, IT9AZS reports that he will be in Mauritania from 1 to 20 April together with Pupetta (IT9PHY), Nanda (I2RLX) and Toti (IT9JNT). Operations all bands, WARC included, SSB and CW, from Nouakchott. The call will be 5T0AS. It is also expected an activity from Tidra Island (AF-050, call 5T0AS/p). Sal's team hopes to activate the Nouckchott Province Group (AF-???) as well. QSL to: IT9AZS, Salvatore Alescio, Corso G. La Masa 65, 90019 Trabia (PA). 5X - DL8KAW, is currently in Uganda as 5X5THW. QSL to home call. 5X - Sebastiano, 5X4C is very active. Look for him on WARC also. QSL to: Box 43, Lira, Uganda. 9K - Faisal, 9K2ZZ (ex-9K2HA) reports that all the foreigner OMs active from Kuwait use their own call /9K2 from 1 of March. Some calls previously issued to foreigners are now being reissued, like Faisal's. Therefore from 1 March 9K2ZZ is now 9K2/N6BFM with QSL via W8CNL, 9K2ZC is now 9K2/KI0K with QSL via KC4ELO, 9K2YY is now 9K2/N0YKI, 9K2HA is now 9K2ZZ with QSL via ON6BY. 9N - Mike, DF8AN, will be in Nepal from 22 March to 5 April, mainly on CW with 9N1 call or 9N1/DF8AN. Mike will use a little handy equip- ment(3 watts QRP) on 40 15 and 6 mtrs with dipoles. Look for him in mornings and evenings on CW on first 5 KHz of 21 and 7 MHz. QSL via DF8AN. DXER/DXPEDITION OF THE YEAR The "OPDX/NODXA DX Survey" 1994 edition has voted Rudi, DK7PE as "DXer of the Year 1994" for his Congo expedition (TN0CW). "DXpedition of the Year 1994" is Peter 1 Island operation (3Y0PI). Honourable mention also for the 1A0KM (I1JQJ, I2UIY, I2VXJ, I8NHJ, I0CUT, I0ER, I0JBL, IK0FVC) and YK0A groups. **************************************************************************** * TNX:> I1HYW, I2YBC , I4LCK, I5FLN, IT9AZS, IT9JPK, DC3MF, DF5UG, DF8AN, * * DL7VEE, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DU7CC, EA5KB, F6AJA, G4DYO, HA1AG, HB9FAW, * * JI6KVR, LA4LN, VK6LC, 4S7NR, LNDX, URE-EA-DX, Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin. * **************************************************************************** * 425 DX News, edited by 425 DX Gang is made thanks to contributions by * * many friends that, weekly, send many news and informations. We would * * like to thanks everybody for the great help and we ask to send, if * * possible, informations following this schedule: * * * * ISLANDS ACTIVITIES (IOTA, IIA, DIE) --> Mauro, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM-8) * * ADDRESSES & QSL MANAGERS --> Massimo, IK1GPG (PCL, @IW1BIM-8) * * OTHER DX INFORMATIONS --> Piero, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE-8) * **************************************************************************** ...that's all folks! 