11th March, 1995 no.201 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== edited by I1JQJ, IK1IYU, IK2ULV translated by I1-21171 A6 - DXCC desk has received and approved the documentation about the operations by A61AH and A61AN. AP - Rudi, DK7PE, is in Pakistan and is looking for a contact with local DXers in Karachi in order to be active from AP. CT - From 18 to 19 March CT1EEB and CT1ESO, if weather will permit, will activate PESSEGUEIRO ISL (EU-167). Monitor 7060 and 14260 KHz (+/- QRM). Pessegueiro Isl is also valid for the Portuguese Islands Award, reference BA-001. QSL to home calls. CU9 - CU7AA and CU7BC will be QRV from Corvo Island (EU-089), Azores Is, from 13 to 16 April. Calls will be CU9/homecalls and operations are planned on 10 to 80 meters bands (WARC included). Corvo Island is also valid for the Portuguese Islands Award, reference AZ-009. QSL via CU7YC. ET - ET3FT is often active on 14226 KHz around 1945Z. F - To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the "Picardie University" the special station TM5AUP will be active from 25 to 28 March. QSL via F1UBH. FK - The situation about Bernhard's activity (DL2GAC) is changing every day, depending on availability of transportations and relative costs, and local facilities. Bernhard, currently active from the Belep Is (OC-079) as FK/DL2GAC, has confirmed that he will not activate Huon Isl. (OC-058), which is a desert site without any kind of support. Bernhard will be in Belep until 16 March and then he will go back to Honiara (Solomon Is). Next stop Papua, New Guinea from 22 or 29 March. FR/E - FR5HG has announced that he will be active from Europa Island (AF-009) for about 45 days from 8 March. Activities on 10 to 40 mtrs bands in CW, SSB, RTTY and SSTV modes. HK0 - During the weekend Gerard, F2JD, currently QRV from Colombia using the HK4/G0SHN call, hopes to activate HK0HEU (San Andres Is) on CW. HP - DL8SEP is portable HP1 from Panama/Darien Province group (NA-072). HS - During the weekend the special station E25CMU will be on from Chiang Mai University, with operations on all bands/modes (satelli- te included). Among the operators HS1AAM, HS1CDX and HS3DF. QSL direct to P.O.Box 19, Fang, Chiang Mai 50110, Thailand or via bureau. I - In defence and promotion of amateur radio activities, from 17 to 23 April a station will be activated from Torino University with the IK1XHT call, mainly on 40 mtrs. Due to its demo purpose, the activity will not be confirmed. However QSLs can be requested only direct (with SASE) to: C.I.S.I. - Stazione Radio, Universita' di Torino, via S.Ottavio 20, 10124 Torino. IY3 - During the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the Radio, the ARI Section of Trento will activate a special station with the IY3M call, from 10 to 16 March, located at the Aeronautic Musuem CAPRONI in Trento. The station will be on the air on HF, VHF, UHF and will be open to visitors during operation days. QSL via bureau. A ceremony is expected on 12 March and, among the authorities, princess Elettra Marconi and countess Maria Fede Caproni will be present. On 16 March, celebrating the European Council of Airships, Mrs. Nobile will recall the unfortunate expedition of ITALIA airship. During the day the IY3M station will transmit the same SOS message launched from the famous RED TENT. More details from IN3EYY @ IN3TUR. J3 - G4RVH and G3NBB will be on from Grenada (NA-024) from 12 to 21 of April, using the calls J37P and J37Q. KC6 - Tosy, JA6VZB is active from Belau as KC6VW until 17 March. All bands operations from 10 to 160 mtrs (WARC included) on CW, SSB and RTTY modes. QSL via JA6BSM, Masaru Cho, 11-3 Harumachi, Kasuya-Town, Kasuya-Gun, Fukuoka 811-23, Japan. KH0 - Following info in no.199, Frank, OH2LVG, hopes to be QRV from Saipan, Mariana Isl, as AH0W from 23 to 30 March, with CW/SSB acti- vities on low bands and WARC. Look also for RS-12 satellite. QSL via KE7LZ. KL7 - NL7TB, manager of the United States Islands Award Program, is planning an expedition to Ushagat Isl, on the Barren Is (NA-???), from 3 to 6 July. Operators, active on two simultaneous bands, will be N6IV, KF6XC and NL7TB. Operations mainly on 20,40 and 80 mtrs (14250,7250,3950 KHz). Activity from Jacquot Is (valid for C.I.S.A. Award) is also expected with the VY1ISL call. QSL via NL7TB. OA - With reference to no.199, IK1EDC informs that the four managers (I1CAW, I1SNW, I1ZL and IK1JJB) have replied every direct QSL for the Peruvian islands activated by Pierluigi in Autumn 1994. OH - Risto, OH2IC, and Eric, OH2BBF, from the evening of Friday 17 March to late afternoon of Sunday 19 March will be QRV as OH2BBF/P from Orslandet Island (EU-097), with CW/SSB activities on 10 to 80 mtrs bands. Look for them on IOTA frequencies. QSL via OH2BBF. P2 - Bernhard, DL2GAC, wants to