73 & DX by 425 DX Gang 425 DX NEWS is weekly available on Trance *FREE* BBS in Italy (+39-11-482751) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 March 1995 no.202 ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ & IK1IYU PERIOD CALL REF till 31/3 C31=C37 * special prefix 198 till April CE7LHG: San Pedro Isl. (SA-053) 198 till 19/3 CT: Pessegueiro Isl. (EU-167) * by CT1EEB & CT1ESO 201 till April D68QM * by ON4QM 197 till 16/3 FK/DL2GAC: Belep Is. (OC-079) 201 till end April FR5HG/E: Europa Isl. (AF-009) 201 till December FT5XK: Kerguelen 190 till ? HP1/DL8SEP: NA-072 201 till 23/3 IK1XHT: Torino University 201 till 24/3 KL7FBI: Shemya Isl. (NA-037) 199 till 19/3 OH2BBF/p: Orslandet Isl. (EU-097) * by OH2IC & OH2BBF 201 till middle Apr PJ9JT * by W1BIH 194 till August KC0PA/S0: Western Sahara 198 till 28/3 S79MX * by HB9MX 200 till ? UA0KL: Ayon Isl. (AS-038) 202 till 19/3 V52UUO & V52UTR * by DL7UUO & DL7UTR 194 till 18/3 XF0C: Clarion Isl. (NA-115) * by XE1BEF 199 till 19/3 XT2JB 202 till April YA/PA3BTQ 196 till 21/3 ZF2JC/ZF8 * by NC8V 201 till end March 5B4/DL8KWS 201 till 22/3 K6JAH/6Y5 197 till 22/3 9M8 * by DL8NBH & DJ2EH 194 till April 9Q5FH 195 till April 9Q5TT * by ON6TT 195 16/3-15/4 ZP * by NI5D & KD5IC 201 17/3-20/3 V63BM * by JA6VZB 201 18/3-22/3 H44MS: Honiara * by DL2GAC 201 18/3-19/3 PY7XC: Pernambuco State group (SA-046) 202 18/3-19/3 4N73N: Sveti Nikola Isl. (EU-163) 202 20/3-26/3 CQ4I: Cobra Isl. * by CT1ASU,CT1EEU,CT1ERY,CT1FDU 190 21/3-30/3 PY0FM: Fernando de Noronha * by PY5CC 202 21/3-24/3 5H3CK/A: Nyuni Isl. (NO-REF) 201 22/3-26/3 CP * by LU5VC & LU5UL 202 22/3-27/3 P40R * by K4UEE 201 22/3-29/3 VP2EN * by AA4NC 202 22/3-27/3 1J4: St. George Isl. (NA-085) * by W8 team 202 22/3-5/4 9N * by DF8AN 202 23/3-30/3 AH0W * by OH2LVG 201 23/3-30/3 ZF2AB * by WA3FYZ 200 24/3-27/3 IE9/IT9JPK: Ustica Isl. (EU-051) (IIA PA-01) 202 24/3-3/2 3D2CT & 3D2CU: Conway reef 195 24/3-26/3 8A4EI: Enggano Isl. (OC-???) * by YB team 202 24/3-7/4 9H1TZ & 9H1TY * by DL7VTZ & DL7VTM 201 25/3-26/3 GT3FLH: Isle of Man 196 25/3-26/3 IO1P * by IK1NLZ 199 25/3-26/3 IR1ANT * by I1HYW, I1JQJ & IK1GPG (WABA JOKER) 195 25/3-26/3 IR3X * by "Vecio Piave" team 199 25/3-27/3 J8: St. Vincent (NA-109) * by DL1XAQ & DL9XAT 200 25/3-28/3 TM5AUP * special station 201 25/3-26/3 TM8LUM: Lyon * special call 197 25/3-29/3 5H1CK & 5H3CK: Mafia Isl. (AF-054), Boydu Isl.(NO-REF) 201 25/3-26/3 CQ WW SSB WPX Contest *** 26/3 EA7BR/p: Isla Puntal de la Cruz (DIE S-224) 199 27/3-1/4 J8: Mustique Isl. (NA-025) * by DL1XAQ & DL9XAT 200 29/3-2/4 BV9AAB: Pescadores Isl. (AS-103) * by BV2AS 200 29/3-3/4 9M0A: Spratly * by JA & 9M6 team 199 31/3-2/4 BV/JI6KVR 200 March AP * by DK7PE 201 March-April P2: Woodlark Group (OC-???) * by DL2GAC ??? 196 March PJ7/KA3DBN 197 end March-May VQ9TN * by K5TNP 195 March VP2EBN * by KA3DBN 197 March-September ZD8WD * by G4RWD 197 March-April 8Q7XO * by DL7UTM 191 March 9M8 * by OH2LVG 194 March 9U * by F5FHI 196 1/4-4/4 J6: St. Lucia (NA-108) * by DL1XAQ & DL9XAT 200 1/4-2/4 VE8YEV: Hendrickson Isl. (NA-192) 202 1/4-20/4 5T0AS * by I2RLX, IT9AZS, IT9JNT, IT9PHY 202 4/4-8/4 FG: Guadaloupe (NA-102) * by DL1XAQ & DL9XAT 200 6/4-13/4 VR2 * by DF8AN 202 7/4-11/4 AH0Q * by JA team 202 8/4-12/4 JW6RHA, JW9THA, JW8KT * by LA6RHA, LA9THA, LA8KT 202 10/4-16/4 DU0K: North Danger Reef - Spratly Is.* by DU9RG 192 11/4-29/4 J6/DK1RP 200 6/5-7/5 >>> A.R.I. * INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST <<< *** 13/10-15/10 >>> Bologna: V IOTA CONVENTION <<< ***