activate at least one new IOTA group, the Woodlark group (OC-???). Dates are not known as yet and they depend on the departure from Solomon Is (the 22nd or the 29th of March): in the former case, activity will be from 23 to 30 March, in the latter from 30 March to 6 April. P4 - K4UEE will be active again from Aruba (SA-036)as P40R from 22 to 27 March. QSL home call. S7 - To complete what published in no.200, Kurt (HB9MX) is QRV as S79MX until 28 March, working with a dipole for 80 and 160 mtrs placed at 30 mtrs above the ground. On 160 mtrs band Kurt is working with 80 watts on frequencies from 1824 to 1830 KHz from 2100 to 2300 UTC. Unfortunately the 80 mtrs band is not yet assigned to ama- teur service in Seychelles. TA1 - Patrick, DL4VBP, informs that he will be in Turkey from 11 to 18 March (in Instambul) and that together with DH4FBP, DL2FDK, DL3FDU,DL2FCQ and TA2IY hopes to operate from club station TA1KA, on all bands in SSB/CW/RTTY/AMTOR/PACTOR modes. QSL via DL4VBP. TN - The DXCC Desk has approved the recent operation of TN2M and TN4U from Congo, therefore QSLs can be submitted for DXCC credit. V5 - Following info in nos.194 and 196, V52UUO is QRV daily for Eu- rope on 3500-3510 KHz CW starting from 0400Z. V63 - Tosy, JA6VZB, will be QRV from Micronesia as V63BM from 17 to 20 March. Operations will be on all bands 10 to 160 mtrs, CW/SSB/RTTY modes. QSL via JA6BSM (look KC6 above). VE - Rui, VA3WTO, will partecipate in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest using VX3WTO call, single-operator 20 mtrs class. QSL via bureau. YA - Oleg, YA/UT9XL is active from Kabul, Afghanistan and ask QSL via P.O.Box 207, Pavlograd 323012, Ukraine. ZF - John, NC8V, will operate from Little Cayman Island (NA-016) from 16 to 21 March using ZF2JC/ZF8 call, using mainly SSB on IOTA frequen- cies and on CW upon request. QSL via NC8V, John Cornwell, 15100 E.Scatter Ridge Rd., Athens, OH 45701, USA. ZK3 - Ron, ZL1AMO, informs that he will be active in April from Tokelau Is. (OC-048). He gave up to operate from T31 because of travelling troubles. ZL - From 14 to 17 April G4CVC will activate Stewart Isl (OC-203) as ZL/G4CVC, using a TS-50 and dipoles. Mainly on SSB. QSL home call. ZP - NI5D and KD5IC will be portable ZP from 16 March to 15 April. QSL to home calls. 4S7 - JA4FM is currently portable 4S7. 5B4 - Frank, 5B4/DL8KWS is QRV from now up to three weeks. 5H - Following what published in nos.187 and 189, Franco (I4LCK) informs that operations from Tanzanian Islands, scheduled from 21 March to 2 April, will begin from Nyuni Isl. (NO REF, Lindi/Mtwara Region Group) using 5H3CK/A call, for two days. From 25 to 29 March Franco will be active from Mafia Island (AF-054) as 5H3CK (QRV all bands, mainly on WARC, CW and SSB). He is planning also an activity from Boydu Island (NO REF, Dar Es Salaam/Pwani Region Group) as 5H1CK/A. Nyuni and Boydu are uninhabited and operations will be difficult: Franco asks "islands hunters" to make just one QSO, any band and/or mode. QSL to Franco Armenghi, I4LCK, Via Jussi 9, 40068 San Lazzaro di Savena-BO, Italy. 9H - From 24 March to 7 April Birgit (DL7VTZ) and Holger (DL7VTM) will be in Gozo Island, as 9H1TZ and 9H1TY. Operations on all bands with 100 watts and dipoles. They will partecipate in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest. QSL to home calls. 9K - A message running on international packet cluster, signed Faisal, 9K2HA, states that he changed his call to 9K2ZZ. This is quite strange as we still have reports about Bob's activities, using that call. Monique, ON6BY, QSL Manager of 9K2HA, says that all the licences to foreigners in Kuwait were rewoked and she confirms the change of Faisal's call. No other info at the moment. New address of ON6BY is Monique Van Den Dolder, Acacialaan 12 bus 3, B-8400 Ostend, Belgium. **************************************************************************** * TNX: IK1EDC, I1HYW, IK1QLD, IN3EYY, I4LCK, CT1EEB, CU7BC, DC3MF, DL4VBP, * * DL7VEE, DL7VOA, EA5KB, F1UBH, G4DYO, JG6MQI, OH2IC, ON6BY , VA3WTO, * * 9K2ZZ, LNDX, URE-EA-DX, Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin. * **************************************************************************** * 425 DX News, edited by 425 DX Gang is made thanks to contributions by * * many friends who, weekly, send much news and information. We would * * like to thank everybody for the great help and we ask to send, if * * possible, information following these routes: * * * * ISLANDS ACTIVITIES (IOTA, IIA, DIE) --> Mauro, I1JQJ (PCL, @I1YLM-8) * * ADDRESSES & QSL MANAGERS --> Massimo, IK1GPG (PCL, @IW1BIM-8) * * OTHER DX INFORMATION --> Piero, IK1IYU (PCL, @IK1EQE-8) * **************************************************************************** ... thats' all folks! 73 & DX from 425 DX Gang